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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { Binary, ObjectId } from "../../deps.ts";import { Collection } from "../collection/mod.ts";import { Chunk, File, GridFSUploadOptions } from "../types/gridfs.ts";
export interface BucketInfo { filesCollection: Collection<File>; chunksCollection: Collection<Chunk>; chunkSizeBytes: number;}
export function createUploadStream( { chunkSizeBytes, chunksCollection, filesCollection }: BucketInfo, filename: string, id: ObjectId, options?: GridFSUploadOptions,) { const chunkSizeBytesCombined = options?.chunkSizeBytes ?? chunkSizeBytes; const uploadBuffer = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(chunkSizeBytesCombined)); let bufferPosition = 0; let chunksInserted = 0; let fileSizeBytes = 0; return new WritableStream<Uint8Array>({ write: async (chunk: Uint8Array) => { let remaining = chunk; while (remaining.byteLength) { const availableBuffer = chunkSizeBytesCombined - bufferPosition; if (remaining.byteLength < availableBuffer) { uploadBuffer.set(remaining, bufferPosition); bufferPosition += remaining.byteLength; fileSizeBytes += remaining.byteLength; break; } const sliced = remaining.slice(0, availableBuffer); remaining = remaining.slice(availableBuffer); uploadBuffer.set(sliced, bufferPosition);
await chunksCollection.insertOne({ files_id: id, n: chunksInserted, data: new Binary(uploadBuffer), });
bufferPosition = 0; fileSizeBytes += sliced.byteLength; ++chunksInserted; } }, close: async () => { // Write the last bytes that are left in the buffer if (bufferPosition) { await chunksCollection.insertOne({ files_id: id, n: chunksInserted, data: new Binary(uploadBuffer.slice(0, bufferPosition)), }); }
await filesCollection.insertOne({ _id: id, length: fileSizeBytes, chunkSize: chunkSizeBytesCombined, uploadDate: new Date(), filename: filename, metadata: options?.metadata, }); }, });}