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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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/** * Test dependencies. */
'use strict';
const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;const DocumentObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
describe('document modified', function() { let BlogPost; let db;
before(function() { db = start(); }); after(async function() { await db.close(); });
beforeEach(() => db.deleteModel(/.*/)); afterEach(() => require('./util').clearTestData(db)); afterEach(() => require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db));
beforeEach(function() { const Comments = new Schema();
Comments.add({ title: String, date: Date, body: String, comments: [Comments] });
const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ title: String, author: String, slug: String, date: Date, meta: { date: Date, visitors: Number }, published: Boolean, mixed: {}, numbers: [Number], owners: [ObjectId], comments: [Comments], nested: { array: [Number] } });
BlogPostSchema .path('title') .get(function(v) { if (v) { return v.toUpperCase(); } return v; });
BlogPostSchema .virtual('titleWithAuthor') .get(function() { return this.get('title') + ' by ' + this.get('author'); }) .set(function(val) { const split = val.split(' by '); this.set('title', split[0]); this.set('author', split[1]); });
BlogPostSchema.method('cool', function() { return this; });
BlogPostSchema.static('woot', function() { return this; });
BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); });
describe('modified states', function() { it('reset after save', function(done) { const B = BlogPost; const b = new B();
b.numbers.push(3); { assert.strictEqual(null, err);
b.numbers.push(3); { assert.strictEqual(null, err1);
B.findById(b, function(err2, b) { assert.strictEqual(null, err2); assert.equal(b.numbers.length, 2);
done(); }); }); }); });
it('of embedded docs reset after save', function(done) { const post = new BlogPost({ title: 'hocus pocus' }); post.comments.push({ title: 'Humpty Dumpty', comments: [{ title: 'nested' }] }); { assert.strictEqual(null, err); const mFlag = post.comments[0].isModified('title'); assert.equal(mFlag, false); assert.equal(post.isModified('title'), false); done(); }); }); });
describe('isDefault', function() { it('works', function() { const MyModel = db.model('Test', { name: { type: String, default: 'Val ' }, other: String }); const m = new MyModel(); assert.ok(m.$isDefault('name')); assert.ok(!m.$isDefault('other'));
assert.ok(m.$isDefault(['name', 'other'])); assert.ok(!m.$isDefault(['other'])); }); });
describe('isModified', function() { it('should not throw with no argument', function() { const post = new BlogPost();
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { post.isModified(); }); });
it('when modifying keys', function() { const post = new BlogPost(); post.init({ title: 'Test', slug: 'test', date: new Date() });
assert.equal(post.isModified('title'), false); post.set('title', 'test'); assert.equal(post.isModified('title'), true);
assert.equal(post.isModified('date'), false); post.set('date', new Date( + 10)); assert.equal(post.isModified('date'), true);
assert.equal(post.isModified(''), false); });
it('setting a key identically to its current value should not dirty the key', function() { const post = new BlogPost(); post.init({ title: 'Test', slug: 'test', date: new Date() });
assert.equal(post.isModified('title'), false); post.set('title', 'Test'); assert.equal(post.isModified('title'), false); });
describe('on DocumentArray', function() { it('work', function() { const post = new BlogPost(); post.init({ title: 'Test', slug: 'test', comments: [{ title: 'Test', date: new Date(), body: 'Test' }] });
assert.equal(post.isModified('comments.0.title'), false); post.get('comments')[0].set('title', 'Woot'); assert.equal(post.isModified('comments'), true); assert.equal(post.isDirectModified('comments'), false); assert.equal(post.isModified('comments.0.title'), true); assert.equal(post.isDirectModified('comments.0.title'), true); }); it('with accessors', function() { const post = new BlogPost(); post.init({ title: 'Test', slug: 'test', comments: [{ title: 'Test', date: new Date(), body: 'Test' }] });
assert.equal(post.isModified('comments.0.body'), false); post.get('comments')[0].body = 'Woot'; assert.equal(post.isModified('comments'), true); assert.equal(post.isDirectModified('comments'), false); assert.equal(post.isDirectModified(['comments']), false); assert.equal(post.isModified('comments.0.body'), true); assert.equal(post.isDirectModified('comments.0.body'), true); assert.equal(post.isDirectModified(['comments.0.body', 'comments']), true); }); });
describe('on MongooseArray', function() { it('atomic methods', function() { const post = new BlogPost(); assert.equal(post.isModified('owners'), false); post.get('owners').push(new DocumentObjectId()); assert.equal(post.isModified('owners'), true); }); it('native methods', function() { const post = new BlogPost(); assert.equal(post.isModified('owners'), false); }); });
it('on entire document', function(done) { const doc = { title: 'Test', slug: 'test', date: new Date(), meta: { date: new Date(), visitors: 5 }, published: true, mixed: { x: [{ y: [1, 'yes', 2] }] }, numbers: [], owners: [new DocumentObjectId(), new DocumentObjectId()], comments: [ { title: 'Test', date: new Date(), body: 'Test' }, { title: 'Super', date: new Date(), body: 'Cool' } ] };
BlogPost.create(doc, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.findById(, function(err, postRead) { assert.ifError(err); // set the same data again back to the document. // expected result, nothing should be set to modified assert.equal(postRead.isModified('comments'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isNew, false); postRead.set(postRead.toObject());
assert.equal(postRead.isModified('title'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('slug'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('date'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified(''), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('meta.visitors'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('published'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('mixed'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('numbers'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('owners'), false); assert.equal(postRead.isModified('comments'), false); const arr = postRead.comments.slice(); arr[2] = postRead.comments.create({ title: 'index' }); postRead.comments = arr; assert.equal(postRead.isModified('comments'), true); done(); }); }); });
it('should let you set ref paths (gh-1530)', async function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ child: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' } }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const childSchema = new Schema({ name: String });
let preCalls = 0; childSchema.pre('save', function(next) { ++preCalls; next(); });
let postCalls = 0;'save', function(doc, next) { ++postCalls; next(); }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema);
const p = new Parent(); const c = new Child({ name: 'Luke' }); p.child = c; assert.equal(, 'Luke');
assert.equal(, 'Luke'); const originalParent = p;
const foundParent = await Parent.findOne({});
assert.ok(foundParent.child); assert.ok(typeof === 'undefined'); assert.equal(preCalls, 0); assert.equal(postCalls, 0);
const child = await Child.findOne({ name: 'Luke' }); assert.ok(!child);
const child2 = await Child.findOne({ name: 'Luke' });
assert.ok(child2); assert.equal(foundParent.child.toString(), child2._id.toString()); });
it('properly sets populated for gh-1530 (gh-2678)', function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, child: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' } });
const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', parentSchema);
const child = new Child({ name: 'Mary' }); const p = new Parent({ name: 'Alex', child: child });
assert.equal(child._id.toString(), p.populated('child').toString()); });
describe('manually populating arrays', function() { let db;
before(function() { db = start(); });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
it('gh-1530 for arrays (gh-3575)', function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, children: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' }] });
const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', parentSchema);
const child = new Child({ name: 'Luke' }); const p = new Parent({ name: 'Anakin', children: [child] });
assert.equal('Luke', p.children[0].name); assert.ok(p.populated('children')); });
it('setting nested arrays (gh-3721)', function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: Schema.Types.String } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema);
const accountSchema = new Schema({ roles: [{ name: { type: Schema.Types.String }, users: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] }] });
const Account = db.model('Test', accountSchema);
const user = new User({ name: 'Test' }); const account = new Account({ roles: [ { name: 'test group', users: [user] } ] });
assert.ok(account.roles[0].isModified('users')); return Promise.all([User.init(), Account.init()]); });
it('with discriminators (gh-3575)', function() { const shapeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({}, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' });
db.deleteModel(/Test/); const Shape = db.model('Test', shapeSchema);
const Circle = Shape.discriminator('Circle', new mongoose.Schema({ radius: { type: Number } }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }));
const fooSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ bars: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }] });
const Foo = db.model('Test1', fooSchema);
const test = new Foo({}); test.bars = [new Circle({}), new Circle({})];
assert.ok(test.populated('bars')); assert.ok(test.bars[0]._id); assert.ok(test.bars[1]._id); });
it('updates embedded doc parents upon direct assignment (gh-5189)', function(done) { const familySchema = new Schema({ children: [{ name: { type: String, required: true } }] }); db.deleteModel(/Test/); const Family = db.model('Test', familySchema); Family.create({ children: [ { name: 'John' }, { name: 'Mary' } ] }, function(err, family) { family.set({ children: family.children.slice(1) }); family.children.forEach(function(child) { child.set({ name: 'Maryanne' }); });
assert.equal(family.validateSync(), undefined); done(); }); }); });
it('should support setting mixed paths by string (gh-1418)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('Test', new Schema({ mixed: {} })); let b = new BlogPost(); b.init({ mixed: {} });
let path = 'mixed.path'; assert.ok(!b.isModified(path));
b.set(path, 3); assert.ok(b.isModified(path)); assert.equal(b.get(path), 3);
b = new BlogPost(); b.init({ mixed: {} }); path = 'mixed.9a'; b.set(path, 4); assert.ok(b.isModified(path)); assert.equal(b.get(path), 4);
b = new BlogPost({ mixed: {} }); { assert.ifError(err);
path = 'mixed.9a.x'; b.set(path, 8); assert.ok(b.isModified(path)); assert.equal(b.get(path), 8); { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.findById(b, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.get(path), 8); done(); }); }); }); });
it('should mark multi-level nested schemas as modified (gh-1754)', async function() { const grandChildSchema = new Schema({ name: String });
const childSchema = new Schema({ name: String, grandChild: [grandChildSchema] });
const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, child: [childSchema] });
const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const p = await Parent.create({ child: [{ name: 'Brian', grandChild: [{ name: 'Jake' }] }] });
assert.ok(p); assert.equal(p.child.length, 1); assert.equal(p.child[0].grandChild.length, 1); p.child[0].grandChild[0].name = 'Jason'; assert.ok(p.isModified('')); await;
assert.equal(p.child[0].grandChild[0].name, 'Jason'); });
it('should reset the modified state after calling unmarkModified', function(done) { const b = new BlogPost(); assert.equal(b.isModified('author'), false); = 'foo'; assert.equal(b.isModified('author'), true); assert.equal(b.isModified(), true); b.unmarkModified('author'); assert.equal(b.isModified('author'), false); assert.equal(b.isModified(), false); { assert.strictEqual(null, err);
BlogPost.findById(b._id, function(err2, b2) { assert.strictEqual(null, err2);
assert.equal(b2.isModified('author'), false); assert.equal(b2.isModified(), false); = 'bar'; assert.equal(b2.isModified('author'), true); assert.equal(b2.isModified(), true); b2.unmarkModified('author'); assert.equal(b2.isModified('author'), false); assert.equal(b2.isModified(), false); { assert.strictEqual(err3, null); BlogPost.findById(b._id, function(err4, b3) { assert.strictEqual(err4, null); // was not saved because modified state was unset assert.equal(, 'foo'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); });});