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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
/** * Module dependencies. */
const mongoose = require('../index');const Collection = mongoose.Collection;const assert = require('assert');
const collectionNames = new Map();
if (process.env.D === '1') { mongoose.set('debug', true);}if (process.env.PRINT_COLLECTIONS) { after(function() { console.log('Colls', Array.from(collectionNames.entries()).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])); });}
/** * Override all Collection related queries to keep count */
[ 'createIndex', 'findAndModify', 'findOne', 'find', 'insert', 'save', 'update', 'remove', 'count', 'distinct', 'isCapped', 'options'].forEach(function(method) { const oldMethod = Collection.prototype[method];
Collection.prototype[method] = function() { return oldMethod.apply(this, arguments); };});
/** * Override Collection#onOpen to keep track of connections */
const oldOnOpen = Collection.prototype.onOpen;
Collection.prototype.onOpen = function() { return oldOnOpen.apply(this, arguments);};
/** * Override Collection#onClose to keep track of disconnections */
const oldOnClose = Collection.prototype.onClose;
Collection.prototype.onClose = function() { return oldOnClose.apply(this, arguments);};
/** * Create a connection to the test database. * You can set the environment variable MONGOOSE_TEST_URI to override this. * * @api private */
module.exports = function(options) { options || (options = {}); let uri;
if (options.uri) { uri = options.uri; delete options.uri; } else { uri = module.exports.uri; }
const noErrorListener = !!options.noErrorListener; delete options.noErrorListener; options.enableUtf8Validation = false;
const conn = mongoose.createConnection(uri, options);
const model = conn.model; conn.model = function(name, schema, collection) { if (schema == null || schema._baseSchema != null) { // 2 cases: if calling `db.model(name)` to retrieve a model, // or if declaring a discriminator, skip adding the model name. return model.apply(this, arguments); }
const collName = collection == null ? mongoose.pluralize(name) : collection;
let count = collectionNames.get(collName) || 0; collectionNames.set(collName, ++count); return model.apply(this, arguments); };
if (noErrorListener) { return conn; }
conn.on('error', function(err) { assert.ok(err); });
return conn;};
function getUri(default_uri, db) { const env = process.env.START_REPLICA_SET ? process.env.MONGOOSE_REPLSET_URI : process.env.MONGOOSE_TEST_URI; const use = env ? env : default_uri; const lastIndex = use.lastIndexOf('/'); const dbQueryString = use.slice(lastIndex); const queryIndex = dbQueryString.indexOf('?'); const query = queryIndex === -1 ? '' : '?' + dbQueryString.slice(queryIndex + 1); // use length if lastIndex is 9 or lower, because that would mean it found the last character of "mongodb://" return use.slice(0, lastIndex <= 9 ? use.length : lastIndex) + `/${db}` + query;}
/** * Testing Databases, used for consistency */
const databases = module.exports.databases = [ 'mongoose_test', 'mongoose_test_2'];
/** * testing uri */
// the following has to be done, otherwise mocha will evaluate this before running the global-setup, where it becomes the defaultObject.defineProperty(module.exports, 'uri', { get: () => getUri('mongodb://', databases[0])});
/** * testing uri for 2nd db */
Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'uri2', { get: () => getUri('mongodb://', databases[1])});
/** * expose mongoose */
module.exports.mongoose = mongoose;
/** * expose mongod version helper */
module.exports.mongodVersion = async function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const db = module.exports();

db.on('error', reject);
db.on('open', function() { const admin = db.db.admin(); admin.serverStatus(function(err, info) { if (err) { return reject(err); } const version = info.version.split('.').map(function(n) { return parseInt(n, 10); }); db.close(function() { resolve(version); }); }); }); });};
async function dropDBs() { this.timeout(60000);
const db = await module.exports({ noErrorListener: true }).asPromise(); await db.dropDatabase(); await db.close();}
process.on('unhandledRejection', function(error, promise) { if (error.$expected) { return; } if (promise.originalStack) { console.log('UnhandledRejection: ', promise.originalStack); } throw error;});