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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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'use strict';
/** * Module dependencies. */
const start = require('./common');
const DocumentArray = require('../lib/types/DocumentArray');const ArraySubdocument = require('../lib/types/ArraySubdocument');const assert = require('assert');const idGetter = require('../lib/helpers/schema/idGetter');const setValue = require('../lib/utils').setValue;
const mongoose = require('./common').mongoose;const Schema = mongoose.Schema;const MongooseDocumentArray = mongoose.Types.DocumentArray;
/** * Setup. */
function TestDoc(schema) { const Subdocument = function() {, {}, new DocumentArray()); };
/** * Inherits from ArraySubdocument. */
Object.setPrototypeOf(Subdocument.prototype, ArraySubdocument.prototype);
/** * Set schema. */
const SubSchema = new Schema({ title: { type: String } });
Subdocument.prototype.$__setSchema(idGetter(schema || SubSchema));
return Subdocument;}
/** * Test. */
describe('types.documentarray', function() { let db;
before(function() { db = start(); });
after(async function() { await db.close(); });
beforeEach(() => db.deleteModel(/.*/)); afterEach(() => require('./util').clearTestData(db)); afterEach(() => require('./util').stopRemainingOps(db));
it('behaves and quacks like an array', function(done) { const a = new MongooseDocumentArray();
assert.ok(a instanceof Array); assert.ok(a.isMongooseArray); assert.ok(a.isMongooseDocumentArray); assert.ok(Array.isArray(a));
assert.deepEqual(a.$atomics().constructor, Object);
done(); });
it('#id', function(done) { let Subdocument = TestDoc();
let sub1 = new Subdocument(); sub1.title = 'Hello again to all my friends'; let id =;
let a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub1]); assert.equal(, 'Hello again to all my friends'); assert.equal(, 'Hello again to all my friends');
// test with custom string _id let Custom = new Schema({ title: { type: String }, _id: { type: String, required: true } });
Subdocument = TestDoc(Custom);
let sub2 = new Subdocument(); sub2.title = 'together we can play some rock-n-roll'; sub2._id = 'a25'; const id2 =;
a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub2]); assert.equal(, 'together we can play some rock-n-roll'); assert.equal(, 'together we can play some rock-n-roll');
// test with custom number _id const CustNumber = new Schema({ title: { type: String }, _id: { type: Number, required: true } });
Subdocument = TestDoc(CustNumber);
const sub3 = new Subdocument(); sub3.title = 'rock-n-roll'; sub3._id = 1995; const id3 =;
a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub3]); assert.equal(, 'rock-n-roll'); assert.equal(, 'rock-n-roll');
// test with object as _id Custom = new Schema({ title: { type: String }, _id: { one: { type: String }, two: { type: String } } });
Subdocument = TestDoc(Custom);
sub1 = new Subdocument(); sub1._id = { one: 'rolling', two: 'rock' }; sub1.title = 'to be a rock and not to roll';
sub2 = new Subdocument(); sub2._id = { one: 'rock', two: 'roll' }; sub2.title = 'rock-n-roll';
a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub1, sub2]); assert.notEqual({ one: 'rolling', two: 'rock' }).title, 'rock-n-roll'); assert.equal({ one: 'rock', two: 'roll' }).title, 'rock-n-roll');
let sub4 = new Subdocument(); sub4.title = 'rock-n-roll';
a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub4]); let threw = false; try {'i better not throw'); } catch (err) { threw = err; } assert.equal(threw, false);
sub4 = new Subdocument(); sub4.title = 'rock-n-roll';
a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub4]); threw = false; try {'i better not throw'); } catch (err) { threw = err; } assert.equal(threw, false); // undefined and null should not match a nonexistent _id assert.strictEqual(null,; assert.strictEqual(null,;
// test when _id is a populated document Custom = new Schema({ title: { type: String } });
const Custom1 = new Schema({}, { id: false });
Subdocument = TestDoc(Custom); const Subdocument1 = TestDoc(Custom1);
const sub = new Subdocument1(); sub1 = new Subdocument1(); sub.title = 'Hello again to all my friends'; id = sub1._id.toString(); setValue('_id', sub1, sub);
a = new MongooseDocumentArray([sub]); assert.equal(, 'Hello again to all my friends');
done(); });
describe('inspect', function() { it('works with bad data', function(done) { let threw = false; const a = new MongooseDocumentArray([null]); try { a.inspect(); } catch (err) { threw = true; console.error(err.stack); } assert.ok(!threw); done(); }); });
describe('toObject', function() { it('works with bad data', function(done) { let threw = false; const a = new MongooseDocumentArray([null]); try { a.toObject(); } catch (err) { threw = true; console.error(err.stack); } assert.ok(!threw); done(); }); it('passes options to its documents (gh-1415) (gh-4455)', function(done) { const subSchema = new Schema({ title: { type: String } });
subSchema.set('toObject', { transform: function(doc, ret) { // this should not be called because custom options are // passed during MongooseArray#toObject() calls ret.changed = 123; return ret; } });
const db = mongoose.createConnection(); const M = db.model('Test', { docs: [subSchema] }); const m = new M();{ docs: [{ title: 'hello' }] }); const delta = m.$__delta()[1]; assert.equal(delta.$$each[0].changed, undefined);
done(); }); it('uses the correct transform (gh-1412)', function(done) { const SecondSchema = new Schema({});
SecondSchema.set('toObject', { transform: function second(doc, ret) { ret.secondToObject = true; return ret; } });
const FirstSchema = new Schema({ second: [SecondSchema] });
FirstSchema.set('toObject', { transform: function first(doc, ret) { ret.firstToObject = true; return ret; } });
const First = db.model('Test', FirstSchema); const Second = db.model('Test1', SecondSchema);
const first = new First({});
first.second.push(new Second()); first.second.push(new Second()); const obj = first.toObject();
assert.ok(obj.firstToObject); assert.ok(obj.second[0].secondToObject); assert.ok(obj.second[1].secondToObject); assert.ok(!obj.second[0].firstToObject); assert.ok(!obj.second[1].firstToObject); done(); }); });
describe('create()', function() { it('works', function(done) { const a = new MongooseDocumentArray([]); assert.equal(typeof a.create, 'function');
const schema = new Schema({ docs: [new Schema({ name: 'string' })] }); mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const T = mongoose.model('Test', schema); const t = new T; assert.equal(typeof, 'function'); const subdoc ={ name: 100 }); assert.ok(subdoc._id); assert.equal(, '100'); assert.ok(subdoc instanceof ArraySubdocument); done(); }); });
describe('push()', function() { it('does not re-cast instances of its embedded doc', function(done) { const child = new Schema({ name: String, date: Date }); child.pre('save', function(next) { = new Date(); next(); }); const schema = new Schema({ children: [child] }); const M = db.model('Test', schema); const m = new M(); { assert.ifError(err); M.findById(m._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); const c = doc.children.create({ name: 'first' }); assert.equal(, undefined); doc.children.push(c); assert.equal(, undefined); { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc.children[doc.children.length - 1].date); assert.equal(, doc.children[doc.children.length - 1].date);
doc.children.push(c); doc.children.push(c); { assert.ifError(err); M.findById(m._id, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.children.length, 3); doc.children.forEach(function(child) { assert.equal(doc.children[0].id,; }); done(); }); }); }); }); }); });
it('corrects #ownerDocument() and index if value was created with array.create() (gh-1385)', function(done) { const mg = new mongoose.Mongoose(); const M = mg.model('Test', { docs: [{ name: String }] }); const m = new M(); const doc ={ name: 'test 1385' }); assert.equal(String(doc.ownerDocument()._id), String(m._id));; assert.equal(doc.ownerDocument()._id, String(m._id)); assert.strictEqual(doc.__index, 0); done(); });
it('corrects #ownerDocument() if value was created with array.create() and set() (gh-7504)', function(done) { const M = db.model('Test', { docs: [{ name: { type: String, validate: () => false } }] }); const m = new M({}); const doc ={ name: 'test' }); m.set('docs', [doc]); assert.equal(doc.ownerDocument()._id.toString(), String(m._id)); assert.strictEqual(doc.__index, 0);
assert.ok(m.validateSync().errors['']); done(); });
it('reports validation errors with correct index path (gh-7724)', function() { const parentSchema = new Schema({ name: String, children: [{ name: { type: String, required: true }, gender: { type: String, required: true } }] });
mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const Parent = mongoose.model('Test', parentSchema);
const p = new Parent({ name: 'Eddard Stark', children: [{ name: 'Arya Stark', gender: 'F' }] });
p.children.push({ name: 'Sansa Stark' }); p.children.push({ gender: 'M' }); p.children.push({ name: 'Bran Stark', gender: 'M' }); p.children.push({ name: 'Jon Snow' });
const error = p.validateSync(); assert.ok(error); assert.ok(error.errors); assert.deepStrictEqual( Object.keys(error.errors), ['children.1.gender', '', 'children.4.gender']); }); });
it('#push should work on ArraySubdocument more than 2 levels deep', function(done) { const Comments = new Schema(); Comments.add({ title: String, comments: [Comments] }); const BlogPost = new Schema({ title: String, comments: [Comments] });
const Post = db.model('BlogPost', BlogPost);
const p = new Post({ title: 'comment nesting' }); const c1 = p.comments.create({ title: 'c1' }); const c2 = c1.comments.create({ title: 'c2' }); const c3 = c2.comments.create({ title: 'c3' });
p.comments.push(c1); c1.comments.push(c2); c2.comments.push(c3); { assert.ifError(err);
Post.findById(p._id, function(err, p) { assert.ifError(err);
p.comments[0].comments[0].comments[0].comments.push({ title: 'c4' }); { assert.ifError(err);
Post.findById(p._id, function(err, p) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(p.comments[0].comments[0].comments[0].comments[0].title, 'c4'); done(); }); }); }); }); });
describe('required (gh-6364)', function() { it('on top level', function(done) { const calls = []; const schema = new Schema({ docs: { type: [{ name: 'string' }], required: function() { calls.push(this); return true; } } });
mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const T = mongoose.model('Test', schema); const t = new T({});{ name: 'test1' });{ name: 'test2' });
t.validateSync(); assert.equal(calls.length, 1); done(); });
it('in arr', function(done) { const calls = []; const schema = new Schema({ docs: [{ type: new Schema({ name: 'string' }), required: function() { calls.push(this); return true; } }] });
mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const T = mongoose.model('Test', schema); const t = new T({});;{ name: 'test2' });
const err = t.validateSync(); assert.equal(calls.length, 2); assert.ok(err); assert.ok(err.errors['docs.0']); done(); }); });
describe('invalidate()', function() { it('works', function(done) { const schema = new Schema({ docs: [{ name: 'string' }] }); schema.pre('validate', function(next) { const subdoc =[ - 1]; subdoc.invalidate('name', 'boo boo', '%'); next(); }); mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const T = mongoose.model('Test', schema); const t = new T();{ name: 100 });
const subdoc ={ name: 'yep' }); assert.throws(function() { // has no parent array subdoc.invalidate('name', 'junk', 47); }); t.validate(function() { const e = t.errors['']; assert.ok(e); assert.equal(e.path, ''); assert.equal(e.kind, 'user defined'); assert.equal(e.message, 'boo boo'); assert.equal(e.value, '%'); done(); }); });
it('handles validation failures', function(done) { const nested = new Schema({ v: { type: Number, max: 30 } }); const schema = new Schema({ docs: [nested] }); const M = db.model('Test', schema); const m = new M({ docs: [{ v: 900 }] }); { assert.equal(err.errors['docs.0.v'].value, 900); done(); }); });
it('clears listeners on cast error (gh-6723)', function() { const nested = new Schema({ v: Number }); const schema = new Schema({ docs: [nested] }); const M = db.model('Test', schema);
const m = new M({}); = [50]; = [];{ v: 50 });
return; });
it('slice() copies parent and path (gh-8317)', function() { const nested = new Schema({ v: Number }); const schema = new Schema({ docs: [nested] }); const M = db.model('Test', schema);
const doc = M.hydrate({ docs: [{ v: 1 }, { v: 2 }] }); let arr =; arr = arr.slice(); arr.splice(0, 1);
assert.equal(arr.length, 1); assert.equal(, 2); });
it('map() works (gh-8317)', function() { const personSchema = new Schema({ friends: [{ name: { type: String } }] }); mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const Person = mongoose.model('Test', personSchema);
const person = new Person({ friends: [{ name: 'Hafez' }] });
const friendsNames = =>; friendsNames.push('Sam');
assert.equal(friendsNames.length, 2); assert.equal(friendsNames[1], 'Sam'); });
it('slice() after map() works (gh-8399)', function() { const MyModel = db.model('Test', Schema({ myArray: [{ name: String }] }));
const doc = new MyModel({ myArray: [{ name: 'a' }, { name: 'b' }] }); let myArray = doc.myArray;
myArray = => ({ name: `${} mapped` }));
myArray.splice(1, 1, { name: 'c' }); myArray.splice(2, 0, { name: 'd' });
assert.deepEqual( =>, [ 'a mapped', 'c', 'd' ]); });
it('unshift() after map() works (gh-9012)', function() { const MyModel = db.model('Test', Schema({ myArray: [{ name: String }] }));
const doc = new MyModel({ myArray: [{ name: 'b' }, { name: 'c' }] }); let myArray = doc.myArray;
myArray = => ({ name: `${} mapped` }));
myArray.unshift({ name: 'a inserted' });
assert.deepEqual( =>, [ 'a inserted', 'b mapped', 'c mapped' ]); }); });
it('cleans modified subpaths on splice() (gh-7249)', async function() { const childSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true } }, { _id: false });
const parentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ children: [childSchema] });
const Parent = db.model('Test', parentSchema);

let parent = await Parent.create({ children: [{ name: '1' }, { name: '2' }] });
parent = await Parent.findOne();
parent.children[1].name = '3'; parent.children.splice(0, 1);
parent = await Parent.findOne();
assert.deepEqual(parent.toObject().children, [{ name: '3' }]); });
it('modifies ownerDocument() on set (gh-8479)', function() { const nestedArraySchema = Schema({ name: String, subDocArray: [{ name: String }] });
const Model = db.model('Test', nestedArraySchema);
const doc1 = new Model({ name: 'doc1', subDocArray: [{ name: 'subDoc' }] }); const doc2 = new Model({ name: 'doc2', subDocArray: [{ name: 'subDoc' }] });
doc1.subDocArray = doc2.subDocArray;
assert.equal(doc2.subDocArray[0].ownerDocument().name, 'doc2'); assert.equal(doc1.subDocArray[0].ownerDocument().name, 'doc1'); });
it('modifying subdoc path after `slice()` (gh-8356)', function() { mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const nestedArraySchema = Schema({ name: String, subDocArray: [{ name: String }] });
const Model = db.model('Test', nestedArraySchema); const doc = new Model().init({ name: 'test', subDocArray: [{ name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }] });
doc.subDocArray.slice(1, 2)[0].name = 'baz'; assert.ok(doc.isModified('')); });
it('supports setting to newly constructed array with no path or parent (gh-8108)', function() { const nestedArraySchema = Schema({ name: String, subDocArray: [{ _id: false, name: String }] });
const Model = db.model('Test', nestedArraySchema);
const doc = new Model({ name: 'doc1' }); doc.subDocArray = new DocumentArray([]);
doc.subDocArray.push({ name: 'foo' });
return then(() => Model.findById(doc)). then(doc => assert.deepEqual(doc.toObject().subDocArray, [{ name: 'foo' }])); });
it('keeps atomics after setting (gh-10272)', function() { const MyChildSchema = new Schema({ name: String });
const MyModelSchema = new Schema({ children: [MyChildSchema] });
const Test = db.model('Test', MyModelSchema);
const doc = new Test(); doc.init({ children: [{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'Jane' }] });
doc.children = [{ name: 'John' }]; doc.children = doc.children.concat([]); doc.children.push({ name: 'Mary' });
assert.ok(doc.children.$atomics().$set); assert.deepEqual(doc.children.$atomics().$ =>, ['John', 'Mary']); });
it('handles `DocumentArray#create()` with populated paths (gh-10749)', async function() { const schema = new Schema({ subdoc: { ref: 'Test2', type: 'ObjectId' }, arr: [{ num: Number }] }); const Test = mongoose.model('Test', schema); const Test2 = mongoose.model('Test2', Schema({ name: String }));
const doc2 = new Test2({ name: 'test' }); const doc = new Test({ subdoc: doc2, arr: [] });
const subdoc = doc.arr.create({ num: '42' }); await subdoc.validate(); assert.strictEqual(subdoc.num, 42);
doc.arr.push(subdoc); await doc.validate(); });
it('applies _id default (gh-12264)', function() { mongoose.deleteModel(/Test/); const nestedArraySchema = Schema({ subDocArray: [{ name: String }] });
const Model = db.model('Test', nestedArraySchema); const doc = new Model().init({ subDocArray: [{ name: 'foo' }] });
assert.ok(doc.subDocArray[0]._id instanceof mongoose.Types.ObjectId); });});