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export default function validPath( n: number, edges: number[][], source: number, destination: number,): boolean { if (source === destination) return true; if (edges.length === 0) return false; const nodes = new Set(Array(n).keys()); const edge: Set<number>[] = Array(n) .fill(0) .map(() => new Set()); for (const [a, b] of edges) { edge[a].add(b); edge[b].add(a); } if (!nodes.has(destination) || !nodes.has(source)) return false;
let current = new Set([source]);
let rightcurrent = new Set([destination]); nodes.delete(destination); nodes.delete(source); // let step = 1; while (current.size) { if (current.size > rightcurrent.size) { [current, rightcurrent] = [rightcurrent, current]; }
const temp: Set<number> = new Set();
for (const word of current) { for (const right of rightcurrent) { if (edge[word].has(right)) { return true; } } for (const other of nodes) { if (edge[other].has(word)) { temp.add(other);
nodes.delete(other); } } }
if (temp.size === 0) return false; current = temp; // step = step + 1; }
return false;}