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MongoDB driver for Deno
Extremely Popular
import { MongoDriverError, MongoErrorInfo, MongoServerError,} from "../error.ts";import { Document } from "../types.ts";import { handshake } from "./handshake.ts";import { parseHeader } from "./header.ts";import { deserializeMessage, Message, serializeMessage } from "./message.ts";
interface CommandTask { requestId: number; db: string; body: Document;}
let nextRequestId = 0;
export class WireProtocol { #conn: Deno.Conn; #isPendingResponse = false; #isPendingRequest = false; #pendingResponses: Map<number, { promise: Promise<Message>; resolve: (value: Message | PromiseLike<Message>) => void; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any reject: (reason?: any) => void; }> = new Map(); #commandQueue: CommandTask[] = [];
constructor(socket: Deno.Conn) { this.#conn = socket; }
async connect() { const { connectionId: _connectionId } = await handshake(this); }
async commandSingle<T = Document>( db: string, body: Document, ): Promise<T> { const [doc] = await this.command(db, body); if (doc.ok === 0) { throw new MongoServerError(doc as MongoErrorInfo); } return doc as T; }
async command<T = Document>(db: string, body: Document): Promise<T[]> { const requestId = nextRequestId++; const commandTask = { requestId, db, body, };
this.#commandQueue.push(commandTask); this.send();
const pendingMessage = Promise.withResolvers<Message>(); this.#pendingResponses.set(requestId, pendingMessage); this.receive(); const message = await pendingMessage.promise;
let documents: T[] = [];
for (const section of message?.sections!) { if ("document" in section) { documents.push(section.document as T); } else { documents = documents.concat(section.documents as T[]); } }
return documents; }
private async send() { if (this.#isPendingRequest) return; this.#isPendingRequest = true; while (this.#commandQueue.length > 0) { const task = this.#commandQueue.shift()!; const buffer = serializeMessage({ requestId: task.requestId, responseTo: 0, sections: [ { document: { ...task.body, $db: task.db, }, }, ], });
const w = this.#conn.writable.getWriter(); await w.write(buffer); w.releaseLock(); } this.#isPendingRequest = false; }
private async receive() { if (this.#isPendingResponse) return; this.#isPendingResponse = true; while (this.#pendingResponses.size > 0) { const headerBuffer = await this.read_socket(16); if (!headerBuffer) { throw new MongoDriverError("Invalid response header"); } const header = parseHeader(headerBuffer); let bodyBytes = header.messageLength - 16; if (bodyBytes < 0) bodyBytes = 0; const bodyBuffer = await this.read_socket(header.messageLength - 16); if (!bodyBuffer) { throw new MongoDriverError("Invalid response body"); } const reply = deserializeMessage(header, bodyBuffer); const pendingMessage = this.#pendingResponses.get(header.responseTo); this.#pendingResponses.delete(header.responseTo); pendingMessage?.resolve(reply); } this.#isPendingResponse = false; }
private async read_socket( b: number, ): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined> { const reader = this.#conn.readable.getReader({ mode: "byob" }); const { value } = await Uint8Array(b)); reader.releaseLock(); return value; }}