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import { GridMaster } from "./GridMaster.ts";
export default function findShortestPath(master: GridMaster): number { const key = JSON.stringify([0, 0]); const grid: Map<string, number> = new Map();
const end: number[] = []; grid.set(key, -1); dfs(0, 0, new Set<string>().add(key)); function dfs( row: number, col: number, visited: Set<string>, ) { const key = JSON.stringify([row, col]); if (master.isTarget()) { grid.set(key, 2); end[0] = row; end[1] = col; } else { grid.set(key, 1); }
for (const [a, b, x, y] of directions) { const nr = row + a; const nc = col + b; const str = JSON.stringify([nr, nc]); if (!visited.has(str) && master.canMove(x)) { visited.add(str); master.move(x); dfs(nr, nc, visited); master.move(y); } } }
if (end.length === 0) return -1; function bfs( pos: [number, number][], distance: number, visited: Set<string>, ): number { const temp: [number, number][] = []; for (const [row, col] of pos) { const key = JSON.stringify([row, col]); if (grid.get(key) === 2) { return distance; } for (const [a, b] of directions) { const nr = row + a; const nc = col + b; const str = JSON.stringify([nr, nc]); if (!visited.has(str) && grid.get(str) !== 0) { visited.add(str); temp.push([nr, nc]); } } } if (temp.length) return bfs(temp, distance + 1, visited); return -1; } const distance = bfs([[0, 0]], 0, new Set<string>().add(key));
return distance;}const directions = [[0, -1, "L", "R"], [0, 1, "R", "L"], [-1, 0, "U", "D"], [ 1, 0, "D", "U",]] as const;