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export default MyCircularQueue;type MyCircularQueue<T = any> = { isEmpty: () => boolean; Front: () => T | number; deQueue: () => boolean; enQueue: (value: T) => boolean; Rear: () => T | number; isFull: () => boolean; capacity: number;};function MyCircularQueue<T = any>(capacity = Infinity): MyCircularQueue<T> { if (capacity < 1) { throw Error("k greater than or equal one"); } const storage = new Map<bigint, T>(); let min = BigInt(0); let max = BigInt(0); const initial = 0n; function enQueue(value: T): boolean { if (isFull()) { return false; }
if (storage.size) { storage.set(max + 1n, value); max++; } else { storage.set(initial, value); max = initial; }
return true; }
function deQueue(): boolean { if (isEmpty()) { return false; } else { storage.delete(min); min++; if (storage.size === 0) { min = initial; } return true; } }
function Front(): T | number { if (isEmpty()) { return -1; } const r = storage.get(min); return r as T; }
function isEmpty(): boolean { return 0 === storage.size; } function Rear(): T | number { if (isEmpty()) { return -1; }
const r = storage.get(max);
return r as T; } function isFull(): boolean { return storage.size >= capacity; } return { isEmpty, Front, deQueue, enQueue, Rear, isFull, capacity: capacity, };}