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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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/* global emit *//** * Test dependencies. */
'use strict';
const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');const random = require('./util').random;
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const ObjectId = Schema.Types.ObjectId;
describe('model: mapreduce:', function() { let Comments; let BlogPost; let db;
before(function() { Comments = new Schema();
Comments.add({ title: String, date: Date, body: String, comments: [Comments] });
BlogPost = new Schema({ title: String, author: String, slug: String, date: Date, meta: { date: Date, visitors: Number }, published: Boolean, mixed: {}, numbers: [Number], owners: [ObjectId], comments: [Comments] });
db = start(); });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
beforeEach(function() { db.deleteModel(/.*/); });
it('works', async function() { const MR = db.model('MapReduce', BlogPost);
const id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); const authors = 'aaron guillermo brian nathan'.split(' '); const num = 10; const docs = []; for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) { docs.push({ author: authors[i % authors.length], owners: [id], published: true }); }
const insertedDocs = await MR.create(docs);
const magicID = insertedDocs[1]._id;
const o1 = { map: 'function() { emit(, 1); }', reduce: function(k, vals) { return vals.length; } };
const { results: ret, stats } = await MR.mapReduce(o1);

assert.ok(Array.isArray(ret)); assert.ok(stats); ret.forEach(function(res) { if (res._id === 'aaron') { assert.equal(res.value, 3); } if (res._id === 'guillermo') { assert.equal(res.value, 3); } if (res._id === 'brian') { assert.equal(res.value, 2); } if (res._id === 'nathan') { assert.equal(res.value, 2); } });
const o2 = { map: function() { emit(, 1); }, reduce: function(k, vals) { return vals.length; }, query: { author: 'aaron', published: 1, owners: id } };
const res2 = await MR.mapReduce(o2);
const ret2 = res2.results; const stats2 = res2.stats;
assert.ok(Array.isArray(ret2)); assert.equal(ret2.length, 1); assert.equal(ret2[0]._id, 'aaron'); assert.equal(ret2[0].value, 3); assert.ok(stats2);
const o3 = { map: function() { emit(, { own: magicID }); }, scope: { magicID: magicID }, reduce: function(k, vals) { return { own: vals[0].own, count: vals.length }; }, out: { replace: '_mapreduce_test_' + random() } };
const res3 = await MR.mapReduce(o3);
const model = res3.model;
// ret is a model assert.equal(typeof model.findOne, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof model.mapReduce, 'function');
// queries work const docs3 = await model.where('value.count').gt(1).sort({ _id: 1 }).exec();
assert.equal(docs3[0]._id, 'aaron'); assert.equal(docs3[1]._id, 'brian'); assert.equal(docs3[2]._id, 'guillermo'); assert.equal(docs3[3]._id, 'nathan');
// update casting works const doc2 = await model.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: 'aaron' }, { published: true }, { new: true });
assert.ok(doc2); assert.equal(doc2._id, 'aaron'); assert.equal(doc2.published, true);
// ad-hoc population works const doc3 = await model .findOne({ _id: 'aaron' }) .populate({ path: 'value.own', model: 'MapReduce', strictPopulate: false }) .exec();
assert.equal(, 'guillermo'); });
it('withholds stats with false verbosity', async function() { const MR = db.model('MapReduce', BlogPost);
const o = { map: function() { }, reduce: function() { return 'test'; }, verbose: false };
assert.deepEqual(await MR.mapReduce(o), []); assert.equal(typeof stats, 'undefined'); });
describe('promises (gh-1628)', function() { it('are returned', function() { const MR = db.model('MapReduce', BlogPost);
const o = { map: function() { }, reduce: function() { return 'test'; } };
const promise = MR.mapReduce(o); assert.ok(promise instanceof mongoose.Promise); }); });
describe('with promises', function() { let MR; let db; let magicID; let id; const docs = [];
before(async function() { db = start(); MR = db.model('MapReduce', BlogPost);
id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); const authors = 'aaron guillermo brian nathan'.split(' '); const num = 10; for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) { docs.push({ author: authors[i % authors.length], owners: [id], published: true }); }
const [b] = await MR.create(docs); magicID = b._id; });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
it('works', function() { const o = { map: function() { emit(, 1); }, reduce: function(k, vals) { return vals.length; } };
return MR.mapReduce(o).then(function(res) { const ret = res.results; assert.ok(Array.isArray(ret)); ret.forEach(function(res) { if (res._id === 'aaron') { assert.equal(res.value, 6); } if (res._id === 'guillermo') { assert.equal(res.value, 6); } if (res._id === 'brian') { assert.equal(res.value, 4); } if (res._id === 'nathan') { assert.equal(res.value, 4); } }); }); });
it('works with model', function() { const o = { map: function() { emit(, { own: magicID }); }, scope: { magicID: magicID }, reduce: function(k, vals) { return { own: vals[0].own, count: vals.length }; }, out: { replace: '_mapreduce_test_' + random() } };
return MR.mapReduce(o). then(function(res) { const ret = res.model; // ret is a model assert.ok(!Array.isArray(ret)); assert.equal(typeof ret.findOne, 'function'); assert.equal(typeof ret.mapReduce, 'function');
// queries work return ret.where('value.count').gt(1).sort({ _id: 1 }); }). then(function(docs) { assert.equal(docs[0]._id, 'aaron'); assert.equal(docs[1]._id, 'brian'); assert.equal(docs[2]._id, 'guillermo'); assert.equal(docs[3]._id, 'nathan'); }); }); });
it('withholds stats with false verbosity using then', async function() { const MR = db.model('MapReduce', BlogPost);
const o = { map: function() { }, reduce: function() { return 'test'; }, verbose: false };
const { stats } = await MR.mapReduce(o); assert.equal(typeof stats, 'undefined'); });});