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Serve static files under Mith framework
/*! * cookie-session * Copyright(c) 2020 João Moura * MIT Licensed */
import { sep, normalize, extname } from ""import { contentType } from ""import { NextFunction, IResponse } from ''import debug from ''let logger = debug('static')
const UP_PATH_REGEXP = /(?:^|[\\/])\.\.(?:[\\/]|$)/;
interface ReadOptions { encoding?: string;}

function readFileStrSync(filename: string, opts: ReadOptions) { const decoder = new TextDecoder(opts.encoding); return decoder.decode(Deno.readFileSync(filename));}
function isHidden(path: string) { const pathArr = path.split(sep) for (const segment of pathArr) { if (segment[0] === ".") { return true } return false }}
async function exists(path: string): Promise<boolean> { try { return (await Deno.stat(path)).isFile; } catch { return false; }}
export interface options { root?: string, fallthrough?: boolean, immutable?: boolean, maxage?: number}
/** * Module exports. * @public *//** * Create a new static server middleware. * * @param {string} [root] Root path to server * @param {object} [options] * @param {boolean} [options.fallthrough=true] * @param {boolean} [options.immutable=false] * @param {number} [options.maxage=0] * @return {function} Middleware * @public */
export function serveStatic(root: string, endpoint: string, options: options = {}) { const { fallthrough = true, immutable = false, maxage = 0, } = options; if (!root) { throw new Error('root path required') }
if (endpoint.charAt(0) !== '/') { endpoint = '/' + endpoint }
if (typeof root !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('root path must be a string') } return async (req: any, res: IResponse, next: NextFunction) => { logger('running') logger(req.serverRequest.url) if (req.serverRequest.url.indexOf(endpoint) !== 0) { return next() } if (req.serverRequest.method !== 'GET' && req.serverRequest.method !== 'HEAD') { if (fallthrough) { return next() }
// method not allowed res.status = 405 res.headers.set('Allow', 'GET, HEAD') res.headers.set('Content-Length', '0') res.sendResponse() return }
let path = root + '/' + req.serverRequest.url.replace(endpoint, '') // containing NULL bytes is malicious if (path.includes("\0")) { return next({message: 'Malicious Path', status: 400}) }
// path outside root if (UP_PATH_REGEXP.test(path)) { return next({message: 'Forbidden', status: 403}) }
path = normalize(path)
if (isHidden(path)) { return next({message: 'Forbidden', status: 403}) }
logger('path', path) if (!await exists(path)) { if (fallthrough) { return next() } return next({message: 'Not found', status: 404}) }
const fileInfo = await Deno.stat(path) if (fileInfo.isDirectory) { return next({message: 'Forbidden', status: 403}) }
logger('extname(path)', extname(path), path) const mimeType = contentType(extname(path)) if (!mimeType) { return next({message: 'Not found', status: 404}) } res.headers.set("Content-Length", String(fileInfo.size)); res.headers.set('Content-Type', mimeType) if (!res.headers.has("Last-Modified") && fileInfo.mtime) { res.headers.set("Last-Modified", fileInfo.mtime.toUTCString()); } if (!res.headers.has("Cache-Control")) { const directives = [`max-age=${maxage | 0}`]; if (immutable) { directives.push("immutable"); } res.headers.set("Cache-Control", directives.join(",")); } res.body = await, { read: true }) req.requestHandled = true logger('sending file') res.sendResponse().finally( () => { if (res.body.rid) { Deno.close(res.body.rid) } } ) }}