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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { Srv } from "../../src/utils/srv.ts";import { assertEquals, assertRejects, describe, it } from "../deps.ts";
function mockResolver( srvRecords: Partial<Deno.SRVRecord>[] = [], txtRecords: string[][] = [],) { return { resolveDns: (_url: string, type: Deno.RecordType) => { if (type === "SRV") return srvRecords; if (type === "TXT") return txtRecords; }, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any } as any;}
describe("SRV", () => { it({ name: "SRV: it throws an error if url doesn't have subdomain", fn() { assertRejects( () => new Srv().resolve(""), Error, "Expected url in format 'host.domain.tld', received", ); }, });
it({ name: "SRV: it throws an error if SRV resolution doesn't return any SRV records", fn() { assertRejects( () => new Srv(mockResolver()).resolve(""), Error, "Expected at least one SRV record, received 0 for url", ); }, });
it({ name: "SRV: it throws an error if TXT resolution returns no records", fn() { assertRejects( () => new Srv(mockResolver([{ target: "" }])) .resolve(""), Error, "Expected exactly one TXT record, received 0 for url", ); }, });
it({ name: "SRV: it throws an error if TXT resolution returns more than one record", fn() { assertRejects( () => new Srv( mockResolver( [{ target: "" }], [["replicaSet=rs-0"], ["authSource=admin"]], ), ) .resolve(""), Error, "Expected exactly one TXT record, received 2 for url", ); }, });
it({ name: "SRV: it throws an error if TXT record contains illegal options", fn() { assertRejects( () => new Srv( mockResolver( [{ target: "" }], [["replicaSet=rs-0&authSource=admin&ssl=true"]], ), ) .resolve(""), Error, "Illegal uri options: ssl=true", ); }, });
it({ name: "SRV: it correctly parses seedlist and options for valid records", async fn() { const result = await new Srv( mockResolver([ { target: "", port: 27015, }, { target: "", port: 27017, }, ], [["replicaSet=rs-0&authSource=admin"]]), ).resolve(""); assertEquals(result.servers.length, 2); const server1 = result.servers.find( (server) => === "", ); const server2 = result.servers.find((server) => === "" ); assertEquals(server1!.port, 27015); assertEquals(server2!.port, 27017); assertEquals(result.options.replicaSet, "rs-0"); assertEquals(result.options.authSource, "admin"); assertEquals(result.options.loadBalanced, undefined); }, });
it({ name: "SRV: it correctly parses seedlist and options for options split in two strings", async fn() { const result = await new Srv( mockResolver([ { target: "", port: 27015, }, { target: "", port: 27017, }, ], [["replicaS", "et=rs-0&authSource=admin"]]), ).resolve(""); assertEquals(result.servers.length, 2); const server1 = result.servers.find( (server) => === "", ); const server2 = result.servers.find((server) => === "" ); assertEquals(server1!.port, 27015); assertEquals(server2!.port, 27017); assertEquals(result.options.replicaSet, "rs-0"); assertEquals(result.options.authSource, "admin"); assertEquals(result.options.loadBalanced, undefined); }, });});