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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { testWithClient } from "../common.ts";import { assertEquals, semver } from "../test.deps.ts";
testWithClient("createIndexes", async (client) => { const db = client.database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const res = await users.createIndexes({ indexes: [{ name: "_name", key: { name: 1 }, }], }); assertEquals( res, { createdCollectionAutomatically: true, numIndexesBefore: 1, numIndexesAfter: 2, ok: 1, }, );});
testWithClient("listIndexes", async (client) => { const db = client.database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const cursor = users.listIndexes(); const indexes = await cursor.toArray();
const expected = semver.gte(client.buildInfo!.version, "4.4.0") ? [ { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_" }, { v: 2, key: { name: 1 }, name: "_name" }, ] : [ { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.mongo_test_users" }, { v: 2, key: { name: 1 }, name: "_name", ns: "test.mongo_test_users" }, ]; assertEquals( indexes, expected, );});
testWithClient("dropIndexes", async (client) => { const db = client.database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users");
await users.createIndexes({ indexes: [{ name: "_name2", key: { name: -1 }, }], });
await users.dropIndexes({ index: "*", });
const indexes = await users.listIndexes().toArray(); const expected = semver.gte(client.buildInfo!.version, "4.4.0") ? [ { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_" }, ] : [ { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "test.mongo_test_users" }, ]; assertEquals( indexes, expected, ); assertEquals( indexes, expected, );});