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class Encrypter { #key_to_value = new Map<string, string>(); #in_to_out = new Map<string, string>(); #out_to_in = new Map<string, Set<string>>(); #dictionary: Set<string>; constructor(keys: string[], values: string[], dictionary: string[]) { this.#dictionary = new Set(dictionary); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { this.#key_to_value.set(keys[i], values[i]); }
for (const word of dictionary) { try { const encoded = this.encrypt(word); let set = this.#out_to_in.get(encoded); if (!set) { set = new Set<string>(); this.#out_to_in.set(encoded, set); } set.add(word); } catch { continue; } } }
encrypt(word1: string): string { const cached = this.#in_to_out.get(word1); if (cached) return cached; const res = word1 .split("") .map((w) => { const value = this.#key_to_value.get(w); if (!value) { throw new Error("unknown key"); } return value; }) .join(""); this.#in_to_out.set(word1, res); return res; }
decrypt(word2: string): number { const wordinput = this.#out_to_in.get(word2); return wordinput ? [...wordinput].filter((w) => this.#dictionary.has(w)).length : 0; }}
export default Encrypter;