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import { PrefixTreeInsert } from "../design-add-and-search-words-data-structure/PrefixTreeInsert.ts";import { PrefixTree } from "../implement-trie-prefix-tree/PrefixTree.ts";import { PrefixTreeSearchEach } from "./PrefixTreeSearchEach.ts";// import { TrieEach } from "./TrieEach.ts";
export default function longestWord(words: string[]): string { const root: PrefixTree = PrefixTree(); // const trie = TrieEach(); for (const word of words) { // trie.insert(word); PrefixTreeInsert(root, word); } let longest = ""; for (const word of words) { if (PrefixTreeSearchEach(root, word)) { if ( word.length > longest.length || (word.length === longest.length && word < longest) ) { longest = word; } } } return longest;}