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export default minimumMoves;function minimumMoves(grid: number[][]): number { return bfs(grid, new Set(), [[0, 0, 0, 1]], 0);}
function bfs( grid: number[][], visited: Set<string>, positions: [x: number, y: number, x: number, y: number][], step: number,): number { const n = grid.length; if (positions.length === 0) return -1; const temp: typeof positions = []; for (const position of positions) { const [q, w, e, r] = position; if (isEnd(position, grid.length)) return step; const key = hash(position); if (!visited.has(key)) { visited.add(key);
if ( w + 1 < n && r + 1 < n && grid[q][w + 1] === 0 && grid[e][r + 1] === 0 ) { temp.push([q, w + 1, e, r + 1]); if (position[1] === position[3]) { if (e - 1 >= 0) temp.push([q, w, e - 1, r + 1]); } } if ( q + 1 < n && e + 1 < n && grid[q + 1][w] === 0 && grid[e + 1][r] === 0 ) { temp.push([q + 1, w, e + 1, r]); if (position[0] === position[2]) { if (r - 1 >= 0) temp.push([q, w, e + 1, r - 1]); } } } } return bfs(grid, visited, temp, step + 1);}function hash(position: [x: number, y: number, x: number, y: number]): string { return JSON.stringify(position);}function isEnd( position: [x: number, y: number, x: number, y: number], n: number,): boolean { return ( position[0] === n - 1 && position[1] === n - 2 && position[2] === n - 1 && position[3] === n - 1 );}