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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
/** * Test dependencies. */
const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const ObjectId = Schema.Types.ObjectId;const DocumentObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
describe('model: findOneAndDelete:', function() { let Comments; let BlogPost; let db;
before(function() { db = start(); });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
beforeEach(() => db.deleteModel(/.*/)); afterEach(() => require('./util').clearTestData(db)); afterEach(() => require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db));
beforeEach(function() { Comments = new Schema();
Comments.add({ title: String, date: Date, body: String, comments: [Comments] });
BlogPost = new Schema({ title: String, author: String, slug: String, date: Date, meta: { date: Date, visitors: Number }, published: Boolean, mixed: {}, numbers: [Number], owners: [ObjectId], comments: [Comments] });
BlogPost.virtual('titleWithAuthor') .get(function() { return this.get('title') + ' by ' + this.get('author'); }) .set(function(val) { const split = val.split(' by '); this.set('title', split[0]); this.set('author', split[1]); });
BlogPost.method('cool', function() { return this; });
BlogPost.static('woot', function() { return this; });
BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPost); });
it('returns the original document', async function() { const M = BlogPost; const title = 'remove muah';
const post = new M({ title: title });
const doc = await M.findOneAndDelete({ title: title });
const gone = await M.findById(; assert.equal(gone, null); });
it('options/conditions/doc are merged when no callback is passed', function() { const M = BlogPost;
const now = new Date(); let query;
// Model.findOneAndDelete query = M.findOneAndDelete({ author: 'aaron' }, { select: 'author' }); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(, 'aaron');
query = M.findOneAndDelete({ author: 'aaron' }); assert.equal(query._fields, undefined); assert.equal(, 'aaron');
query = M.findOneAndDelete(); assert.equal(, undefined); assert.equal(query._fields, undefined); assert.equal(, undefined);
// Query.findOneAndDelete query = M.where('author', 'aaron').findOneAndDelete({ date: now }); assert.equal(query._fields, undefined); assert.equal(, now); assert.equal(, 'aaron');
query = M.find().findOneAndDelete({ author: 'aaron' }, { select: 'author' }); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(, 'aaron');
query = M.find().findOneAndDelete(); assert.equal(query._fields, undefined); assert.equal(, undefined); });
it('executes when a callback is passed', function(done) { const M = BlogPost; let pending = 5;
M.findOneAndDelete({ name: 'aaron1' }, { select: 'name' }, cb); M.findOneAndDelete({ name: 'aaron1' }, cb); M.where().findOneAndDelete({ name: 'aaron1' }, { select: 'name' }, cb); M.where().findOneAndDelete({ name: 'aaron1' }, cb); M.where('name', 'aaron1').findOneAndDelete(cb);
function cb(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc, null); // no previously existing doc if (--pending) return; done(); } });
it('executed with only a callback throws', function() { const M = BlogPost; let err;
try { M.findOneAndDelete(function() {}); } catch (e) { err = e; }
assert.ok(/First argument must not be a function/.test(err)); });
it('executed with only a callback throws', function() { const M = BlogPost; let err;
try { M.findByIdAndDelete(function() {}); } catch (e) { err = e; }
assert.ok(/First argument must not be a function/.test(err)); });
it('executes when a callback is passed', function(done) { const M = BlogPost; const _id = new DocumentObjectId(); let pending = 2;
M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, { select: 'name' }, cb); M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, cb);
function cb(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc, null); // no previously existing doc if (--pending) return; done(); } });
it('returns the original document', async function() { const M = BlogPost; const title = 'remove muah pleez';
const post = new M({ title: title }); await;
const doc = await M.findByIdAndDelete(;
assert.equal(,; const gone = await M.findById(;
assert.equal(gone, null); });
it('options/conditions/doc are merged when no callback is passed', function() { const M = BlogPost; const _id = new DocumentObjectId();
let query;
// Model.findByIdAndDelete query = M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, { select: 'author' }); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(query._conditions._id.toString(), _id.toString());
query = M.findByIdAndDelete(_id.toString()); assert.equal(query._fields, undefined); assert.equal(query._conditions._id, _id.toString());
query = M.findByIdAndDelete(); assert.equal(, undefined); assert.equal(query._fields, undefined); assert.equal(query._conditions._id, undefined); });
it('supports v3 select string syntax', function() { const M = BlogPost; const _id = new DocumentObjectId();
let query;
query = M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, { select: 'author -title' }); assert.strictEqual(1,; assert.strictEqual(0, query._fields.title);
query = M.findOneAndDelete({}, { select: 'author -title' }); assert.strictEqual(1,; assert.strictEqual(0, query._fields.title); });
it('supports v3 select object syntax', function() { const M = BlogPost; const _id = new DocumentObjectId();
let query;
query = M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, { select: { author: 1, title: 0 } }); assert.strictEqual(1,; assert.strictEqual(0, query._fields.title);
query = M.findOneAndDelete({}, { select: { author: 1, title: 0 } }); assert.strictEqual(1,; assert.strictEqual(0, query._fields.title); });
it('supports v3 sort string syntax', function() { const M = BlogPost; const _id = new DocumentObjectId();
let query;
query = M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, { sort: 'author -title' }); assert.equal(Object.keys(query.options.sort).length, 2); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(query.options.sort.title, -1);
query = M.findOneAndDelete({}, { sort: 'author -title' }); assert.equal(Object.keys(query.options.sort).length, 2); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(query.options.sort.title, -1); });
it('supports v3 sort object syntax', function() { const M = BlogPost; const _id = new DocumentObjectId();
let query;
query = M.findByIdAndDelete(_id, { sort: { author: 1, title: -1 } }); assert.equal(Object.keys(query.options.sort).length, 2); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(query.options.sort.title, -1);
query = M.findOneAndDelete(_id, { sort: { author: 1, title: -1 } }); assert.equal(Object.keys(query.options.sort).length, 2); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal(query.options.sort.title, -1); });
it('supports population (gh-1395)', async function() { const M = db.model('Test1', { name: String }); const N = db.model('Test2', { a: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }, i: Number });
const a = await M.create({ name: 'i am an A' });
const b = await N.create({ a: a._id, i: 10 });

const doc = await N.findOneAndDelete({ _id: b._id }, { select: 'a -_id' }) .populate('a') .exec();
assert.ok(doc); assert.equal(doc._id, undefined); assert.ok(doc.a); assert.equal('i am an A',; });
it('only calls setters once (gh-6203)', async function() { const calls = []; const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, foo: { type: String, set: function(val) { calls.push(val); return val + val; } } }); const Model = db.model('Test', userSchema);
await Model.findOneAndDelete({ foo: '123' }, { name: 'bar' });
assert.deepEqual(calls, ['123']); });
describe('middleware', function() { it('works', async function() { const s = new Schema({ topping: { type: String, default: 'bacon' }, base: String });
let preCount = 0; s.pre('findOneAndDelete', function() { ++preCount; });
let postCount = 0;'findOneAndDelete', function() { ++postCount; });
const Breakfast = db.model('Test', s); const breakfast = new Breakfast({ base: 'eggs' });

const deletedBreakfast = await Breakfast.findOneAndDelete( { base: 'eggs' }, {} );
assert.equal(deletedBreakfast.base, 'eggs'); assert.equal(preCount, 1); assert.equal(postCount, 1); });
it('works with exec() (gh-439)', async function() { const s = new Schema({ topping: { type: String, default: 'bacon' }, base: String });
let preCount = 0; s.pre('findOneAndDelete', function() { ++preCount; });
let postCount = 0;'findOneAndDelete', function() { ++postCount; });
const Breakfast = db.model('Test', s); const breakfast = new Breakfast({ base: 'eggs' });

const updatedBreakfast = await Breakfast. findOneAndDelete({ base: 'eggs' }, {}). exec();
assert.equal(updatedBreakfast.base, 'eggs'); assert.equal(preCount, 1); assert.equal(postCount, 1); }); });});