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import { MongoClient } from "../../mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, describe, it } from "../deps.ts";
describe("command helpers", () => { it({ name: "db.dropDatabase", fn: async () => { const client = new MongoClient(); const databaseName = `TEST_DATABASE_MUST_NOT_MATCH_${+new Date()}`; const db = await client.connect( `mongodb://${databaseName}`, ); const collectioName = `${databaseName}_collection`;
// To create database physically await db.createCollection<{ foo: string }>(`${collectioName}`);
// A sanity check to test existence of the collection inside the test db assertEquals((await db.listCollectionNames()).length, 1); const result = await db.dropDatabase();
assert(result); assertEquals(result.ok, 1);
// The collection inside the test db must not exist assertEquals((await db.listCollectionNames()).length, 0);
client.close(); }, });});