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function parseAdd(expression: string): Expression { const content = expression.slice("(add ".length, -1); const list = parseList("(" + content + ")"); // console.log(list); if (Array.isArray(list) && list.length !== 2) { throw Error("Invalid expression"); } return buildExpression(["add", ...list]);}function parseLet(expression: string): Expression { const content = expression.slice("(let ".length, -1); const list = parseList("(" + content + ")"); // console.log(list); if (Array.isArray(list) && list.length < 3) { throw Error("Invalid expression"); } return buildExpression(["let", ...list]);}
function parseMult(expression: string): Expression { const content = expression.slice("(mult ".length, -1); const list = parseList("(" + content + ")"); // console.log(list); if (Array.isArray(list) && list.length !== 2) { throw Error("Invalid expression"); } return buildExpression(["mult", ...list]);}function buildExpression(list: string | number | ListArray): Expression { // console.log(list); if (Array.isArray(list) && list[0] === "let") { const variables = list.slice(1, -1).map(buildExpression); // console.log(variables); const declarations: VariableDeclarator[] = Array(variables.length / 2) .fill(0) .map((_, i) => { const ident = variables[i * 2]; if (ident.type !== "Identifier") { throw Error("Invalid identifier"); } return { type: "VariableDeclarator", id: ident, init: variables[i * 2 + 1], }; }); return { type: "LetExpression",
declarations: declarations, return: { type: "ReturnStatement", argument: buildExpression(list[list.length - 1]), }, }; } if (typeof list === "string") { return parseIdentifier(list); } if (typeof list === "number") { return parseNumeric(list); }
if (Array.isArray(list) && list.length == 0) { throw Error("Invalid expression"); } if (Array.isArray(list) && list[0] === "mult") { return { type: "MultExpression",
left: buildExpression(list[1]), right: buildExpression(list[2]), }; } if (Array.isArray(list) && list[0] === "add") { return { type: "AddExpression",
left: buildExpression(list[1]), right: buildExpression(list[2]), }; } throw Error("Not implemented");}export type ListArray = Array<ListArray | string | number>;function parseList(expression: string): ListArray { return JSON.parse( expression .replaceAll("(", "[") .replaceAll(")", "]") .replaceAll(" ", ",") .replaceAll(/[a-z]([a-z]|\d)*/g, (a) => '"' + a + '"'), );}
function parseNumeric(expression: string | number): Expression { return { type: "NumericLiteral", value: Number(expression) };}
function evaluate(expression: string): number { // console.log(expression); const ast = parse(expression); // console.log(ast); return calculate(ast, new ScopeList());}function parse(expression: string): Expression { if (expression.length === 0) { throw new Error("Empty expression"); }
if (/^\d+$/g.test(expression)) return parseNumeric(expression); if (expression.startsWith("(add ") && expression.endsWith(")")) { return parseAdd(expression); } if (expression.startsWith("(mult ") && expression.endsWith(")")) { return parseMult(expression); } if (expression.startsWith("(let ") && expression.endsWith(")")) { return parseLet(expression); } if (/^[a-z]([a-z]|\d)*$/g.test(expression)) { return parseIdentifier(expression); } throw new Error("Unsupported expression");}function parseIdentifier(expression: string): Expression { return { type: "Identifier", name: expression };}
function calculate(expression: Expression, scope: ScopeList): number { // console.log(expression, scope); switch (expression.type) { case "Identifier": return getVariable(scope,; case "NumericLiteral": return expression.value; case "MultExpression": return ( calculate(expression.left, scope) * calculate(expression.right, scope) ); case "AddExpression": return ( calculate(expression.left, scope) + calculate(expression.right, scope) ); case "LetExpression": { const newScope = new ScopeList(new Map(), scope); expression.declarations.forEach((declaration) => { newScope.variables.set(, calculate(declaration.init, newScope), ); }); return calculate(expression.return.argument, newScope); } }}export type Expression = | Identifier | LetExpression | NumericLiteral | AddExpression | MultExpression;export class ScopeList { constructor( public readonly variables: Map<string, number> = new Map(), public parent: ScopeList | null | undefined = null, ) {}}export interface VariableDeclarator { type: "VariableDeclarator"; id: LVal; init: Expression;}export type LVal = Identifier;export interface LetExpression { type: "LetExpression"; declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>; return: ReturnStatement;}export interface NumericLiteral { type: "NumericLiteral"; value: number;}export interface AddExpression { type: "AddExpression"; left: Expression; right: Expression;}export interface MultExpression { type: "MultExpression"; left: Expression; right: Expression;}export interface ReturnStatement { type: "ReturnStatement"; argument: Expression;}export interface Identifier { type: "Identifier"; name: string;}export default evaluate;export function getVariable(scope: ScopeList, name: string): number { if (!scope.parent && !scope.variables.has(name)) { throw Error("Variable not found:" + name); } const value = scope.variables.get(name); if (scope.variables.has(name) && typeof value !== "undefined") { return value; } if (scope.parent) return getVariable(scope.parent, name); throw Error("Variable not found:" + name);}