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export default class TextEditor { constructor() {} #left = ""; #right = ""; #position = 0;
get #length() { return this.#left.length + this.#right.length; } #get(index: number) { if (index < this.#left.length) { return this.#left[index]; } return this.#right[index - this.#left.length]; } #slice(start = 0, end: number = this.#length): string { start = Math.max(0, start); end = Math.min(end, this.#length); return Array(end - start) .fill("") .map((_, i) => this.#get(i + start)) .join(""); } addText(text: string): void { if (this.#position === this.#left.length) { this.#left += text; this.#position = this.#left.length; } else { const all_text = this.#left + this.#right; this.#right = all_text.slice(this.#position, this.#length); this.#left = all_text.slice(0, this.#position) + text; this.#position = this.#left.length; } }
deleteText(k: number): number { if (this.#position === this.#left.length) { const count = Math.min(k, this.#left.length); const end = Math.max(0, this.#left.length - k); this.#left = this.#left.slice(0, end); this.#position = this.#left.length; return count; } else { const all_text = this.#left + this.#right; const count = Math.min(k, this.#position); this.#right = all_text.slice(this.#position, this.#length); const end = Math.max(0, this.#position - k); this.#left = all_text.slice(0, end); this.#position = this.#left.length; return count; } }
cursorLeft(k: number): string { this.#position = Math.max(0, this.#position - k);
return this.#read_left_ten(); }
#read_left_ten(): string { return this.#slice(Math.max(0, this.#position - 10), this.#position); }
cursorRight(k: number): string { this.#position = Math.min(this.#length, this.#position + k); return this.#read_left_ten(); }}