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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
/** * Module dependencies. */
const start = require('./common');
const assert = require('assert');
const mongoose = new start.mongoose.Mongoose();const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
describe('schematype mixed', function() { describe('empty object defaults (gh-1380)', function() { it('are interpreted as fns that return new empty objects', function(done) { const s = new Schema({ mix: { type: Schema.Types.Mixed, default: {} } }); const M = mongoose.model('M1', s); const m1 = new M(); const m2 = new M(); m1.mix.val = 3; assert.equal(m1.mix.val, 3); assert.equal(m2.mix.val, undefined); done(); }); it('can be forced to share the object between documents', function(done) { // silly but necessary for backwards compatibility const s = new Schema({ mix: { type: Schema.Types.Mixed, default: {}, shared: true } }); const M = mongoose.model('M2', s); const m1 = new M(); const m2 = new M(); m1.mix.val = 3; assert.equal(m1.mix.val, 3); assert.equal(m2.mix.val, 3); done(); }); });});