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MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
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declare module 'mongoose' {
type SchemaValidator<T> = RegExp | [RegExp, string] | Function | [Function, string] | ValidateOpts<T> | ValidateOpts<T>[];
interface ValidatorProps { path: string; value: any; }
interface ValidatorMessageFn { (props: ValidatorProps): string; }
interface ValidateFn<T> { (value: T, props?: ValidatorProps & Record<string, any>): boolean; }
interface LegacyAsyncValidateFn<T> { (value: T, done: (result: boolean) => void): void; }
interface AsyncValidateFn<T> { (value: T, props?: ValidatorProps & Record<string, any>): Promise<boolean>; }
interface ValidateOpts<T> { msg?: string; message?: string | ValidatorMessageFn; type?: string; validator: ValidateFn<T> | LegacyAsyncValidateFn<T> | AsyncValidateFn<T>; propsParameter?: boolean; }}