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@msgpack/msgpack - MessagePack for JavaScript/TypeScript/ECMA-262 /[JavaScript]
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test: npm run test test-all: npm ci npm publish --dry-run publish: validate-git-status npm publish git push origin main git push origin --tags validate-git-status: @ if [ "`git symbolic-ref --short HEAD`" != "main" ] ; \ then echo "Not on the main branch!\n" ; exit 1 ; \ fi @ if ! git diff --exit-code --quiet ; \ then echo "Local differences!\n" ; git status ; exit 1 ; \ fi git pull profile-encode: npx rimraf isolate-*.log node --prof --require ts-node/register -e 'require("./benchmark/profile-encode")' node --prof-process --preprocess -j isolate-*.log | npx flamebearer profile-decode: npx rimraf isolate-*.log node --prof --require ts-node/register -e 'require("./benchmark/profile-decode")' node --prof-process --preprocess -j isolate-*.log | npx flamebearer benchmark: npx ts-node benchmark/benchmark-from-msgpack-lite.ts @echo node benchmark/msgpack-benchmark.js .PHONY: test dist validate-branch benchmark