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export default function myAtoi(s: string): number { s = s.trimStart(); if (s.length === 0) { return 0; } let positive = true; if (s.startsWith("+")) { positive = true; s = s.slice(1); } else if (s.startsWith("-")) { positive = false; s = s.slice(1); } const numberchars = []; while (intchars.includes(s[0])) { numberchars.push(s[0]);
s = s.slice(1); } if (numberchars.length === 0) return 0; // let num=Number(numberchars.join('')) let num = 0; for (const n of numberchars) { num *= 10; // num+=Number(n) num += intchartonum.get(n) || 0; } if (!positive) { num = -1 * num; } return Math.max(-(2 ** 31), Math.min(num, 2 ** 31 - 1));}const intchars = Array.from({ length: 10 }).map((_v, i) => String(i));const intchartonum = new Map([...intchars.entries()].map(([a, b]) => [b, a]));