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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
const sinon = require('sinon');
const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');const random = require('./util').random;const stream = require('stream');const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
const collection = 'blogposts_' + random();
const SetOptionError = require('../lib/error/setOptionError');const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Mongoose = mongoose.Mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const options = {};
describe('mongoose module:', function() { describe('default connection works', function() { it('without options', async function() { const goose = new Mongoose(); const db = goose.connection;
await goose.connect(start.uri, options); await db.close(); });
it('with promise (gh-3790)', async function() { const goose = new Mongoose(); const db = goose.connection;
await goose.connect(start.uri, options);
await db.close(); }); });
it('legacy pluralize by default (gh-5958)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.model('User', new Schema({}));
assert.equal(mongoose.model('User'), 'users'); });
it('returns legacy pluralize function by default', function() { const legacyPluralize = require('../lib/helpers/pluralize'); const mongoose = new Mongoose();
const pluralize = mongoose.pluralize();
assert.equal(pluralize, legacyPluralize); });
it('sets custom pluralize function (gh-5877)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
// some custom function of type (str: string) => string const customPluralize = (str) => str; mongoose.pluralize(customPluralize);
const pluralize = mongoose.pluralize(); assert.equal(pluralize, customPluralize);
mongoose.model('User', new Schema({})); assert.equal(mongoose.model('User'), 'User'); });
it('debug to stream (gh-7018)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
const written = []; class StubStream extends stream.Writable { write(chunk) { written.push(chunk); } }
mongoose.set('debug', new StubStream());
const User = mongoose.model('User', new Schema({ name: String }));

await mongoose.connect(start.uri); await User.findOne(); assert.equal(written.length, 1); assert.ok(written[0].startsWith('users.findOne(')); });
it('{g,s}etting options', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.set('runValidators', 'b');
assert.equal(mongoose.get('runValidators'), 'b'); assert.equal(mongoose.set('runValidators'), 'b'); });
it('allows `const { model } = mongoose` (gh-3768)', function() { const model = mongoose.model;
model('gh3768', new Schema({ name: String }));
assert.ok(mongoose.models['gh3768']); });
it('options object (gh-8144)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose({ bufferCommands: false });
assert.strictEqual(mongoose.options.bufferCommands, false); });
it('bufferCommands option (gh-5879) (gh-9179)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.set('bufferCommands', false);
const M = mongoose.model('Test', new Schema({}));
// Allow changing bufferCommands after defining model (gh-9179) mongoose.set('bufferCommands', true); assert.ok(M.collection._shouldBufferCommands());
mongoose.set('bufferCommands', false); assert.ok(!M.collection._shouldBufferCommands()); });
it('cloneSchemas option (gh-6274)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.set('cloneSchemas', true);
const s = new Schema({}); const M = mongoose.model('Test', s); assert.ok(M.schema !== s); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mongoose.model('Test', M.schema); });
mongoose.set('cloneSchemas', false);
const M2 = mongoose.model('Test2', s); assert.ok(M2.schema === s); });
it('supports disabling `id` via global plugin (gh-10701)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.plugin((schema) => { schema.set('id', false); });
const s = new Schema({}); const M = mongoose.model('Test', s);
assert.equal(, false); const doc = new M(); assert.ok(!; });
it('objectIdGetter option (gh-6588)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
let o = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); assert.strictEqual(o._id, o);
mongoose.set('objectIdGetter', false);
o = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); assert.strictEqual(o._id, void 0);
mongoose.set('objectIdGetter', true);
o = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); assert.strictEqual(o._id, o); });
it('runValidators option (gh-6865) (gh-6578)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.set('runValidators', true);
const M = mongoose.model('Test', new Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true } }));
await mongoose.connect(start.uri, options);
const err = await M.updateOne({}, { name: null }).then(() => null, err => err); assert.ok(err.errors['name']);
mongoose.disconnect(); });
it('toJSON options (gh-6815)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.set('toJSON', { virtuals: true });
const schema = new Schema({}); schema.virtual('foo').get(() => 42); const M = mongoose.model('Test', schema);
let doc = new M(); assert.equal(doc.toJSON().foo, 42); assert.equal(doc.toObject().foo, void 0);
assert.equal(doc.toJSON({ virtuals: false }).foo, void 0);
const schema2 = new Schema({}, { toJSON: { virtuals: true } }); schema2.virtual('foo').get(() => 'bar'); const M2 = mongoose.model('Test2', schema2);
doc = new M2(); assert.equal(doc.toJSON({ virtuals: false }).foo, void 0); assert.equal(doc.toJSON().foo, 'bar'); });
it('toObject options (gh-6815)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.set('toObject', { virtuals: true });
const schema = new Schema({}); schema.virtual('foo').get(() => 42); const M = mongoose.model('Test', schema);
const doc = new M(); assert.equal(doc.toObject().foo, 42); assert.strictEqual(doc.toJSON().foo, void 0); });
it('strict option (gh-6858)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
// With strict: throw, no schema-level override mongoose.set('strict', 'throw');
// `mongoose.Schema` as opposed to just `Schema` matters here because we // a schema pulls the `strict` property default from its Mongoose global. // See gh-7103. We should deprecate default options. let schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); let M = mongoose.model('gh6858', schema); assert.throws(() => { new M({ name: 'foo', bar: 'baz' }); }, /Field `bar` is not in schema/);
// With strict: throw and schema-level override schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }, { strict: true }); M = mongoose.model('gh6858', schema);
let doc = new M({ name: 'foo', bar: 'baz' }); assert.equal(, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(, void 0); assert.strictEqual(doc.toObject().bar, void 0); assert.strictEqual(doc.$__.strictMode, true);
// With strict: false, no schema-level override mongoose.set('strict', false);
schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); M = mongoose.model('gh6858', schema); doc = new M({ name: 'foo', bar: 'baz' });
assert.strictEqual(doc.$__.strictMode, false);
assert.equal(doc.toObject().bar, 'baz'); });
it('declaring global plugins (gh-5690)', async function() { const mong = new Mongoose(); const subSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const schema = new Schema({ test: [subSchema] }); let called = 0;
const calls = []; let preSaveCalls = 0; mong.plugin(function(s) { calls.push(s);
s.pre('save', function(next) { ++preSaveCalls; next(); });
s.methods.testMethod = function() { return 42; }; });
schema.plugin(function(s) { assert.equal(s, schema); called++; });
const M = mong.model('GlobalPlugins', schema);
assert.equal(called, 1); assert.equal(calls.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(calls[0].obj, schema.obj); assert.deepEqual(calls[1].obj, subSchema.obj);
assert.equal(preSaveCalls, 0); await mong.connect(start.uri, options);
const doc = await M.create({ test: [{ name: 'Val' }] });
assert.equal(preSaveCalls, 2); assert.equal(doc.testMethod(), 42); assert.equal(doc.test[0].testMethod(), 42); await mong.disconnect(); });
it('declaring global plugins with tags (gh-9780)', async function() { const mong = new Mongoose(); const schema1 = new Schema({}, { pluginTags: ['tag1'] }); const schema2 = new Schema({}, { pluginTags: ['tag2'] }); const schema3 = new Schema({});
mong.plugin(function(s) { s.add({ prop1: String }); }, { tags: ['tag1'] });
mong.plugin(function(s) { s.add({ prop2: String }); }, { tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] });
mong.plugin(function(s) { s.add({ prop3: String }); });
const Test1 = mong.model('Test1', schema1); const Test2 = mong.model('Test2', schema2); const Test3 = mong.model('Test3', schema3);
assert.ok(Test1.schema.path('prop1')); assert.ok(Test1.schema.path('prop2')); assert.ok(Test1.schema.path('prop3'));
assert.ok(!Test2.schema.path('prop1')); assert.ok(Test2.schema.path('prop2')); assert.ok(Test2.schema.path('prop3'));
assert.ok(!Test3.schema.path('prop1')); assert.ok(!Test3.schema.path('prop2')); assert.ok(Test3.schema.path('prop3')); });
it('global plugins on nested schemas underneath embedded discriminators (gh-7370)', function() { const m = new Mongoose();
const called = []; m.plugin(function(s) { called.push(s); });
const subSchema = new m.Schema({ name: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); const schema = new m.Schema({ test: [subSchema] }); const discriminatorNestedSchema = new m.Schema({ other: String }); schema.path('test').discriminator('Foo', new m.Schema({ nested: discriminatorNestedSchema }));
m.model('gh7370', schema); assert.equal(called.length, 3); assert.ok(called.indexOf(discriminatorNestedSchema) !== -1);
return Promise.resolve(); });
it('global plugins with applyPluginsToDiscriminators (gh-7435)', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); m.set('applyPluginsToDiscriminators', true);
const called = []; m.plugin(function(s) { called.push(s); });
const eventSchema = new m.Schema({ kind: { type: String } }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' });
const testEventSchema = new m.Schema({ inner: { type: new mongoose.Schema({ _id: false, bool: { type: Boolean, required: true } }) } });
const schema = new m.Schema({ events: { type: [eventSchema] } });
schema.path('events').discriminator('test-event', testEventSchema, { clone: false });
m.model('gh7435', schema); assert.equal(called.length, 4); assert.ok(called.indexOf(testEventSchema) !== -1);
return Promise.resolve(); });
it('global plugins recompile schemas (gh-7572)', function() { function helloPlugin(schema) { schema.virtual('greeting').get(() => 'hello'); }
const m = new Mongoose();
const nested = new m.Schema({ baz: String }); const outer = new m.Schema({ foo: String, bar: nested });
const Test = m.model('Test', outer); const doc = new Test({ foo: 'abc', bar: { baz: 'def' } });
assert.equal(doc.greeting, 'hello'); assert.equal(, 'hello');
return Promise.resolve(); });
it('top-level ObjectId, Decimal128, Mixed (gh-6760)', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
const schema = new Schema({ testId: mongoose.ObjectId, testNum: mongoose.Decimal128, testMixed: mongoose.Mixed });
const M = mongoose.model('gh6760', schema);
const doc = new M({ testId: 'length12str0', testNum: 123, mixed: {} });
assert.ok(doc.testId instanceof mongoose.Types.ObjectId); assert.ok(doc.testNum instanceof mongoose.Types.Decimal128); });
it('stubbing now() for timestamps (gh-6728)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
const date = new Date('2011-06-01'); = () => date;
const schema = new Schema({ name: String }, { timestamps: true });
const M = mongoose.model('gh6728', schema);

await mongoose.connect(start.uri);
const doc = new M({ name: 'foo' });
assert.equal(doc.createdAt.valueOf(), date.valueOf()); assert.equal(doc.updatedAt.valueOf(), date.valueOf()); });
it('isolates custom types between mongoose instances (gh-6933) (gh-7158)', function() { const m1 = new Mongoose(); const m2 = new Mongoose();
class T1 extends mongoose.SchemaType {} class T2 extends mongoose.SchemaType {}
m1.Schema.Types.T1 = T1; m2.Schema.Types.T2 = T2;
assert.strictEqual(m1.Schema.Types.T1, T1); assert.strictEqual(m2.Schema.Types.T2, T2);
new m1.Schema({ v: T1 }); new m2.Schema({ v: T2 });
return Promise.resolve(); });
it('throws an error on setting invalid options (gh-6899)', function() { try { mongoose.set('someInvalidOption', true);'Expected mongoose.set to throw'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof SetOptionError); assert.equal(err.message, 'someInvalidOption: "someInvalidOption" is not a valid option to set'); } });
describe('disconnection of all connections', function() { this.timeout(10000);
describe('no callback', function() { it('works', function(done) { const mong = new Mongoose(); let connections = 0; let disconnections = 0; let pending = 4;
mong.connect(start.uri, options); const db = mong.connection;
function cb() { if (--pending) return; assert.equal(connections, 2); assert.equal(disconnections, 2); done(); }
db.on('open', function() { connections++; cb(); });
db.on('close', function() { disconnections++; cb(); });
const events = [];'createConnection', conn => events.push(conn));
const db2 = mong.createConnection(start.uri, options);
assert.equal(events.length, 1); assert.equal(events[0], db2);
db2.on('open', function() { connections++; cb(); });
db2.on('close', function() { disconnections++; cb(); });
mong.disconnect(); }); });
it('with callback', function(done) { const mong = new Mongoose();
mong.connect(start.uri, options);
mong.connection.on('open', function() { mong.disconnect(function() { done(); }); }); });
it('with promise (gh-3790)', function(done) { const _mongoose = new Mongoose();
_mongoose.connect(start.uri, options);
_mongoose.connection.on('open', function() { _mongoose.disconnect().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); });
describe('model()', function() { it('accessing a model that hasn\'t been defined', function() { const mong = new Mongoose(); let thrown = false;
try { mong.model('Test'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(/hasn't been registered/.test(e.message)); thrown = true; }
assert.equal(thrown, true); });
it('returns the model at creation', function() { const Named = mongoose.model('Named', new Schema({ name: String })); const n1 = new Named(); assert.equal(, null); const n2 = new Named({ name: 'Peter Bjorn' }); assert.equal(, 'Peter Bjorn');
const schema = new Schema({ number: Number }); const Numbered = mongoose.model('Numbered', schema, collection); const n3 = new Numbered({ number: 1234 }); assert.equal(n3.number.valueOf(), 1234); });
it('prevents overwriting pre-existing models', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); m.model('A', new Schema());
assert.throws(function() { m.model('A', new Schema()); }, /Cannot overwrite `A` model/); });
it('allows passing identical name + schema args', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); const schema = new Schema(); const model = m.model('A', schema);
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.model('A', model.schema); });
assert.equal(model, m.model('A', model.schema)); });
it('allows passing identical name+schema+collection args (gh-5767)', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); const schema = new Schema(); const model = m.model('A', schema, 'AA');
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.model('A', model.schema, 'AA'); });
assert.equal(model, m.model('A', model.schema, 'AA')); });
it('throws on unknown model name', function() { assert.throws(function() { mongoose.model('iDoNotExist!'); }, /Schema hasn't been registered/); });
describe('passing collection name', function() { describe('when model name already exists', function() { it('returns a new uncached model', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); const s1 = new Schema({ a: [] }); const name = 'Test'; const A = m.model(name, s1); const B = m.model(name); const C = m.model(name, 'alternate'); assert.ok( ===; assert.ok( !==; assert.ok(m.models[name] !==; assert.ok(m.models[name] ===; }); }); });
describe('passing object literal schemas', function() { it('works', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); const A = m.model('A', { n: [{ age: 'number' }] }); const a = new A({ n: [{ age: '47' }] }); assert.strictEqual(47, a.n[0].age); }); }); });
it('clones schema when instance of another Mongoose instance\'s Schema class (gh-11047)', function() { const m = new Mongoose(); const schema = new Schema({ name: String });
const Test = m.connection.model('Test', schema); assert.equal(, String); });
it('deleteModel()', function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose();
mongoose.model('gh6813', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }));
assert.ok(mongoose.model('gh6813')); mongoose.deleteModel('gh6813');
assert.throws(function() { mongoose.model('gh6813'); }, /Schema hasn't been registered/);
const Model = mongoose.model('gh6813', new Schema({ name: String })); assert.ok(Model); });
describe('connecting with a signature of uri, options, function', function() { it('with single mongod', async function() { const mong = new Mongoose();
await mong.connect(start.uri, options);
await mong.connection.close(); });
it('with replica set', async function() { const mong = new Mongoose();
if (!start.uri) { return this.skip(); }
await mong.connect(start.uri, options);
await mong.connection.close(); }); });
it('isValidObjectId (gh-3823)', function() { assert.ok(mongoose.isValidObjectId('0123456789ab')); assert.ok(mongoose.isValidObjectId('5f5c2d56f6e911019ec2acdc')); assert.ok(mongoose.isValidObjectId('608DE01F32B6A93BBA314159')); assert.ok(mongoose.isValidObjectId(new mongoose.Types.ObjectId())); assert.ok(mongoose.isValidObjectId(6)); assert.ok(!mongoose.isValidObjectId({ test: 42 })); });
it('isObjectIdOrHexString (gh-11419)', function() { assert.ok(!mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString('0123456789ab')); assert.ok(mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString('5f5c2d56f6e911019ec2acdc')); assert.ok(mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString('608DE01F32B6A93BBA314159')); assert.ok(mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString(new mongoose.Types.ObjectId())); assert.ok(!mongoose.isObjectIdOrHexString(6)); assert.ok(!mongoose.isValidObjectId({ test: 42 })); });
it('global `strictPopulate` works when false (gh-10694)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose(); mongoose.set('strictPopulate', false); const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const db = await mongoose.connect(start.uri); const Movie = db.model('Movie', schema); const Person = db.model('Person', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }));
const movie = await Movie.create({ name: 'The Empire Strikes Back' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Test1', favoriteMovie: movie._id }); const entry = await Person.findOne().populate({ path: 'favoriteMovie' }); assert(entry); }); it('global `strictPopulate` works when true (gh-10694)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose(); mongoose.set('strictPopulate', true); const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const db = await mongoose.connect(start.uri); const Movie = db.model('Movie', schema); const Person = db.model('Person', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }));
const movie = await Movie.create({ name: 'The Empire Strikes Back' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Test1', favoriteMovie: movie._id }); await assert.rejects(async() => { await Person.findOne().populate({ path: 'favoriteGame' }); }, { message: 'Cannot populate path `favoriteGame` because it is not in your schema. Set the `strictPopulate` option to false to override.' }); }); it('allows global `strictPopulate` to be overriden on specific queries set to true (gh-10694)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose(); mongoose.set('strictPopulate', false); const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const db = await mongoose.connect(start.uri); const Movie = db.model('Movie', schema); const Person = db.model('Person', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String })); const movie = await Movie.create({ name: 'The Empire Strikes Back' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Test1', favoriteMovie: movie._id }); await assert.rejects(async() => { await Person.findOne().populate({ path: 'favoriteGame', strictPopulate: true }); }, { message: 'Cannot populate path `favoriteGame` because it is not in your schema. Set the `strictPopulate` option to false to override.' }); }); it('allows global `strictPopulate` to be overriden on specific queries set to false (gh-10694)', async function() { const mongoose = new Mongoose(); mongoose.set('strictPopulate', false); const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const db = await mongoose.connect(start.uri); const Movie = db.model('Movie', schema); const Person = db.model('Person', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String })); const movie = await Movie.create({ name: 'The Empire Strikes Back' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Test1', favoriteMovie: movie._id }); const entry = await Person.findOne().populate({ path: 'favoriteMovie' }); assert(entry); });
describe('exports', function() { function test(mongoose) { assert.equal(typeof mongoose.version, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Mongoose, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Collection, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Connection, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Schema, 'function'); assert.ok(mongoose.Schema.Types); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.SchemaType, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Query, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Promise, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Model, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Document, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Error, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Error.CastError, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Error.ValidationError, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Error.ValidatorError, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof mongoose.Error.VersionError, 'function'); }
it('of module', function() { test(mongoose); });
it('of new Mongoose instances', function() { test(new mongoose.Mongoose()); });
it('of result from .connect() (gh-3940)', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); const resolvedMongoose = await m.connect(start.uri, options);
test(resolvedMongoose); await m.disconnect(); });
it('connect with url doesnt cause unhandled rejection (gh-6997)', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); const _options = Object.assign({}, options, { serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 100 }); const error = await m.connect('mongodb://doesnotexist:27009/test', _options).then(() => null, err => err);
assert.ok(error); });
it('can set `setDefaultsOnInsert` as a global option (gh-9032)', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); m.set('setDefaultsOnInsert', true); const db = await m.connect(start.uri);
const schema = new m.Schema({ title: String, genre: { type: String, default: 'Action' } }, { collection: 'movies_1' });
const Movie = db.model('Movie', schema); await Movie.deleteMany({});
await Movie.updateOne( {}, { title: 'Cloud Atlas' }, { upsert: true } );
// lean is necessary to avoid defaults by casting const movie = await Movie.findOne({ title: 'Cloud Atlas' }).lean(); assert.equal(movie.genre, 'Action'); });
it('setting `setDefaultOnInsert` on operation has priority over base option (gh-9032)', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); m.set('setDefaultsOnInsert', true);
const db = await m.connect(start.uri);
const schema = new m.Schema({ title: String, genre: { type: String, default: 'Action' } }, { collection: 'movies_2' });
const Movie = db.model('Movie', schema);

await Movie.updateOne( {}, { title: 'The Man From Earth' }, { upsert: true, setDefaultsOnInsert: false } );
// lean is necessary to avoid defaults by casting const movie = await Movie.findOne({ title: 'The Man From Earth' }).lean(); assert.ok(!movie.genre); }); it('should prevent non-hexadecimal strings (gh-9996)', function() { const badIdString = 'z'.repeat(24); assert.deepStrictEqual(mongoose.isValidObjectId(badIdString), false); const goodIdString = '1'.repeat(24); assert.deepStrictEqual(mongoose.isValidObjectId(goodIdString), true); const goodIdString2 = '1'.repeat(12); assert.deepStrictEqual(mongoose.isValidObjectId(goodIdString2), true); }); it('Allows a syncIndexes shorthand mongoose.syncIndexes (gh-10893)', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); assert.deepEqual(await m.syncIndexes(), {}); });
it('Allows for the removal of indexes via string or object (gh-11547)', async function() { const schema = new Schema({ title: String, weight: Number, age: Number, name: String, location: String });
schema.index({ title: 1 }, { name: 'title index' }); schema.index({ weight: 1 }); schema.index({ age: 1, name: 1 }); schema.index({ location: 1 }); assert.equal(schema._indexes.length, 4);
schema.removeIndex('title index'); assert.equal(schema.indexes().length, 3); assert.deepStrictEqual( schema.indexes().map(i => i[0]), [{ weight: 1 }, { age: 1, name: 1 }, { location: 1 }] );
schema.removeIndex({ age: 1, name: 1 }); assert.equal(schema.indexes().length, 2); assert.deepStrictEqual( schema.indexes().map(i => i[0]), [{ weight: 1 }, { location: 1 }] );
schema.removeIndex({ weight: 1 }); assert.equal(schema.indexes().length, 1); assert.deepStrictEqual(schema.indexes().map(i => i[0]), [{ location: 1 }]);
schema.clearIndexes(); assert.equal(schema.indexes().length, 0); });
describe('global `allowDiskUse` (gh-11478)', () => { this.afterEach(() => sinon.restore());
it('is `undefined` by default', async() => { // Arrange const m = new mongoose.Mongoose();
const db = await m.connect(start.uri);
const userSchema = new m.Schema({ name: String });
const User = db.model('User', userSchema);
const nativeAggregateSpy = sinon.spy(User.collection, 'aggregate');
// Act await User.aggregate([{ $match: {} }]);
// Assert const optionsSentToMongo = nativeAggregateSpy.args[0][1]; assert.strictEqual(optionsSentToMongo.allowDiskUse, undefined); });
it('works when set to `true` and no option provided', async() => { // Arrange const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); m.set('allowDiskUse', true);
const db = await m.connect(start.uri);
const userSchema = new m.Schema({ name: String });
const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const nativeAggregateSpy = sinon.spy(User.collection, 'aggregate');
// Act await User.aggregate([{ $match: {} }]);
// Assert const optionsSentToMongo = nativeAggregateSpy.args[0][1]; assert.strictEqual(optionsSentToMongo.allowDiskUse, true); }); it('can be overridden by a specific query', async() => { // Arrange const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); m.set('allowDiskUse', true);
const db = await m.connect(start.uri);
const userSchema = new m.Schema({ name: String });
const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const nativeAggregateSpy = sinon.spy(User.collection, 'aggregate');
// Act await User.aggregate([{ $match: {} }]).allowDiskUse(false);
// Assert const optionsSentToMongo = nativeAggregateSpy.args[0][1]; assert.equal(optionsSentToMongo.allowDiskUse, false); }); }); describe('global `timestamps.createdAt.immutable` (gh-10139)', () => { it('is `true` by default', () => { // Arrange const m = new mongoose.Mongoose();
// Act const userSchema = new m.Schema({ name: String }, { timestamps: true });
// Assert assert.equal(userSchema.path('createdAt').options.immutable, true); });
it('can be overridden to `false`', () => { // Arrange const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); m.set('timestamps.createdAt.immutable', false);
// Act const userSchema = new m.Schema({ name: String }, { timestamps: true });
// Assert assert.equal(userSchema.path('createdAt').options.immutable, false); }); }); });
describe('custom drivers', function() { it('can set custom driver (gh-11900)', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose();
class Collection { findOne(filter, options, cb) { cb(null, { answer: 42 }); } } class Connection extends EventEmitter { constructor(base) { super(); this.base = base; this.models = {}; }
collection() { return new Collection(); }
openUri(uri, opts, callback) { this.readyState = mongoose.ConnectionStates.connected; callback(); } } const driver = { Collection, getConnection: () => Connection };
await m.connect();
const Test = m.model('Test', m.Schema({ answer: Number }));
const res = await Test.findOne(); assert.deepEqual(res.toObject(), { answer: 42 }); }); }); describe('global id option', function() { it('can disable the id virtual on schemas gh-11966', async function() { const m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); m.set('id', false);
const db = await m.connect(start.uri);
const schema = new m.Schema({ title: String });
const falseID = db.model('gh11966', schema);

const entry = await falseID.create({ title: 'The IDless master' }); assert.equal(, undefined); }); });
describe('set()', function() { let m;
beforeEach(() => { m = new mongoose.Mongoose(); });
it('should be able to set a option through set with (key, value)', function() { // also test the getter behavior of the function assert.strictEqual(m.options['debug'], undefined); assert.strictEqual(m.set('debug'), undefined); m.set('debug', true);
assert.strictEqual(m.options['debug'], true); assert.strictEqual(m.set('debug'), true); });
it('should be able to set a option through a object with {key: value}', function() { assert.strictEqual(m.options['debug'], undefined); m.set({ debug: true });
assert.strictEqual(m.options['debug'], true); });
it('should throw a single error when using a invalid key', function() { try { m.set('invalid', true);'Expected .set to throw'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof SetOptionError); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(err.errors).length, 1); assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'invalid: "invalid" is not a valid option to set'); } });
it('should throw a error with many errors when using multiple invalid keys', function() { try { m.set({ invalid1: true, invalid2: true });'Expected .set to throw'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof SetOptionError); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(err.errors).length, 2); assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'invalid1: "invalid1" is not a valid option to set, invalid2: "invalid2" is not a valid option to set'); assert.ok(err.errors['invalid1'] instanceof SetOptionError.SetOptionInnerError); assert.strictEqual(err.errors['invalid1'].message, '"invalid1" is not a valid option to set'); assert.ok(err.errors['invalid2'] instanceof SetOptionError.SetOptionInnerError); assert.strictEqual(err.errors['invalid2'].message, '"invalid2" is not a valid option to set'); } });
it('should apply all values, even if there are errors', function() { assert.strictEqual(m.options['debug'], undefined); try { m.set({ invalid: true, debug: true });'Expected .set to throw'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof SetOptionError); assert.ok(err.errors['invalid'] instanceof SetOptionError.SetOptionInnerError); assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'invalid: "invalid" is not a valid option to set'); assert.strictEqual(m.options['debug'], true); } });
it('should throw a single error when using a invalid key when getting', function() { try { m.set('invalid');'Expected .set to throw'); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof SetOptionError); assert.ok(err.errors['invalid'] instanceof SetOptionError.SetOptionInnerError); assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'invalid: "invalid" is not a valid option to set'); } }); });});