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Color quantization and dithering in TypeScript.
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import { ColorHistogram, getHistogram } from "../mod.ts";import { Color } from "../../deps/color.ts";import { getAverageColor, getColorRange } from "./common.ts";import type { ColorRange } from "./common.ts";
export function quantizeByMedianCut( pixels: Color[], extractCount: number,): Color[] { const vbox = getColorRange(pixels); const histo = getHistogram(pixels); return quantize(vbox, histo, extractCount);}
function quantize( vbox: ColorRange, histo: ColorHistogram, extractCount: number,): Color[] { const vboxes: ColorRange[] = [vbox];
// Avoid an infinite loop const maxIter = 1000; let i = 0;
const firstExtractCount = ~~(extractCount >> 1); let generated = 1;
while (i < maxIter) { const lastBox = vboxes.shift(); if (!lastBox) break; // This shouldn't happen if (!vboxSize(lastBox, histo)) { vboxes.push(lastBox); i += 1; continue; } const cut = medianCutApply(lastBox, histo);
if (cut) { vboxes.push(cut[0], cut[1]); generated += 1; } else vboxes.push(lastBox); if (generated >= firstExtractCount) break; }
vboxes.sort((a, b) => (vboxSize(b, histo) * vboxVolume(b)) - (vboxSize(a, histo) * vboxVolume(a)) );
const secondExtractCount = extractCount - vboxes.length; i = 0; generated = 0;
while (i < maxIter) { const lastBox = vboxes.shift(); if (!lastBox) break; // This shouldn't happen if (!vboxSize(lastBox, histo)) { vboxes.push(lastBox); i += 1; continue; } const cut = medianCutApply(lastBox, histo);
if (cut) { vboxes.push(cut[0], cut[1]); generated += 1; } else vboxes.push(lastBox); if (generated >= secondExtractCount) break; } vboxes.sort((a, b) => vboxSize(b, histo) - vboxSize(a, histo)); return => getAverageColor(x, histo)).slice(0, extractCount);}
/** Get number of colors in vbox */function vboxSize(vbox: ColorRange, histo: ColorHistogram): number { let count = 0; let ri = vbox.r.min; while (ri <= vbox.r.max) { let gi = vbox.g.min; while (gi <= vbox.g.max) { let bi = vbox.b.min; while (bi <= vbox.b.max) { count += histo.get(new Color(ri, gi, bi, 255)) || 0; bi += 1; } gi += 1; } ri += 1; } return count;}
/** Get volume by dimensions of vbox */function vboxVolume(vbox: ColorRange): number { return ~~(vbox.r.max - vbox.r.min) * ~~(vbox.g.max - vbox.g.min) * ~~(vbox.b.max - vbox.b.min);}
/** Cut vbox into two */function medianCutApply( vbox: ColorRange, histo: ColorHistogram,): [ColorRange, ColorRange] | false { const count = vboxSize(vbox, histo);
if (!count || count === 1) return false; const rw = vbox.r.max - vbox.r.min + 1; const gw = vbox.g.max - vbox.g.min + 1; const bw = vbox.b.max - vbox.b.min + 1;
const axis = Math.max(rw, gw, bw);
// Find partial sums along each axis const sumAlongAxis = []; // avoid running another loop to compute sum let totalSum = 0; switch (axis) { case rw: { let i = vbox.r.min; while (i <= vbox.r.max) { let tempSum = 0; let j = vbox.g.min; while (j < vbox.g.max) { let k = vbox.b.min; while (k < vbox.b.max) { tempSum += histo.getQuantized([i, j, k]) || 0; k += 1; } j += 1; } totalSum += tempSum; sumAlongAxis[i] = totalSum; i += 1; } break; } case gw: { let i = vbox.g.min; while (i <= vbox.g.max) { let tempSum = 0; let j = vbox.r.min; while (j < vbox.r.max) { let k = vbox.b.min; while (k < vbox.b.max) { tempSum += histo.getQuantized([j, i, k]) || 0; k += 1; } j += 1; } totalSum += tempSum; sumAlongAxis[i] = totalSum; i += 1; } break; } default: { let i = vbox.b.min; while (i <= vbox.b.max) { let tempSum = 0; let j = vbox.r.min; while (j < vbox.r.max) { let k = vbox.g.min; while (k < vbox.g.max) { tempSum += histo.getQuantized([j, k, i]) || 0; k += 1; } j += 1; } totalSum += tempSum; sumAlongAxis[i] = totalSum; i += 1; } break; } }
// Apply median cut switch (axis) { case rw: { let i = vbox.r.min; while (i <= vbox.r.max) { // Find the mid point through linear search if (sumAlongAxis[i] < totalSum / 2) { let cutAt = 0; const vbox1 = { r: { min: vbox.r.min, max: vbox.r.max }, g: { min: vbox.g.min, max: vbox.g.max }, b: { min: vbox.b.min, max: vbox.b.max }, }; const vbox2 = { r: { min: vbox.r.min, max: vbox.r.max }, g: { min: vbox.g.min, max: vbox.g.max }, b: { min: vbox.b.min, max: vbox.b.max }, }; const left = i - vbox.r.min; const right = vbox.r.max - i; if (left <= right) { cutAt = Math.min(vbox.r.max - 1, Math.trunc(i + right / 2)); } else cutAt = Math.max(vbox.r.min, Math.trunc(i - 1 - left / 2));
while (!sumAlongAxis[cutAt]) cutAt += 1;
vbox1.r.max = cutAt; vbox2.r.min = cutAt + 1; return [vbox1, vbox2]; } i += 1; } break; } case gw: { let i = vbox.g.min; while (i <= vbox.g.max) { // Find the mid point through linear search if (sumAlongAxis[i] < totalSum / 2) { let cutAt = 0; const vbox1 = { r: { min: vbox.r.min, max: vbox.r.max }, g: { min: vbox.g.min, max: vbox.g.max }, b: { min: vbox.b.min, max: vbox.b.max }, }; const vbox2 = { r: { min: vbox.r.min, max: vbox.r.max }, g: { min: vbox.g.min, max: vbox.g.max }, b: { min: vbox.b.min, max: vbox.b.max }, }; const left = i - vbox.g.min; const right = vbox.g.max - i; if (left <= right) { cutAt = Math.min(vbox.g.max - 1, Math.trunc(i + right / 2)); } else cutAt = Math.max(vbox.g.min, Math.trunc(i - 1 - left / 2)); while (!sumAlongAxis[cutAt]) cutAt += 1;
vbox1.g.max = cutAt; vbox2.g.min = cutAt + 1; return [vbox1, vbox2]; } i += 1; } break; } default: { let i = vbox.b.min; while (i <= vbox.b.max) { // Find the mid point through linear search if (sumAlongAxis[i] < totalSum / 2) { let cutAt = 0; const vbox1 = { r: { min: vbox.r.min, max: vbox.r.max }, g: { min: vbox.g.min, max: vbox.g.max }, b: { min: vbox.b.min, max: vbox.b.max }, }; const vbox2 = { r: { min: vbox.r.min, max: vbox.r.max }, g: { min: vbox.g.min, max: vbox.g.max }, b: { min: vbox.b.min, max: vbox.b.max }, }; const left = i - vbox.b.min; const right = vbox.b.max - i; if (left <= right) { cutAt = Math.min(vbox.b.max - 1, Math.trunc(i + right / 2)); } else cutAt = Math.max(vbox.b.min, Math.trunc(i - 1 - left / 2)); while (!sumAlongAxis[cutAt]) cutAt += 1;
vbox1.b.max = cutAt; vbox2.b.min = cutAt + 1; return [vbox1, vbox2]; } i += 1; } break; } }
return false;}