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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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/** * Test dependencies. */
'use strict';
const start = require('./common');
const Aggregate = require('../lib/aggregate');const assert = require('assert');const random = require('./util').random;
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
/** * Setup. */
const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, age: Number});
describe('model aggregate', function() { this.timeout(4500);
const group = { $group: { _id: null, maxAge: { $max: '$age' } } }; const project = { $project: { maxAge: 1, _id: 0 } }; let db, A, maxAge;
let mongo26_or_greater = false;
before(async function() { db = start(); A = db.model('Test', userSchema);
const authors = 'guillermo nathan tj damian marco'.split(' '); const num = 10; const docs = []; maxAge = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const age = Math.random() * 100 | 0; maxAge = Math.max(maxAge, age); docs.push({ author: authors[i % authors.length], age: age }); }
await A.create(docs);
const version = await start.mongodVersion();
mongo26_or_greater = version[0] > 2 || (version[0] === 2 && version[1] >= 6);
if (!mongo26_or_greater) { console.log('not testing mongodb 2.6 features'); } });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
describe('works', function() { it('when return promise', async function() { const res = await A.aggregate([group, project]);
assert.ok(res); assert.equal(1, res.length); assert.ok('maxAge' in res[0]); assert.equal(maxAge, res[0].maxAge); });
it('with arrays', async function() { const res = await A.aggregate([group, project]);
assert.ok(res); assert.equal(res.length, 1); assert.ok('maxAge' in res[0]); assert.equal(res[0].maxAge, maxAge); });
it('with Aggregate syntax', async function() { const res = await A.aggregate() .group(group.$group) .project(project.$project) .exec();
assert.ok(res); assert.equal(res.length, 1); assert.ok('maxAge' in res[0]); assert.equal(res[0].maxAge, maxAge); });
it('with Aggregate syntax if callback not provided', async function() { const promise = A.aggregate() .group(group.$group) .project(project.$project) .exec();
const res = await promise;
assert.ok(promise instanceof mongoose.Promise); assert.ok(res); assert.equal(res.length, 1); assert.ok('maxAge' in res[0]); assert.equal(maxAge, res[0].maxAge); });
it('when returning Aggregate', function() { assert(A.aggregate([project]) instanceof Aggregate); });
it('throws when passing object (gh-6732)', function() { assert.throws(() => A.aggregate({}), /disallows passing a spread/); });
it('can use helper for $out', async function() { if (!mongo26_or_greater) { return; }
const outputCollection = 'aggregate_output_' + random(); await A.aggregate() .group(group.$group) .project(project.$project) .out(outputCollection) .exec();
const documents = await A.db.collection(outputCollection).find().toArray();
assert.equal(documents.length, 1); assert.ok('maxAge' in documents[0]); assert.equal(maxAge, documents[0].maxAge); }); });});