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👻 Option, Result, and Either types for TypeScript; Inspired by Rust
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{ "name": "@hqoss/monads", "version": "0.3.4", "description": "Type safe Option, Result, and Either types; inspired by Rust", "main": "./dist/lib/index.js", "typings": "./dist/lib/index.d.ts", "engines": { "node": ">=12", "npm": ">=6" }, "scripts": { "build": "rm -rf ./dist && tsc", "format": "prettier --write \"./{src,test}/**/*.ts\"", "format:check": "prettier --check \"./{src,test}/**/*.ts\"", "test": "jest ./test/**/*.ts", "generate-docs": "rm -rf ./docs && typedoc --mode file --excludePrivate --excludeNotExported --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --out ./docs && rm ./docs/", "preversion": "npm run format:check && npm run build && npm test", "prepublishOnly": "npm run format:check && npm run build && npm test", "postversion": "git push --follow-tags" }, "keywords": [ "monads", "option", "result", "either", "javascript", "js", "typescript", "node", "node.js" ], "author": "Slavo Vojacek", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "tslib": "^2.0.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^26.0.0", "jest": "^26.0.1", "prettier": "^2.0.5", "ts-jest": "^26.1.0", "typedoc": "^0.17.3", "typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^2.3.1", "typescript": "^3.9.5" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }}