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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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/** * Test dependencies. */
'use strict';
const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
describe('document: strict mode:', function() { let db;
before(function() { db = start(); });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
beforeEach(() => db.deleteModel(/.*/)); afterEach(() => require('./util').clearTestData(db)); afterEach(() => require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db));
describe('should work', function() { let Lax, Strict;
beforeEach(function() { const raw = { ts: { type: Date, default: }, content: String, mixed: {}, deepMixed: { '4a': {} }, arrayMixed: [] };
const lax = new Schema(raw, { strict: false, minimize: false }); const strict = new Schema(raw);
Lax = db.model('Test1', lax); Strict = db.model('Test2', strict); });
it('when creating models with non-strict schemas (gh-4274)', async function() { const lax = new Lax({ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data', items: {} }); assert.equal(lax.$__.strictMode, false);
const lo = lax.toObject(); assert.ok('ts' in lax); assert.ok('ts' in lo); assert.equal(lax.content, 'sample'); assert.equal(lo.content, 'sample'); assert.equal(lax.rouge, 'data'); assert.equal(lo.rouge, 'data'); assert.deepEqual(lax.items, {}); assert.deepEqual(lo.items, {});
const doc = await Lax.findById(lax);
const lo2 = doc.toObject(); assert.equal(lo2.content, 'sample'); assert.equal(lo2.rouge, 'data'); assert.deepEqual(lo2.items, {}); });
it('when creating models with strict schemas', function() { const s = new Strict({ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }); assert.equal(s.$__.strictMode, true);
const so = s.toObject(); assert.ok('ts' in s); assert.ok('ts' in so); assert.equal(s.content, 'sample'); assert.equal(so.content, 'sample'); assert.ok(!('rouge' in s)); assert.ok(!('rouge' in so)); assert.ok(!s.rouge); assert.ok(!so.rouge); });
it('when overriding strictness', function() { // instance override let instance = new Lax({ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }, true); assert.ok(instance.$__.strictMode);
instance = instance.toObject(); assert.equal(instance.content, 'sample'); assert.ok(!instance.rouge); assert.ok('ts' in instance);
// hydrate works as normal, but supports the schema level flag. let s2 = new Strict({ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }, false); assert.equal(s2.$__.strictMode, false); s2 = s2.toObject(); assert.ok('ts' in s2); assert.equal(s2.content, 'sample'); assert.ok('rouge' in s2);
// testing init const s3 = new Strict(); s3.init({ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }); s3.toObject(); assert.equal(s3.content, 'sample'); assert.ok(!('rouge' in s3)); assert.ok(!s3.rouge); });
it('when using Model#create', function(done) { // strict on create Strict.create({ content: 'sample2', rouge: 'data' }, function(err, doc) { assert.equal(doc.content, 'sample2'); assert.ok(!('rouge' in doc)); assert.ok(!doc.rouge); done(); }); }); });
it('nested doc', function() { const lax = new Schema({ name: { last: String } }, { strict: false });
const strict = new Schema({ name: { last: String } });
const Lax = db.model('Test1', lax); const Strict = db.model('Test2', strict);
let l = new Lax(); l.set('name', { last: 'goose', hack: 'xx' }); l = l.toObject(); assert.equal(, 'goose'); assert.equal(, 'xx');
let s = new Strict(); s.set({ name: { last: 'goose', hack: 'xx' } }); s = s.toObject(); assert.equal(, 'goose'); assert.ok(!('hack' in; assert.ok(!;
s = new Strict(); s.set('name', { last: 'goose', hack: 'xx' }); s.set('shouldnt.exist', ':('); s = s.toObject(); assert.equal(, 'goose'); assert.ok(!('hack' in; assert.ok(!; assert.ok(!s.shouldnt); });
it('sub doc', function(done) { const lax = new Schema({ ts: { type: Date, default: }, content: String }, { strict: false });
const strict = new Schema({ ts: { type: Date, default: }, content: String });
const Lax = db.model('Test1', new Schema({ dox: [lax] }, { strict: false })); const Strict = db.model('Test2', new Schema({ dox: [strict] }, { strict: false }));
let l = new Lax({ dox: [{ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }] }); assert.equal(l.dox[0].$__.strictMode, false); l = l.dox[0].toObject(); assert.equal(l.content, 'sample'); assert.equal(l.rouge, 'data'); assert.ok(l.rouge);
let s = new Strict({ dox: [{ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }] }); assert.equal(s.dox[0].$__.strictMode, true); s = s.dox[0].toObject(); assert.ok('ts' in s); assert.equal(s.content, 'sample'); assert.ok(!('rouge' in s)); assert.ok(!s.rouge);
// testing init const s3 = new Strict(); s3.init({ dox: [{ content: 'sample', rouge: 'data' }] }); s3.toObject(); assert.equal(s3.dox[0].content, 'sample'); assert.ok(!('rouge' in s3.dox[0])); assert.ok(!s3.dox[0].rouge);
// strict on create Strict.create({ dox: [{ content: 'sample2', rouge: 'data' }] }, function(err, doc) { assert.equal(doc.dox[0].content, 'sample2'); assert.ok(!('rouge' in doc.dox[0])); assert.ok(!doc.dox[0].rouge); done(); }); });
it('virtuals', function() { let getCount = 0, setCount = 0;
const strictSchema = new Schema({ email: String, prop: String });
strictSchema .virtual('myvirtual') .get(function() { getCount++; return 'ok'; }) .set(function(v) { setCount++; this.prop = v; });
const StrictModel = db.model('Test', strictSchema);
const strictInstance = new StrictModel({ email: '', myvirtual: 'test' });
assert.equal(getCount, 0); assert.equal(setCount, 1);
strictInstance.myvirtual = 'anotherone'; assert.equal(getCount, 0); assert.equal(setCount, 2);
const temp = strictInstance.myvirtual; assert.equal('string', typeof temp); assert.equal(getCount, 1); assert.equal(setCount, 2); });
it('can be overridden during set()', function(done) { const strict = new Schema({ bool: Boolean });
const Strict = db.model('Test', strict); const s = new Strict({ bool: true });
// insert non-schema property const doc = s.toObject(); doc.notInSchema = true;
Strict.collection.insertOne(doc, { w: 1 }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); Strict.findById(doc._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc._doc.bool, true); assert.equal(doc._doc.notInSchema, true); doc.bool = undefined; doc.set('notInSchema', undefined, { strict: false }); { Strict.findById(doc._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc._doc.bool, undefined); assert.equal(doc._doc.notInSchema, undefined); done(); }); }); }); }); });
it('can be overridden during update()', function(done) { const strict = new Schema({ bool: Boolean });
const Strict = db.model('Test', strict); const s = new Strict({ bool: true });
// insert non-schema property const doc = s.toObject(); doc.notInSchema = true;
Strict.collection.insertOne(doc, function(err) { assert.ifError(err);
Strict.findById(doc._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc._doc.bool, true); assert.equal(doc._doc.notInSchema, true);
Strict.updateOne({ _id: doc._id }, { $unset: { bool: 1, notInSchema: 1 } }, { strict: false }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err);
Strict.findById(doc._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc._doc.bool, undefined); assert.equal(doc._doc.notInSchema, undefined); done(); }); }); }); }); });
it('can be overwritten with findOneAndUpdate (gh-1967)', function(done) { const strict = new Schema({ bool: Boolean });
const Strict = db.model('Test', strict); const s = new Strict({ bool: true });
// insert non-schema property const doc = s.toObject(); doc.notInSchema = true;
Strict.collection.insertOne(doc, { w: 1 }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err);
Strict.findById(doc._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc._doc.bool, true); assert.equal(doc._doc.notInSchema, true);
Strict.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: doc._id }, { $unset: { bool: 1, notInSchema: 1 } }, { strict: false, w: 1 }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err);
Strict.findById(doc._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc._doc.bool, undefined); assert.equal(doc._doc.notInSchema, undefined); done(); }); }); }); }); });
describe('"throws" mode', function() { it('throws on set() of unknown property', function() { const schema = new Schema({ n: String, docs: [{ x: [{ y: String }] }] }); schema.set('strict', 'throw'); const M = db.model('Test', schema); const m = new M();
const badField = /Field `[\w.]+` is not in schema/;
assert.throws(function() { m.set('', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('n.something', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('n.3', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('z', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('docs.z', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('docs.0.z', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('docs.0.x.z', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('docs.0.x.4.z', 3); }, badField);
assert.throws(function() { m.set('docs.0.x.4.y.z', 3); }, badField); });
it('fails with extra fields', function() { // Simple schema with throws option const FooSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String } }, { strict: 'throw' });
// Create the model const Foo = db.model('Test', FooSchema);
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { new Foo({ name: 'bar' }); });
assert.throws(function() { // The extra baz field should throw new Foo({ name: 'bar', baz: 'bam' }); }, /Field `baz` is not in schema/); });
it('doesnt throw with refs (gh-2665)', function() { // Simple schema with throws option const FooSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'test', required: false, default: null }, father: { name: { full: String } } }, { strict: 'throw' });
// Create the model const Foo = db.model('Test', FooSchema);
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { new Foo({ name: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(), father: { name: { full: 'bacon' } } }); }); });
it('set nested to num throws ObjectExpectedError (gh-3735)', function() { const schema = new Schema({ resolved: { by: { type: String } } }, { strict: 'throw' });
const Test = db.model('Test', schema);
assert.throws(function() { new Test({ resolved: 123 }); }, /ObjectExpectedError/); }); });
it('handles setting `schema.options.strict` (gh-7103)', async function() { const nestedSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: false, someProp: { type: Boolean, default: false, required: true } });
nestedSchema.options.strict = 'throw'; nestedSchema.options.strictQuery = 'throw';
const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ nested: { type: nestedSchema, default: null } });
const Model = db.model('Test', schema);
const doc1 = new Model(); doc1.nested = { someProp: true, somethingElse: false };
let err = doc1.validateSync(); assert.ok(err); assert.ok(err.errors['nested']);
err = await doc1.validate().then(() => null, err => err); assert.ok(err);
assert.ok(err.errors['nested']); });});