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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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/** * Test dependencies. */
'use strict';
const start = require('./common');
const Document = require('../lib/document');const assert = require('assert');
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
/** * Setup. */
/** * Test Document constructor. */
function TestDocument() { Document.apply(this, arguments);}
/** * Inherits from Document. */
Object.setPrototypeOf(TestDocument.prototype, Document.prototype);
/** * Set a dummy schema to simulate compilation. */
const em = new Schema({ title: String, body: String });em.virtual('works').get(function() { return 'em virtual works';});const schema = new Schema({ test: String, oids: [ObjectId], numbers: [Number], nested: { age: Number, cool: ObjectId, deep: { x: String }, path: String, setr: String }, nested2: { nested: String, yup: { nested: Boolean, yup: String, age: Number } }, em: [em], date: Date});TestDocument.prototype.$__setSchema(schema);
/** * User schema. */
const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: String, email: String, gender: { type: String, enum: ['male', 'female'], default: 'male' }, age: { type: Number, default: 21 }, blogposts: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'BlogPost' }]});
/** * Comment subdocument schema. */
const CommentSchema = new Schema({ asers: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], _creator: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, content: String});
/** * Blog post schema. */
const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _creator: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, title: String, comments: [CommentSchema], fans: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }]});
describe('document.populate', function() { let db, B, User; let user1, user2, post, _id;
before(function() { db = start(); });
beforeEach(() => db.deleteModel(/.*/)); afterEach(() => require('./util').clearTestData(db)); afterEach(() => require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db));
beforeEach(async function() { B = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); User = db.model('User', UserSchema);
_id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
const [u1, u2] = await User.create([ { name: 'Phoenix', email: '', blogposts: [_id] }, { name: 'Newark', email: '', blogposts: [_id] } ]); user1 = u1; user2 = u2;
post = await B.create({ title: 'the how and why', _creator: user1, fans: [user1, user2], comments: [{ _creator: user2, content: 'user2' }, { _creator: user1, content: 'user1' }] }); });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
describe('populating two paths', function() { it('with space delmited string works', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post); const creator_id = p._creator; const alt_id =[1];
await p.populate('_creator fans');
assert.ok(p._creator); assert.equal(String(p._creator._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([0]._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([1]._id), String(alt_id)); }); });
it('works with await', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post); const creator_id = p._creator; const alt_id =[1];
await p.populate('_creator');
assert.ok(post._creator); assert.equal(String(p._creator._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([1]), String(alt_id)); });
it('populating using space delimited paths with options', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post);
const param = {}; = '-email'; param.options = { sort: 'name' }; param.path = '_creator fans'; // 2 paths
const creator_id = post._creator._id; const alt_id =[1]._id;
await p.populate(param);
assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal(String(p._creator._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([1]._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([0]._id), String(alt_id)); assert.ok(![0].email); assert.ok(![1].email); assert.ok(![0].isInit('email')); assert.ok(![0].isInit(['email'])); assert.ok(![1].isInit('email')); });
it('using multiple populate calls', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post);
const creator_id = post._creator._id; const alt_id =[1]._id;
const param = {}; = '-email'; param.options = { sort: 'name' }; param.path = '_creator'; post.populate(param); param.path = 'fans';
await p.populate(param);
assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal(String(p._creator._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([1]._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([0]._id), String(alt_id)); assert.ok(![0].email); assert.ok(![1].email); assert.ok(![0].isInit('email')); assert.ok(![1].isInit('email')); });
it('with custom model selection', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post);
const param = {}; = '-email'; param.options = { sort: 'name' }; param.path = '_creator fans'; param.model = 'User';
const creator_id = post._creator._id; const alt_id =[1]._id;
await p.populate(param);
assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal(String(p._creator._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([1]._id), String(creator_id)); assert.equal(String([0]._id), String(alt_id)); assert.ok(![0].email); assert.ok(![1].email); assert.ok(![0].isInit('email')); assert.ok(![1].isInit('email')); });
it('one path, model selection as second argument', async function() { const b = await B.findById(post);
const creator_id = b._creator;
await b.populate('_creator', '-email');
assert.equal(String(b._creator._id), String(creator_id));
assert.ok(b.populated('_creator')); assert.ok(!; assert.ok(b._creator.age); });
it('multiple paths, model selection as second argument', async function() { const b = await B.findById(post);
await b.populate('_creator fans', '-email');
assert.ok(b.populated('_creator')); assert.ok(!; assert.ok(b._creator.age);
assert.ok(b.populated('fans')); assert.ok(![0].email); assert.ok([0].age); });
it('multiple paths, mixed argument types', async function() { const b = await B.findById(post);
await b.populate([{ path: '_creator', select: '-email' }, 'fans']);
assert.ok(b.populated('_creator')); assert.ok(!; assert.ok(b._creator.age);
assert.ok(b.populated('fans')); assert.ok([0].email); assert.ok([0].age); });
it('multiple paths, multiple options', async function() { const b = await B.findById(post);
await b.populate([ { path: '_creator', select: '-email' }, { path: 'fans', sort: 'name', select: { age: 0 } } ]);
assert.ok(b.populated('_creator')); assert.ok(!; assert.ok(b._creator.age);
assert.ok(b.populated('fans')); assert.ok(![0].age); assert.ok([0].email); });
it('a property not in schema', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post);
const err = await p.populate('idontexist').then(() => null, err => err); assert.ok(err); });
it('of empty array', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post); = []; await p.populate('fans'); });
it('of array of null/undefined', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post); = [null, undefined]; await p.populate('fans'); });
it('of null property', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post); p._creator = null; await p.populate('_creator'); });
it('String _ids', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: String, name: String });
const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: String, ref: 'User' }, body: String });
db.deleteModel(/User/); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema);
const alice = new User({ _id: 'alice', name: 'Alice In Wonderland' });
const note = new Note({ author: 'alice', body: 'Buy Milk' }); await note.populate('author');
assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 'alice'); assert.equal(, 'Alice In Wonderland'); });
it('Buffer _ids', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: Buffer, name: String });
const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: Buffer, ref: 'User' }, body: String });
db.deleteModel(/User/); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema);
const alice = new User({ _id: new mongoose.Types.Buffer('YWxpY2U=', 'base64'), name: 'Alice' }); await;
let note = new Note({ author: 'alice', body: 'Buy Milk' }); await;
note = await Note.findById(note); assert.equal(, 'alice'); await note.populate('author');
assert.equal(note.body, 'Buy Milk'); assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 'Alice'); });
it('Number _ids', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String });
const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: Number, ref: 'User' }, body: String });
db.deleteModel(/User/); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema);
const alice = new User({ _id: 2359, name: 'Alice' }); await;
const note = new Note({ author: 2359, body: 'Buy Milk' }); await note.populate('author');
assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 2359); assert.equal('Alice',; });
describe('sub-level properties', function() { it('with string arg', async function() { const p = await B.findById(post);
const id0 = p.comments[0]._creator; const id1 = p.comments[1]._creator;
await p.populate('comments._creator');
assert.equal(p.comments.length, 2); assert.equal(p.comments[0], id0); assert.equal(p.comments[1], id1); }); });
describe('of new document', function() { it('should save just the populated _id (gh-1442)', async function() { const b = new B({ _creator: user1 });
await b.populate('_creator'); assert.equal(, 'Phoenix'); await;
const _b = await B.collection.findOne({ _id: b._id }); assert.equal(_b._creator.toString(), String(user1._id));
}); });
it('depopulates when setting `_id` (gh-3308)', function() { const Person = db.model('Person', { name: String });
const Band = db.model('Band', { guitarist: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } });
const slash = new Person({ name: 'Slash' }); const gnr = new Band({ guitarist: slash._id });
gnr.guitarist = slash; assert.equal(, 'Slash'); assert.ok(gnr.populated('guitarist'));
const buckethead = new Person({ name: 'Buckethead' }); gnr.guitarist = buckethead._id; assert.ok(!gnr.populated('guitarist')); });
describe('gh-2214', function() { it('should return a real document array when populating', async function() { const Car = db.model('Car', { color: String, model: String });
const Person = db.model('Person', { name: String, cars: [ { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Car' } ] });
const joe = new Person({ name: 'Joe' }); let car = new Car({ model: 'BMW', color: 'red' });;
await; await;
const joe2 = await Person.findById(; await joe2.populate('cars');
car = new Car({ model: 'BMW', color: 'black' });; assert.ok(joe2.isModified('cars')); }); });
describe('gh-7889', function() { it('should save item added to array after populating the array', function() { const Car = db.model('Car', { model: Number });
const Person = db.model('Person', { cars: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Car' }] });
let person;
return Car.create({ model: 0 }).then(car => { return Person.create({ cars: [car._id] }); }).then(() => { return Person.findOne({}); }).then(p => { person = p; return person.populate('cars'); }).then(() => { return Car.create({ model: 1 }); }).then(car => {; return person.populate('cars'); }).then(() => { return Car.create({ model: 2 }); }).then(car => {; return; }).then(() => { return Person.findOne({}); }).then(person => { assert.equal(, 3); }); }); });
describe('depopulate', function() { it('can depopulate specific path (gh-2509)', async function() { const Person = db.model('Person', { name: String });
const Band = db.model('Band', { name: String, members: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }], lead: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } });
const docs = await Person.create([{ name: 'Axl Rose' }, { name: 'Slash' }]);
const band = await Band.create({ name: 'Guns N\' Roses', members: [docs[0]._id, docs[1]], lead: docs[0]._id });
await band.populate('members');
assert.equal(band.members[0].name, 'Axl Rose'); band.depopulate('members'); assert.ok(!band.members[0].name); assert.equal(band.members[0].toString(), docs[0]._id.toString()); assert.equal(band.members[1].toString(), docs[1]._id.toString()); assert.ok(!band.populated('members')); assert.ok(!band.populated('lead')); await band.populate('lead');
assert.equal(, 'Axl Rose'); band.depopulate('lead'); assert.ok(!; assert.equal(band.lead.toString(), docs[0]._id.toString()); });
it('depopulates all (gh-6073)', async function() { const Person = db.model('Person', { name: String });
const Band = db.model('Band', { name: String, members: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }], lead: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } });
const people = [{ name: 'Axl Rose' }, { name: 'Slash' }]; const docs = await Person.create(people);
const band = await Band.create({ name: 'Guns N\' Roses', members: [docs[0]._id, docs[1]], lead: docs[0]._id });
await band.populate('members lead');
assert.ok(band.populated('members')); assert.ok(band.populated('lead')); assert.equal(band.members[0].name, 'Axl Rose'); band.depopulate(); assert.ok(!band.populated('members')); assert.ok(!band.populated('lead')); });
it('doesn\'t throw when called on a doc that is not populated (gh-6075)', async function() { const Person = db.model('Person', { name: String });
const person = new Person({ name: 'Greg Dulli' }); await;
await person.depopulate(); });
it('depopulates virtuals (gh-6075)', async function() { const otherSchema = new Schema({ val: String, prop: String });
const schema = new Schema({ others: [String], single: String }, { toJSON: { virtuals: true } });
schema.virtual('$others', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'others', foreignField: 'val' });
schema.virtual('$single', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'single', foreignField: 'val', justOne: true });
schema.virtual('$last', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'single', foreignField: 'val', justOne: true });
const Other = db.model('Test', otherSchema); const Test = db.model('Test1', schema);
const others = 'abc'.split('').map(c => { return new Other({ val: `other${c}`, prop: `xyz${c}` }); });
const test = new Test({ others: => d.val), single: others[1].val });
await Other.create(others); await; await test.populate('$others $single');
assert.strictEqual(test.$others.length, 3); assert.strictEqual(test.$single.prop, 'xyzb'); test.depopulate(); assert.equal(test.$others, null); assert.equal(test.$single, null);
await test.populate('$last');
assert.strictEqual(test.$last.prop, 'xyzb'); test.depopulate('$last'); assert.equal(test.$last, null); });
it('depopulates field with empty array (gh-7740)', async function() { db.model( 'Book', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, chapters: Number }) ); const Author = db.model( 'Person', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, books: { type: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Book' }], default: [] } }) );
const author = new Author({ name: 'Fonger', books: [] }); await; await author.populate('books'); assert.ok(author.books); assert.strictEqual(author.books.length, 0); author.depopulate('books'); assert.ok(author.books); assert.strictEqual(author.books.length, 0);
}); });
it('does not allow you to call populate() on nested docs (gh-4552)', function() { const EmbeddedSchema = new Schema({ reference: { type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Reference' } });
const ModelSchema = new Schema({ embedded: EmbeddedSchema });
const Model = db.model('Test', ModelSchema);
const m = new Model({}); m.embedded = {}; assert.throws(function() { m.embedded.populate('reference'); }, /on nested docs/); });
it('handles pulling from populated array (gh-3579)', async function() { const barSchema = new Schema({ name: String });
const Bar = db.model('Test', barSchema);
const fooSchema = new Schema({ bars: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }] });
const Foo = db.model('Test1', fooSchema);
const docs = await Bar.create([{ name: 'bar1' }, { name: 'bar2' }]);
const foo = new Foo({ bars: [docs[0], docs[1]] }); foo.bars.pull(docs[0]._id); await;
const foo2 = await Foo.findById(foo._id);
assert.equal(foo2.bars.length, 1); assert.equal(foo2.bars[0].toString(), docs[1]._id.toString()); });
describe('#populated() with virtuals (gh-7440)', function() { let Team;
beforeEach(function() { const teamSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String, captain: String }); Team = db.model('Test', teamSchema); });
it('works with justOne: false', async function() { const playerSchema = mongoose.Schema({ _id: String, name: String }); playerSchema.virtual('teams', { ref: 'Test', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'captain' }); const Player = db.model('Person', playerSchema);
const player = await Player.create({ name: 'Derek Jeter', _id: 'test1' }); await Team.create({ name: 'Yankees', captain: 'test1' });
await player.populate('teams'); assert.deepEqual(player.populated('teams'), ['test1']);
it('works with justOne: true', async function() { const playerSchema = mongoose.Schema({ _id: String, name: String }); playerSchema.virtual('team', { ref: 'Test', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'captain', justOne: true }); const Player = db.model('Person', playerSchema);
const player = await Player.create({ name: 'Derek Jeter', _id: 'test1' }); await Team.create({ name: 'Yankees', captain: 'test1' });
await player.populate('team'); assert.deepEqual(player.populated('team'), 'test1');
}); });
describe('#populated() with getters on embedded schema (gh-7521)', function() { let Team; let Player;
beforeEach(function() { const playerSchema = mongoose.Schema({ _id: String });
const teamSchema = mongoose.Schema({ captain: { type: String, ref: 'Person', get: (v) => { if (!v || typeof v !== 'string') { return v; }
return v.split(' ')[0]; } }, players: [new mongoose.Schema({ player: { type: String, ref: 'Person', get: (v) => { if (!v || typeof v !== 'string') { return v; }
return v.split(' ')[0]; } } })] });
Player = db.model('Person', playerSchema); Team = db.model('Test', teamSchema); });
it('works with populate', async function() { await Player.create({ _id: 'John' }); await Player.create({ _id: 'Foo' }); const createdTeam = await Team.create({ captain: 'John Doe', players: [{ player: 'John Doe' }, { player: 'Foo Bar' }] });
const team = await Team.findOne({ _id: createdTeam._id }) .populate({ path: 'captain', options: { getters: true } }) .populate({ path: 'players.player', options: { getters: true } });
assert.ok(team.captain); assert.strictEqual(team.captain._id, 'John'); assert.strictEqual(team.players.length, 2); assert.ok(team.players[0].player); assert.ok(team.players[1].player); assert.strictEqual(team.players[0].player._id, 'John'); assert.strictEqual(team.players[1].player._id, 'Foo');
}); });
it('populated() works with nested subdocs (gh-7685)', async function() { const schema = mongoose.Schema({ a: { type: String, default: 'TEST' } }); const schema2 = mongoose.Schema({ g: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' } }); const schema3 = mongoose.Schema({ i: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test2' } });
const M = db.model('Test1', schema); const N = db.model('Test2', schema2); const O = db.model('Test3', schema3);
const m = await M.create({ a: 'TEST' }); const n = await N.create({ g: m._id }); const o = await O.create({ i: n._id });
const doc = await O.findOne({ _id: o._id }).populate('i').exec(); const finalDoc = await doc.populate('i.g');
assert.ok(finalDoc.populated('i.g')); assert.ok(finalDoc.i.populated('g')); });
it('works with single strings (gh-11160)', async() => { const bookSchema = mongoose.Schema({ title: String, authorId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Author' } });
const authorSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String, websiteId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Website' } });
const websiteSchema = mongoose.Schema({ url: String });
const Book = db.model('Book', bookSchema); const Author = db.model('Author', authorSchema); const Website = db.model('Website', websiteSchema);

const website = new Website({ url: '' }); const author = new Author({ name: 'Robert C. Martin', websiteId: website._id }); const book = new Book({ title: 'Clean Code', authorId: author._id }); await Promise.all([,, ]);
const foundBook = await Book.findOne({ _id: book._id }); await foundBook.populate({ path: 'authorId', populate: 'websiteId' }); assert.ok(foundBook.populated('authorId')); assert.ok(foundBook.authorId.populated('websiteId')); });});