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🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
import { Component } from '../component.ts'import { h, strToHash } from '../core.ts'
interface Props { [key: string]: any src: string height?: number | string width?: number | string lazy?: boolean placeholder?: any}
/** * A useful Image component * Add <Img lazy ..., to lazy load the img source * Add <Img width="100" height="100" ..., to specify img element's size. * Add <Img placeholder="src or element" ...., to prepare placeholder for img. */export class Img extends Component<Props> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props)
const { src, key } = props
// id has to be unique = `${strToHash(src)}-${strToHash(JSON.stringify(props))}` if (key) += `key-${key}`
// this could also be done in willMount() if (!this.state) this.setState({ isLoaded: false, image: undefined }) }
didMount() { const { lazy = true, placeholder, children, key, ref, } = this.props
if (typeof lazy === 'boolean' && lazy === false) return
const observer = new IntersectionObserver( (entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { observer.disconnect() this.state.image = h('img', { }) as HTMLImageElement if (this.state.image.complete) { this.state.isLoaded = true this.update() } else { this.state.image.onload = () => { this.state.isLoaded = true this.update() } } } }) }, { threshold: [0, 1] } ) observer.observe(this.elements[0]) } render() { const { src, placeholder, children, lazy = true, key, ref, } = this.props
// return the img tag if not lazy loaded if (typeof lazy === 'boolean' && lazy === false) { this.state.image = h('img', { src, }) as HTMLImageElement return this.state.image }
// if it is visible and loaded, show the image if (this.state.isLoaded) { return this.state.image // if the placeholder is an image src } else if (placeholder && typeof placeholder === 'string') { return h('img', { src: placeholder, }) // if the placeholder is an JSX element } else if (placeholder && typeof placeholder === 'function') { return placeholder() } else { // render a simple box const style: Record<string, any> = {} if (rest.width) style.width = `${rest.width}px` if (rest.height) style.height = `${rest.height}px` const { width, height, ...others } = rest return h('div', { style, ...others }) } }}