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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
/** * Test dependencies. */const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');const utils = require('../lib/utils');const util = require('./util');
const mongoose = start.mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;const DocObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
/** * Tests. */describe('model: populate:', function() { this.timeout(8000); let userSchema; let commentSchema; let blogPostSchema; let db; let db2; before(function() { userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, email: String, gender: { type: String, enum: ['male', 'female'], default: 'male' }, age: { type: Number, default: 21 }, blogposts: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'BlogPost' }], followers: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] }); /** * Comment subdocument schema. */ commentSchema = new Schema({ asers: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], _creator: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, content: String }); /** * Blog post schema. */ blogPostSchema = new Schema({ _creator: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, title: String, comments: [commentSchema], fans: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] }); db = start(); }); after(async function() { await db.close(); if (db2) { await db2.close(); } }); beforeEach(() => db.deleteModel(/.*/)); afterEach(async() => { return Promise.allSettled([util.clearTestData(db), db2 ? util.clearTestData(db2) : Promise.resolve()]); }); afterEach(() => { require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db); if (db2) { require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db2); } }); it('populating array of object', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const user1 = await User.create({ name: 'User 1' }); const user2 = await User.create({ name: 'User 2' });
const post = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', _creator: user1._id, comments: [ { _creator: user1._id, content: 'Woot woot' }, { _creator: user2._id, content: 'Wha wha' } ] }); // Does not throw await post.populate('comments'); }); it('deep population (gh-3103)', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const user1 = await User.create({ name: 'User 01' }); const user2 = await User.create({ name: 'User 02', followers: [user1._id] }); const user3 = await User.create({ name: 'User 03', followers: [user2._id] });
const post = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'w00tabulous', _creator: user3._id });
const post2 = await BlogPost .findById(post._id) .select('_creator') .populate({ path: '_creator', model: 'User', select: 'name followers', populate: [{ path: 'followers', select: 'name followers', options: { limit: 5 }, populate: { // can also use a single object instead of array of objects path: 'followers', select: 'name', options: { limit: 2 } } }] }) .exec(); assert.ok(post2._creator); assert.equal(, 'User 03'); assert.ok(post2._creator.followers); assert.ok(post2._creator.followers[0]); assert.equal(post2._creator.followers[0].name, 'User 02'); assert.ok(post2._creator.followers[0].followers); assert.ok(post2._creator.followers[0].followers[0]); assert.equal(post2._creator.followers[0].followers[0].name, 'User 01'); }); describe('deep populate', function() { it('deep population with refs (gh-3507)', function(done) { // handler schema const handlerSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); // task schema const taskSchema = new Schema({ name: String, handler: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }); // application schema const applicationSchema = new Schema({ name: String, tasks: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }] }); const Handler = db.model('Test', handlerSchema); const Task = db.model('Test1', taskSchema); const Application = db.model('Test2', applicationSchema); Handler.create({ name: 'test' }, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); Task.create({ name: 'test2', handler: doc._id }, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); const obj = { name: 'test3', tasks: [doc._id] }; Application.create(obj, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); test(doc._id); }); }); }); function test(id) { Application. findById(id). populate([ { path: 'tasks', populate: { path: 'handler' } } ]). exec(function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); assert.ok(doc.tasks[0].handler._id); done(); }); } }); it('multiple paths with same options (gh-3808)', function(done) { const companySchema = new Schema({ name: String, description: String }); const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, company: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Company', select: false } }); const commentSchema = new Schema({ message: String, author: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, target: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }); const Company = db.model('Company', companySchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema); const company = new Company({ name: 'IniTech' }); const user1 = new User({ name: 'Bill', company: company._id }); const user2 = new User({ name: 'Peter', company: company._id }); const message = new Comment({ message: 'Problems with TPS Report', author: user1._id, target: user2._id }); { assert.ifError(error); User.create(user1, user2, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); { assert.ifError(error); next(); }); }); }); function next() { Comment.findOne({ _id: message._id }, function(error, message) { assert.ifError(error); const options = { path: 'author target', select: '_id name company', populate: { path: 'company', model: 'Company' } }; message.populate(options, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(, 'IniTech'); done(); }); }); } }); }); it('populating a single ref', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Guillermo'); assert.equal(, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); it('not failing on null as ref', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); db.model('User', userSchema); const createdPost = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: null });
const foundPost = await BlogPost .findById(createdPost._id) .populate('_creator'); assert.equal(foundPost._creator, null); }); it('not failing on empty object as ref', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); BlogPost.create( { title: 'woot' }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost. findByIdAndUpdate(post._id, { $set: { _creator: {} } }, function(err) { assert.ok(err); done(); }); }); }); it('across DBs', function(done) { db2 = db.useDb(start.databases[1]); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db2.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator._id }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate({ path: '_creator', select: 'name', model: User }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok( === 'Guillermo'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('an error in single ref population propagates', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); const origExec = User.Query.prototype.exec; // mock an error User.Query.prototype.exec = function() { const args =, function(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function' ? function() { arg(new Error('woot')); } : arg; }); return origExec.apply(this, args); }; BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator') .exec(function(err) { assert.ok(err instanceof Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'woot'); User.Query.prototype.exec = origExec; done(); }); }); }); }); it('populating with partial fields selection', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator', 'email') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(post._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); it('population of single oid with partial field selection and filter', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Banana', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator', 'email', { name: 'Peanut' }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(post._creator, null); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator', 'email', { name: 'Banana' }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(false, post._creator.isInit('name')); assert.equal(, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('population of undefined fields in a collection of docs', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Eloy', email: '' }, function(err, user) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'I have a user ref', _creator: user }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'I don\'t' }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find() .populate('_creator') .exec(function(err, posts) { posts.forEach(function(post) { if ('_creator' in post) { assert.ok(post._creator !== null); } }); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('undefined for nested paths (gh-3859)', function(done) { const companySchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, description: String }); const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, company: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Company' } }); const sampleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ items: [userSchema] }); const Company = db.model('Company', companySchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Sample = db.model('Test', sampleSchema); const company = new Company({ name: 'Reynholm Industrie' }); const user1 = new User({ name: 'Douglas', company: company._id }); const user2 = new User({ name: 'Lambda' }); const sample = new Sample({ items: [user1, user2] }); { assert.ifError(error); User.create(user1, user2, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); { assert.ifError(error); next(sample._id); }); }); }); function next(_id) { Sample.findOne({ _id }, function(error, sample) { assert.ifError(error); const opts = { path: '', options: { lean: true }, model: Company }; Sample.populate(sample, opts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); assert.strictEqual(sample.items[1].company, void 0); done(); }); }); } }); it('population and changing a reference', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Guillermo'); assert.equal(, ''); User.create({ name: 'Aaron', email: '' }, function(err, newCreator) { assert.ifError(err); post._creator = newCreator._id; assert.equal(newCreator._id, String(post._creator)); { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 'Aaron'); assert.equal(, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating with partial fields selection and changing ref', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator', { name: 1 }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Guillermo'); User.create({ name: 'Aaron', email: '' }, function(err, newCreator) { assert.ifError(err); post._creator = newCreator._id; { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator', '-email') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 'Aaron'); assert.ok(!; done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating an array of refs and fetching many', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, function(err, fan1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 2', email: '' }, function(err, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2] }, function(err, post1) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans') .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].email, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('an error in array reference population propagates', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, function(err, fan1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 2', email: '' }, function(err, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2] }, function(err, post1) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post2) { assert.ifError(err); // mock an error const origExec = User.Query.prototype.exec; User.Query.prototype.exec = function() { const args =, function(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function' ? function() { arg(new Error('woot 2')); } : arg; }); return origExec.apply(this, args); }; BlogPost .find({ $or: [{ _id: post1._id }, { _id: post2._id }] }) .populate('fans') .exec(function(err) { assert.ok(err instanceof Error); assert.equal(err.message, 'woot 2'); User.Query.prototype.exec = origExec; done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating an array of references with fields selection', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, function(err, fan1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 2', email: '' }, function(err, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2] }, function(err, post1) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', 'name') .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].isInit('email'), false); assert.strictEqual(blogposts[0].fans[1].email, undefined); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].isInit('email'), false); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating an array of references and filtering', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, function(err, fan1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 2', email: '', gender: 'female' }, function(err, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 3', email: '', gender: 'female' }, function(err, fan3) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2, fan3] }, function(err, post1) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan3, fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', '', { gender: 'female', _id: { $in: [fan2] } }) .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans.length, 1); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans.length, 1); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', false, { gender: 'female' }) .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(blogposts[0].fans.length, 2); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].email, ''); assert.strictEqual(blogposts[1].fans.length, 2); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].email, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating an array of references and multi-filtering', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, function(err, fan1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 2', email: '', gender: 'female' }, function(err, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 3', email: '', gender: 'female', age: 25 }, function(err, fan3) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2, fan3] }, function(err, post1) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan3, fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', undefined, { _id: fan3 }) .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans.length, 1); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].age, 25); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans.length, 1); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].age, 25); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', 0, { gender: 'female' }) .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans.length, 2); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].age, 25); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans.length, 2); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].age, 25); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].gender, 'female'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].email, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating an array of references and multi-filtering with field selection', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, function(err, fan1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 2', email: '', gender: 'female' }, function(err, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'Fan 3', email: '', gender: 'female', age: 25 }, function(err, fan3) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2, fan3] }, function(err, post1) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan3, fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', 'name email', { gender: 'female', age: 25 }) .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(blogposts[0].fans.length, 1); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit('email'), true); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit(['email']), true); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit('gender'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit('age'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit(['email', 'age']), true); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit(['gender', 'age']), false); assert.strictEqual(blogposts[1].fans.length, 1); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].isInit('email'), true); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].isInit('gender'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].isInit('age'), false); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating an array of refs changing one and removing one', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, { name: 'Fan 2', email: '' }, { name: 'Fan 3', email: '' }, { name: 'Fan 4', email: '' }, function(err, fan1, fan2, fan3, fan4) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2] }, { title: 'Woot', fans: [fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post1, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans', 'name') .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].isInit('email'), false); blogposts[1].fans = [fan3, fan4]; blogposts[1].save(function(err) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(blogposts[1]._id, '', { populate: ['fans'] }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal([0].name, 'Fan 3'); assert.equal([1].name, 'Fan 4');, 1); { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('fans') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal([0].name, 'Fan 4'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('populating sub docs', function() { it('works with findById', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'User 1' }, function(err, user1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'User 2' }, function(err, user2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', _creator: user1._id, comments: [ { _creator: user1._id, content: 'Woot woot' }, { _creator: user2._id, content: 'Wha wha' } ] }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator') .populate('comments._creator') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 'User 1'); assert.equal(post.comments[0], 'User 1'); assert.equal(post.comments[1], 'User 2'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('works when first doc returned has empty array for populated path (gh-1055)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'gh-1055-1' }, { name: 'gh-1055-2' }, function(err, user1, user2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'gh-1055 post1', _creator: user1._id, comments: [] }, { title: 'gh-1055 post2', _creator: user1._id, comments: [ { _creator: user1._id, content: 'Woot woot', asers: [] }, { _creator: user2._id, content: 'Wha wha', asers: [user1, user2] } ] }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); let ran = false; BlogPost .find({ title: /gh-1055/ }) .sort('title') .select('comments') .populate('comments._creator') .populate('comments.asers') .exec(function(err, posts) { assert.equal(ran, false); ran = true; assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(posts.length); assert.ok(posts[1].comments[0]._creator); assert.equal(posts[1].comments[0], 'gh-1055-1'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('clears cache when array has been re-assigned (gh-2176)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'aaron' }, { name: 'val' }, function(err, user1, user2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create( { title: 'gh-2176', _creator: user1._id, comments: [] }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost. find({ title: 'gh-2176' }). populate('_creator'). exec(function(error, posts) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(posts.length, 1); assert.equal(posts[0], 'aaron'); posts[0]._creator = user2; assert.equal(posts[0], 'val'); posts[0].save(function(error, post) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(, 'val'); posts[0].populate('_creator', function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(, 'val'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating subdocuments partially', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'User 1', email: '' }, function(err, user1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'User 2', email: '' }, function(err, user2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', comments: [ { _creator: user1, content: 'Woot woot' }, { _creator: user2, content: 'Wha wha' } ] }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('comments._creator', 'email') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(post.comments[0], ''); assert.equal(post.comments[0]._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(post.comments[1], ''); assert.equal(post.comments[1]._creator.isInit('name'), false); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating subdocuments partially with conditions', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'User 1', email: '' }, function(err, user1) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'User 2', email: '' }, function(err, user2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', comments: [ { _creator: user1, content: 'Woot woot' }, { _creator: user2, content: 'Wha wha' } ] }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('comments._creator', { email: 1 }, { name: /User/ }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(post.comments[0], ''); assert.equal(post.comments[0]._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(post.comments[1], ''); assert.equal(post.comments[1]._creator.isInit('name'), false); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating subdocs with invalid/missing subproperties', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'T-100', email: '' }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); User.create({ name: 'T-1000', email: '' }, function(err, user2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', comments: [ { _creator: null, content: 'Woot woot' }, { _creator: user2, content: 'Wha wha' } ] }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); // non-existant subprop BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate({ path: 'comments._idontexist', select: 'email', strictPopulate: false }) .exec(function(err) { assert.ifError(err); // add a non-schema property to the document. BlogPost.collection.updateOne( { _id: post._id } , { $set: { 'comments.0._idontexist': user2._id } }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); // allow population of unknown property by passing model name. // helpful when populating mapReduce results too. BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate({ path: 'comments._idontexist', select: 'email', model: 'User', strictPopulate: false }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post); assert.equal(post.comments.length, 2); assert.ok(post.comments[0].get('_idontexist')); assert.equal(String(post.comments[0].get('_idontexist')._id),; assert.equal(post.comments[0].get('_idontexist').email, ''); assert.equal(post.comments[0].get('_idontexist').isInit('name'), false); assert.strictEqual(post.comments[0]._creator, null); assert.equal(post.comments[1]._creator.toString(),; // subprop is null in a doc BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('comments._creator', 'email') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post.comments); assert.equal(post.comments.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(post.comments[0]._creator, null); assert.strictEqual(post.comments[0].content, 'Woot woot'); assert.equal(post.comments[1], ''); assert.equal(post.comments[1]._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(post.comments[1].content, 'Wha wha'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('properly handles limit per document (gh-2151)', function(done) { const ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId; const user = new Schema({ name: String, friends: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] }); const User = db.model('User', user); const blogpost = new Schema({ title: String, tags: [String], author: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogpost); const userIds = [new ObjectId(), new ObjectId(), new ObjectId(), new ObjectId()]; const users = []; users.push({ _id: userIds[0], name: 'mary', friends: [userIds[1], userIds[2], userIds[3]] }); users.push({ _id: userIds[1], name: 'bob', friends: [userIds[0], userIds[2], userIds[3]] }); users.push({ _id: userIds[2], name: 'joe', friends: [userIds[0], userIds[1], userIds[3]] }); users.push({ _id: userIds[3], name: 'sally', friends: [userIds[0], userIds[1], userIds[2]] }); User.create(users, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); const blogposts = []; blogposts.push({ title: 'blog 1', tags: ['fun', 'cool'], author: userIds[3] }); blogposts.push({ title: 'blog 2', tags: ['cool'], author: userIds[1] }); blogposts.push({ title: 'blog 3', tags: ['fun', 'odd'], author: userIds[2] }); BlogPost.create(blogposts, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost. find({ tags: 'fun' }). lean(). populate('author'). exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); const opts = { path: 'author.friends', select: 'name', options: { limit: 1 } }; BlogPost.populate(docs, opts, function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(docs.length, 2); assert.equal(docs[0].author.friends.length, 1); assert.equal(docs[1].author.friends.length, 1); assert.equal(opts.options.limit, 1); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating subdocuments partially with empty array (gh-481)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); db.model('User', userSchema); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', comments: [] // EMPTY ARRAY }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('comments._creator', 'email') .exec(function(err, returned) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(,; done(); }); }); }); it('populating subdocuments partially with null array', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); db.model('User', userSchema); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', comments: null }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('comments._creator') .exec(function(err, returned) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(,; done(); }); }); }); it('populating subdocuments with array including nulls', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema);
const user = new User({ name: 'hans zimmer' }); await; const post = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [] }); await BlogPost.collection.updateOne({ _id: post._id }, { $set: { fans: [null, undefined,, null] } }); const returned = await BlogPost. findById(post._id). populate('fans', 'name'); assert.equal(,; assert.equal(, 1); }); it('supports `retainNullValues` to override filtering out null docs (gh-6432)', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema);
const user = new User({ name: 'Victor Hugo' }); await; const post = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Notre-Dame de Paris', fans: [] }); await BlogPost.collection.updateOne({ _id: post._id }, { $set: { fans: [null,, null, undefined] } }); const returned = await BlogPost. findById(post._id). populate({ path: 'fans', options: { retainNullValues: true } }); assert.equal(,; assert.equal(, 4); assert.strictEqual([0], null); assert.equal([1].name, 'Victor Hugo'); assert.strictEqual([2], null); assert.strictEqual([3], null); }); it('supports `retainNullValues` while supressing _id of subdocument', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema);
const user = new User({ name: 'Victor Hugo' }); await; const post = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Notre-Dame de Paris', fans: [] }); await BlogPost.collection.updateOne({ _id: post._id }, { $set: { fans: [] } }); await user.delete(); const returned = await BlogPost. findById(post._id). populate({ path: 'fans', select: 'name -_id', options: { retainNullValues: true } }); assert.equal(, 1); assert.strictEqual([0], null); }); it('populating more than one array at a time', function(done) { const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const M = db.model('Test', new Schema({ users: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], fans: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], comments: [commentSchema] })); User.create({ email: '' }, { name: 'Fan 2', email: '', gender: 'female' }, { name: 'Fan 3' }, function(err, fan1, fan2, fan3) { assert.ifError(err); M.create({ users: [fan3], fans: [fan1], comments: [ { _creator: fan1, content: 'bejeah!' }, { _creator: fan2, content: 'chickfila' } ] }, { users: [fan1], fans: [fan2], comments: [ { _creator: fan3, content: 'hello' }, { _creator: fan1, content: 'world' } ] }, function(err, post1, post2) { assert.ifError(err); M.where('_id').in([post1, post2]) .populate('fans', 'name', { gender: 'female' }) .populate('users', 'name', { gender: 'male' }) .populate('comments._creator', 'email', { name: null }) .exec(function(err, posts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(posts); assert.equal(posts.length, 2); const p1 = posts[0]; const p2 = posts[1]; assert.strictEqual(, 0); assert.strictEqual(, 1); assert.equal([0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal([0].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal([0].isInit('gender'), false); assert.equal(p1.comments.length, 2); assert.equal(p2.comments.length, 2); assert.ok(p1.comments[0]; assert.ok(!p2.comments[0]._creator); assert.equal(p1.comments[0], ''); assert.equal(p2.comments[1], ''); assert.equal(p1.comments[0]._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(p2.comments[1]._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(p1.comments[0].content, 'bejeah!'); assert.equal(p2.comments[1].content, 'world'); assert.ok(!p1.comments[1]._creator); assert.ok(!p2.comments[0]._creator); assert.equal(p1.comments[1].content, 'chickfila'); assert.equal(p2.comments[0].content, 'hello'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populating multiple children of a sub-array at a time', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Inner = new Schema({ user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, post: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'BlogPost' } }); db.model('Test1', Inner); const M = db.model('Test', new Schema({ kids: [Inner] })); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'Fan 2', email: '', gender: 'female' }, function(err, fan1, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot' }, { title: 'yay' }, function(err, post1, post2) { assert.ifError(err); M.create({ kids: [ { user: fan1, post: post1, y: 5 }, { user: fan2, post: post2, y: 8 } ], x: 4 }, function(err, m1) { assert.ifError(err); M.findById(m1) .populate('kids.user', 'name') .populate('', 'title', { title: 'woot' }) .exec(function(err, o) { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(, 2); const k1 =[0]; const k2 =[1]; assert.strictEqual(true, !; assert.strictEqual(, 'Fan 1'); assert.strictEqual(, undefined); assert.strictEqual(, 'woot'); assert.strictEqual(, 'Fan 2'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('passing sort options to the populate method', function(done) { const P = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create( { name: 'aaron', age: 10 }, { name: 'fan2', age: 8 }, { name: 'someone else', age: 3 }, { name: 'val', age: 3 }, function(err, fan1, fan2, fan3, fan4) { assert.ifError(err); P.create({ fans: [fan4, fan2, fan3, fan1] }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); P.findById(post) .populate('fans', null, null, { sort: { age: 1, name: 1 } }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 4); assert.equal([0].name, 'someone else'); assert.equal([1].name, 'val'); assert.equal([2].name, 'fan2'); assert.equal([3].name, 'aaron'); P.findById(post) .populate('fans', 'name', null, { sort: { name: -1 } }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 4); assert.equal([3].name, 'aaron'); assert.strictEqual(undefined,[3].age); assert.equal([2].name, 'fan2'); assert.strictEqual(undefined,[2].age); assert.equal([1].name, 'someone else'); assert.strictEqual(undefined,[1].age); assert.equal([0].name, 'val'); assert.strictEqual(undefined,[0].age); P.findById(post) .populate('fans', 'age', { age: { $gt: 3 } }, { sort: { name: 'desc' } }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal([1].age.valueOf(), 10); assert.equal([0].age.valueOf(), 8); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('limit should apply to each returned doc, not in aggregate (gh-1490)', function(done) { const sB = new Schema({ name: String }); const sJ = new Schema({ b: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }] }); const B = db.model('Test', sB); const J = db.model('Test1', sJ); const b1 = new B({ name: 'thing1' }); const b2 = new B({ name: 'thing2' }); const b3 = new B({ name: 'thing3' }); const b4 = new B({ name: 'thing4' }); const b5 = new B({ name: 'thing5' }); const j1 = new J({ b: [,,] }); const j2 = new J({ b: [,,] }); let count = 7;;;;;;;; function cb(err) { if (err) { throw err; } --count || next(); } function next() { J.find().populate({ path: 'b', options: { limit: 2 } }).exec(function(err, j) { assert.equal(j.length, 2); assert.equal(j[0].b.length, 2); assert.equal(j[1].b.length, 2); done(); }); } }); it('refs should cast to ObjectId from hexstrings', function(done) { const BP = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const bp = new BP(); bp._creator = new DocObjectId().toString(); assert.ok(bp._creator instanceof DocObjectId); bp.set('_creator', new DocObjectId().toString()); assert.ok(bp._creator instanceof DocObjectId); done(); }); it('populate should work on String _ids', function(done) { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: String, name: String }); const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: String, ref: 'User' }, body: String }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema); const alice = new User({ _id: 'alice', name: 'Alice' }); { assert.ifError(err); const note = new Note({ author: 'alice', body: 'Buy Milk' }); { assert.ifError(err); Note.findById('author').exec(function(err, note) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(note.body, 'Buy Milk'); assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 'Alice'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populate should work on Number _ids', function(done) { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }); const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: Number, ref: 'User' }, body: String }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema); const alice = new User({ _id: 2359, name: 'Alice' }); { assert.ifError(err); const note = new Note({ author: 2359, body: 'Buy Milk' }); { assert.ifError(err); Note.findById('author').exec(function(err, note) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(note.body, 'Buy Milk'); assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 'Alice'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('required works on ref fields (gh-577)', function(done) { const userSchema = new Schema({ email: { type: String, required: true } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const numSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, val: Number }); const Num = db.model('Test', numSchema); const strSchema = new Schema({ _id: String, val: String }); const Str = db.model('Test1', strSchema); const commentSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true }, num: { type: Number, ref: 'Test', required: true }, str: { type: String, ref: 'Test1', required: true }, text: String }); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema); let pending = 3; const string = new Str({ _id: 'my string', val: 'hello' }); const number = new Num({ _id: 1995, val: 234 }); const user = new User({ email: 'test' });;;; function next(err) { assert.strictEqual(err, null); if (--pending) { return; } const comment = new Comment({ text: 'test' }); { assert.ok(err); assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('Comment validation failed') === 0, err.message); assert.ok('num' in err.errors); assert.ok('str' in err.errors); assert.ok('user' in err.errors); assert.equal(err.errors.num.kind, 'required'); assert.equal(err.errors.str.kind, 'required'); assert.equal(err.errors.user.kind, 'required'); comment.user = user; comment.num = 1995; comment.str = 'my string';, comment) { assert.strictEqual(err, null); Comment .findById( .populate('user') .populate('num') .populate('str') .exec(function(err, comment) { assert.ifError(err); comment.set({ text: 'test2' }); { assert.ifError(err); done(); }); }); }); }); } }); it('populate works with schemas with both id and _id defined', function(done) { const S1 = new Schema({ id: String }); const S2 = new Schema({ things: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }] }); const M1 = db.model('Test', S1); const M2 = db.model('Test1', S2); db.model('Test2', Schema({ _id: String, val: String })); M1.create( { id: 'The Tiger That Isn\'t' } , { id: 'Users Guide To The Universe' } , function(err, a, b) { assert.ifError(err); const m2 = new M2({ things: [a, b] }); { assert.ifError(err); M2.findById(m2).populate('things').exec(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.things.length, 2); assert.equal(doc.things[0].id, 'The Tiger That Isn\'t'); assert.equal(doc.things[1].id, 'Users Guide To The Universe'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('Update works with populated arrays (gh-602)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'aphex' }, { name: 'twin' }, function(err, u1, u2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [] }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); const update = { fans: [u1, u2] }; BlogPost.updateOne({ _id: post }, update, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); // the original update doc should not be modified assert.ok('fans' in update); assert.ok(!('$set' in update)); assert.ok([0] instanceof mongoose.Document); assert.ok([1] instanceof mongoose.Document); BlogPost.findById(post, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(, 2); assert.ok([0] instanceof DocObjectId); assert.ok([1] instanceof DocObjectId); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('toJSON should also be called for refs (gh-675)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.prototype._toJSON = User.prototype.toJSON; User.prototype.toJSON = function() { const res = this._toJSON(); res.was_in_to_json = true; return res; }; BlogPost.prototype._toJSON = BlogPost.prototype.toJSON; BlogPost.prototype.toJSON = function() { const res = this._toJSON(); res.was_in_to_json = true; return res; }; User.create({ name: 'Jerem', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Ping Pong', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); const json = post.toJSON(); assert.equal(true, json.was_in_to_json); assert.equal(json._creator.was_in_to_json, true); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populate should work on Buffer _ids (gh-686)', function(done) { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: Buffer, name: String }); const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: Buffer, ref: 'User' }, body: String }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema); const alice = new User({ _id: new mongoose.Types.Buffer('YWxpY2U=', 'base64'), name: 'Alice' }); { assert.ifError(err); const note = new Note({ author: 'alice', body: 'Buy Milk' }); { assert.ifError(err); Note.findById('author').exec(function(err, note) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(note.body, 'Buy Milk'); assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 'Alice'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populated Buffer _ids should be requireable', function(done) { const UserSchema = new Schema({ _id: Buffer, name: String }); const NoteSchema = new Schema({ author: { type: Buffer, ref: 'User', required: true }, body: String }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Note = db.model('Test', NoteSchema); const alice = new User({ _id: new mongoose.Types.Buffer('YWxpY2U=', 'base64'), name: 'Alice' }); { assert.ifError(err); const note = new Note({ author: 'alice', body: 'Buy Milk' }); { assert.ifError(err); Note.findById('author').exec(function(err, note) { assert.ifError(err); { assert.ifError(err); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('populating with custom model selection (gh-773)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('Test', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Daniel', email: '' }, function(err, creator) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator }, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .findById(post._id) .populate('_creator', 'email', 'Test') .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(post._creator.isInit('name'), false); assert.equal(, ''); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('specifying a custom model without specifying a ref in schema', function() { it('with String _id', function(done) { const A = db.model('Test', { name: String, _id: String }); const B = db.model('Test1', { other: String }); A.create({ name: 'hello', _id: 'first' }, function(err, a) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.create({ other: a._id }, function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.findById(b._id).populate({ path: 'other', model: 'Test' }).exec(function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(, 'hello'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('with Number _id', function(done) { const A = db.model('Test', { name: String, _id: Number }); const B = db.model('Test1', { other: Number }); A.create({ name: 'hello', _id: 3 }, function(err, a) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.create({ other: a._id }, function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.findById(b._id).populate({ path: 'other', model: 'Test' }).exec(function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(, 'hello'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('with Buffer _id', function(done) { const A = db.model('Test', { name: String, _id: Buffer }); const B = db.model('Test1', { other: Buffer }); A.create({ name: 'hello', _id: Buffer.from('x') }, function(err, a) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.create({ other: a._id }, function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.findById(b._id).populate({ path: 'other', model: 'Test' }).exec(function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(, 'hello'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('with ObjectId _id', function(done) { const A = db.model('Test', { name: String }); const B = db.model('Test1', { other: Schema.ObjectId }); A.create({ name: 'hello' }, function(err, a) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.create({ other: a._id }, function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } B.findById(b._id).populate({ path: 'other', model: 'Test' }).exec(function(err, b) { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.equal(, 'hello'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('specifying all params using an object', function() { let B, User; let post; beforeEach(function() { B = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); db.deleteModel(/Test/); User = db.model('Test', userSchema); return User. create([ { name: 'use an object', email: '' }, { name: 'yup' }, { name: 'not here' } ]). then(fans => B.create({ title: 'woot', fans: fans })). then(_post => { post = _post; }); }); it('works', function(done) { B.findById(post._id) .populate({ path: 'fans', select: 'name', model: 'Test', match: { name: /u/ }, options: { sort: { name: -1 } } }) .exec(function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(; assert.equal(, 2); assert.ok([0] instanceof User); assert.ok([1] instanceof User); assert.equal([0].isInit('name'), true); assert.equal([1].isInit('name'), true); assert.equal([0].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal([1].isInit('email'), false); assert.equal([0].name, 'yup'); assert.equal([1].name, 'use an object'); done(); }); }); }); describe('Model.populate()', function() { let B, User; let user1, user2, post1, post2, _id; beforeEach(function(done) { B = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); User = db.model('User', userSchema); _id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); User.create({ name: 'Phoenix', email: '', blogposts: [_id] }, { name: 'Newark', email: '', blogposts: [_id] }, function(err, u1, u2) { assert.ifError(err); user1 = u1; user2 = u2; B.create({ title: 'the how and why', _creator: user1, fans: [user1, user2] }, { title: 'green eggs and ham', _creator: user2, fans: [user2, user1] }, function(err, p1, p2) { assert.ifError(err); post1 = p1; post2 = p2; done(); }); }); }); it('returns a promise', function(done) { const p = B.populate(post1, '_creator'); assert.ok(p instanceof mongoose.Promise); p.then(success, done); function success(doc) { assert.ok(doc); done(); } }); it('of individual document works', function(done) { B.findById(post1._id, function(error, post1) { const ret = utils.populate({ path: '_creator', model: User }); B.populate(post1, ret, function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Phoenix'); done(); }); }); }); describe('a document already populated', function() { describe('when paths are not modified', function() { it('works', function(done) { db.deleteModel(/User/); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); B.findById(post1._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); B.populate(doc, [{ path: '_creator', model: 'User' }, { path: 'fans', model: 'User' }], function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal('Phoenix',; assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal([0].name,; assert.equal([1].name,; assert.equal(String(post._creator._id), String(post.populated('_creator'))); assert.ok(Array.isArray(post.populated('fans'))); B.populate(doc, [{ path: '_creator', model: 'User' }, { path: 'fans', model: 'User' }], function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Phoenix'); assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal([0].name,; assert.equal([1].name,; assert.ok(Array.isArray(post.populated('fans'))); assert.equal(String([0]._id), String(post.populated('fans')[0])); assert.equal(String([1]._id), String(post.populated('fans')[1])); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('when paths are modified', function() { it('works', function(done) { db.deleteModel(/User/); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); B.findById(post1._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); B.populate(doc, [{ path: '_creator', model: 'User' }, { path: 'fans', model: 'User' }], function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Phoenix'); assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal([0].name,; assert.equal([1].name,; assert.equal(String(post._creator._id), String(post.populated('_creator'))); assert.ok(Array.isArray(post.populated('fans'))); // modify the paths doc.markModified('_creator'); doc.markModified('fans'); B.populate(doc, [{ path: '_creator', model: 'User' }, { path: 'fans', model: 'User' }], function(err, post) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(post); assert.ok(post._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Phoenix'); assert.equal(, 2); assert.equal([0].name,; assert.equal([1].name,; assert.ok(Array.isArray(post.populated('fans'))); assert.equal( String([0]._id) , String(post.populated('fans')[0])); assert.equal( String([1]._id) , String(post.populated('fans')[1])); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('of multiple documents', function() { it('works', function(done) { db.model('User', userSchema); B.findById(post1._id, function(error, post1) { assert.ifError(error); B.findById(post2._id, function(error, post2) { assert.ifError(error); const ret = utils.populate({ path: '_creator', model: 'User' }); B.populate([post1, post2], ret, function(err, posts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(posts); assert.equal(posts.length, 2); const p1 = posts[0]; const p2 = posts[1]; assert.ok(p1._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Phoenix'); assert.ok(p2._creator instanceof User); assert.equal(, 'Newark'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('populating combined with lean (gh-1260)', function() { it('with findOne', async function() { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const creator = await User.create({ name: 'Guillermo', email: '' }); const createdPost = await BlogPost.create({ title: 'woot', _creator: creator });
const post = await BlogPost .findById(createdPost._id) .lean() .populate('_creator'); assert.ok(utils.isObject(post._creator)); assert.equal(, 'Guillermo'); assert.equal(, ''); assert.equal(typeof post._creator.update, 'undefined'); }); it('with find', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, { name: 'Fan 2', email: '' }, function(err, fan1, fan2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2] }, { title: 'Woot2', fans: [fan2, fan1] }, function(err, post1, post2) { assert.ifError(err); BlogPost .find({ _id: { $in: [post1._id, post2._id] } }) .populate('fans') .lean() .exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(typeof blogposts[0].fans[0].update, 'undefined'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].fans[1].email, ''); assert.equal(typeof blogposts[0].fans[1].update, 'undefined'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[0].email, ''); assert.equal(typeof blogposts[1].fans[0].update, 'undefined'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[1].fans[1].email, ''); assert.equal(typeof blogposts[1].fans[1].update, 'undefined'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('records paths and _ids used in population', function() { let B; let U; let u1, u2; let b1; beforeEach(async function() { B = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); U = db.model('User', userSchema); const [fan1, fan2] = await U.create([ { name: 'Fan 1', email: '' }, { name: 'Fan 2', email: '' } ]); u1 = fan1; u2 = fan2; const post = await B.create({ title: 'Woot', fans: [fan1, fan2], _creator: fan1 }, { title: 'Woot2', fans: [fan2, fan1], _creator: fan2 }); b1 = post; }); it('with findOne', async function() { const doc = await B.findById(b1).populate('fans _creator').exec(); assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc.populated('fans'))); assert.equal(doc.populated('fans').length, 2); assert.equal(doc.populated('fans')[0], String(u1._id)); assert.equal(doc.populated('fans')[1], String(u2._id)); assert.equal(doc.populated('_creator'), String(u1._id)); }); it('with find', async function() { const docs = await B.find().sort('title').populate('fans _creator').exec(); assert.equal(docs.length, 2); const doc1 = docs[0]; const doc2 = docs[1]; assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc1.populated('fans'))); assert.equal(doc1.populated('fans').length, 2); assert.equal(doc1.populated('fans')[0], String(u1._id)); assert.equal(doc1.populated('fans')[1], String(u2._id)); assert.equal(doc1.populated('_creator'), String(u1._id)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc2.populated('fans'))); assert.equal(doc2.populated('fans').length, 2); assert.equal(doc2.populated('fans')[0], String(u2._id)); assert.equal(doc2.populated('fans')[1], String(u1._id)); assert.equal(doc2.populated('_creator'), String(u2._id)); }); }); describe('deselecting _id', function() { let C, U, c1, c2; beforeEach(async function() { C = db.model('Comment', Schema({ body: 'string', title: String })); db.deleteModel(/User/); U = db.model('User', Schema({ name: 'string', comments: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }], comment: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' } })); const [c1_, c2_] = await C.create([{ body: 'comment 1', title: '1' }, { body: 'comment 2', title: 2 }]); c1 = c1_; c2 = c2_; await U.create([ { name: 'u1', comments: [c1, c2], comment: c1 }, { name: 'u2', comment: c2 } ]); }); describe('in a subdocument', function() { it('works', function(done) { U.find({ name: 'u1' }).populate('comments', { _id: 0 }).exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); const doc = docs[0]; assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc.comments), 'comments should be an array: ' + JSON.stringify(doc)); assert.equal(doc.comments.length, 2, 'invalid comments length for ' + JSON.stringify(doc)); doc.comments.forEach(function(d) { assert.equal(d._id, undefined); assert.equal(Object.keys(d._doc).indexOf('_id'), -1); assert.ok(d.body.length); assert.equal(typeof d._doc.__v, 'number'); }); U.findOne({ name: 'u1' }).populate('comments', 'title -_id').exec(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.comments.length, 2); doc.comments.forEach(function(d) { assert.equal(d._id, undefined); assert.equal(Object.keys(d._doc).indexOf('_id'), -1); assert.ok(d.title.length); assert.equal(d.body, undefined); assert.equal(typeof d._doc.__v, 'undefined'); }); U.findOne({ name: 'u1' }).populate('comments', '-_id').exec(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.comments.length, 2); doc.comments.forEach(function(d) { assert.equal(d._id, undefined); assert.equal(Object.keys(d._doc).indexOf('_id'), -1); assert.ok(d.title.length); assert.ok(d.body.length); assert.equal(typeof d._doc.__v, 'number'); }); done(); }); }); }); }); it('with lean', function(done) { U.find({ name: 'u1' }).lean().populate({ path: 'comments', select: { _id: 0 }, options: { lean: true } }).exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); const doc = docs[0]; assert.equal(doc.comments.length, 2); doc.comments.forEach(function(d) { assert.ok(!('_id' in d)); assert.ok(d.body.length); assert.equal(typeof d.__v, 'number'); }); U.findOne({ name: 'u1' }).lean().populate('comments', '-_id', null, { lean: true }).exec(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.comments.length, 2); doc.comments.forEach(function(d) { assert.ok(!('_id' in d)); assert.ok(d.body.length); assert.equal(typeof d.__v, 'number'); }); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('of documents being populated', function() { it('still works (gh-1441)', function(done) { U.find() .select('-_id comment name') .populate('comment', { _id: 0 }).exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(docs.length, 2); docs.forEach(function(doc) { assert.ok(doc.comment && doc.comment.body); if ( === 'u1') { assert.equal(doc.comment.body, 'comment 1'); } else { assert.equal(doc.comment.body, 'comment 2'); } }); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('DynRef', function() { let Review; let Item1; let Item2; beforeEach(async function() { const reviewSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, text: String, item: { id: { type: Number, refPath: 'item.type' }, type: { type: String } }, items: [ { id: { type: Number, refPath: 'items.type' }, type: { type: String } } ] }); const item1Schema = new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }); const item2Schema = new Schema({ _id: Number, otherName: String }); Review = db.model('Review', reviewSchema); Item1 = db.model('Test1', item1Schema); Item2 = db.model('Test2', item2Schema); const review = { _id: 0, text: 'Test', item: { id: 1, type: 'Test1' }, items: [{ id: 1, type: 'Test1' }, { id: 2, type: 'Test2' }] };
await Item1.deleteMany({}); await Item2.deleteMany({}); await Item1.create({ _id: 1, name: 'Val' }); await Item2.create({ _id: 2, otherName: 'Val' }); await Review.create(review); }); it('Simple populate', function(done) { Review.find({}).populate('').exec(function(err, results) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(results.length, 1); const result = results[0]; assert.equal(, 'Val'); done(); }); }); it('Array populate', function(done) { Review.find({}).populate('').exec(function(err, results) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(results.length, 1); const result = results[0]; assert.equal(result.items.length, 2); assert.equal(result.items[0], 'Val'); assert.equal(result.items[1].id.otherName, 'Val'); done(); }); }); it('with nonexistant refPath (gh-4637)', function(done) { db.deleteModel(/Test/); const baseballSchema = mongoose.Schema({ seam: String }); const Baseball = db.model('Test', baseballSchema); const ballSchema = mongoose.Schema({ league: String, kind: String, ball: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'balls.kind' } }); const basketSchema = mongoose.Schema({ balls: [ballSchema] }); const Basket = db.model('Test2', basketSchema); new Baseball({ seam: 'yarn' }). save(). then(function(baseball) { return new Basket({ balls: [ { league: 'MLB', kind: 'Test', ball: baseball._id }, { league: 'NBA' } ] }).save(); }). then(function(basket) { return basket.populate('balls.ball'); }). then(function(basket) { assert.equal(basket.balls[0].ball.seam, 'yarn'); assert.ok(!basket.balls[1].kind); assert.ok(!basket.balls[1].ball); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('array with empty refPath (gh-5377)', function(done) { db.deleteModel(/Test/); const modelASchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const ModelA = db.model('Test1', modelASchema); const modelBSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const ModelB = db.model('Test2', modelBSchema); const ChildSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, toy: { kind: { type: String, enum: ['Test1', 'Test2'] }, value: { type: ObjectId, refPath: 'children.toy.kind' } } }); const ParentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ children: [ChildSchema] }); const Parent = db.model('Test', ParentSchema); ModelA.create({ name: 'model-A' }, function(error, toyA) { assert.ifError(error); ModelB.create({ name: 'model-B' }, function(error, toyB) { assert.ifError(error); Parent.create({ children: [ { name: 'Child 1', toy: { kind: 'Test1', value: toyA._id } }, { name: 'Child 2' }, { name: 'Child 3', toy: { kind: 'Test2', value: toyB._id } } ] }, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); test(doc._id); }); }); }); function test(id) { Parent.findById(id, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); doc.populate('children.toy.value').then(function(doc) { assert.equal(doc.children[0], 'model-A'); assert.equal(doc.children[1].toy.value, null); assert.equal(doc.children[2], 'model-B'); done(); }).catch(done); }); } }); it('with non-arrays (gh-5114)', function(done) { const LocationSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: String, locationRef: String, locationIds: { type: [{ location: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'locationRef' } }] } }); const Locations = db.model('Test', LocationSchema); const Users = db.model('User', UserSchema); const location1Id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); const location2Id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); const location1 = { _id: location1Id, name: 'loc1' }; const location2 = { _id: location2Id, name: 'loc2' }; const user = { locationRef: 'Test', locationIds: [ { location: location1Id }, { location: location2Id } ] }; Locations.create([location1, location2]). then(function() { return Users.create(user); }). then(function() { return Users.findOne().populate('locationIds.location'); }). then(function(doc) { assert.equal(doc.locationIds.length, 2); assert.equal(doc.locationIds[0], 'loc1'); assert.equal(doc.locationIds[1], 'loc2'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('with different schema types for local fields (gh-6870)', async function() { const TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: Number, exercises: [String] }); const VideoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: String, url: String }); const ListSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ parts: [ { title: String, contents: [ { item: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, refPath: 'parts.contents.kind' }, kind: String } ] } ] }); const List = db.model('List', ListSchema); const Test = db.model('Test', TestSchema); const Video = db.model('Video', VideoSchema); const test = new Test({ _id: 123, exercises: ['t1', 't2'] }); const lesson = new Video({ _id: 'lesson', url: '' }); const list = new List({ parts: [ { title: 'Study Plan 01', contents: [ { item: test._id, kind: 'Test' }, { item: lesson._id, kind: 'Video' }, { item: lesson._id, kind: 'Video' } ] } ] });
await Promise.all([,,]); const doc = await List.findOne({}).populate('parts.contents.item'); assert.strictEqual([0].contents[0].item.exercises[0], 't1'); assert.strictEqual([0].contents[1].item.url, ''); }); it('with nested nonexistant refPath (gh-6457)', async function() { const CommentSchema = new Schema({ text: String, references: { type: [{ item: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'comments.references.kind' }, kind: String }] } }); const PostSchema = new Schema({ text: String, comments: [CommentSchema] }); const Post = db.model('Test', PostSchema);
await Post.create({ text: 'Post 2', comments: [{ text: 'Comment' // No `references` }] }); const post = await Post.findOne().populate('comments.references.item'); assert.deepEqual(post.toObject().comments[0].references, []); }); it('where first doc doesnt have a refPath (gh-6913', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const PostSchema = new Schema({ comments: [{ references: [{ item: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'comments.references.kind' }, kind: String }] }] }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', PostSchema); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const user = { _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(), name: 'Arnold' }; const post = { _id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(), comments: [ {}, { references: [{ item: user._id, kind: 'User' }] } ] };
await User.create(user); await Post.create(post); const _post = await Post.findOne().populate('comments.references.item'); assert.equal(_post.comments.length, 2); assert.equal(_post.comments[1].references.length, 1); assert.equal(_post.comments[1].references[0], 'Arnold'); }); it('readable error with deselected refPath (gh-6834)', async function() { const offerSchema = new Schema({ text: String, city: String, formData: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'city' } }); const Offer = db.model('Test', offerSchema);
await Offer.create({ text: 'special discount', city: 'New York', formData: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId() }); let threw = false; try { await Offer.findOne().populate('formData').select('-city'); } catch (error) { assert.ok(error); assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('refPath') !== -1, error.message); threw = true; } assert.ok(threw); }); }); it('strips out not-matched ids when populating a hydrated doc (gh-6435)', async function() { const coopBrandSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); coopBrandSchema.virtual('products', { ref: 'Product', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'coopBrandId', justOne: false }); const agentSchema = new Schema({ coopBrands: [coopBrandSchema], name: String }); const productSchema = new Schema({ coopBrandId: Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String }); const Agent = db.model('Test', agentSchema); const Product = db.model('Product', productSchema);
const billy = await Agent.create({ name: 'Billy', coopBrands: [ { name: 'Has product' }, { name: 'Has no product' } ] }); const coopBrandId = billy.coopBrands[0]._id; await Product.create([ { coopBrandId: coopBrandId, name: 'Product 1' }, { coopBrandId: coopBrandId, name: 'Product 2' } ]); let agent = await Agent.findOne({}); await agent.populate('coopBrands.products'); agent = agent.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal(agent.coopBrands[0].products.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(agent.coopBrands[1].products, []); }); describe('leaves Documents within Mixed properties alone (gh-1471)', function() { let Cat; let Litter; beforeEach(function() { db.deleteModel(/Test/); Cat = db.model('Cat', new Schema({ name: String })); const litterSchema = new Schema({ name: String, cats: {}, o: {}, a: [] }); Litter = db.model('Test', litterSchema); }); it('when saving new docs', function(done) { Cat.create({ name: 'new1' }, { name: 'new2' }, { name: 'new3' }, function(err, a, b, c) { if (err) { return done(err); } Litter.create({ name: 'new', cats: [a], o: b, a: [c] }, confirm(done)); }); }); it('when saving existing docs 5T5', function(done) { Cat.create({ name: 'ex1' }, { name: 'ex2' }, { name: 'ex3' }, function(err, a, b, c) { if (err) { return done(err); } Litter.create({ name: 'existing' }, function(err, doc) { doc.cats = [a]; doc.o = b; doc.a = [c];; }); }); }); function confirm(done) { return function(err, litter) { if (err) { return done(err); } Litter.findById(litter).lean().exec(function(err, doc) { if (err) { return done(err); } assert.ok(doc.o._id); assert.ok(doc.cats[0]); assert.ok(doc.cats[0]._id); assert.ok(doc.a[0]); assert.ok(doc.a[0]._id); done(); }); }; } }); describe('github issues', function() { it('populating an array of refs, slicing, and fetching many (gh-5737)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', new Schema({ title: String, fans: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] })); const User = db.model('User', new Schema({ name: String })); User.create([{ name: 'Fan 1' }, { name: 'Fan 2' }], function(error, fans) { assert.ifError(error); const posts = [ { title: 'Test 1', fans: [fans[0]._id, fans[1]._id] }, { title: 'Test 2', fans: [fans[1]._id, fans[0]._id] } ]; BlogPost.create(posts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. find({}). slice('fans', [0, 5]). populate('fans'). exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(err); const titles = => bp.title).sort(); assert.equal(titles[0], 'Test 1'); assert.equal(titles[1], 'Test 2'); const test1 = blogposts.find(bp => bp.title === 'Test 1'); assert.equal([0].name, 'Fan 1'); assert.equal([1].name, 'Fan 2'); const test2 = blogposts.find(bp => bp.title === 'Test 2'); assert.equal([0].name, 'Fan 2'); assert.equal([1].name, 'Fan 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populate + slice (gh-5737a)', function(done) { const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', new Schema({ title: String, user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, fans: [{ type: ObjectId }] })); const User = db.model('User', new Schema({ name: String })); User.create([{ name: 'Fan 1' }], function(error, fans) { assert.ifError(error); const posts = [ { title: 'Test 1', user: fans[0]._id, fans: [fans[0]._id] } ]; BlogPost.create(posts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. find({}). slice('fans', [0, 2]). populate('user'). exec(function(err, blogposts) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(blogposts[0], 'Fan 1'); assert.equal(blogposts[0].title, 'Test 1'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('maps results back to correct document (gh-1444)', async function() { const articleSchema = new Schema({ body: String, mediaAttach: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }, author: String }); const Article = db.model('Article', articleSchema); const mediaSchema = new Schema({ filename: String }); const Media = db.model('Test', mediaSchema); const media = await Media.create({ filename: 'one' }); await Article.create( { body: 'body1', author: 'a' }, { body: 'body2', author: 'a', mediaAttach: media._id }, { body: 'body3', author: 'a' } );
const docs = await Article.find().populate('mediaAttach'); const a2 = docs.filter(function(d) { return d.body === 'body2'; })[0]; assert.equal(,; }); it('handles skip', async function() { const movieSchema = new Schema({}); const categorySchema = new Schema({ movies: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'Movie_Skip' }] }); const Movie = db.model('Movie_Skip', movieSchema); const Category = db.model('Category', categorySchema); await Movie.create([{}, {}, {}]); const movies = await Movie.find({}); assert.equal(movies.length, 3); await Category.create({ movies: movies }); const category = await Category.findOne({}).populate({ path: 'movies', options: { limit: 2, skip: 1 } }).exec(); assert.equal(category.movies.length, 2); }); it('handles slice (gh-1934)', async function() { const movieSchema = new Schema({ title: String, actors: [String] }); const categorySchema = new Schema({ movies: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'Movie_Slice' }] }); const Movie = db.model('Movie_Slice', movieSchema); const Category = db.model('Category', categorySchema); const movies = await Movie.create([ { title: 'Rush', actors: ['Chris Hemsworth', 'Daniel Bruhl'] }, { title: 'Pacific Rim', actors: ['Charlie Hunnam', 'Idris Elba'] }, { title: 'Man of Steel', actors: ['Henry Cavill', 'Amy Adams'] } ]); await Category.create({ movies: movies }); const category = await Category.findOne({}).populate({ path: 'movies', options: { slice: { actors: 1 } } }); assert.equal(category.movies.length, 3); assert.equal(category.movies[0].actors.length, 1); assert.equal(category.movies[1].actors.length, 1); assert.equal(category.movies[2].actors.length, 1); }); it('fails if sorting with a doc array subprop (gh-2202)', async function() { const childSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const parentSchema = new Schema({ children1: [{ child: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' }, test: Number }], children2: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' }] }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const c = await Child.create([{ name: 'test1' }, { name: 'test2' }]); const createdParent = await Parent.create({ children1: [ { child: c[0]._id, test: 1 }, { child: c[1]._id, test: 2 } ], children2: [c[0]._id, c[1]._id] }); const foundParent = await Parent.findById(createdParent).populate('children2'); assert.equal(foundParent.children2[0].name, 'test1'); const err = await Parent.findById(foundParent). populate({ path: 'children1.child', options: { sort: '-name' } }).then(() => null, err => err); assert.notEqual(err.message.indexOf('subproperty of a document array'), -1); }); it('handles toObject() (gh-3279)', function(done) { const teamSchema = new Schema({ members: [{ user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, role: String }] }); let calls = 0; teamSchema.set('toJSON', { transform: function(doc, ret) { ++calls; return ret; } });
const Team = db.model('Test', teamSchema); const userSchema = new Schema({ username: String }); userSchema.set('toJSON', { transform: function(doc, ret) { return ret; } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const user = new User({ username: 'Test' }); { assert.ifError(err); const team = new Team({ members: [{ user: user }] }); { assert.ifError(err); team.populate('members.user', function() { team.toJSON(); assert.equal(calls, 1); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populate option (gh-2321)', async function() { const User = db.model('User', { name: String }); const Group = db.model('Group', { users: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], name: String }); const user = await User.create({ name: 'Val' }); const group = await Group.create({ users: [user._id], name: 'test' }); const group2 = await Group.find( { _id: group._id }, '-name', { populate: { path: 'users', model: 'User' } } ); assert.ok(group2[0].users[0]._id); }); it('discriminator child schemas (gh-3878)', async function() { const options = { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }; const activitySchema = new Schema({ title: { type: String } }, options); const dateActivitySchema = new Schema({ postedBy: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true } }, options); const eventActivitySchema = new Schema({ test: String }, options); const User = db.model('User', { name: String }); const Activity = db.model('Test', activitySchema); const DateActivity = Activity.discriminator('Date', dateActivitySchema); const EventActivity = Activity.discriminator('Event', eventActivitySchema); const user = await User.create({ name: 'val' }); const dateActivity = { title: 'test', postedBy: user._id }; await DateActivity.create(dateActivity); await EventActivity.create({ title: 'test2', test: 'test' }); const results = await Activity.find({}).populate('postedBy'); assert.equal(results.length, 2); assert.equal(results[0], 'val'); }); it('set to obj w/ same id doesnt mark modified (gh-3992)', async function() { const personSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const jobSchema = new Schema({ title: String, person: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } }); const Person = db.model('Person', personSchema); const Job = db.model('Job', jobSchema); const person = await Person.create({ name: 'Val' }); const createdJob = await Job.create({ title: 'Engineer', person: person._id });
const foundJob = await Job.findById(createdJob._id); foundJob.person = person; assert.ok(!foundJob.isModified('person')); }); it('deep populate single -> array (gh-3904)', async function() { const personSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const teamSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, members: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }] }); const gameSchema = new Schema({ team: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Team' }, opponent: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Team' } }); const Person = db.model('Person', personSchema); const Team = db.model('Team', teamSchema); const Game = db.model('Test', gameSchema);
const people = await Person.create([ { name: 'Shaq' }, { name: 'Kobe' }, { name: 'Horry' }, { name: 'Duncan' }, { name: 'Robinson' }, { name: 'Johnson' } ]); const lakers = { name: 'Lakers', members: [people[0]._id, people[1]._id, people[2]._id] }; const spurs = { name: 'Spurs', members: [people[3]._id, people[4]._id, people[5]._id] }; const teams = await Team.create([lakers, spurs]); const game = await Game.create({ team: teams[0]._id, opponent: teams[1]._id });
const doc = await Game.findById(game._id).populate({ path: 'team', select: 'name members', populate: { path: 'members', select: 'name' } }); const arr = doc.toObject() { return; }); assert.deepEqual(arr, ['Shaq', 'Kobe', 'Horry']); }); it('deep populate array -> array (gh-3954)', function(done) { const personSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const teamSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, members: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }] }); const gameSchema = new Schema({ teams: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Team' }] }); const Person = db.model('Person', personSchema); const Team = db.model('Team', teamSchema); const Game = db.model('Test', gameSchema); const people = [ { name: 'Shaq' }, { name: 'Kobe' }, { name: 'Horry' }, { name: 'Duncan' }, { name: 'Robinson' }, { name: 'Johnson' } ]; Person.create(people, function(error, people) { assert.ifError(error); const lakers = { name: 'Lakers', members: [people[0]._id, people[1]._id, people[2]._id] }; const spurs = { name: 'Spurs', members: [people[3]._id, people[4]._id, people[5]._id] }; const teams = [lakers, spurs]; Team.create(teams, function(error, teams) { assert.ifError(error); const game = { teams: [teams[0]._id, teams[1]._id] }; Game.create(game, function(error, game) { assert.ifError(error); test(game._id); }); }); }); function test(id) { const query = Game.findById(id).populate({ path: 'teams', select: 'name members', populate: { path: 'members', select: 'name' } }); query.exec(function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); const players = doc.toObject().teams[0].members. concat(doc.toObject().teams[1].members); const arr = { return; }); assert.deepEqual(arr, ['Shaq', 'Kobe', 'Horry', 'Duncan', 'Robinson', 'Johnson']); done(); }); } }); it('4 level population (gh-3973)', function(done) { const level4Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const level3Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, level4: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test3' }] }); const level2Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, level3: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test2' }] }); const level1Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, level2: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }] }); const level4 = db.model('Test3', level4Schema); const level3 = db.model('Test2', level3Schema); const level2 = db.model('Test1', level2Schema); const level1 = db.model('Test', level1Schema); const l4docs = [{ name: 'level 4' }]; level4.create(l4docs, function(error, l4) { assert.ifError(error); const l3docs = [{ name: 'level 3', level4: l4[0]._id }]; level3.create(l3docs, function(error, l3) { assert.ifError(error); const l2docs = [{ name: 'level 2', level3: l3[0]._id }]; level2.create(l2docs, function(error, l2) { assert.ifError(error); const l1docs = [{ name: 'level 1', level2: l2[0]._id }]; level1.create(l1docs, function(error, l1) { assert.ifError(error); const opts = { path: 'level2', populate: { path: 'level3', populate: { path: 'level4' } } }; level1.findById(l1[0]._id).populate(opts).exec(function(error, obj) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(obj.level2[0].level3[0].level4[0].name, 'level 4'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('deep populate two paths (gh-3974)', function(done) { const level3Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const level2Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, level31: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }], level32: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }] }); const level1Schema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, level2: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }] }); const level3 = db.model('Test', level3Schema); const level2 = db.model('Test1', level2Schema); const level1 = db.model('Test2', level1Schema); const l3 = [ { name: 'level 3/1' }, { name: 'level 3/2' } ]; level3.create(l3, function(error, l3) { assert.ifError(error); const l2 = [ { name: 'level 2', level31: l3[0]._id, level32: l3[1]._id } ]; level2.create(l2, function(error, l2) { assert.ifError(error); const l1 = [{ name: 'level 1', level2: l2[0]._id }]; level1.create(l1, function(error, l1) { assert.ifError(error); level1.findById(l1[0]._id). populate({ path: 'level2', populate: [{ path: 'level31' }] }). populate({ path: 'level2', populate: [{ path: 'level32' }] }). exec(function(error, obj) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(obj.level2[0].level31[0].name, 'level 3/1'); assert.equal(obj.level2[0].level32[0].name, 'level 3/2'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('out-of-order discriminators (gh-4073)', function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const CommentSchema = new Schema({ content: String }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ title: String }); const EventSchema = new Schema({ name: String, createdAt: { type: Date, default: } }); const UserEventSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }); const CommentEventSchema = new Schema({ comment: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' } }); const BlogPostEventSchema = new Schema({ blogpost: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'BlogPost' } }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', CommentSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const Event = db.model('Test', EventSchema); const UserEvent = Event.discriminator('Test1', UserEventSchema); const CommentEvent = Event.discriminator('Test2', CommentEventSchema); const BlogPostEvent = Event.discriminator('Test3', BlogPostEventSchema); const u1 = new User({ name: 'user 1' }); const u2 = new User({ name: 'user 2' }); const u3 = new User({ name: 'user 3' }); const c1 = new Comment({ content: 'comment 1' }); const c2 = new Comment({ content: 'comment 2' }); const c3 = new Comment({ content: 'comment 3' }); const b1 = new BlogPost({ title: 'blog post 1' }); const b2 = new BlogPost({ title: 'blog post 2' }); const b3 = new BlogPost({ title: 'blog post 3' }); const ue1 = new UserEvent({ user: u1 }); const ue2 = new UserEvent({ user: u2 }); const ue3 = new UserEvent({ user: u3 }); const ce1 = new CommentEvent({ comment: c1 }); const ce2 = new CommentEvent({ comment: c2 }); const ce3 = new CommentEvent({ comment: c3 }); const be1 = new BlogPostEvent({ blogpost: b1 }); const be2 = new BlogPostEvent({ blogpost: b2 }); const be3 = new BlogPostEvent({ blogpost: b3 }); const docs = [u1, u2, u3, c1, c2, c3, b1, b2, b3, ce1, ue1, be1, ce2, ue2, be2, ce3, ue3, be3]; return Promise.all( => then(() => Event.find({}).populate('user comment blogpost')). then(docs => { docs.forEach(function(doc) { if (doc.__t === 'Test1') { assert.ok('user') !== -1); } else if (doc.__t === 'Test2') { assert.ok(doc.comment.content.indexOf('comment') !== -1); } else if (doc.__t === 'Test3') { assert.ok(doc.blogpost.title.indexOf('blog post') !== -1); } else { assert.ok(false); } }); }); }); it('dynref bug (gh-4104)', async function() { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const AnimalSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const ThingSchema = new Schema({ createdByModel: { type: String }, createdBy: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'createdByModel' } }); const Thing = db.model('Test1', ThingSchema); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Animal = db.model('Test', AnimalSchema); const person = await Person.create({ name: 'Val' }); const animal = await Animal.create({ name: 'Air Bud' }); const obj1 = { createdByModel: 'Person', createdBy: person._id }; const obj2 = { createdByModel: 'Test', createdBy: animal._id }; await Thing.create(obj1, obj2); const things = await Thing.find({}).populate('createdBy').exec(); assert.ok(things[0]; assert.ok(things[1]; }); it('returned array has toObject() (gh-4656)', function(done) { const demoWrapperSchema = new Schema({ demo: [{ type: String, ref: 'Test' }] }); const demoSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Demo = db.model('Test', demoSchema); const DemoWrapper = db.model('Test1', demoWrapperSchema); Demo.create({ name: 'test' }). then(function(demo) { return DemoWrapper.create({ demo: [demo._id] }); }). then(function(wrapper) { return DemoWrapper.findById(wrapper._id); }). then(function(doc) { return doc.populate('demo'); }). then(function(res) { assert.equal(res.demo.toObject()[0].name, 'test'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('empty array (gh-4284)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const BandSchema = new Schema({ people: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId }] }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); const band = { people: [new mongoose.Types.ObjectId()] }; Band.create(band, function(error, band) { assert.ifError(error); const opts = { path: 'people', model: Person }; Band.findById(band).populate(opts).exec(function(error, band) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(band.people.length, 0); done(); }); }); }); it('empty populate string is a no-op (gh-4702)', function(done) { const BandSchema = new Schema({ people: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId }] }); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); const band = { people: [new mongoose.Types.ObjectId()] }; Band.create(band, function(error, band) { assert.ifError(error); Band.findById(band).populate('').exec(function(error, band) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(band.people.length, 1); done(); }); }); }); it('checks field name correctly with nested arrays (gh-4365)', function(done) { const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, default: '' } }); db.model('User', UserSchema); const GroupSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, members: [String] }); const OrganizationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ members: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }], groups: [GroupSchema] }); const OrganizationModel = db.model('Test', OrganizationSchema); const org = { members: [], groups: [] }; OrganizationModel.create(org, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); OrganizationModel. findOne({}). populate('members', 'name'). exec(function(error, org) { assert.ifError(error); org.groups.push({ name: 'Team Rocket' }); { assert.ifError(error); org.groups[0].members.push('Jessie'); assert.equal(org.groups[0].members[0], 'Jessie'); { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(org.groups[0].members[0], 'Jessie'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('populate virtuals (gh-2562)', function() { it('basic populate virtuals', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, band: String }); const BandSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); BandSchema.virtual('members', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'band' }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); const people = ['Axl Rose', 'Slash'].map(function(v) { return { name: v, band: 'Guns N\' Roses' }; }); Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Band.create({ name: 'Guns N\' Roses' }, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); const query = { name: 'Guns N\' Roses' }; Band.findOne(query).populate('members').exec(function(error, gnr) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(gnr.members.length, 2); done(); }); }); }); }); it('match (gh-6787)', async function() { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, band: String }); const BandSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); BandSchema.virtual('members', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'band', options: { match: { name: /^a/i } } }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); const people = ['BB', 'AA', 'AB', 'BA'].map(function(v) { return { name: v, band: 'Test' }; });
await Person.create(people); await Band.create({ name: 'Test' }); const band = await Band.findOne().populate('members'); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['AA', 'AB']); }); it('multiple source docs', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, band: String }); const BandSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); BandSchema.virtual('members', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'band' }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); let people = ['Axl Rose', 'Slash'].map(function(v) { return { name: v, band: 'Guns N\' Roses' }; }); people = people.concat(['Vince Neil', 'Nikki Sixx'].map(function(v) { return { name: v, band: 'Motley Crue' }; })); Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); const bands = [ { name: 'Guns N\' Roses' }, { name: 'Motley Crue' } ]; Band.create(bands, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Band. find({}). sort({ name: 1 }). populate({ path: 'members', options: { sort: { name: 1 } } }). exec(function(error, bands) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(bands.length, 2); assert.equal(bands[0].name, 'Guns N\' Roses'); assert.equal(bands[0].members.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(bands[0] =>, ['Axl Rose', 'Slash']); assert.equal(bands[1].name, 'Motley Crue'); assert.equal(bands[1].members.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(bands[1] =>, ['Nikki Sixx', 'Vince Neil']); done(); }); }); }); }); it('catchable error if localField or foreignField not specified (gh-6767)', function() { const BandSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); BandSchema.virtual('members'); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); return Band.create({ name: 'Motley Crue' }). then(() => Band.find().populate('members')). catch(error => { assert.ok(error.message.indexOf('foreignField') !== -1, error.message); }); }); it('source array', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const BandSchema = new Schema({ name: String, people: [String] }); BandSchema.virtual('members', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'people', foreignField: 'name' }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); const bands = [ { name: 'Guns N\' Roses', people: ['Axl Rose', 'Slash'] }, { name: 'Motley Crue', people: ['Vince Neil', 'Nikki Sixx'] } ]; const people = [ { name: 'Axl Rose' }, { name: 'Slash' }, { name: 'Vince Neil' }, { name: 'Nikki Sixx' } ]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Band.insertMany(bands, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Band. find({}). sort({ name: 1 }). populate({ path: 'members', options: { sort: { name: 1 } } }). exec(function(error, bands) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(bands.length, 2); assert.equal(bands[0].name, 'Guns N\' Roses'); assert.equal(bands[0].members.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(bands[0] =>, ['Axl Rose', 'Slash']); assert.equal(bands[1].name, 'Motley Crue'); assert.equal(bands[1].members.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(bands[1] =>, ['Nikki Sixx', 'Vince Neil']); done(); }); }); }); }); it('multiple paths (gh-4234)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number], favorites: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('authors', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored' }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('favoritedBy', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'favorites' }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const blogPosts = [{ _id: 0, title: 'Bacon is Great' }]; const people = [{ name: 'Val', authored: [0], favorites: [0] }]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost.create(blogPosts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. findOne({ _id: 0 }). populate('authors favoritedBy'). exec(function(error, post) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(post.authors.length, 1); assert.equal(post.authors[0].name, 'Val'); assert.equal(post.favoritedBy.length, 1); assert.equal(post.favoritedBy[0].name, 'Val'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('in embedded array (gh-4928)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('author', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored', justOne: true }); const CollectionSchema = new Schema({ blogPosts: [BlogPostSchema] }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Collection = db.model('Test', CollectionSchema); Person.create({ name: 'Val', authored: 1 }). then(function() { return Collection.create({ blogPosts: [{ _id: 1, title: 'Test' }] }); }). then(function(c) { return Collection.findById(c._id).populate(''); }). then(function(c) { assert.equal(c.blogPosts[0], 'Val'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('in embedded array with sort (gh-10552)', async function() { const AppMenuItemSchema = new Schema({ appId: 'ObjectId', moduleId: Number, title: String, parent: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'AppMenuItem' }, order: Number }); const moduleSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: { type: String }, hidden: { type: Boolean } }); moduleSchema.virtual('menu', { ref: 'Test1', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'moduleId', options: { sort: { title: 1 } } }); const appSchema = new Schema({ modules: [moduleSchema] }); const App = db.model('Test', appSchema); const AppMenuItem = db.model('Test1', AppMenuItemSchema);
let app = await App.create({ modules: [{ _id: 1, title: 'File' }, { _id: 2, title: 'Preferences' }] }); await AppMenuItem.create([ { title: 'Save', moduleId: 1 }, { title: 'Save As', moduleId: 1 }, { title: 'Undo', moduleId: 2 }, { title: 'Redo', moduleId: 2 } ]); app = await App.findById(app).populate(''); app = app.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal(app.modules.length, 2); assert.equal(app.modules[0].menu.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(app.modules[0] => i.title), ['Save', 'Save As']); assert.deepEqual(app.modules[1] => i.title), ['Redo', 'Undo']); }); it('justOne option (gh-4263)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('author', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored', justOne: true }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const blogPosts = [{ _id: 0, title: 'Bacon is Great' }]; const people = [ { name: 'Val', authored: [0] }, { name: 'Test', authored: [0] } ]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost.create(blogPosts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. findOne({ _id: 0 }). populate('author'). exec(function(error, post) { assert.ifError(error); assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(, false); assert.ok(^(Val|Test)$/)); done(); }); }); }); }); it('justOne + lean (gh-6234)', async function() { const PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, band: String }); const BandSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); BandSchema.virtual('member', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'band', justOne: true }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); await Band.create({ name: 'Guns N\' Roses' }); await Band.create({ name: 'Motley Crue' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Axl Rose', band: 'Guns N\' Roses' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Slash', band: 'Guns N\' Roses' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Vince Neil', band: 'Motley Crue' }); await Person.create({ name: 'Nikki Sixx', band: 'Motley Crue' }); const res = await Band.find(). sort({ name: 1 }). populate('member'). lean(); assert.equal(res.length, 2); assert.equal(res[0].name, 'Guns N\' Roses'); assert.equal(res[0], 'Axl Rose'); assert.equal(res[1].name, 'Motley Crue'); assert.equal(res[1], 'Vince Neil'); }); it('sets empty array if lean with justOne = false and no results (gh-10992)', async function() { const PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, band: String }); const BandSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); BandSchema.virtual('members', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'band', justOne: false }); db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', BandSchema); await Band.create({ name: 'Guns N\' Roses' }); const res = await Band.find().populate('members').lean(); assert.equal(res.length, 1); assert.equal(res[0].name, 'Guns N\' Roses'); assert.deepStrictEqual(res[0].members, []); }); it('justOne underneath array (gh-6867)', async function() { const ReportItemSchema = new Schema({ idItem: String }); const ReportSchema = new Schema({ items: [ReportItemSchema] }); ReportItemSchema.virtual('itemDetail', { ref: 'Child', localField: 'idItem', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true // here is the problem }); const ItemSchema = new Schema({ _id: String }); const ReportModel = db.model('Parent', ReportSchema); const ItemModel = db.model('Child', ItemSchema); await ItemModel.create({ _id: 'foo' }); await ReportModel.create({ items: [{ idItem: 'foo' }, { idItem: 'bar' }] }); let doc = await ReportModel.findOne({}).populate('items.itemDetail'); doc = doc.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal(doc.items[0].itemDetail._id, 'foo'); assert.ok(!doc.items[1].itemDetail); }); it('with no results and justOne (gh-4284)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('author', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored', justOne: true }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const blogPosts = [ { _id: 0, title: 'Bacon is Great' }, { _id: 1, title: 'Bacon is OK' } ]; const people = [ { name: 'Val', authored: [0] } ]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost.create(blogPosts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. find({}). sort({ title: 1 }). populate('author'). exec(function(error, posts) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(posts[0], 'Val'); assert.strictEqual(posts[1].author, null); done(); }); }); }); }); it('with multiple results and justOne (gh-4329)', function(done) { const UserSchema = new Schema({ openId: String }); const CommentSchema = new Schema({ openId: String }); CommentSchema.virtual('user', { ref: 'User', localField: 'openId', foreignField: 'openId', justOne: true }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', CommentSchema); User.create({ openId: 'user1' }, { openId: 'user2' }, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Comment.create({ openId: 'user1' }, { openId: 'user2' }, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Comment. find(). sort({ openId: 1 }). populate('user'). exec(function(error, tasks) { assert.ifError(error); assert.ok(tasks[0].user); assert.ok(tasks[1].user); const users = { return task.user.openId; }); assert.deepEqual(users, ['user1', 'user2']); done(); }); }); }); }); it('virtuals with getters (gh-9343)', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ openId: String, test: String }); const CommentSchema = new Schema({ openId: String }); CommentSchema.virtual('user', { ref: 'User', localField: 'openId', foreignField: 'openId', justOne: true }).get(v => v.test); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', CommentSchema);
await Comment.create({ openId: 'test' }); await User.create({ openId: 'test', test: 'my string' }); const comment = await Comment.findOne({ openId: 'test' }).populate('user'); assert.equal(comment.user, 'my string'); }); it('virtuals with `get` option (gh-9343)', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ openId: String, test: String }); const CommentSchema = new Schema({ openId: String }); CommentSchema.virtual('user', { ref: 'User', localField: 'openId', foreignField: 'openId', justOne: true, get: v => v.test }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', CommentSchema);
await Comment.create({ openId: 'test' }); await User.create({ openId: 'test', test: 'my string' }); const comment = await Comment.findOne({ openId: 'test' }).populate('user'); assert.equal(comment.user, 'my string'); }); it('hydrates properly (gh-4618)', function(done) { const ASchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String } }); const BSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String }, a_id: { type: ObjectId } }, { toObject: { virtuals: true }, toJSON: { virtuals: true } }); BSchema.virtual('a', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'a_id', foreignField: '_id' }); const A = db.model('Test', ASchema); const B = db.model('Test1', BSchema); A.create({ name: 'test' }). then(function(a) { return B.create({ name: 'test2', a_id: a._id }); }). then(function(b) { return B.findById(b).populate('a').exec(); }). then(function(b) { assert.equal(b.toObject().a[0].name, 'test'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('with functions for localField and foreignField (gh-5704)', function(done) { const ASchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const BSchema = new Schema({ name: String, localField: String, firstId: ObjectId, secondId: ObjectId }, { toObject: { virtuals: true }, toJSON: { virtuals: true } }); BSchema.virtual('a', { ref: 'Test1', localField: function() { return this.localField; }, foreignField: function() { return '_id'; }, justOne: true }); const A = db.model('Test1', ASchema); const B = db.model('Test2', BSchema); A.create([{ name: 'test1' }, { name: 'test2' }]). then(function(arr) { return B.create([ { name: 'b1', localField: 'firstId', firstId: arr[0]._id, secondId: arr[1]._id }, { name: 'b2', localField: 'secondId', firstId: arr[0]._id, secondId: arr[1]._id } ]); }). then(function() { return B.find().populate('a').sort([['name', 1]]).exec(); }). then(function(bs) { assert.equal(bs[0], 'test1'); assert.equal(bs[1], 'test2'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('with functions for ref (gh-5602)', function(done) { const ASchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const BSchema = new Schema({ referencedModel: String, aId: ObjectId }); BSchema.virtual('a', { ref: function() { return this.referencedModel; }, localField: 'aId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const A1 = db.model('Test1', ASchema); const A2 = db.model('Test2', ASchema); const B = db.model('Test', BSchema); A1.create({ name: 'a1' }). then(function(a1) { return A2.create({ name: 'a2' }).then(function(res) { return [a1].concat(res); }); }). then(function(as) { return B.create([ { name: 'test1', referencedModel: 'Test1', aId: as[0]._id }, { name: 'test2', referencedModel: 'Test2', aId: as[1]._id } ]); }). then(function() { return B.find().populate('a').sort([['name', 1]]); }). then(function(bs) { assert.equal(bs.length, 2); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['a1', 'a2']); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('with functions for match (gh-7397)', async function() { const ASchema = new Schema({ name: String, createdAt: Date }); const BSchema = new Schema({ as: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }], minDate: Date }); const A = db.model('Test', ASchema); const B = db.model('Test1', BSchema);
const as = await A.create([ { name: 'old', createdAt: '2015-06-01' }, { name: 'newer', createdAt: '2017-06-01' }, { name: 'newest', createdAt: '2019-06-01' } ]); await B.create({ as: => a._id), minDate: '2016-01-01' }); const b = await B.findOne().populate({ path: 'as', match: doc => ({ createdAt: { $gte: doc.minDate } }) }); assert.equal(, 2); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['newer', 'newest']); await B.create({ as: => a._id), minDate: '2018-01-01' }); const bs = await B.find().sort({ minDate: 1 }).populate({ path: 'as', match: doc => ({ createdAt: { $gte: doc.minDate } }) }); assert.equal(bs[0].minDate.toString(), new Date('2016-01-01').toString()); assert.equal(bs[1].minDate.toString(), new Date('2018-01-01').toString()); assert.equal(bs[0].as.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(bs[0] =>, ['newer', 'newest']); assert.equal(bs[1].as.length, 1); assert.deepEqual(bs[1] =>, ['newest']); }); it('with functions for match and foreignField (gh-7397)', async function() { const ASchema = new Schema({ name: String, createdAt: Date, b: ObjectId, b2: ObjectId }); const BSchema = new Schema({ alternateProperty: Boolean, minDate: Date }); BSchema.virtual('as', { ref: 'Test1', localField: '_id', foreignField: function() { return this.alternateProperty ? 'b2' : 'b'; }, options: { match: doc => ({ createdAt: { $gte: doc.minDate } }) } }); const A = db.model('Test1', ASchema); const B = db.model('Test2', BSchema);
let bs = await B.create([ { minDate: '2016-01-01' }, { minDate: '2016-01-01', alternateProperty: true } ]); await A.create([ { name: 'old', createdAt: '2015-06-01', b: bs[0]._id, b2: bs[1]._id }, { name: 'newer', createdAt: '2017-06-01', b: bs[0]._id, b2: bs[1]._id }, { name: 'newest', createdAt: '2019-06-01', b: bs[0]._id, b2: bs[1]._id } ]); bs = await B.find().sort({ minDate: 1 }).populate('as'); let b = bs[0]; assert.equal(, 2); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['newer', 'newest']); b = bs[1]; assert.equal(, 2); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['newer', 'newest']); }); it('with function for refPath (gh-6669)', async function() { const connectionSchema = new Schema({ destination: String }); const Conn = db.model('Test1', connectionSchema); const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('Test2', userSchema); const agentSchema = new Schema({ vendor: String }); const Agent = db.model('Test3', agentSchema); const subSchema = new Schema({ kind: { type: String }, item: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: function(doc, path) { return path.replace(/\.item$/, '.kind'); } } }); const recordSchema = new Schema({ name: String, connections: [subSchema], users: [subSchema], agents: [subSchema] }); const Record = db.model('Test', recordSchema); const connection = new Conn({ destination: '' }); const user = new User({ name: 'Kev' }); const agent = new Agent({ vendor: 'chrome' }); const record = new Record({ connections: [{ kind: 'Test1', item: connection._id }], users: [{ kind: 'Test2', item: user._id }], agents: [{ kind: 'Test3', item: agent._id }] });
await; await; await; await; const doc = await Record.findOne({}) .populate('connections.item') .populate('users.item') .populate('agents.item'); assert.strictEqual(doc.connections[0].item.destination, ''); assert.strictEqual(doc.users[0], 'Kev'); assert.strictEqual(doc.agents[0].item.vendor, 'chrome'); }); it('with no results (gh-4284)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('authors', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored' }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const blogPosts = [ { _id: 0, title: 'Bacon is Great' }, { _id: 1, title: 'Bacon is OK' }, { _id: 2, title: 'Bacon is not great' } ]; const people = [ { name: 'Val', authored: [0] }, { name: 'Test', authored: [0, 1] } ]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost.create(blogPosts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. find({}). sort({ _id: 1 }). populate('authors'). exec(function(error, posts) { assert.ifError(error); const arr = posts[0].toObject({ virtuals: true }).authors. map(function(v) { return; }). sort(); assert.deepEqual(arr, ['Test', 'Val']); assert.equal(posts[1].authors.length, 1); assert.equal(posts[1].authors[0].name, 'Test'); assert.equal(posts[2].authors.length, 0); done(); }); }); }); }); it('virtual is undefined when not populated (gh-7795)', async function() { const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('authors', { ref: 'Person', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored' }); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema);
await BlogPost.create({ _id: 1, title: 'test' }); const doc = await BlogPost.findOne(); assert.strictEqual(doc.authors, void 0); }); it('deep populate virtual -> conventional (gh-4261)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); PersonSchema.virtual('blogPosts', { ref: 'BlogPost', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'author' }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ title: String, author: { type: ObjectId }, comments: [{ author: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } }] }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const people = [ { name: 'Val' }, { name: 'Test' } ]; Person.create(people, function(error, people) { assert.ifError(error); const post = { title: 'Test1', author: people[0]._id, comments: [{ author: people[1]._id }] }; BlogPost.create(post, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Person.findById(people[0]._id). populate({ path: 'blogPosts', model: BlogPost, populate: { path: '', model: Person } }). exec(function(error, person) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(person.blogPosts[0].comments[0], 'Test'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('deep populate virtual -> virtual (gh-4278)', function(done) { const ASchema = new Schema({ name: String }); ASchema.virtual('bs', { ref: 'Test2', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'a' }); const BSchema = new Schema({ a: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String }); BSchema.virtual('cs', { ref: 'Test3', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'b' }); const CSchema = new Schema({ b: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String }); const A = db.model('Test1', ASchema); const B = db.model('Test2', BSchema); const C = db.model('Test3', CSchema); A.create({ name: 'A1' }, function(error, a) { assert.ifError(error); B.create({ name: 'B1', a: a._id }, function(error, b) { assert.ifError(error); C.create({ name: 'C1', b: b._id }, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); const options = { path: 'bs', populate: { path: 'cs' } }; A.findById(a).populate(options).exec(function(error, res) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal([0].name, 'B1'); assert.equal([0].cs.length, 1); assert.equal([0].cs[0].name, 'C1'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('source array (gh-4585)', function(done) { const tagSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, tagId: String }); const blogPostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, body: String, tags: [String] }); blogPostSchema.virtual('tagsDocuments', { ref: 'Test', // model localField: 'tags', foreignField: 'tagId' }); const Tag = db.model('Test', tagSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const tags = [ { name: 'angular.js', tagId: 'angular' }, { name: 'node.js', tagId: 'node' }, { name: 'javascript', tagId: 'javascript' } ]; Tag.create(tags). then(function() { return BlogPost.create({ title: 'test', tags: ['angular', 'javascript'] }); }). then(function(post) { return BlogPost.findById(post._id).populate('tagsDocuments'); }). then(function(doc) { assert.equal(doc.tags[0], 'angular'); assert.equal(doc.tags[1], 'javascript'); assert.equal(doc.tagsDocuments[0].tagId, 'angular'); assert.equal(doc.tagsDocuments[1].tagId, 'javascript'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('lean with single result and no justOne (gh-4288)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('authors', { ref: true, localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored', justOne: false }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const blogPosts = [ { _id: 0, title: 'Bacon is Great' } ]; const people = [ { name: 'Val', authored: [0] } ]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost.create(blogPosts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. findOne({}). lean(). populate({ path: 'authors', model: Person }). exec(function(error, post) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(post.authors.length, 1); assert.equal(post.authors[0].name, 'Val'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('gh-4923', function(done) { const ClusterSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Cluster = db.model('Test', ClusterSchema); const ZoneSchema = new Schema({ name: String, clusters: { type: [ObjectId], ref: 'Test' } }); const Zone = db.model('Test1', ZoneSchema); const DocSchema = new Schema({ activity: [{ cluster: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }, intensity: Number }] }); DocSchema.virtual('activity.zones', { ref: 'Test1', localField: 'activity.cluster', foreignField: 'clusters' }); DocSchema.set('toObject', { virtuals: true }); DocSchema.set('toJSON', { virtuals: true }); const Doc = db.model('Test2', DocSchema); Cluster.create([{ name: 'c1' }, { name: 'c2' }, { name: 'c3' }]). then(function(c) { return Zone.create([ { name: 'z1', clusters: [c[0]._id, c[1]._id, c[2]._id] }, { name: 'z2', clusters: [c[0]._id, c[2]._id] } ]).then(function() { return c; }); }). then(function(c) { return Doc.create({ activity: [ { cluster: c[0]._id, intensity: 1 }, { cluster: c[1]._id, intensity: 2 } ] }); }). then(function() { return Doc. findOne({}). populate('activity.cluster'). populate('activity.zones', 'name clusters'). exec(function(error, res) { assert.ifError(error); // Fails if this `.toObject()` is omitted, issue #4926 res = res.toObject({ virtuals: true }); const compare = function(a, b) { if ( < { return -1; } else if ( < { return 1; } return 0; }; res.activity[0].zones.sort(compare); res.activity[1].zones.sort(compare); assert.equal(res.activity[0].zones[0].name, 'z1'); assert.equal(res.activity[1].zones[0].name, 'z1'); done(); }); }). catch(done); }); it('supports setting default options in schema (gh-4741)', function(done) { const sessionSchema = new Schema({ date: { type: Date }, user: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }); const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); userSchema.virtual('sessions', { ref: 'Test', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'user', options: { sort: { date: -1 }, limit: 2 } }); const Session = db.model('Test', sessionSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.create({ name: 'Val' }). then(function(user) { return Session.create([ { date: '2011-06-01', user: user._id }, { date: '2011-06-02', user: user._id }, { date: '2011-06-03', user: user._id } ]); }). then(function(sessions) { return User.findById(sessions[0].user).populate('sessions'); }). then(function(user) { assert.equal(user.sessions.length, 2); assert.equal(user.sessions[0].date.valueOf(), new Date('2011-06-03').valueOf()); assert.equal(user.sessions[1].date.valueOf(), new Date('2011-06-02').valueOf()); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('handles populate with 0 args (gh-5036)', function(done) { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); User.findOne().populate().exec(function(error) { assert.ifError(error); done(); }); }); it('attaches `_id` property to ref ids (gh-6359) (gh-6115)', function() { const articleSchema = new Schema({ title: String, author: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } }); const authorSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Article = db.model('BlogPost', articleSchema); const Author = db.model('Person', authorSchema); const author = new Author({ name: 'Val' }); const article = new Article({ title: 'async/await', author: author._id }); assert.ok(!; assert.equal(, author._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(, author._id.toHexString()); = author; assert.equal(, 'Val'); assert.equal(, author._id.toHexString()); }); describe('selectPopulatedFields (gh-5669)', function() { afterEach(function() { delete mongoose.options.selectPopulatedPaths; }); it('auto select populated fields (gh-5669) (gh-5685)', function(done) { const ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String }, categories: { type: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }], select: false } }); const CategorySchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Product = db.model('Product', ProductSchema); const Category = db.model('Test', CategorySchema); Category.create({ name: 'Books' }, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); const product = { name: 'Professional AngularJS', categories: [doc._id] }; Product.create(product, function(error, product) { assert.ifError(error); Product.findById(product._id).populate('categories').exec(function(error, product) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(product.categories.length, 1); assert.equal(product.categories[0].name, 'Books'); Product.findById(product._id).populate('categories').select({ categories: 0 }).exec(function(error, product) { assert.ifError(error); assert.ok(!product.categories); Product.findById(product._id).select({ name: 0 }).populate('categories').exec(function(error, product) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(product.categories.length, 1); assert.equal(product.categories[0].name, 'Books'); assert.ok(!; done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('disabling at schema level (gh-6546)', async function() { const Person = db.model('Person', new Schema({ name: String })); const bookSchema = new Schema({ title: 'String', author: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Person' } }, { selectPopulatedPaths: false }); const Book = db.model('Product', bookSchema);
const author = await Person.create({ name: 'Val' }); await Book.create({ title: 'Mastering Async/Await', author: author._id }); const res = await Book.findOne().select('title').populate('author'); assert.ok(!; }); it('disabling at global level (gh-6546)', async function() { const Person = db.model('Person', new Schema({ name: String })); const bookSchema = new Schema({ title: 'String', author: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Person' } }); const Book = db.model('Product', bookSchema); mongoose.set('selectPopulatedPaths', false);
const author = await Person.create({ name: 'Val' }); await Book.create({ title: 'Mastering Async/Await', author: author._id }); const res = await Book.findOne().select('title').populate('author'); assert.ok(!; }); it('schema overwrites global (gh-6546)', async function() { const Person = db.model('Person', new Schema({ name: String })); const bookSchema = new Schema({ title: 'String', author: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Person' } }, { selectPopulatedPaths: true }); const Book = db.model('Product', bookSchema); mongoose.set('selectPopulatedPaths', false);
const author = await Person.create({ name: 'Val' }); await Book.create({ title: 'Mastering Async/Await', author: author._id }); const res = await Book.findOne().select('title').populate('author'); assert.equal(, 'Val'); }); }); it('handles populating with discriminators that may not have a ref (gh-4817)', function(done) { const imagesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true } }); const Image = db.model('Image', imagesSchema); const fieldSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true } }); const Field = db.model('Test', fieldSchema); const imageFieldSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ value: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Image', default: null } }); const FieldImage = Field.discriminator('Test1', imageFieldSchema); const textFieldSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ value: { type: Schema.Types.Mixed, required: true, default: {} } }); const FieldText = Field.discriminator('Test2', textFieldSchema); const objectSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true }, fields: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }] }); const ObjectModel = db.model('Test3', objectSchema); Image.create({ name: 'testing' }). then(function(image) { return FieldImage.create({ name: 'test', value: image._id }); }). then(function(fieldImage) { return FieldText.create({ name: 'test', value: 'test' }). then(function(fieldText) { return [fieldImage, fieldText]; }); }). then(function(fields) { return ObjectModel.create({ fields: fields, name: 'test' }); }). then(function(obj) { return ObjectModel.findOne({ _id: obj._id }).populate({ path: 'fields', populate: { path: 'value' } }).exec(); }). then(function(obj) { assert.equal(obj.fields.length, 2); assert.equal(obj.fields[0], 'testing'); assert.equal(obj.fields[1].value, 'test'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('populate with no ref using Model.populate (gh-4843)', function(done) { const schema = new Schema({ parent: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String }); const Person = db.model('Person', schema); Person.create({ name: 'Anakin' }). then(function(parent) { return Person.create({ name: 'Luke', parent: parent._id }); }). then(function(luke) { return Person.findById(luke._id); }). then(function(luke) { return Person.populate(luke, { path: 'parent', model: 'Person' }); }). then(function(luke) { assert.equal(, 'Anakin'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('nested populate, virtual -> normal (gh-4631)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); PersonSchema.virtual('blogPosts', { ref: 'BlogPost', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'author' }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ title: String, author: { type: ObjectId }, comments: [{ author: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } }] }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const people = [ { name: 'Val' }, { name: 'Test' } ]; Person.create(people, function(error, people) { assert.ifError(error); const post = { title: 'Test1', author: people[0]._id, comments: [{ author: people[1]._id }] }; BlogPost.create(post, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Person.findById(people[0]._id). populate({ path: 'blogPosts', model: BlogPost, populate: { path: 'author', model: Person } }). exec(function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(doc.blogPosts.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.blogPosts[0], 'Val'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('populate with Decimal128 as ref (gh-4759)', async function() { const version = await start.mongodVersion(); const mongo34 = version[0] > 3 || (version[0] === 3 && version[1] >= 4); if (!mongo34) { return; } const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, child: { type: 'Decimal128', ref: 'Child' } }); const childSchema = new Schema({ _id: 'Decimal128', name: String }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const decimal128 = childSchema.path('_id').cast('1.337e+3'); await Child.create({ name: 'Luke', _id: '1.337e+3' }); const parent = await Parent.create({ name: 'Anakin', child: decimal128.bytes }); const foundParent = await Parent.findById(parent._id).populate('child'); assert.equal(, 'Luke'); assert.equal(foundParent.child._id.toString(), '1337'); }); it('handles circular virtual -> regular (gh-5128)', function(done) { const ASchema = new Schema({ title: { type: String, required: true, trim: true } }); ASchema.virtual('brefs', { ref: 'Test2', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'arefs' }); const BSchema = new Schema({ arefs: [{ type: ObjectId, required: true, ref: 'Test1' }] }); const a = db.model('Test1', ASchema); const b = db.model('Test2', BSchema); const id1 = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); a.create({ _id: id1, title: 'test' }). then(function() { return b.create({ arefs: [id1] }); }). then(function() { return a.findOne({ _id: id1 }).populate([{ path: 'brefs', // this gets populated model: 'Test2', populate: [{ path: 'arefs', model: 'Test1' }] }]); }). then(function(doc) { assert.equal(doc.brefs[0].arefs[0].title, 'test'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('handles nested virtuals (gh-4851)', function(done) { const AuthorSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const BookSchema = new Schema({ title: String, author: { id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId } }); BookSchema.virtual('author.doc', { ref: 'Author', foreignField: '_id', localField: '', justOne: true }); db.deleteModel(/.*/); const Author = db.model('Author', AuthorSchema); const Book = db.model('Book', BookSchema); Author.create({ name: 'Val' }). then(function(author) { return Book.create({ title: 'Professional AngularJS', author: { id: author._id } }); }). then(function(book) { return Book.findById(book).populate('author.doc'); }). then(function(doc) { assert.equal(, 'Val'); doc = doc.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal(, 'Val'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('nested virtuals if top-level prop doesnt exist (gh-5431)', function(done) { const personSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, band: String }); const bandSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, data: { field: String } }); bandSchema.virtual('data.members', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'band', justOne: false }); bandSchema.set('toObject', { virtuals: true }); const Person = db.model('Person', personSchema); const Band = db.model('Test', bandSchema); Band.create({ name: 'Motley Crue', data: {} }). then(function() { return Person.create({ name: 'Vince Neil', band: 'Motley Crue' }); }). then(function() { return Band.findOne({}).populate('data.members'); }). then(function(band) { assert.equal(, 1); assert.equal([0].name, 'Vince Neil'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('nested virtuals + doc.populate() (gh-5240)', function(done) { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const childSchema = new Schema({ parentId: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId }); childSchema.virtual('parent', { ref: 'Parent', localField: 'parentId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const teamSchema = new Schema({ people: [childSchema] }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Team = db.model('Team', teamSchema); Parent.create({ name: 'Darth Vader' }). then(function(doc) { return Team.create({ people: [{ parentId: doc._id }] }); }). then(function(team) { return Team.findById(team._id); }). then(function(team) { return team.populate('people.parent'); }). then(function(team) { team = team.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal(team.people[0], 'Darth Vader'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('no ref + cursor (gh-5334)', function(done) { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, child: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId }); const childSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); Child.create({ name: 'Luke' }, function(error, child) { assert.ifError(error); Parent.create({ name: 'Vader', child: child._id }, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Parent.find().populate({ path: 'child', model: 'Child' }).cursor().next(function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(, 'Luke'); done(); }); }); }); }); it('retains limit when using cursor (gh-5468)', function(done) { const refSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }, { versionKey: null }); const Ref = db.model('Test', refSchema); const testSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: Number, prevnxt: [{ type: Number, ref: 'Test' }] }); const Test = db.model('Test1', testSchema); const docs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(function(i) { return { _id: i }; }); Ref.create(docs, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); const docs = [ { _id: 1, prevnxt: [1, 2, 3] }, { _id: 2, prevnxt: [4, 5, 6] } ]; Test.create(docs, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); const cursor = Test. find(). populate({ path: 'prevnxt', options: { limit: 2 } }). cursor(); cursor.on('data', function(doc) { assert.equal(doc.prevnxt.length, 2); }); cursor.on('error', done); cursor.on('end', function() { done(); }); }); }); }); it('virtuals + doc.populate() (gh-5311)', function(done) { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const childSchema = new Schema({ parentId: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId }); childSchema.virtual('parent', { ref: 'Parent', localField: 'parentId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); Parent.create({ name: 'Darth Vader' }). then(function(doc) { return Child.create({ parentId: doc._id }); }). then(function(c) { return Child.findById(c._id); }). then(function(c) { return c.populate('parent'); }). then(function(c) { c = c.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal(, 'Darth Vader'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('empty virtual with Model.populate (gh-5331)', function(done) { const myModelSchema = new Schema({ virtualRefKey: { type: String, ref: 'Test' } }); myModelSchema.set('toJSON', { virtuals: true }); myModelSchema.virtual('populatedVirtualRef', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'virtualRefKey', foreignField: 'handle' }); const otherModelSchema = new Schema({ handle: String }); const MyModel = db.model('Test', myModelSchema); db.model('Test1', otherModelSchema); MyModel.create({ virtualRefKey: 'test' }, function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); MyModel.populate(doc, 'populatedVirtualRef', function(error, doc) { assert.ifError(error); assert.ok(doc.populatedVirtualRef); assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc.populatedVirtualRef)); done(); }); }); }); it('virtual populate in single nested doc (gh-4715)', function(done) { const someModelSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const SomeModel = db.model('Test', someModelSchema); const schema0 = new mongoose.Schema({ name1: String }); schema0.virtual('detail', { ref: 'Test', localField: '_id', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const schemaMain = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, obj: schema0 }); const ModelMain = db.model('Test1', schemaMain); ModelMain.create({ name: 'Test', obj: {} }). then(function(m) { return SomeModel.create({ _id: m.obj._id, name: 'test' }); }). then(function() { return ModelMain.findOne().populate('obj.detail'); }). then(function(m) { assert.equal(, 'test'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('populate with missing schema (gh-5364)', function(done) { const Foo = db.model('Test', new mongoose.Schema({ bar: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Bar' } })); Foo.create({ bar: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId() }, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); Foo.find().populate('bar').exec(function(error) { assert.ok(error); assert.equal(, 'MissingSchemaError'); done(); }); }); }); it('populate with missing schema (gh-5460)', function(done) { const refSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); db.model('Test', refSchema); const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ ref: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }); const Model = db.model('Test1', schema); const q = Model.find().read('secondaryPreferred').populate('ref'); assert.equal(q._mongooseOptions.populate['ref'].options.readPreference.mode, 'secondaryPreferred'); done(); }); it('array underneath non-existent array (gh-6245)', async function() { let DepartmentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); let CompanySchema = new Schema({ name: String, departments: [DepartmentSchema] }); let Company = db.model('Company', CompanySchema); const company = new Company({ name: 'Uber', departments: [{ name: 'Security' }, { name: 'Engineering' }] }); await; const EmployeeSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); DepartmentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, employees: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Company' }] }); CompanySchema = new Schema({ name: String, departments: [DepartmentSchema] }); delete db.models['Company']; const Employee = db.model('Person', EmployeeSchema); Company = db.model('Company', CompanySchema); let uber = await Company.findOne({ name: 'Uber' }); const kurt = await Employee.create({ name: 'Kurt' }); const engineering = uber.departments. find(d => === 'Engineering'); engineering.employees.addToSet(kurt); await; uber = await Company.findOne({ name: 'Uber' }). populate('departments.employees'); assert.equal(uber.departments[0].name, 'Security'); // Take extra care to make sure this isn't `null` assert.ok(Array.isArray(uber.departments[0].employees)); assert.equal(uber.departments[0].employees.length, 0); }); it('virtuals with justOne false and foreign field not found (gh-5336)', function(done) { const BandSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, active: Boolean }); const Band = db.model('Band', BandSchema); const PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, bands: [String] }); PersonSchema.virtual('bandDetails', { ref: 'Band', localField: 'bands', foreignField: 'name', justOne: false }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const band = new Band({ name: 'The Beatles', active: false }); const person = new Person({ name: 'George Harrison', bands: ['The Beatles'] }); then(function() { return; }). then(function() { return Person.findOne({ name: 'George Harrison' }); }). then(function(person) { return person.populate({ path: 'bandDetails', match: { active: { $eq: true } } }); }). then(function(person) { person = person.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.deepEqual(person.bandDetails, []); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('virtuals with justOne true and foreign field not found (gh-5336)', function(done) { const BandSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, active: Boolean }); const Band = db.model('Band', BandSchema); const PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, bands: [String] }); PersonSchema.virtual('bandDetails', { ref: 'Band', localField: 'bands', foreignField: 'name', justOne: true }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const band = new Band({ name: 'The Beatles', active: false }); const person = new Person({ name: 'George Harrison', bands: ['The Beatles'] }); then(function() { return; }). then(function() { return Person.findOne({ name: 'George Harrison' }); }). then(function(person) { return person.populate({ path: 'bandDetails', match: { active: { $eq: true } } }); }). then(function(person) { person = person.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.strictEqual(person.bandDetails, null); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('select foreignField automatically (gh-4959)', function(done) { const childSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, parentId: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const parentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('detail', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: true }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); Parent.create({ name: 'Test' }). then(function(m) { return Child.create({ name: 'test', parentId: m._id }); }). then(function() { return Parent.find().populate({ path: 'detail', select: 'name' }); }). then(function(res) { const m = res[0]; assert.equal(, 'test'); assert.ok(m.detail.parentId); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('does not set `populated()` until populate is done (gh-5564)', function() { const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({}); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const testSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ users: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] }); const Test = db.model('Test', testSchema); return User.create({}). then(function(user) { return Test.create({ users: [user._id] }); }). then(function(test) { const promise = test.populate('users'); assert.ok(!test.populated('users')); return promise; }). then(function(test) { assert.ok(test.populated('users')); assert.ok(test.users[0]._id); assert.equal(test.users.length, 1); assert.equal(test.populated('users').length, 1); }); }); it('virtual populate toJSON output (gh-5542)', function(done) { const AuthorSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }, { toObject: { virtuals: true }, toJSON: { virtuals: true } }); const BookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ title: String, author: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } }); AuthorSchema.virtual('books', { ref: 'Book', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'author', justOne: true }); const Author = db.model('Person', AuthorSchema); const Book = db.model('Book', BookSchema); const author = new Author({ name: 'Bob' }); then(function(author) { const book = new Book({ name: 'Book', author: author._id }); return; }). then(function() { return Author.findOne({}) .populate({ path: 'books', select: 'title' }) .exec(); }). then(function(author) { const json = author.toJSON(); assert.deepEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(json.books), ['_id', 'author']); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('works if foreignField parent is selected (gh-5037)', function(done) { const childSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, parent: { id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String } }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const parentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('detail', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: '', justOne: true }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); Parent.create({ name: 'Test' }). then(function(m) { return Child.create({ name: 'test', parent: { id: m._id, name: 'test2' } }); }). then(function() { return Parent.find().populate({ path: 'detail', select: 'name parent' }); }). then(function(res) { const m = res[0]; assert.equal(, 'test'); assert.ok(; assert.equal(, 'test2'); done(); }). catch(done); }); it('subPopulate under discriminators race condition (gh-5858)', function() { const options = { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }; const activitySchema = new Schema({ title: { type: String } }, options); const dateActivitySchema = new Schema({ postedBy: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User', required: true } }, options); const eventActivitySchema = new Schema({ test: String }, options); const logSchema = new Schema({ seq: Number, activity: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'kind', required: true }, kind: String }, options); const User = db.model('User', { name: String }); const Activity = db.model('Test1', activitySchema); const DateActivity = Activity.discriminator('gh5858_1', dateActivitySchema); const EventActivity = Activity.discriminator('gh5858_2', eventActivitySchema); const Log = db.model('Test2', logSchema); let dateActivity; let eventActivity; return User.create({ name: 'val' }). then(function(user) { return DateActivity.create({ title: 'test', postedBy: user._id }); }). then(function(_dateActivity) { dateActivity = _dateActivity; return EventActivity.create({ title: 'test' }); }). then(function(_eventActivity) { eventActivity = _eventActivity; return Log.create([ { seq: 1, activity: eventActivity._id, kind: 'gh5858_2' }, { seq: 2, activity: dateActivity._id, kind: 'gh5858_1' } ]); }). then(function() { return Log.find({}). populate({ path: 'activity', populate: 'postedBy' }). sort({ seq: -1 }); }). then(function(results) { assert.equal(results.length, 2); assert.equal(results[0].activity.kind, 'gh5858_1'); assert.equal(results[0], 'val'); assert.equal(results[1].activity.kind, 'gh5858_2'); assert.equal(results[1].activity.postedBy, null); }); }); it('populating nested discriminator path (gh-5970)', function() { const Author = db.model('Person', new mongoose.Schema({ firstName: { type: String, required: true }, lastName: { type: String, required: true } })); const ItemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ title: { type: String, required: true } }, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const ItemBookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ author: { type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' } }); const ItemEBookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ author: { type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Person' }, url: { type: String } }); const BundleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true }, items: [{ type: ItemSchema, required: false }] }); BundleSchema.path('items').discriminator('Book', ItemBookSchema); BundleSchema.path('items').discriminator('EBook', ItemEBookSchema); const Bundle = db.model('Test', BundleSchema); return Author.create({ firstName: 'David', lastName: 'Flanagan' }). then(function(author) { return Bundle.create({ name: 'Javascript Book Collection', items: [ { type: 'Book', title: 'JavaScript: The Definitive Guide', author: author }, { type: 'EBook', title: 'JavaScript: The Definitive Guide Ebook', url: '', author: author } ] }); }). then(function(bundle) { return Bundle.findById(bundle._id).populate('').lean(); }). then(function(bundle) { assert.equal(bundle.items[0].author.firstName, 'David'); assert.equal(bundle.items[1].author.firstName, 'David'); }); }); it('specify model in populate (gh-4264)', function(done) { const PersonSchema = new Schema({ name: String, authored: [Number] }); const BlogPostSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String }); BlogPostSchema.virtual('authors', { ref: true, localField: '_id', foreignField: 'authored' }); const Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema); const blogPosts = [{ _id: 0, title: 'Bacon is Great' }]; const people = [ { name: 'Val', authored: [0] } ]; Person.create(people, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost.create(blogPosts, function(error) { assert.ifError(error); BlogPost. findOne({ _id: 0 }). populate({ path: 'authors', model: Person }). exec(function(error, post) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(post.authors.length, 1); assert.equal(post.authors[0].name, 'Val'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('virtual populate with embedded discriminators (gh-6273)', async function() { // Generate Users Model const userSchema = new Schema({ employeeId: Number, name: String }); const UserModel = db.model('User', userSchema); // Generate Embedded Discriminators const eventSchema = new Schema( { message: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' } ); const batchSchema = new Schema({ events: [eventSchema] }); const docArray = batchSchema.path('events'); // First embedded discriminator schema const clickedSchema = new Schema( { element: { type: String }, users: [Number] }, { toJSON: { virtuals: true }, toObject: { virtuals: true } } ); // Add virtual to first embedded discriminator schema for virtual population clickedSchema.virtual('users_$', { ref: 'User', localField: 'users', foreignField: 'employeeId' }); docArray.discriminator('gh6273_Clicked', clickedSchema); // Second embedded discriminator docArray.discriminator('gh6273_Purchased', new Schema({ product: { type: String } })); const Batch = db.model('Test', batchSchema); // Generate Items const user = { employeeId: 1, name: 'Test name' }; const batch = { events: [ { kind: 'gh6273_Clicked', element: '#hero', message: 'hello', users: [1] }, { kind: 'gh6273_Purchased', product: 'action-figure-1', message: 'world' } ] }; await UserModel.create(user); await Batch.create(batch); const doc = await Batch.findOne().populate('events.users_$'); assert.equal([0].users_$.length, 1); assert.equal([0].users_$[0].name, 'Test name'); assert.deepEqual(doc.toObject().events[0].users, [1]); assert.ok(![1].users_$); }); describe('populates an array of objects', function() { it('subpopulates array w/ space separated path (gh-6284)', async function() { const houseSchema = new Schema({ location: String }); const citySchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const districtSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, houseId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }, cityId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test2' }, districtId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test3' } }); const postSchema = new Schema({ content: String, userId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' } }); const House = db.model('Test', houseSchema); const User = db.model('Test1', userSchema); const City = db.model('Test2', citySchema); const District = db.model('Test3', districtSchema); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema); const house = new House({ location: '123 abc st.' }); const city = new City({ name: 'Some City' }); const district = new District({ name: 'That District' }); const user = new User({ name: 'Billy', houseId: house._id, districtId: district._id, cityId: city._id }); const post = new Post({ content: 'Some meaningful insight.', userId: user._id }); await House.create(house); await City.create(city); await District.create(district); await User.create(user); await Post.create(post); const doc = await Post.findOne({}). populate({ path: 'userId', populate: [{ path: 'houseId', select: 'location' }, { path: 'cityId districtId', select: 'name' }] }); assert.equal(doc.userId.houseId.location, '123 abc st.'); assert.equal(, 'Some City'); assert.equal(, 'That District'); }); it('populates array of space separated path objs (gh-6414)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const officeSchema = new Schema({ managerId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, supervisorId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, janitorId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, associatesIds: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }] }); const Office = db.model('Test', officeSchema); const manager = new User({ name: 'John' }); const billy = new User({ name: 'Billy' }); const tom = new User({ name: 'Tom' }); const kevin = new User({ name: 'Kevin' }); const hafez = new User({ name: 'Hafez' }); const office = new Office({ managerId: manager._id, supervisorId: hafez._id, janitorId: kevin._id, associatesIds: [billy._id, tom._id] }); await; await; await; await; await; await; const doc = await Office.findOne({ _id: office._id }) .populate([ { path: 'managerId supervisorId associatesIds', select: 'name -_id' }, { path: 'janitorId', select: 'name -_id' } ]); assert.strictEqual(, 'John'); assert.strictEqual(, 'Hafez'); assert.strictEqual(doc.associatesIds[0].name, 'Billy'); assert.strictEqual(doc.associatesIds[1].name, 'Tom'); assert.strictEqual(, 'Kevin'); }); it('handles subpopulation with options (gh-6528)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const teachSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const commentSchema = new Schema({ content: String, user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }); const postSchema = new Schema({ title: String, content: String, teacher: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }, commentIds: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId }] }, { timestamps: true }); postSchema.virtual('comments', { ref: 'Comment', localField: 'commentIds', foreignField: '_id', justOne: false }); db.deleteModel(/.*/); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Teacher = db.model('Test', teachSchema); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema); const users = []; const teachers = []; const posts = []; const comments = []; for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const t = new Teacher({ name: `teacher${i}` }); users.push(new User({ name: `user${i}` })); for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) { posts.push(new Post({ title: `title${j}`, content: `content${j}`, teacher: t._id })); } teachers.push(t); } posts.forEach((post) => { users.forEach((user, i) => { const com = new Comment({ content: `comment${i} on ${post.title}`, user: user._id }); comments.push(com); post.commentIds.push(com._id); }); }); function getTeacherPosts(id, skip) { const cond = { teacher: id }; const opts = { sort: { title: -1 }, limit: 1, skip: skip }; const pop = { path: 'comments', options: { sort: { content: -1 }, limit: 1, skip: 1 }, populate: { path: 'user', select: 'name -_id' } }; return Post.find(cond, null, opts).populate(pop).exec(); } await User.create(users); await Teacher.create(teachers); await Post.create(posts); await Comment.create(comments); const t = await Teacher.findOne({ name: 'teacher1' }); const found = await getTeacherPosts(t._id, 1); // skipped 1 posts, sorted backwards from title1 should equal title0 assert.strictEqual(found[0].title, 'title0'); assert.strictEqual(found[0].teacher.toHexString(),; // skipped 1 comment assert.strictEqual(found[0].comments.length, 1); // skipped 1 comment, sorted backwards from comment1 should equal comment0 assert.strictEqual(found[0].comments[0].content, 'comment0 on title0'); }); it('honors top-level match with subPopulation (gh-6451)', async function() { const anotherSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Another = db.model('Test2', anotherSchema); const otherSchema = new Schema({ online: Boolean, value: String, a: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test2' } }); const Other = db.model('Test1', otherSchema); const schema = new Schema({ visible: Boolean, name: String, o: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }] }); const Test = db.model('Test', schema); const another = new Another({ name: 'testing' }); const other = new Other({ online: false, value: 'woohoo', a: another._id }); const other2 = new Other({ online: true, value: 'yippie', a: another._id }); const test = new Test({ visible: true, name: 'Billy', o: [other._id, other2._id] }); await; await Other.create([other, other2]); await; const popObj = { path: 'o', select: '-_id', match: { online: true }, populate: { path: 'a', select: '-_id name' } }; const doc = await Test.findOne({ visible: true }).populate(popObj); assert.strictEqual(doc.o.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(doc.o[0].value, 'yippie'); assert.strictEqual(doc.o[0].online, true); assert.strictEqual(doc.o[0], 'testing'); }); it('handles embedded discriminator (gh-6487)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ employeeId: Number, name: String }); const UserModel = db.model('User', userSchema); const eventSchema = new Schema( { message: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' } ); const batchSchema = new Schema({ nested: new Schema({ events: [eventSchema] }) }); const docArray = batchSchema.path(''); const clickedSchema = new Schema({ element: { type: String }, users: [Number] }, { toJSON: { virtuals: true }, toObject: { virtuals: true } }); clickedSchema.virtual('users_$', { ref: 'User', localField: 'users', foreignField: 'employeeId' }); docArray.discriminator('Clicked', clickedSchema); docArray.discriminator('Purchased', new Schema({ product: { type: String } })); const Batch = db.model('Test', batchSchema); const user = { employeeId: 1, name: 'Test name' }; const batch = { nested: { events: [ { kind: 'Clicked', element: '#hero', message: 'hello', users: [1] }, { kind: 'Purchased', product: 'action-figure-1', message: 'world' } ] } };
await UserModel.create(user); await Batch.create(batch); const docs = await Batch.find({}) .populate('$') .lean(); const name = docs[0][0].users_$[0].name; assert.strictEqual(name, 'Test name'); }); it('handles virtual embedded discriminator underneath single nested (gh-6571)', async function() { // Generate Users Model const userSchema = new Schema({ id: Number, name: String }); db.deleteModel(/.*/); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); // Generate Product Model const productSchema = new Schema({ id: Number, name: String }); const Product = db.model('Product', productSchema); // FlexibleItemSchema discriminator with a bunch of nested subdocs const flexibleItemSchema = new Schema(); const outerSchema = new Schema(); const innerSchema = new Schema(); flexibleItemSchema.add({ outer: outerSchema }); outerSchema.add({ inner: innerSchema }); innerSchema.add({ flexible: [new Schema({ kind: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' })] }); const docArray = innerSchema.path('flexible'); const flexibleUserSchema = new Schema({ users: [{}] }); flexibleUserSchema.virtual('users_$', { ref: 'User', localField: '', foreignField: 'id' }); docArray.discriminator('UserDisc', flexibleUserSchema); const flexibleProductSchema = new Schema({ products: [{}] }); flexibleProductSchema.virtual('products_$', { ref: 'Product', localField: '', foreignField: 'id' }); docArray.discriminator('6571_ProductDisc', flexibleProductSchema); const FlexibleItem = db.model('Test', flexibleItemSchema); // Generate items await User.create({ id: 111, name: 'John Doe' }); await Product.create({ id: 222, name: 'Notebook' }); await FlexibleItem.create({ outer: { inner: { flexible: [ { kind: 'UserDisc', users: [{ id: 111, refKey: 'Users' }] }, { kind: '6571_ProductDisc', products: [{ id: 222, refKey: 'Products' }] } ] } } }); const doc = await FlexibleItem.findOne(). populate('outer.inner.flexible.users_$'). populate('outer.inner.flexible.products_$'). then(doc => doc.toObject({ virtuals: true })); assert.equal(doc.outer.inner.flexible.length, 2); assert.equal(doc.outer.inner.flexible[0].users_$.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.outer.inner.flexible[0].users_$[0].name, 'John Doe'); assert.equal(doc.outer.inner.flexible[1].products_$.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.outer.inner.flexible[1].products_$[0].name, 'Notebook'); }); it('populates undefined nested fields without error (gh-6845)', async function() { const metaDataSchema = new Schema({ type: String }); const commentSchema = new Schema({ metadata: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }); const postSchema = new Schema({ comments: [commentSchema] }); const userSchema = new Schema({ username: String, password: String, posts: [postSchema] }); db.model('Test', metaDataSchema); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const user = await User.findOneAndUpdate( { username: 'Jennifer' }, /* upsert username but missing posts */ { }, { upsert: true, new: true }) .populate(['posts.comments.metadata']) .exec(); assert.ok(user && user.username === 'Jennifer'); }); it('populates refPath from array element (gh-6509)', async function() { const jobSchema = new Schema({ kind: String, title: String, company: String }); const Job = db.model('Job', jobSchema); const volunteerSchema = new Schema({ kind: String, resp: String, org: String }); const Volunteer = db.model('Test1', volunteerSchema); const cvSchema = new Schema({ title: String, date: { type: Date, default: }, sections: [{ name: String, active: Boolean, list: [{ kind: String, active: Boolean, item: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'sections.list.kind' } }] }] }); const CV = db.model('Test2', cvSchema); const job = new Job({ kind: 'Job', title: 'janitor', company: 'Bait & Tackle' }); const volunteer = new Volunteer({ kind: 'Test1', resp: 'construction', org: 'Habitat for Humanity' }); const test = new CV({ title: 'Billy', sections: [{ name: 'Experience', active: true, list: [ { kind: 'Job', active: true, item: job._id }, { kind: 'Test1', active: true, item: volunteer._id } ] }] }); await; await; await; const found = await CV.findOne({}).populate('sections.list.item'); assert.ok(found.sections[0].list[0].item); assert.strictEqual( found.sections[0].list[0], 'Bait & Tackle' ); assert.ok(found.sections[0].list[1].item); assert.strictEqual( found.sections[0].list[1], 'Habitat for Humanity' ); }); }); describe('lean + deep populate (gh-6498)', function() { const isLean = v => v != null && !(v instanceof mongoose.Document); beforeEach(async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, roomId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' } }); const officeSchema = new Schema(); const roomSchema = new Schema({ officeId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Test2' } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Office = db.model('Test2', officeSchema); const Room = db.model('Test1', roomSchema); const user = new User(); const office = new Office(); const room = new Room(); user.roomId = room._id; room.officeId = office._id; await User.deleteMany({}); await Promise.all([,,]); }); it('document, and subdocuments are not lean by default', async function() { const user = await db.model('User').findOne().populate({ path: 'roomId', populate: { path: 'officeId' } }); assert.equal(isLean(user), false); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId), false); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId.officeId), false); }); it('.lean() makes query result, and all populated fields lean', async function() { const user = await db.model('User').findOne(). populate({ path: 'roomId', populate: { path: 'officeId' } }). lean(); assert.equal(isLean(user), true); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId), true); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId.officeId), true); }); it('disabling lean at some populating level reflects on it, and descendants', async function() { const user = await db.model('User').findOne(). populate({ path: 'roomId', options: { lean: false }, populate: { path: 'officeId' } }). lean(); assert.equal(isLean(user), true); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId), false); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId.officeId), false); }); it('enabling lean at some populating level reflects on it, and descendants', async function() { const user = await db.model('User').findOne().populate({ path: 'roomId', options: { lean: true }, populate: { path: 'officeId' } }); assert.equal(isLean(user), false); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId), true); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId.officeId), true); }); it('disabling lean on nested population overwrites parent lean', async function() { const user = await db.model('User').findOne().populate({ path: 'roomId', options: { lean: true }, populate: { options: { lean: false }, path: 'officeId' } }); assert.equal(isLean(user), false); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId), true); assert.equal(isLean(user.roomId.officeId), false); }); }); it('populates virtual of embedded discriminator with dynamic ref (gh-6554)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ employeeId: Number, name: String }); const UserModel = db.model('User', userSchema); const eventSchema = new Schema({ message: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); const batchSchema = new Schema({ events: [eventSchema] }); const docArray = batchSchema.path('events'); const clickedSchema = new Schema({ element: { type: String }, users: [{}] }, { toJSON: { virtuals: true }, toObject: { virtuals: true } }); clickedSchema.virtual('users_$', { ref: function(doc) { return[0].users[0].refKey; }, localField: 'users.ID', foreignField: 'employeeId' }); docArray.discriminator('Clicked', clickedSchema); const Batch = db.model('Test', batchSchema); const user = { employeeId: 1, name: 'Test name' }; const batch = { events: [ { kind: 'Clicked', element: '#hero', message: 'hello', users: [{ ID: 1, refKey: 'User' }] } ] };
await UserModel.create(user); await Batch.create(batch); const doc = await Batch.findOne({}).populate('events.users_$'); assert.strictEqual([0].users_$[0].name, 'Test name'); }); it('populates virtual of embedded discriminator with dynamic ref when more than one model name is returned (gh-6612)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ employeeId: Number, name: String }); const UserModel = db.model('User', userSchema); const authorSchema = new Schema({ employeeId: Number, name: String }); const AuthorModel = db.model('Author', authorSchema); const eventSchema = new Schema({ message: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); const batchSchema = new Schema({ events: [eventSchema] }); const docArray = batchSchema.path('events'); const clickedSchema = new Schema({ element: { type: String }, users: [{}] }, { toJSON: { virtuals: true }, toObject: { virtuals: true } }); clickedSchema.virtual('users_$', { ref: function(doc) { const refKeys =[0] => user.refKey); return refKeys; }, localField: 'users.ID', foreignField: 'employeeId' }); docArray.discriminator('Clicked', clickedSchema); const Batch = db.model('Test', batchSchema); const user = { employeeId: 1, name: 'Test name' }; const author = { employeeId: 2, name: 'Author Name' }; const batch = { events: [ { kind: 'Clicked', element: '#hero', message: 'hello', users: [ { ID: 1, refKey: 'User' }, { ID: 2, refKey: 'Author' } ] } ] };
await UserModel.create(user); await AuthorModel.create(author); await Batch.create(batch); const doc = await Batch.findOne({}).populate('events.users_$'); assert.strictEqual([0].users_$[0].name, 'Test name'); assert.strictEqual([0].users_$[1].name, 'Author Name'); }); it('uses getter if one is defined on the localField (gh-6618)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const schema = new Schema({ referrer: { type: String, get: function(val) { return val.slice(6); } } }, { toObject: { virtuals: true } }); schema.virtual('referrerUser', { ref: 'User', localField: 'referrer', foreignField: 'name', justOne: false, getters: true }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Test = db.model('Test', schema); const user = new User({ name: 'billy' }); const test = new Test({ referrer: 'Model$' + });
await; await; const pop = await Test.findOne().populate('referrerUser'); assert.strictEqual(pop.referrerUser[0].name, 'billy'); const pop2 = await Test.findOne().populate({ path: 'referrerUser', options: { getters: false } }); assert.strictEqual(pop2.referrerUser.length, 0); }); it('populate child with same name as parent (gh-6839) (gh-6908)', async function() { const parentFieldsToPopulate = [ { path: 'children.child' }, { path: 'child' } ]; const childSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const parentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ child: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' }, children: [{ child: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Child' } }] }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
let child = await Child.create({ name: 'test' }); let p = await Parent.create({ child: child }); child = await Child.findById(child._id); p = await Parent.findById(p._id).populate(parentFieldsToPopulate); p.children.push({ child: child }); await; p = await p.populate(parentFieldsToPopulate); assert.ok(p.children[0].child); assert.equal(p.children[0], 'test'); }); it('passes scope as Model instance (gh-6726)', async function() { const otherSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Other = db.model('Test1', otherSchema); const schema = new Schema({ x: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1', get: function(v) { assert.strictEqual(, 'model'); return v; } } }); const Test = db.model('Test', schema); const other = new Other({ name: 'Max' }); const test = new Test({ x: other._id }); await; await; const doc = await Test.findOne({}).populate('x'); assert.strictEqual(, 'Max'); }); it('respects schema array even if underlying doc doesnt use array (gh-6908)', async function() { const jobSchema = new Schema({ company: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Company' }] }); const Job = db.model('Test', jobSchema); const companySchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Company = db.model('Company', companySchema);
const mdb = await Company.create({ name: 'MongoDB' }); await Job.collection.insertOne({ company: mdb._id }); const res = await Job.findOne().populate('company'); assert.ok(Array.isArray(; assert.equal([0].name, 'MongoDB'); }); it('save objectid with populated refPath (gh-6714)', async function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ kind: { type: String }, item: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true, refPath: 'parent.kind' } }); const schema = new Schema({ parent: parentSchema, lockingVersion: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, lastUpdate: { alias: String, date: Date }, test: String }); const Role = db.model('Test', schema);
const role = await Role.create({ }); const role2 = await Role.create({ parent: { kind: 'Test', item: role._id } }); const toUpdate = await Role.find({ _id: role2._id }). populate('parent.item'). then(res => res[0]); toUpdate.test = 'foo'; await; }); it('correct model and justOne when double populating (gh-6978)', async function() { const authorSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const commentSchema = new Schema({ text: String, author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Author' } }); const postSchema = new Schema({ content: String, comments: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }] }); const Author = db.model('Author', authorSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema); const authors = '123'.split('').map(n => { return new Author({ name: `author${n}` }); }); const comments = 'abc'.split('').map((l, i) => { const id = authors[i]._id; return new Comment({ text: `comment_${l}`, author: id }); });
await Post.create({ content: 'foobar', comments: comments }); await Author.create(authors); await Comment.create(comments); let post = await Post.findOne({}); post = await Post.populate(post, { path: 'comments' }); post = await Post.populate(post, { path: '' }); post.comments.forEach((c, i) => { assert.ok(!Array.isArray(, `author ${i} is an array`); }); }); it('correctly finds justOne when double-populating underneath an array (gh-6798)', async function() { const FileSchema = new Schema({ filename: 'String' }); const EditionOptionsSchema = new Schema({ price: 'Number', image: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Test' } }); const EditionSchema = new Schema({ editionOptions: EditionOptionsSchema }); const CarVersionSchema = new Schema({ type: { type: 'String' }, editions: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Test1' }] }); const CarSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ make: 'String', versions: [CarVersionSchema] }); const File = db.model('Test', FileSchema); const Edition = db.model('Test1', EditionSchema); const Car = db.model('Car', CarSchema);
const file = await File.create({ filename: 'file1.png' }); const editions = await Edition.create([ { editionOptions: { price: 15000, image: file._id } }, { editionOptions: { price: 150000 } } ]); let cars = await Car.create([ { make: 'Ford', versions: [{ type: 'F150', editions: [editions[0]] }] }, { make: 'BMW', versions: [{ type: 'i8', editions: [editions[1]] }] } ]); cars = await Car.find().sort({ make: 1 }); cars = await Car.populate(cars, 'versions.editions'); cars = await Car.populate(cars, 'versions.editions.editionOptions.image'); assert.strictEqual(cars[0].versions[0].editions[0].editionOptions.image, void 0); assert.equal(cars[1].versions[0].editions[0].editionOptions.image.filename, 'file1.png'); }); it('handles virtual justOne if it is not set (gh-6988)', async function() { const postSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); postSchema.virtual('comments', { ref: 'Comment', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'postId' }); const commentSchema = new Schema({ postId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId } }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema);
const post = await Post.create({ name: 'n1' }); const comment = await Comment.create({ postId: post._id }); const doc = await Post.findOne({}).populate('comments').lean(); assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc.comments)); assert.equal(doc.comments.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.comments[0]._id.toHexString(), comment._id.toHexString()); }); it('handles virtual justOne if it is not set, is lean, and subfields are selected', async function() { const postSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); postSchema.virtual('comments', { ref: 'Comment', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'postId' }); const commentSchema = new Schema({ postId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId }, text: String }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema);
const post = await Post.create({ name: 'n1' }); const comment = await Comment.create({ postId: post._id, text: 'a comment' }); const doc = await Post.find({}).populate('comments', 'text').lean(); assert.ok(Array.isArray(doc[0].comments)); assert.equal(doc[0].comments.length, 1); assert.equal(doc[0].comments[0]._id.toHexString(), comment._id.toHexString()); }); it('does not set `justOne` if underneath Mixed (gh-6985)', async function() { const articleSchema = new Schema({ title: String, content: String }); const schema = new Schema({ name: String, data: Schema.Types.Mixed }); const Article = db.model('Article', articleSchema); const Test = db.model('User', schema);
const articles = await Article.create([ { title: 'An Overview of BigInt in Node.js', content: '' }, { title: 'Building a Serverless App with MongoDB Stitch', content: '' } ]); await Test.create({ name: 'Val', data: { articles: => a._id) } }); let res = await Test.findOne(); const popObj = { path: 'data.articles', select: 'title', model: 'Article', options: { lean: true } }; res = await Test.populate(res, popObj); assert.ok(Array.isArray(; assert.deepEqual( => a.title), [ 'An Overview of BigInt in Node.js', 'Building a Serverless App with MongoDB Stitch' ]); }); it('supports setting `justOne` as an option (gh-6985)', async function() { const articleSchema = new Schema({ title: String, content: String }); const schema = new Schema({ title: String, data: Schema.Types.Mixed }); const Article = db.model('Article', articleSchema); const Test = db.model('Test', schema);
const articles = await Article.create([ { title: 'An Overview of BigInt in Node.js', content: '' }, { title: 'Building a Serverless App with MongoDB Stitch', content: '' } ]); await Test.create({ title: 'test', data: { articles: => a._id) } }); let res = await Test.findOne(); const popObj = { path: 'data.articles', select: 'title', model: 'Article', justOne: true, options: { lean: true } }; res = await Test.populate(res, popObj); assert.ok(!Array.isArray(; assert.equal(, 'An Overview of BigInt in Node.js'); }); it('multiple localFields and foreignFields (gh-5704)', async function() { const childSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, sourceId: Number }); const parentSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, internalChildId: Number, sourceChildId: Number }); parentSchema.virtual('children', { ref: 'Child', localField: function() { return this.internalChildId ? 'internalChildId' : 'sourceChildId'; }, foreignField: function() { return this.internalChildId ? '_id' : 'sourceId'; } }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
await Child.create([ { _id: 1 }, { _id: 99, sourceId: 2 } ]); await Parent.create([ { _id: 10, internalChildId: 1 }, { _id: 11, sourceChildId: 2 } ]); let res = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }).populate('children'); res = => doc.toObject({ virtuals: true })); assert.equal(res[0].children.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(res[0].children[0]._id, 1); assert.equal(res[1].children.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(res[1].children[0]._id, 99); }); it('lean populate underneath array (gh-7052)', async function() { const ownerSchema = new Schema({ name: String, age: Number, dogs: [Schema.Types.ObjectId] }); const dogSchema = new Schema({ name: String, trick: Schema.Types.ObjectId }); const trickSchema = new Schema({ description: String }); const Owner = db.model('Person', ownerSchema); const Dog = db.model('Test', dogSchema); const Trick = db.model('Test1', trickSchema); const t = new Trick({ description: 'roll over' }); const d = new Dog({ name: 'Fido', trick: t._id }); const o = new Owner({ name: 'Bill', age: 10, dogs: [d._id] });
await Promise.all([,,]); const owner = await Owner.findOne({}).lean(); let populated = await Owner.populate(owner, [{ path: 'dogs', model: 'Test', options: { lean: true } }]); populated = await Owner.populate(owner, [{ path: 'dogs.trick', model: 'Test1', options: { lean: true } }]); assert.ok(!Array.isArray(populated.dogs[0].trick)); }); it('handles plus path projections with virtual populate (gh-7050)', async function() { const CatSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String }, { toObject: { virtuals: true } }); CatSchema.virtual('friends', { ref: 'Test', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'cat' }); const Cat = db.model('Cat', CatSchema); const DogSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String, cat: mongoose.ObjectId, secret: { type: String, select: false } }); const Dog = db.model('Test', DogSchema);
const kitty = await Cat.create({ name: 'foo' }); await Dog.create({ name: 'Scooby', cat: kitty, secret: 'I ate all the scooby snacks!' }); const res = await Cat.findOne().select().populate({ path: 'friends', select: '+secret' }); assert.equal(res.friends[0].name, 'Scooby'); assert.equal(res.friends[0].secret, 'I ate all the scooby snacks!'); }); it('set model as ref in schema (gh-7253)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const postSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: User }, user2: mongoose.ObjectId }); postSchema.path('user2').ref(User); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema);
const user = await User.create({ name: 'val' }); await Post.create({ user: user._id, user2: user._id }); const post = await Post.findOne().populate('user user2'); assert.equal(, 'val'); assert.equal(, 'val'); }); it('count option (gh-4469) (gh-7380)', async function() { const childSchema = new Schema({ parentId: mongoose.ObjectId }); const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('childCount', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', count: true }); parentSchema.virtual('children', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', count: false }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
const p = await Parent.create({ name: 'test' }); await Child.create([{ parentId: p._id }, { parentId: p._id }, {}]); let doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('children childCount'); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 2); assert.equal(doc.children.length, 2); doc = await Parent.find().populate('children childCount').then(res => res[0]); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 2); assert.equal(doc.children.length, 2); doc = await Parent.find().populate('childCount').then(res => res[0]); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 2); assert.equal(doc.children, null); doc = await Parent.findOne(); await doc.populate('childCount'); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 2); assert.equal(doc.children, null); }); it('count option ignores skip (gh-4469) (gh-8476)', async function() { const childSchema = new Schema({ parentId: mongoose.ObjectId }); const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('childCount', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', count: true, options: { skip: 2 } }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
const p = await Parent.create({ name: 'test' }); await Child.create([{ parentId: p._id }, { parentId: p._id }, {}]); const doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('childCount'); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 2); }); it('count with deeply nested (gh-7573)', async function() { const s1 = new mongoose.Schema({}); s1.virtual('s2', { ref: 'Test2', localField: '_id', foreignField: 's1' }); const s2 = new mongoose.Schema({ s1: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'schema1' } }); s2.virtual('numS3', { ref: 'Test3', localField: '_id', foreignField: 's2', count: true }); const s3 = new mongoose.Schema({ s2: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'schema2' } });
const S1 = db.model('Test1', s1); const S2 = db.model('Test2', s2); const S3 = db.model('Test3', s3); const s1doc = await S1.create({}); const s2docs = await S2.create([{ s1: s1doc }, { s1: s1doc }]); await S3.create([{ s2: s2docs[0] }, { s2: s2docs[0] }, { s2: s2docs[1] }]); let doc = await S1.findOne({}).populate({ path: 's2', populate: { path: 'numS3' } }); assert.deepEqual( => s.numS3).sort(), [1, 2]); await S3.deleteMany({ s2: s2docs[1] }); doc = await S1.findOne({}).populate({ path: 's2', populate: { path: 'numS3' } }); assert.deepEqual( => s.numS3).sort(), [0, 2]); await S3.deleteMany({}); doc = await S1.findOne({}).populate({ path: 's2', populate: { path: 'numS3' } }); assert.deepEqual( => s.numS3).sort(), [0, 0]); }); it('explicit model option overrides refPath (gh-7273)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User1 = db.model('User', userSchema); db.model('Test', userSchema); const postSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, refPath: 'm' }, m: String }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema);
const user = await User1.create({ name: 'val' }); await Post.create({ user: user._id, m: 'Test' }); let post = await Post.findOne().populate('user'); assert.ok(!post.user); post = await Post.findOne().populate({ path: 'user', model: 'User' }); assert.equal(, 'val'); }); it('clone option means identical ids get separate copies of doc (gh-3258)', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const postSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: User }, title: String }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema);
const user = await User.create({ name: 'val' }); await Post.create([ { title: 'test1', user: user }, { title: 'test2', user: user } ]); const posts = await Post.find().populate({ path: 'user', options: { clone: true } }); posts[0] = 'val2'; assert.equal(posts[1], 'val'); }); it('handles double nested array `foreignField` (gh-7374)', async function() { const songSchema = Schema({ title: { type: String }, identifiers: [{ _id: false, artists: [{ _id: false, artist: { type: Number } }] }] }); const artistSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }); artistSchema.virtual('songs', { ref: 'Test', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'identifiers.artists.artist' }); const Song = db.model('Test', songSchema); const Artist = db.model('Person', artistSchema);
await Artist.create([ { _id: 1, name: 'Axl Rose' }, { _id: 2, name: 'Slash' } ]); await Song.create({ title: 'November Rain', identifiers: [{ artists: [{ artist: 1 }, { artist: 2 }] }] }); const axl = await Artist.findById(1).populate('songs'); assert.equal(axl.songs.length, 1); assert.equal(axl.songs[0].title, 'November Rain'); }); it('populate single path with numeric path underneath doc array (gh-7273)', async function() { const schema = new Schema({ arr1: [{ arr2: [{ item: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'arr1.arr2.kind' }, kind: String }] }] }); const Model = db.model('Test', schema); const itemSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Item1 = db.model('Test1', itemSchema); const Item2 = db.model('Test2', itemSchema);
const item1 = await Item1.create({ name: 'item1' }); const item2 = await Item2.create({ name: 'item2' }); await Model.create({ arr1: [{ arr2: [ { item: item1._id, kind: 'Test1' }, { item: item2._id, kind: 'Test2' } ] }] }); let doc = await Model.findOne().populate('arr1.arr2.item'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[0], 'item1'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[1], 'item2'); doc = await Model.findOne().populate('arr1.0.arr2.item'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[0], 'item1'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[1], 'item2'); doc = await Model.findOne().populate('arr1.0.arr2.0.item'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[0], 'item1'); assert.ok(!doc.arr1[0].arr2[1]; doc = await Model.findOne(); await doc.populate('arr1.0.arr2.1.item'); assert.ok(!doc.arr1[0].arr2[0]; assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[1], 'item2'); doc = await Model.findOne(); await doc.populate('arr1.0.arr2.0.item'); await doc.populate('arr1.0.arr2.1.item'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[0], 'item1'); assert.equal(doc.arr1[0].arr2[1], 'item2'); }); it('supports populating a path in a document array embedded in an array (gh-7647)', async function() { const schema = new Schema({ recordings: [[{ file: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }]] }); const Song = db.model('Test1', schema); const Asset = db.model('Test', Schema({ name: String }));
const a = await Asset.create({ name: 'foo' }); await Song.create({ recordings: [[{ file: a._id }]] }); const doc = await Song.findOne().populate('recordings.file'); assert.equal(doc.recordings.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.recordings[0].length, 1); assert.equal(doc.recordings[0][0], 'foo'); assert.ok(doc.populated('recordings.file')); }); it('handles populating deeply nested path if value in db is a primitive (gh-7545)', async function() { const personSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }); const PersonModel = db.model('Person', personSchema); // Create Event Model const teamSchema = new Schema({ nested: { members: [{ type: Number, ref: 'Person' }] } }); const eventSchema = new Schema({ _id: Number, title: String, teams: [teamSchema] }); const EventModel = db.model('Test', eventSchema);
await PersonModel.create({ _id: 1, name: 'foo' }); await EventModel.collection.insertMany([ { _id: 2, title: 'Event 1', teams: false }, { _id: 3, title: 'Event 2', teams: [{ nested: { members: [1] } }] } ]); const docs = await EventModel.find(). sort({ _id: 1 }). lean(). populate('teams.nested.members'); assert.strictEqual(docs[0].teams, false); assert.equal(docs[1].teams.length, 1); assert.deepEqual(docs[1].teams[0] =>, ['foo']); }); it('sets populate virtual to empty array if local field empty (gh-8230)', async function() { const GroupSchema = new Schema({ roles: [{ roleId: String }] }); GroupSchema.virtual('roles$', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'roles.roleId', foreignField: '_id' }); const RoleSchema = new Schema({}); const GroupModel = db.model('Group', GroupSchema); db.model('Test', RoleSchema);
await GroupModel.create({ roles: [] }); const res = await GroupModel.findOne({}).populate('roles$'); assert.deepEqual(res.roles$, []); }); it('sets populate virtual with count to 0 if local field empty (gh-7731)', async function() { const GroupSchema = new Schema({ roles: [{ roleId: String }] }); GroupSchema.virtual('rolesCount', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'roles.roleId', foreignField: '_id', count: true }); const RoleSchema = new Schema({}); const GroupModel = db.model('Group', GroupSchema); db.model('Test', RoleSchema);
await GroupModel.create({ roles: [] }); const res = await GroupModel.findOne({}).populate('rolesCount'); assert.strictEqual(res.rolesCount, 0); }); it('can populate an array property whose name conflicts with array method (gh-7782)', async function() { const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ name: String })); const Parent = db.model('Parent', Schema({ list: [{ fill: { child: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Child' } } }] }));
const c = await Child.create({ name: 'test' }); const p = await Parent.create({ list: [{ fill: { child: c._id } }] }); const doc = await Parent.findById(p).populate('list.fill.child'); assert.equal(doc.list.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(doc.list[0], 'test'); }); it('supports cross-db populate with refPath (gh-6520)', async function() { db2 = await mongoose.createConnection(start.uri2).asPromise(); const bookSchema = new Schema({ title: String }); const movieSchema = new Schema({ title: String }); const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, kind: String, hobby: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'kind' } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Book = db2.model('Book', bookSchema); const Movie = db2.model('Movie', movieSchema); const book = await Book.create({ title: 'Legacy of the Force: Revelation' }); const movie = await Movie.create({ title: 'A New Hope' }); await User.create([ { name: 'test1', kind: 'Book', hobby: book._id }, { name: 'test2', kind: 'Movie', hobby: movie._id } ]); const docs = await User.find().sort({ name: 1 }).populate({ path: 'hobby', connection: db2 }); assert.equal(docs[0].hobby.title, 'Legacy of the Force: Revelation'); assert.equal(docs[1].hobby.title, 'A New Hope'); }); it('ref function for conventional populate (gh-7669)', async function() { const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ kind: String, media: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: doc => doc.kind } }); const Model = db.model('Test', schema); const Movie = db.model('Movie', new Schema({ name: String })); const Book = db.model('Book', new Schema({ title: String }));
const docs = await Promise.all([ Movie.create({ name: 'The Empire Strikes Back' }), Book.create({ title: 'New Jedi Order' }) ]); await Model.create([ { kind: 'Movie', media: docs[0]._id }, { kind: 'Book', media: docs[1]._id } ]); const res = await Model.find().sort({ kind: -1 }).populate('media'); assert.equal(res[0].kind, 'Movie'); assert.equal(res[0], 'The Empire Strikes Back'); assert.equal(res[1].kind, 'Book'); assert.equal(res[1].media.title, 'New Jedi Order'); }); it('virtual refPath (gh-7848)', async function() { const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ name: String, parentId: Number })); const parentSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, kind: String }); parentSchema.virtual('childDocs', { refPath: 'kind', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: false }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
await Parent.create({ _id: 1, kind: 'Child' }); await Child.create({ name: 'test', parentId: 1 }); const doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('childDocs'); assert.equal(doc.childDocs.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.childDocs[0].name, 'test'); }); it('handles refPath on discriminator when populating top-level model (gh-5109)', async function() { const options = { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }; const Post = db.model('BlogPost', new Schema({ time: Date, text: String }, options)); const MediaPost = Post.discriminator('Test', new Schema({ media: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'mediaType' }, mediaType: String // either 'Image' or 'Video' }, options)); const Image = db.model('Image', new Schema({ url: String })); const Video = db.model('Video', new Schema({ url: String, duration: Number }));
const image = await Image.create({ url: 'test' }); const video = await Video.create({ url: 'foo', duration: 42 }); await MediaPost.create([ { media: image._id, mediaType: 'Image' }, { media: video._id, mediaType: 'Video' } ]); const docs = await Post.find().populate('media').sort({ mediaType: 1 }); assert.equal(docs.length, 2); assert.ok(docs[0].populated('media')); assert.ok(docs[1].populated('media')); assert.equal(docs[0].media.url, 'test'); assert.equal(docs[1].media.url, 'foo'); assert.equal(docs[1].media.duration, 42); }); it('refPath with virtual (gh-7341)', async function() { const options = { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }; const postSchema = new Schema({ media: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'mediaType' }, _mediaType: String // either 'Image' or 'Video' }, options); postSchema.virtual('mediaType').get(function() { return this._mediaType; }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema); const Image = db.model('Image', new Schema({ url: String })); const Video = db.model('Video', new Schema({ url: String, duration: Number }));
const image = await Image.create({ url: 'test' }); const video = await Video.create({ url: 'foo', duration: 42 }); await Post.create([ { media: image._id, _mediaType: 'Image' }, { media: video._id, _mediaType: 'Video' } ]); const docs = await Post.find().populate('media').sort({ _mediaType: 1 }); assert.ok(docs[0].populated('media')); assert.ok(docs[1].populated('media')); assert.equal(docs[0].media.url, 'test'); assert.equal(docs[1].media.url, 'foo'); assert.equal(docs[1].media.duration, 42); }); it('count with subdocs (gh-7573)', async function() { const DeveloperSchema = Schema({ name: String }); const TeamSchema = Schema({ name: String, developers: [DeveloperSchema] }); const TicketSchema = Schema({ assigned: String, description: String }); DeveloperSchema.virtual('ticketCount', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'name', foreignField: 'assigned', count: true }); const Ticket = db.model('Test', TicketSchema); const Team = db.model('Team', TeamSchema);
await Team.create({ name: 'Rocket', developers: [{ name: 'Jessie' }, { name: 'James' }, { name: 'Meowth' }] }); await Ticket.create([ { assigned: 'Jessie', description: 'test1' }, { assigned: 'James', description: 'test2' }, { assigned: 'Jessie', description: 'test3' } ]); const team = await Team.findOne().populate('developers.ticketCount'); assert.equal(team.developers[0].ticketCount, 2); assert.equal(team.developers[1].ticketCount, 1); assert.equal(team.developers[2].ticketCount, 0); }); it('returns an array when count on an array localField (gh-11307) (gh-7573)', async function() { const CommentSchema = Schema({ content: String, replies: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Comment' }] }); CommentSchema.virtual('reportReplyCount', { ref: 'Report', localField: 'replies', foreignField: 'reportModel', justOne: false, count: true, match: { reportType: 'Comment' } }); const ReportSchema = Schema({ reportType: String, reportModel: 'ObjectId' }); const Comment = db.model('Comment', CommentSchema); const Report = db.model('Report', ReportSchema); const comment1 = await Comment.create({ content: 'comment1' }); const comment2 = await Comment.create({ content: 'comment2' }); const comment3 = await Comment.create({ content: 'comment3' }); comment1.replies = [comment2, comment3]; await; await Report.create([ { reportType: 'Comment', reportModel: comment2._id }, { reportType: 'Comment', reportModel: comment2._id }, { reportType: 'Comment', reportModel: comment3._id }, { reportType: 'Other', reportModel: comment3._id } ]); let doc; doc = await Comment.findOne({ _id: comment1._id }).populate('reportReplyCount'); assert.deepStrictEqual(doc.reportReplyCount, [2, 1]); await Report.deleteMany({ reportModel: comment3._id }); doc = await Comment.findOne({ _id: comment1._id }).populate('reportReplyCount'); assert.deepStrictEqual(doc.reportReplyCount, [2, 0]); await Report.deleteMany({}); doc = await Comment.findOne({ _id: comment1._id }).populate('reportReplyCount'); assert.deepStrictEqual(doc.reportReplyCount, [0, 0]); }); it('handles virtual populate of an embedded discriminator nested path (gh-6488) (gh-8173)', async function() { const UserModel = db.model('User', Schema({ employeeId: Number, name: String })); const eventSchema = Schema({ message: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); const batchSchema = Schema({ nested: { events: [eventSchema] } }); const nestedLayerSchema = Schema({ users: [Number] }); nestedLayerSchema.virtual('users_$', { ref: 'User', localField: 'users', foreignField: 'employeeId' }); const docArray = batchSchema.path(''); docArray.discriminator('Clicked', Schema({ nestedLayer: nestedLayerSchema })); docArray.discriminator('Purchased', Schema({ purchased: String })); const Batch = db.model('Test', batchSchema); await UserModel.create({ employeeId: 1, name: 'test' }); await Batch.create({ nested: { events: [ { kind: 'Clicked', nestedLayer: { users: [1] } }, { kind: 'Purchased', purchased: 'test' } ] } }); let res = await Batch.findOne(). populate('$'); assert.equal([0].nestedLayer.users_$.length, 1); assert.equal([0].nestedLayer.users_$[0].name, 'test'); res = res.toObject({ virtuals: true }); assert.equal([0].nestedLayer.users_$.length, 1); assert.equal([0].nestedLayer.users_$[0].name, 'test'); }); it('accessing populate virtual prop (gh-8198)', async function() { const FooSchema = new Schema({ name: String, children: [{ barId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' }, quantity: Number }] }); FooSchema.virtual('', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'children.barId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const BarSchema = Schema({ name: String }); const Foo = db.model('Test1', FooSchema); const Bar = db.model('Test', BarSchema); const bar = await Bar.create({ name: 'bar' }); const foo = await Foo.create({ name: 'foo', children: [{ barId: bar._id, quantity: 1 }] }); const foo2 = await Foo.findById(foo._id).populate(''); assert.equal(foo2.children[0], 'bar'); }); describe('gh-8247', function() { let Author; let Page; beforeEach(function() { const authorSchema = Schema({ name: String }); const subSchema = Schema({ author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Author' }, comment: String }); const pageSchema = Schema({ title: String, comments: [subSchema] }); Author = db.model('Author', authorSchema); Page = db.model('Test', pageSchema); }); beforeEach(async() => { await Author.deleteMany({}); await Page.deleteMany({}); }); it('checking `populated()` on a document array element (gh-8247)', async function() { const doc = await Author.create({ name: 'test author' }); await Page.create({ comments: [{ author: doc._id }] }); const fromDb = await Page.findOne().populate(''); assert.ok(Array.isArray(fromDb.populated(''))); assert.equal(fromDb.populated('').length, 1); assert.equal(fromDb.comments[0], 'test author'); assert.ok(fromDb.comments[0].populated('author')); }); it('updates top-level populated() when pushing elements onto a document array with single populated path (gh-8247) (gh-8265)', async function() { const docs = await Author.create([ { name: 'test1' }, { name: 'test2' } ]); await Page.create({ comments: [{ author: docs[0]._id }] }); // Try setting to non-manually populated path... let fromDb = await Page.findOne().populate(''); assert.ok(Array.isArray(fromDb.populated(''))); assert.equal(fromDb.populated('').length, 1); assert.equal(fromDb.comments[0], 'test1'); fromDb.comments.push({ author: docs[1]._id }); let pop = fromDb.populated(''); assert.equal(pop.length, 2); assert.equal(pop[0].toHexString(), docs[0]._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(pop[1], null); fromDb.comments.pull({ _id: fromDb.comments[1]._id }); pop = fromDb.populated(''); assert.equal(pop.length, 1); fromDb.comments.shift(); pop = fromDb.populated(''); assert.equal(pop.length, 0); // And try setting to populated path fromDb = await Page.findOne().populate(''); assert.ok(Array.isArray(fromDb.populated(''))); assert.equal(fromDb.populated('').length, 1); assert.equal(fromDb.comments[0], 'test1'); fromDb.comments.push({ author: docs[1] }); pop = fromDb.populated(''); assert.equal(pop.length, 2); fromDb.comments.splice(1, 1); pop = fromDb.populated(''); assert.equal(pop.length, 1); }); it('retainNullValues stores `null` in array if foreign doc not found (gh-8293)', async function() { db.deleteModel(/Test/); const schema = Schema({ troops: [{ type: Number, ref: 'Test' }] }); const Team = db.model('Team', schema); const Card = db.model('Test', Schema({ _id: { type: Number }, name: String, entityType: { type: String } }));
await Card.create([ { _id: 2, name: 'Card 2' }, { _id: 3, name: 'Card 3' }, { _id: 4, name: 'Card 4' } ]); await Team.create({ troops: [1, 2, 3, 4] }); const doc = await Team.findOne().populate({ path: 'troops', options: { retainNullValues: true } }); assert.equal(doc.troops.length, 4); assert.equal(doc.troops[0], null); assert.equal(doc.troops[1].name, 'Card 2'); assert.equal(doc.troops[2].name, 'Card 3'); assert.equal(doc.troops[3].name, 'Card 4'); }); it('virtual populate with discriminator that has a custom discriminator value (gh-8324)', async function() { db.deleteModel(/Test/); const mainSchema = new Schema({ title: { type: String } }, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); mainSchema.virtual('virtualField', { ref: 'Test1', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'main' }); const discriminatedSchema = new Schema({ description: String }); const Main = db.model('Test', mainSchema); const Discriminator = Main.discriminator('gh8324_Discriminator', discriminatedSchema, 'customValue'); const Model = db.model('Test1', Schema({ main: 'ObjectId' }));
const d = await Discriminator.create({ title: 'test', description: 'test' }); await Model.create({ main: d._id }); const docs = await Main.find().populate('virtualField').exec(); assert.ok(docs[0].virtualField[0].main); }); it('virtual populate with multiple `localField` and `foreignField` (gh-6608)', async function() { const employeeSchema = Schema({ locationId: String, departmentId: String, name: String }); employeeSchema.virtual('department', { ref: 'Test', localField: ['locationId', 'departmentId'], foreignField: ['locationId', 'name'], justOne: true }); employeeSchema.virtual('departments', { ref: 'Test', localField: ['locationId', 'departmentId'], foreignField: ['locationId', 'name'], justOne: false }); const departmentSchema = Schema({ locationId: String, name: String });
db.deleteModel(/Test/); const Employee = db.model('Person', employeeSchema); const Department = db.model('Test', departmentSchema); await Employee.create([ { locationId: 'Miami', departmentId: 'Engineering', name: 'Valeri Karpov' }, { locationId: 'Miami', departmentId: 'Accounting', name: 'Test 1' }, { locationId: 'New York', departmentId: 'Engineering', name: 'Test 2' } ]); const depts = await Department.create([ { locationId: 'Miami', name: 'Engineering' }, { locationId: 'Miami', name: 'Accounting' }, { locationId: 'New York', name: 'Engineering' } ]); const dept = depts[0]; const doc = await Employee.findOne({ name: 'Valeri Karpov' }). populate('department departments'); assert.equal(doc.department._id.toHexString(), dept._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(, 'Engineering'); assert.equal(doc.departments.length, 1); assert.equal(doc.departments[0]._id.toHexString(), dept._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(doc.departments[0].name, 'Engineering'); const docs = await Employee.find(). sort({ name: 1 }). populate('department'); assert.equal(docs.length, 3); assert.equal(docs[0], 'Accounting'); assert.equal(docs[0].department.locationId, 'Miami'); assert.equal(docs[1], 'Engineering'); assert.equal(docs[1].department.locationId, 'New York'); assert.equal(docs[2], 'Engineering'); assert.equal(docs[2].department.locationId, 'Miami'); }); }); it('doesnt insert empty document when populating a path within a non-existent document array (gh-8432)', async function() { const companySchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); const Company = db.model('Test', companySchema); const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ fullName: String, companyId: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const fileSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: String, uploaderId: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }, { toObject: { virtuals: true }, toJSON: { virtuals: true } }); fileSchema.virtual('uploadedBy', { ref: 'User', localField: 'uploaderId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const rideSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ title: String, files: { type: [fileSchema], default: [] } }, { toObject: { virtuals: true }, toJSON: { virtuals: true } }); const Ride = db.model('Test1', rideSchema);
const company = await Company.create({ name: 'Apple' }); const user = await User.create({ fullName: 'John Doe', companyId: company._id }); await Ride.create([ { title: 'London-Paris' }, { title: 'Berlin-Moscow', files: [{ _id: '123', uploaderId: user._id }] } ]); await Ride.updateMany({}, { $unset: { files: 1 } }); const populatedRides = await Ride.find({}).populate({ path: 'files.uploadedBy', justOne: true, populate: { path: 'companyId', justOne: true } }); assert.deepEqual(populatedRides[0].files, []); assert.deepEqual(populatedRides[1].files, []); }); it('sets empty array if populating undefined path (gh-8455)', async function() { const TestSchema = new Schema({ thingIds: [mongoose.ObjectId] }); TestSchema.virtual('things', { ref: 'Test1', localField: 'thingIds', foreignField: '_id', justOne: false }); const Test = db.model('Test', TestSchema); db.model('Test1', mongoose.Schema({ name: String }));
await Test.collection.insertOne({}); const doc = await Test.findOne().populate('things'); assert.deepEqual(doc.toObject({ virtuals: true }).things, []); }); it('succeeds with refPath if embedded discriminator has path with same name but no refPath (gh-8452) (gh-8499)', async function() { const ImageSchema = Schema({ imageName: String }); const Image = db.model('Image', ImageSchema); const TextSchema = Schema({ textName: String }); const Text = db.model('BlogPost', TextSchema); const opts = { _id: false }; const ItemSchema = Schema({ objectType: String }, opts); const ItemSchemaA = Schema({ data: { type: ObjectId, refPath: 'list.objectType' }, objectType: String }, opts); const ItemSchemaB = Schema({ data: { sourceId: Number }, objectType: String }, opts); const ExampleSchema = Schema({ test: String, list: [ItemSchema] }); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('gh8452_ExtendA', ItemSchemaA); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('gh8452_ExtendB', ItemSchemaB); const Example = db.model('Test', ExampleSchema);
const images = await Image.create([{ imageName: 'image' }, { imageName: 'image2' }]); const text = await Text.create({ textName: 'text' }); await Example.create({ test: '02', list: [ { __t: 'gh8452_ExtendA', data: images[0]._id, objectType: 'Image' }, { __t: 'gh8452_ExtendA', data: text._id, objectType: 'BlogPost' }, { __t: 'gh8452_ExtendB', data: { sourceId: 123 }, objectType: 'ExternalSourceA' }, { __t: 'gh8452_ExtendA', data: images[1]._id, objectType: 'Image' }, { __t: 'gh8452_ExtendB', data: { sourceId: 456 }, objectType: 'ExternalSourceB' } ] }); const res = await Example.findOne().populate('').lean(); assert.equal(res.list[0].data.imageName, 'image'); assert.equal(res.list[1].data.textName, 'text'); assert.equal(res.list[2].data.sourceId, 123); assert.equal(res.list[3].data.imageName, 'image2'); assert.equal(res.list[4].data.sourceId, 456); }); it('excluding foreignField using minus path deselects foreignField (gh-8460)', async function() { const schema = Schema({ specialId: String }); schema.virtual('searchResult', { ref: 'Test', localField: 'specialId', foreignField: 'specialId', options: { select: 'name -_id -specialId' }, justOne: true }); const Model = db.model('Test1', schema); const Result = db.model('Test', Schema({ name: String, specialId: String, other: String }));
await Result.create({ name: 'foo', specialId: 'secret', other: 'test' }); await Model.create({ specialId: 'secret' }); let doc = await Model.findOne().populate('searchResult'); assert.strictEqual(doc.searchResult.specialId, void 0); doc = await Model.findOne().populate({ path: 'searchResult', select: 'name -_id' }); assert.strictEqual(doc.searchResult.specialId, 'secret'); }); it('supports top-level match option (gh-8475)', async function() { const childSchema = Schema({ parentId: 'ObjectId', deleted: Boolean }); const parentSchema = Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('childCount', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', count: true, match: { deleted: { $ne: true } } }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
const p = await Parent.create({ name: 'test' }); await Child.create([ { parentId: p._id }, { parentId: p._id, deleted: true }, { parentId: p._id, deleted: false } ]); let doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('childCount'); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 2); doc = await Parent.findOne(). populate({ path: 'childCount', match: { deleted: true } }); assert.equal(doc.childCount, 1); }); it('supports top-level skip and limit options (gh-8445)', async function() { const childSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, parentId: 'ObjectId' }); const parentSchema = Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('children', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: false, skip: 1, limit: 2, options: { sort: { _id: 1 } } }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
const p = await Parent.create({ name: 'test' }); await Child.create([ { _id: 1, parentId: p._id }, { _id: 2, parentId: p._id }, { _id: 3, parentId: p._id } ]); let doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('children'); assert.deepEqual( => c._id), [2, 3]); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate({ path: 'children', skip: 2 }); assert.deepEqual( => c._id), [3]); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate({ path: 'children', skip: 2, options: { skip: 1 } }); assert.deepEqual( => c._id), [2, 3]); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate({ path: 'children', skip: 0 }); assert.deepEqual( => c._id), [1, 2]); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate({ path: 'children', skip: 0, limit: 1 }); assert.deepEqual( => c._id), [1]); const p2 = await Parent.create({ name: 'test2' }); await Child.create([ { _id: 4, parentId: p2._id }, { _id: 5, parentId: p2._id } ]); const docs = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'children', skip: 0, limit: 2 }); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toString(), p._id.toString()); assert.equal(docs[1]._id.toString(), p2._id.toString()); assert.deepEqual(docs[0] => c._id), [1, 2]); assert.deepEqual(docs[1] => c._id), [4]); }); it('top-level limit properly applies limit per document (gh-8657)', async function() { const Article = db.model('Article', mongoose.Schema({ authors: [{ type: Number, ref: 'User' }] })); const User = db.model('User', mongoose.Schema({ _id: Number }));
await Article.create([ { authors: [1, 2] }, { authors: [3, 4] } ]); await User.create({ _id: 1 }, { _id: 2 }, { _id: 3 }, { _id: 4 }); const res = await Article.find(). sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'authors', limit: 1, sort: { _id: 1 } }); assert.equal(res.length, 2); assert.deepEqual(res[0] => a._id), [1]); assert.deepEqual(res[1].toObject().authors, []); }); it('correct limit with populate (gh-7318)', async function() { const childSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, parentId: 'ObjectId' }); const parentSchema = Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('children', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: false, options: { sort: { _id: 1 } }, perDocumentLimit: 2 }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
const p = await Parent.create({ name: 'test' }); await Child.create([ { _id: 1, parentId: p._id }, { _id: 2, parentId: p._id }, { _id: 3, parentId: p._id } ]); const p2 = await Parent.create({ name: 'test2' }); await Child.create([ { _id: 4, parentId: p2._id }, { _id: 5, parentId: p2._id } ]); let docs = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'children' }); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toString(), p._id.toString()); assert.equal(docs[1]._id.toString(), p2._id.toString()); assert.deepEqual(docs[0] => c._id), [1, 2]); assert.deepEqual(docs[1] => c._id), [4, 5]); docs = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'children', perDocumentLimit: 1 }); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toString(), p._id.toString()); assert.equal(docs[1]._id.toString(), p2._id.toString()); assert.deepEqual(docs[0] => c._id), [1]); assert.deepEqual(docs[1] => c._id), [4]); docs = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'children', options: { perDocumentLimit: 1 } }); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toString(), p._id.toString()); assert.equal(docs[1]._id.toString(), p2._id.toString()); assert.deepEqual(docs[0] => c._id), [1]); assert.deepEqual(docs[1] => c._id), [4]); }); it('perDocumentLimit as option to `populate()` method (gh-7318) (gh-9418)', async function() { const childSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, parentId: 'ObjectId' }); const parentSchema = Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('children', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: false, options: { sort: { _id: 1 } } }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema);
const p = await Parent.create({ name: 'test' }); await Child.create([ { _id: 1, parentId: p._id }, { _id: 2, parentId: p._id }, { _id: 3, parentId: p._id } ]); const p2 = await Parent.create({ name: 'test2' }); await Child.create([ { _id: 4, parentId: p2._id }, { _id: 5, parentId: p2._id } ]); let docs = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'children', perDocumentLimit: 1 }); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toString(), p._id.toString()); assert.equal(docs[1]._id.toString(), p2._id.toString()); assert.deepEqual(docs[0] => c._id), [1]); assert.deepEqual(docs[1] => c._id), [4]); docs = await Parent.find().sort({ _id: 1 }). populate({ path: 'children', options: { perDocumentLimit: 1 } }); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toString(), p._id.toString()); assert.equal(docs[1]._id.toString(), p2._id.toString()); assert.deepEqual(docs[0] => c._id), [1]); assert.deepEqual(docs[1] => c._id), [4]); }); it('works when embedded discriminator array has populated path but not refPath (gh-8527)', async function() { const Image = db.model('Image', Schema({ imageName: String })); const Video = db.model('Video', Schema({ videoName: String })); const ItemSchema = Schema({ objectType: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'objectType', _id: false }); const noId = { _id: false }; const NestedDataSchema = Schema({ data: Schema({ title: String, description: String }, noId) }, noId); const InternalItemSchemaGen = () => Schema({ data: { type: ObjectId, refPath: 'list.objectType' } }, noId); const externalSchema = Schema({ data: { sourceId: Number } }, noId); const ExampleSchema = Schema({ test: String, list: [ItemSchema] }); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('Image', InternalItemSchemaGen()); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('Video', InternalItemSchemaGen()); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('ExternalSource', externalSchema); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('NestedData', NestedDataSchema); const Example = db.model('Test', ExampleSchema);
const image1 = await Image.create({ imageName: '01image' }); const video1 = await Video.create({ videoName: '01video' }); const example = await Example.create({ test: 'example', list: [ { data: image1._id, objectType: 'Image' }, { data: video1._id, objectType: 'Video' }, { data: { sourceId: 123 }, objectType: 'ExternalSource' }, { data: { title: 'test' }, objectType: 'NestedData' } ] }); const res = await Example.findById(example).populate('').lean(); assert.deepEqual(res.list[3].data, { title: 'test' }); }); it('handles populating embedded discriminators with `refPath` when none of the subdocs have `refPath` (gh-8553)', async function() { const ItemSchema = new Schema({ objectType: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'objectType', _id: false }); const ExampleSchema = Schema({ test: String, list: [ItemSchema] }); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('Text', Schema({ data: { type: ObjectId, refPath: 'list.objectType' } }, { _id: false })); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('ExternalSource', Schema({ data: { sourceId: Number } })); const Example = db.model('Test', ExampleSchema);
await Example.create({ test: 'example', list: [ { data: { sourceId: 123 }, objectType: 'ExternalSource' } ] }); const res = await Example.find().populate(''); assert.deepEqual(res[0].toObject().list[0].data, { sourceId: 123 }); }); it('throws an error when using limit with perDocumentLimit', async function() { const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); const blogPosts = await BlogPost.create([{ title: 'JS 101' }, { title: 'Mocha 101' }]); const user = await User.create({ blogposts: blogPosts });
let err; try { await User.find({ _id: user._id }).populate({ path: 'blogposts', perDocumentLimit: 2, limit: 1 }); } catch (error) { err = error; } assert(err); assert.equal(err.message, 'Can not use `limit` and `perDocumentLimit` at the same time. Path: `blogposts`.'); }); it('handles function refPath with discriminators (gh-8731)', async function() { const nested = Schema({}, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const mainSchema = Schema({ items: [nested] }); const docs = []; mainSchema.path('items').discriminator('TestDiscriminator', Schema({ childModel: { type: String }, child: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: (doc, path) => { docs.push(doc); return path.replace('.child', '.childModel'); } } })); const Parent = db.model('Parent', mainSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ name: String })); const child = await Child.create({ name: 'test' }); const parent = await Parent.create({ items: [{ type: 'TestDiscriminator', childModel: 'Child', child: child._id }] }); assert.equal(docs.length, 0); const doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('items.child').exec(); assert.equal(doc.items[0], 'test'); assert.ok(doc.items[0].populated('child')); assert.equal(docs.length, 1); assert.equal(docs[0]._id.toHexString(), parent.items[0]._id.toHexString()); }); describe('gh-8760', function() { it('clone with lean creates identical copies from the same document', async function() { const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const postSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, title: String }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema);
const user = await User.create({ name: 'val' }); await Post.create([ { title: 'test1', user: user }, { title: 'test2', user: user }, { title: 'test3', user: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId() } ]); const posts = await Post.find().populate({ path: 'user', options: { clone: true } }).sort('title').lean(); posts[0] = 'val2'; assert.equal(posts[1], 'val'); assert.equal(posts[2].user, null); }); it('clone with populate and lean makes child lean', async function() { const isLean = v => v != null && !(v instanceof mongoose.Document); const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const postSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }, title: String }); const Post = db.model('BlogPost', postSchema);
const user = await User.create({ name: 'val' }); await Post.create({ title: 'test1', user: user }); const post = await Post.findOne().populate({ path: 'user', options: { clone: true } }).lean(); assert.ok(isLean(post.user)); }); it('can populate subdocs where one is discriminator and the other is not (gh-8837)', async function() { const eventSchema = new Schema({ }, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const eventsListSchema = new Schema({ events: [eventSchema] }); const clickEventSchema = new Schema({ modelName: { type: String, required: true }, productId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, refPath: 'events.modelName' } }); const eventsSchemaType = eventsListSchema.path('events'); eventsSchemaType.discriminator('ClickEvent', clickEventSchema); const EventsList = db.model('EventsList', eventsListSchema); const Product = db.model('Product', new Schema({ name: String })); const product = await Product.create({ name: 'GTX 1050 Ti' }); await EventsList.create({ events: [ { }, { type: 'ClickEvent', modelName: 'Product', productId: product._id } ] }); const result = await EventsList.findOne().populate('events.productId'); assert.equal([1], 'GTX 1050 Ti'); }); it('can populate virtuals defined on child discriminators (gh-8924)', async function() { const User = db.model('User', {}); const Post = db.model('Post', { name: String }); const userWithPostSchema = new Schema({ postId: Schema.ObjectId }); userWithPostSchema.virtual('post', { ref: 'Post', localField: 'postId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const UserWithPost = User.discriminator('UserWithPost', userWithPostSchema); const post = await Post.create({ name: 'Clean Code' }); await UserWithPost.create({ postId: post._id }); const user = await User.findOne().populate({ path: 'post' });
assert.equal(, 'Clean Code'); }); }); it('recursive virtuals with `populate` option (gh-11700)', async function() { const InteractionSchema = new Schema({ title: String, parent: { type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'Interaction' } }); InteractionSchema.virtual('next', { ref: 'Interaction', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parent', justOne: true, options: { populate: 'next' } }); const Interaction = db.model('Interaction', InteractionSchema); const interactionA = new Interaction({ title: 'first interaction' }); await; const interactionB = new Interaction({ title: 'second interaction', parent: interactionA._id }); await; const interactionC = new Interaction({ title: 'third interaction', parent: interactionB._id }); await; const interaction = await Interaction.findOne({ parent: null }).populate('next'); assert.equal(interaction.title, interactionA.title); assert.notEqual(, undefined); assert.equal(, interactionB.title); assert.notEqual(, undefined); assert.equal(, interactionC.title); }); it('no-op if populating on a document array with no ref (gh-8946)', async function() { const teamSchema = Schema({ members: [{ user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' } }] }); const userSchema = Schema({ name: { type: String } }); userSchema.virtual('teams', { ref: 'Team', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'members.user', justOne: false }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const Team = db.model('Team', teamSchema);
const user = await User.create({ name: 'User' }); await Team.create({ members: [{ user: user._id }] }); const res = await User.findOne().populate({ path: 'teams', populate: { path: 'members', // No ref populate: { path: 'user' } } }); assert.equal(res.teams[0].members[0], 'User'); }); it('no-op if populating a nested path (gh-9073)', async function() { const buildingSchema = Schema({ owner: String }); const Building = db.model('Building', buildingSchema); const officeSchema = new Schema({ title: String, place: { building: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Building' } } }); const Office = db.model('Office', officeSchema);
const building = new Building({ owner: 'test' }); await; await Office.create({ place: { building: building._id } }); const foundOffice = await Office.findOne({}). populate({ path: 'place', populate: 'building' }); assert.equal(, 'test'); }); it('handles populating primitive array under document array with discriminator (gh-9148)', async function() { const ContentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Content = db.model('Test1', ContentSchema); const DataSchema = new Schema({ alias: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'type', _id: false }); const ContentRelationSchema = new Schema({ content: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }] }, { _id: false }); const PageSchema = new Schema({ name: String, data: [DataSchema] }); PageSchema.path('data').discriminator('content', ContentRelationSchema); const Page = db.model('Test', PageSchema);
const content = await Promise.all([ Content.create({ name: 'A' }), Content.create({ name: 'B' }) ]); const doc = await Page.create({ name: 'Index', data: [{ alias: 'my_content', type: 'content', content: [content[0]._id, content[1]._id] }] }); const page = await Page.findById(doc._id).populate({ path: 'data.content', select: { name: 1, _id: 0 } }); assert.ok(Array.isArray([0].content)); assert.deepEqual(page.toObject().data, [{ alias: 'my_content', type: 'content', content: [{ name: 'A' }, { name: 'B' }] }]); }); it('handles deselecting _id with `perDocumentLimit` (gh-8460) (gh-9175)', async function() { const postSchema = new Schema({ title: String, commentsIds: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }] }); const Post = db.model('Post', postSchema); const commentSchema = new Schema({ content: String }); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema);
const post1 = new Post({ title: 'I have 3 comments' }); let comments = await Comment.create([ { content: 'Cool first post' }, { content: 'Very cool first post' }, { content: 'Super cool first post' } ]); post1.commentsIds = comments; await; const post2 = new Post({ title: 'I have 4 comments' }); comments = await Comment.create([ { content: 'Cool second post' }, { content: 'Very cool second post' }, { content: 'Super cool second post' }, { content: 'Absolutely cool second post' } ]); post2.commentsIds = comments; await; const posts = await Post.find().populate({ path: 'commentsIds', select: 'content -_id', perDocumentLimit: 2 }); assert.equal(posts[0].commentsIds.length, 2); assert.equal(posts[1].commentsIds.length, 2); }); it('handles embedded discriminator `refPath` with multiple documents (gh-8731) (gh-9153)', async function() { const nested = Schema({}, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const mySchema = Schema({ title: { type: String }, items: [nested] }); const itemType = mySchema.path('items'); itemType.discriminator('link', Schema({ fooType: { type: String }, foo: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'items.fooType' } })); const Model = db.model('Test', mySchema);
const doc1 = await Model.create({ title: 'doc1' }); await Model.create({ title: 'doc2', items: [{ type: 'link', fooType: 'Test', foo: doc1._id }] }); const docs = await Model.find({ }).sort({ title: 1 }).populate('').exec(); assert.equal(docs[1].items[0].foo.title, 'doc1'); }); it('Sets the populated document\'s parent() (gh-8092)', async function() { const schema = new Schema({ single: { type: Number, ref: 'Child' }, arr: [{ type: Number, ref: 'Child' }], docArr: [{ ref: { type: Number, ref: 'Child' } }] }); schema.virtual('myVirtual', { ref: 'Child', localField: 'single', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', schema); const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }));
await Child.create({ _id: 1, name: 'test' }); await Parent.create({ single: 1, arr: [1], docArr: [{ ref: 1 }] }); let doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('single'); assert.ok(doc.single.parent() === doc); assert.ok(doc.single.$parent() === doc); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('arr'); assert.ok(doc.arr[0].parent() === doc); assert.ok(doc.arr[0].$parent() === doc); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('docArr.ref'); assert.ok(doc.docArr[0].ref.parent() === doc); assert.ok(doc.docArr[0].ref.$parent() === doc); doc = await Parent.findOne().populate('myVirtual'); assert.ok(doc.myVirtual.parent() === doc); assert.ok(doc.myVirtual.$parent() === doc); doc = await Parent.findOne(); await doc.populate('single'); assert.ok(doc.single.parent() === doc); assert.ok(doc.single.$parent() === doc); }); it('populates single nested discriminator underneath doc array when populated docs have different model but same id (gh-9244)', async function() { const catSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }); const dogSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }); const notificationSchema = Schema({ title: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const notificationTypeASchema = Schema({ subject: { type: Number, ref: 'Cat' } }, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const notificationTypeBSchema = Schema({ subject: { type: Number, ref: 'Dog' } }, { discriminatorKey: 'type' }); const CatModel = db.model('Cat', catSchema); const DogModel = db.model('Dog', dogSchema); const NotificationModel = db.model('Notification', notificationSchema); const NotificationTypeAModel = NotificationModel.discriminator('NotificationTypeA', notificationTypeASchema); const NotificationTypeBModel = NotificationModel.discriminator('NotificationTypeB', notificationTypeBSchema);
const cat = await CatModel.create({ _id: 1, name: 'Keanu' }); const dog = await DogModel.create({ _id: 1, name: 'Bud' }); await NotificationTypeAModel.create({ subject: cat._id, title: 'new cat' }); await NotificationTypeBModel.create({ subject: dog._id, title: 'new dog' }); const notifications = await NotificationModel.find({}).populate('subject'); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['Keanu', 'Bud']); }); it('skips checking `refPath` if the path to populate is undefined (gh-9340)', async function() { const firstSchema = Schema({ ref: String, linkedId: { type: Schema.ObjectId, refPath: 'ref' } }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', firstSchema); const secondSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const Child = db.model('Child', secondSchema);
const child = await Child.create({ name: 'child' }); await Parent.create({ ref: 'Child', linkedId: child._id }); await Parent.create({ ref: 'does not exist' }); const res = await Parent.find().populate('linkedId').sort({ ref: 1 }).exec(); assert.equal(res.length, 2); assert.equal(res[0].ref, 'Child'); assert.equal(res[0], 'child'); assert.equal(res[1].ref, 'does not exist'); assert.strictEqual(res[1].linkedId, undefined); }); it('supports default populate options (gh-6029)', async function() { const parentSchema = Schema({ child: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child', populate: { select: 'name' } } }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const childSchema = new Schema({ name: String, age: Number }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema);
const child = await Child.create({ name: 'my name', age: 30 }); await Parent.create({ child: child._id }); const res = await Parent.findOne().populate('child'); assert.equal(, 'my name'); assert.strictEqual(res.child.age, void 0); }); it('avoids propagating lean virtuals to children (gh-9592)', async function() { const parentSchema = Schema({ child: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child', populate: { select: 'name' } } }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const childSchema = new Schema({ name: String, age: Number }); const findCallOptions = []; childSchema.pre('find', function() { findCallOptions.push(this._mongooseOptions.lean); }); const Child = db.model('Child', childSchema);
const child = await Child.create({ name: 'my name', age: 30 }); await Parent.create({ child: child._id }); await Parent.findOne().populate('child').lean({ virtuals: ['name', ''] }); assert.equal(findCallOptions.length, 1); assert.deepEqual(findCallOptions[0].virtuals, ['foo']); }); it('gh-9833', async function() { const Books = db.model('books', new Schema({ name: String, tags: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'tags' }] })); const Tags = db.model('tags', new Schema({ author: Schema.Types.ObjectId })); const Authors = db.model('authors', new Schema({ name: String }));
const anAuthor = new Authors({ name: 'Author1' }); await; const aTag = new Tags({ author: }); await; const aBook = new Books({ name: 'Book1', tags: [] }); await; const aggregateOptions = [ { $match: { name: { $in: [] } } }, { $lookup: { from: 'tags', localField: 'tags', foreignField: '_id', as: 'tags' } } ]; const books = await Books.aggregate(aggregateOptions).exec(); const populateOptions = [{ path: '', model: 'authors', select: '_id name' }]; const populatedBooks = await Books.populate(books, populateOptions); assert.ok(!Array.isArray(populatedBooks[0].tags[0].author)); }); it('sets not-found values to null for paths that are not in the schema (gh-9913)', async function() { const Books = db.model('books', new Schema({ name: String, tags: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'tags' }] })); const Tags = db.model('tags', new Schema({ authors: [{ author: 'ObjectId' }] })); const Authors = db.model('authors', new Schema({ name: String }));
const anAuthor = new Authors({ name: 'Author1' }); await; const aTag = new Tags({ authors: [{ author: }, { author: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId() }] }); await; const aBook = new Books({ name: 'Book1', tags: [] }); await; const aggregateOptions = [ { $match: { name: { $in: [] } } }, { $lookup: { from: 'tags', localField: 'tags', foreignField: '_id', as: 'tags' } } ]; const books = await Books.aggregate(aggregateOptions).exec(); const populateOptions = [{ path: '', model: 'authors', select: '_id name' }]; const populatedBooks = await Books.populate(books, populateOptions); assert.strictEqual(populatedBooks[0].tags[0].authors[0], 'Author1'); assert.strictEqual(populatedBooks[0].tags[0].authors[1].author, null); }); it('handles perDocumentLimit where multiple documents reference the same populated doc (gh-9906)', async function() { const postSchema = new Schema({ title: String, commentsIds: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }] }); const Post = db.model('Post', postSchema); const commentSchema = new Schema({ content: String }); const Comment = db.model('Comment', commentSchema);
const commonComment = new Comment({ content: 'Im used in two posts' }); await; const comments = await Comment.create([ { content: 'Nice first post' }, { content: 'Nice second post' } ]); let posts = await Post.create([ { title: 'First post', commentsIds: [commonComment, comments[0]] }, { title: 'Second post', commentsIds: [commonComment, comments[1]] } ]); posts = await Post.find(). sort({ title: 1 }). populate({ path: 'commentsIds', perDocumentLimit: 2, sort: { content: 1 } }); assert.equal(posts.length, 2); assert.ok(!Array.isArray(posts[0].commentsIds[0])); assert.deepEqual(posts[0].toObject() => c.content), ['Im used in two posts', 'Nice first post']); assert.deepEqual(posts[1].toObject() => c.content), ['Im used in two posts', 'Nice second post']); }); it('supports `transform` option (gh-3375)', async function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, children: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child' }], child: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child' } }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ name: String }));
const children = await Child.create([{ name: 'Luke' }, { name: 'Leia' }]); let p = await Parent.create({ name: 'Anakin', children: children, child: children[0]._id }); let called = []; function transform(doc, id) { called.push({ doc: doc, id: id }); return id; } // Populate array of ids p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'children', transform: transform }); assert.equal(called.length, 2); assert.equal(called[0], 'Luke'); assert.equal(called[0].id.toHexString(), children[0]._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(called[1], 'Leia'); assert.equal(called[1].id.toHexString(), children[1]._id.toHexString()); // Populate single id called = []; p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'child', transform: transform }); assert.equal(called.length, 1); assert.equal(called[0], 'Luke'); assert.equal(called[0].id.toHexString(), children[0]._id.toHexString()); // Push a nonexistent id const newId = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); await Parent.updateOne({ _id: p._id }, { $push: { children: newId } }); called = []; p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'children', transform: transform }); assert.equal(called.length, 3); assert.strictEqual(called[2].doc, null); assert.equal(called[2].id.toHexString(), newId.toHexString()); assert.equal(p.children[2].toHexString(), newId.toHexString()); // Populate 2 docs with same id await Parent.updateOne({ _id: p._id }, { $set: { children: [children[0], children[0]] } }); called = []; p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'children', transform: transform }); assert.equal(called.length, 2); assert.equal(called[0].id.toHexString(), children[0]._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(called[1].id.toHexString(), children[0]._id.toHexString()); // Populate single id that points to nonexistent doc await Parent.updateOne({ _id: p._id }, { $set: { child: newId } }); called = []; p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'child', transform: transform }); assert.equal(called.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(called[0].doc, null); assert.equal(called[0].id.toHexString(), newId.toHexString()); }); it('transform to primitive (gh-10064)', async function() { const Child = db.model('Child', mongoose.Schema({ name: String })); const Parent = db.model('Parent', mongoose.Schema({ child: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child' }, children: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Child' }] }));
const children = await Child.create([{ name: 'Luke' }, { name: 'Leia' }]); let doc = await Parent.create({ children, child: children[0] }); doc = await Parent.findById(doc).populate([ { path: 'child', transform: getName }, { path: 'children', options: { retainNullValues: true }, transform: getName } ]); function getName(doc) { return doc == null ? null :; } assert.equal(doc.child, 'Luke'); assert.deepEqual(doc.toObject().children.sort().reverse(), ['Luke', 'Leia']); }); it('transform with virtual populate, justOne = true (gh-3375)', async function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('child', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: true }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ name: String, parentId: 'ObjectId' }));
let p = await Parent.create({ name: 'Anakin' }); await Child.create({ name: 'Luke', parentId: p._id }); const called = []; p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'child', transform: function(doc, id) { called.push({ doc: doc, id: id }); return id; } }); assert.equal(called.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(called[0].doc.parentId.toHexString(), p._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(called[0].id.toHexString(), p._id.toHexString()); }); it('transform with virtual populate, justOne = false (gh-3375)', async function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); parentSchema.virtual('children', { ref: 'Child', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'parentId', justOne: false }); const Parent = db.model('Parent', parentSchema); const Child = db.model('Child', Schema({ name: String, parentId: 'ObjectId' }));
let p = await Parent.create({ name: 'Anakin' }); await Child.create([ { name: 'Luke', parentId: p._id }, { name: 'Leia', parentId: p._id } ]); const called = []; p = await Parent.findById(p).populate({ path: 'children', transform: function(doc, id) { called.push({ doc: doc, id: id }); return id; } }); assert.equal(called.length, 2); assert.deepEqual( =>, ['Leia', 'Luke']); assert.strictEqual(called[0].doc.parentId.toHexString(), p._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(called[0].id.toHexString(), p._id.toHexString()); assert.strictEqual(called[1].doc.parentId.toHexString(), p._id.toHexString()); assert.equal(called[1].id.toHexString(), p._id.toHexString()); }); it('supports populating dotted subpath of a populated doc that has the same id as a populated doc (gh-10005)', async function() { const ModelASchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _modelB: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test1' }, _rootModel: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }); const ModelBSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _rootModel: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Test' } }); const RootModelSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String });
const ModelA = db.model('Test2', ModelASchema); const ModelB = db.model('Test1', ModelBSchema); const RootModel = db.model('Test', RootModelSchema); const rootModel = new RootModel({ name: 'my name' }); const modelB = new ModelB({ _rootModel: rootModel }); const modelA = new ModelA({ _rootModel: rootModel, _modelB: modelB }); await Promise.all([,,]); const modelA1 = await ModelA.findById(modelA._id); await modelA1.populate('_modelB _rootModel'); await modelA1.populate('_modelB._rootModel'); assert.equal(, 'my name'); }); it('prevents already populated fields from becoming null gh-10068', async function() { const Books = db.model('books', new Schema({ name: String, contributors: [{ author: Schema.Types.ObjectId }] })); const Authors = db.model('authors', new Schema({ name: String })); const anAuthor = new Authors({ name: 'Author1' }); await; const aBook1 = new Books({ name: 'Book1', contributors: [{ author: }] }); await; const aBook2 = new Books({ name: 'Book2', contributors: [{ author: }] }); await; const populateOptions = [{ path: '', model: 'authors', select: '_id name' }]; const populatedBooks = (await Books.find().populate(populateOptions)).map(aBook => { aBook = aBook.toObject(); if (!aBook._id.equals( { aBook.contributors[0].author = aBook.contributors[0].author._id; } return aBook; }); const populatedBooksAgain = await Books.populate(populatedBooks, populateOptions); assert.equal(populatedBooksAgain[0].contributors[0], 'Author1'); }); it('populates lean subdoc with `_id` property (gh-10069)', async function() { const Books = db.model('Book', new Schema({ name: String, author: Schema.Types.ObjectId })); const Authors = db.model('Person', new Schema({ name: String }));
const anAuthor = new Authors({ name: 'Author1' }); await; const aBook1 = new Books({ name: 'Book1', author: }); await; const aBook2 = new Books({ name: 'Book2', author: }); await; const populateOptions = [{ path: 'author', model: 'Person' }]; const books = (await Books.find().lean()).map(aBook => { if (!aBook._id.equals( { = { _id: }; } return aBook; }); const populatedBooks = await Books.populate(books, populateOptions); assert.equal(populatedBooks.length, 2); assert.equal(populatedBooks[0], 'Author1'); assert.equal(populatedBooks[1], 'Author1'); }); it('handles virtual populate when foreignField is an array with duplicates (gh-10117)', async function() { const bookSchema = new Schema({ name: String, author: String }); bookSchema.virtual('authors', { ref: 'Person', localField: 'author', foreignField: 'aliases', justOne: false }); const Book = db.model('Book', bookSchema); const Author = db.model('Person', new Schema({ aliases: [String] }));
await Author.create({ aliases: ['author1', 'author2', 'author1'] }); const book = await Book.create({ name: 'Book1', author: 'author1' }); const fromDb = await Book.findById(book).populate('authors'); assert.equal(fromDb.authors.length, 1); assert.deepEqual(fromDb.toObject({ virtuals: true }).authors[0].aliases, ['author1', 'author2', 'author1']); }); it('handles virtual populate with `$elemMatch` in custom match when `foreignField` is an array (gh-10117)', async function() { const User = db.model('User', mongoose.Schema({ name: String, access: [{ role: String, deletedAt: Date, organization: 'ObjectId' }] })); const organizationSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String }); organizationSchema.virtual('administrators', { ref: 'User', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'access.organization' }); const Organization = db.model('Organization', organizationSchema);
const org = await Organization.create({ name: 'test org' }); await User.create([ { name: 'user1', access: [{ role: 'admin', organization: org._id }] }, { name: 'user2', access: [{ role: 'admin', organization: null }] }, { name: 'user3', access: [ // Shouldn't end up in result because first entry matches on `_id` but // not custom `$elemMatch`, and 2nd entry matches on custom `$elemMatch` // but not on `_id`. { role: 'admin', organization: org._id, deletedAt: new Date() }, { role: 'admin', organization: null } ] } ]); const res = await Organization.findById(org).populate({ path: 'administrators', match: { access: { $elemMatch: { role: 'admin', deletedAt: { $exists: false } } } } }); assert.equal(res.administrators.length, 1); assert.equal(res.administrators[0].name, 'user1'); }); it('populates immutable array paths (gh-10159)', async function() { const Cat = db.model('Cat', { name: String, friends: [{ immutable: true, type: mongoose.ObjectId, ref: 'Cat' }] });
const friend = await Cat.create({ name: 'Zildjian' }); const myCat = await Cat.create({ name: 'Lord Fluffles', friends: [] }); await myCat.populate('friends'); assert.equal(myCat.friends[0].name, 'Zildjian'); }); it('populates paths under mixed schematypes where some documents have non-object properties (gh-10191)', async function() { const schema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String, params: [{ key: String, value: 'Mixed' }] }); const Test = db.model('Test', schema); const User = db.model('User', mongoose.Schema({ name: String }));
const user = await User.create({ name: 'test' }); await Test.create([ { name: 'test1', params: [{ key: 'textContext', value: 'asd' }] }, { name: 'test2', params: [{ key: 'logic', value: { optionLabels: [user._id] } }] } ]); const res = await Test.find().sort({ name: 1 }).populate({ path: 'params.value.optionLabels', model: User }); assert.equal(res[0].name, 'test1'); assert.equal(res[0].params.length, 1); assert.equal(res[0].params[0].value, 'asd'); assert.equal(res[1].name, 'test2'); assert.equal(res[1].params.length, 1); assert.equal(res[1].params[0].value.optionLabels.length, 1); assert.equal(res[1].params[0].value.optionLabels[0].name, 'test'); }); it('populates embedded discriminator with tied value (gh-10231)', async function() { const GuestSchema = new Schema({ dummy: String }); const ActivitySchema = new Schema({ title: String, kind: { required: true, type: String, enum: ['TALK'] } }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); const ActivityTalkSchema = new Schema({ speakers: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Guest' }] }); ActivityTalkSchema.add(ActivitySchema); ActivityTalkSchema.paths.kind.options.$skipDiscriminatorCheck = true; const ProgrammeSchema = new Schema({ activities: [{ required: true, type: ActivitySchema }] }); ProgrammeSchema.path('activities').discriminator('ActivityTalk', ActivityTalkSchema, 'TALK'); const GuestModel = db.model('Guest', GuestSchema); const ProgrammeModel = db.model('Test', ProgrammeSchema);
const guest1 = await GuestModel.create({ dummy: '1' }); const guest2 = await GuestModel.create({ dummy: '2' }); const programme1 = await ProgrammeModel.create({ activities: [ { title: 'hello', kind: 'TALK', speakers: [guest1, guest2] } ] }); const event = await ProgrammeModel.findOne({ _id: programme1._id }).orFail().exec(); await event.populate({ path: 'activities.speakers' }); assert.equal(event.activities.length, 1); assert.equal(event.activities[0].speakers.length, 2); assert.equal(event.activities[0].speakers[0].dummy, '1'); assert.equal(event.activities[0].speakers[1].dummy, '2'); }); it('supports populating an array of immutable elements (gh-10264)', async function() { const Cat = db.model('Cat', { _id: String, name: String, friends: [{ immutable: true, ref: 'Cat', type: String }] });
const friend = new Cat({ _id: 'garfield', name: 'Garfield' }); await; const myCat = new Cat({ _id: 'arlene', name: 'Arlene', friends: [] }); await; await myCat.populate('friends'); assert.equal(myCat.friends[0].name, 'Garfield'); }); it('populates nested path in schema using `Model.populate()` static (gh-10335)', async function() { const Books = db.model('Book', new Schema({ name: String, author: { _id: Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String } })); const Authors = db.model('Author', new Schema({ name: String }));
const anAuthor = new Authors({ name: 'Author1' }); await; const aBook1 = new Books({ name: 'Book1', author: { _id: } }); await; const books = (await Books.find().lean()).map(aBook => { =; return aBook; }); const populatedBooks = await Books.populate(books, [{ path: 'author', model: 'Author', select: '_id name' }]); assert.equal(populatedBooks.length, 1); assert.equal(populatedBooks[0], 'Author1'); }); it('calls subdocument ref functions with subdocument as context (gh-8469)', async function() { const ImageSchema = Schema({ imageName: String }); const Image = db.model('Image', ImageSchema); const TextSchema = Schema({ textName: String }); const Text = db.model('Text', TextSchema); const opts = { _id: false }; let contexts = []; const ItemSchema = Schema({ data: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: function() { contexts.push(this); return this.objectType; } }, objectType: String }, opts); const ExampleSchema = Schema({ test: String, list: [ItemSchema] }); const Example = db.model('Test', ExampleSchema);
const text = await Text.create({ textName: 'test' }); const image = await Image.create({ imageName: 'test' }); await Example.create({ list: [{ data: text._id, objectType: 'Text' }, { data: image._id, objectType: 'Image' }] }); assert.equal(contexts.length, 0); let res = await Example.findOne().populate(''); assert.equal(contexts.length, 2); assert.equal(contexts[0].objectType, 'Text'); assert.equal(contexts[1].objectType, 'Image'); assert.equal(res.list[0].data.textName, 'test'); assert.equal(res.list[1].data.imageName, 'test'); contexts = []; res = await Example.findOne(); await res.populate(''); assert.equal(contexts.length, 2); assert.equal(contexts[0].objectType, 'Text'); assert.equal(contexts[1].objectType, 'Image'); assert.equal(res.list[0].data.textName, 'test'); assert.equal(res.list[1].data.imageName, 'test'); }); }); it('avoids setting empty array on lean document when populate result is undefined (gh-10599)', async function() { const ImageSchema = Schema({ imageName: String }, { _id: false }); const TextSchema = Schema({ textName: String, attached: [{ type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'Test2' }] }, { _id: false }); const ItemSchema = Schema({ objectType: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'objectType', _id: false }); const ExampleSchema = Schema({ test: String, list: [ItemSchema] }); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('Image', ImageSchema); ExampleSchema.path('list').discriminator('Text', TextSchema); const Example = db.model('Test', ExampleSchema); const Another = db.model('Test2', Schema({ test: 'String' })); await Another.create({ _id: '61254490ea89de0004c8f2a0', test: 'test' }); const example = await Example.create({ test: 'example', list: [ { imageName: 'an image', objectType: 'Image' }, { textName: 'this is a text', attached: ['61254490ea89de0004c8f2a0'], objectType: 'Text' } ] }); const query = Example.findById(example._id).populate('list.attached').lean(); const result = await query.exec(); assert.strictEqual(result.list[0].attached, void 0); assert.equal(result.list[1].attached[0].test, 'test'); }); it('supports ref: Model with virtual populate (gh-10695)', async function() { const userSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, email: String }); const blogPostSchema = Schema({ title: String, authorId: Number }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); blogPostSchema.virtual('author', { ref: User, localField: 'authorId', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }); await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Introduction to Mongoose', authorId: 1 }); await User.create({ _id: 1, email: '' }); const doc = await BlogPost.findOne().populate('author'); assert.equal(, ''); }); it('supports ref on subdocuments (gh-10856)', async function() { const userSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, name: String, email: String }); const blogPostSchema = Schema({ title: String, author: { type: new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }), ref: 'User' } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); await User.create({ _id: 1, name: 'John Smith', email: '' }); await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Introduction to Mongoose', author: { _id: 1, name: 'John Smith' } }); const doc = await BlogPost.findOne().populate('author'); assert.equal(, ''); assert.equal(doc.toObject(), 'John Smith'); assert.equal(doc.toObject(), ''); assert.equal(doc.toObject({ depopulate: true }), 'John Smith'); assert.strictEqual(doc.toObject({ depopulate: true }), undefined); doc.depopulate(); assert.equal(, 'John Smith'); assert.strictEqual(, undefined); = 'John Smythe'; await; let fromDb = await BlogPost.findById(doc); assert.equal(, 'John Smythe'); await fromDb.populate('author'); = { _id:, name: 'John Smithe' }; assert.strictEqual(, undefined); await; fromDb = await BlogPost.findById(doc); assert.strictEqual(, undefined); assert.equal(, 'John Smithe'); }); it('no-op when populating a single nested subdoc underneath a doc array with no ref (gh-11538) (gh-10856)', async function() { const userSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, name: String, email: String, friends: [{ type: Number, ref: 'User' }] }); const blogPostSchema = Schema({ title: String, people: [{ author: { type: new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String, friends: [{ type: Number, ref: 'User' }] }) // ref: 'User' } }] }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); await User.create({ _id: 2, name: 'Test', email: '' }); await User.create({ _id: 1, name: 'John Smith', email: '', friends: [2] }); await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Introduction to Mongoose', people: [{ author: { _id: 1, name: 'John Smith', friends: [2] } }] }); const doc = await BlogPost.findOne().populate({ path: 'people', populate: [{ path: 'author', populate: 'friends' }] }); assert.strictEqual(doc.people[0], undefined); }); it('supports ref on array containing subdocuments (gh-10856)', async function() { const userSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, name: String, email: String }); const blogPostSchema = Schema({ title: String, authors: [{ user: { type: new Schema({ _id: Number, name: String }), ref: 'User' } }] }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const BlogPost = db.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema); await User.create({ _id: 1, name: 'John Smith', email: '' }); await BlogPost.create({ title: 'Introduction to Mongoose', authors: [{ user: { _id: 1, name: 'John Smith' } }] }); const doc = await BlogPost.findOne().populate('authors.user'); assert.equal(doc.authors[0], ''); assert.equal(doc.toObject().authors[0], ''); doc.depopulate(); assert.equal(doc.authors[0], 'John Smith'); }); it('uses `Model` by default when doing `Model.populate()` on a POJO (gh-10978)', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: { type: String, default: '' } }); const TestSchema = new Schema({ users: [{ user: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'User' } }] }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const Test = db.model('Test', TestSchema); const users = await User.create([{ name: 'user-name' }, { name: 'user-name-2' }]); await Test.create([{ users: [{ user: users[0]._id }, { user: users[1]._id }] }]); const found = await Test.aggregate([ { $project: { users: '$users' } }, { $unwind: '$users' }, { $sort: { '': 1 } } ]); const _users = found.reduce((users, cur) => [...users, cur.users], []); await User.populate(_users, { path: 'user' }); assert.equal(_users.length, 2); assert.equal(_users[0], 'user-name'); assert.equal(_users[1], 'user-name-2'); }); it('can reference parent connection models by name after `useDb()` (gh-11003)', async function() { const UserSchema = new Schema({ name: String }); const TestSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: 'User' } }); const User = db.model('User', UserSchema); const conn2 = db.useDb(start.databases[1]); const Test = conn2.model('Test', TestSchema); await Test.deleteMany({}); const users = await User.create([{ name: 'user-name' }, { name: 'user-name-2' }]); await Test.create([{ user: users[0]._id }, { user: users[1]._id }]); const res = await Test.find().populate('user').sort({ user: 1 }); assert.equal(res.length, 2); assert.equal(res[0], 'user-name'); assert.equal(res[1], 'user-name-2'); await Test.deleteMany({}); }); it('handles refPath underneath map of subdocuments (gh-9359)', async function() { // user schema const userSchema = Schema({ name: String }); // list schema const listSchema = Schema({ listName: String }); // row value schema const rowValuesSchema = Schema({ valueObject: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, refPath: 'values.$*.refp' }, refp: String }); // row schema const rowSchema = Schema({ sortOrder: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number, required: true }, values: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Map, of: rowValuesSchema } }); const User = db.model('User', userSchema); const List = db.model('List', listSchema); const Row = db.model('Row', rowSchema); const createUser = await User.create({ name: 'test' }); const createList = await List.create({ listName: 'hi' }); await Row.create({ sortOrder: 1, values: { [createList._id]: { valueObject: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(createUser._id), refp: 'User' } } }); const row = await Row.findOne().populate({ path: 'values.$*.valueObject' }); assert.equal(row.values.get(createList._id.toString()), 'test'); }); describe('strictPopulate', function() { it('reports full path when throwing `strictPopulate` error with deep populate (gh-10923)', async function() { const L2 = db.model('Test', new Schema({ name: String })); const schema = new Schema({ l2: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: L2 } }); const L1 = db.model('Child', schema); const Parent = db.model('Parent', new Schema({ l1: { type: 'ObjectId', ref: L1 } })); await Parent.deleteMany(); const l2 = await L2.create({ name: 'test' }); const l1 = await L1.create({ l2 }); await Parent.create({ l1 }); const err = await Parent.findOne().populate({ path: 'l1', populate: { path: 'l22' } }). then(() => null, err => err); assert.ok(err.message.indexOf('l1.l22') !== -1, err.message); }); it('respects strictPopulate schema option (gh-11290)', async function() { const kittySchema = Schema({ name: String }, { strictPopulate: false }); const Kitten = db.model('Test', kittySchema); const kitty1 = new Kitten({ name: 'Henry' }); await; // Does not throw await Kitten.findById(kitty1._id).populate('hello'); const err = await Kitten.findById(kitty1._id).populate({ path: 'hello', strictPopulate: true }). then(() => null, err => err); assert.ok(err); assert.ok(err.message.includes('strictPopulate'), err.message); }); });});