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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
const axios = require('axios');const config = require('../.config');const fs = require('fs');const mongoose = require('../');
run().catch(err => { console.error(err); process.exit(-1);});
async function run() { await mongoose.connect(config.uri);
const Subscriber = mongoose.model('Subscriber', mongoose.Schema({ companyName: String, description: String, url: String, logo: String }), 'Subscriber');
const Job = mongoose.model('Job', mongoose.Schema({ logo: String, company: String, title: String, location: { type: String, required: true }, description: { type: String, required: true }, url: { type: String, required: true } }), 'Job');
const OpenCollectiveSponsor = mongoose.model('OpenCollectiveSponsor', mongoose.Schema({ openCollectiveId: { type: Number, required: true }, website: { type: String, required: true }, image: { type: String, required: true }, alt: { type: String } }), 'OpenCollectiveSponsor');
try { fs.mkdirSync(`${__dirname}/data`); } catch(err) {}
const subscribers = await Subscriber. find({ companyName: { $exists: true }, description: { $exists: true }, logo: { $exists: true } }). sort({ createdAt: 1 }). select({ companyName: 1, description: 1, url: 1, logo: 1 }); fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/data/sponsors.json`, JSON.stringify(subscribers, null, ' ')); const jobs = await Job.find().select({ logo: 1, company: 1, title: 1, location: 1, description: 1, url: 1 }); fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/data/jobs.json`, JSON.stringify(jobs, null, ' '));
const opencollectiveSponsors = await axios.get(''). then(res => then(sponsors => { return sponsors.filter(result => result.tier == 'sponsor' && result.isActive); }). catch(() => null);
for (const sponsor of opencollectiveSponsors) { const override = await OpenCollectiveSponsor.findOne({ openCollectiveId: sponsor['MemberId'] }); if (override == null) { continue; } =; sponsor.image = override.image; if (override.alt != null) { sponsor.alt = override.alt; } }
const additionalSponsors = await OpenCollectiveSponsor.find({}). then(docs => docs.filter(doc => doc.openCollectiveId == null)); for (const sponsor of additionalSponsors) { opencollectiveSponsors.push(sponsor); } if (opencollectiveSponsors != null) { fs.writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/data/opencollective.json`, JSON.stringify(opencollectiveSponsors, null, ' ')); }
console.log('Done'); process.exit(0);}