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export default function romanToInt(s: string): number { let result = 0; let index = 0; while (index < s.length) { if (![...one_char_to_num.keys()].includes(s[0])) { throw Error("unexpeted"); } loop: { // console.log(loop) for (const map of [two_char_to_num, one_char_to_num]) { for (const [char, num] of map) { if (s.length === 0) break;
// console.log(s, char, num) if (char === s.slice(index, char.length + index)) { // console.log(s, char, num) result += num; // s = s.slice(char.length) index += char.length; break loop; } } } } }
return result;}const one_char_to_num = new Map<string, number>([ ["M", 1000], ["I", 1], ["V", 5], ["X", 10], ["L", 50], ["C", 100], ["D", 500],]);const two_char_to_num = new Map<string, number>([ ["CM", 900], ["IV", 4], ["IX", 9], ["XL", 40], ["XC", 90], ["CD", 400],]);
// console.log(romanToInt("MCMXCIV"))