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Universal web applications with Deno.
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import { serve, extname, brotliEncode, gzipEncode, Sha1} from './deps.ts';
import type { ServerRequest, Server} from './deps.ts';
interface PageData { head: string; body: string; headers?: HeadersInit;};
interface PageHandlerCallback { (req: ServerRequest, params: Record<string, string>): Promise<PageData>;}
interface Page { route: string; template: string; handler: PageHandlerCallback;}
interface RouterConfig { pages: Page[];}
export enum CompressionMethod { Gzip = 'gzip', Brotli = 'br', None = 'none',}
interface ServerConfig { compression?: CompressionMethod; serveStatic?: string;}
interface Config { server: ServerConfig; router: RouterConfig;}
const MEDIA_TYPES: Record<string, string> = { ".md": "text/markdown", ".css": "text/css", ".html": "text/html", ".htm": "text/html", ".json": "application/json", ".map": "application/json", ".txt": "text/plain", ".ts": "text/typescript", ".tsx": "text/tsx", ".js": "application/javascript", ".jsx": "text/jsx", ".gz": "application/gzip", ".webp": "image/webp", ".jpg": "image/jpeg", ".png": "image/png", ".svg": "mage/svg+xml",};
function getContentType(path: string): string | undefined { return MEDIA_TYPES[extname(path)];}
/** * Function to decide wether or not we include the part * of the template before the <nattramn-router> tag or not. * * If answerWithPartialContent if true, then anything * before <nattramn-router> will not be sent in the request. */function generatePreContent (template: string, answerWithPartialContent: boolean) { return answerWithPartialContent ? null : template.indexOf('<nattramn-router>') !== -1 ? template.split('<nattramn-router>')[0] : template;}
/** * Function to decide wether or not we include the part * of the template after the <nattramn-router> tag or not. * * If answerWithPartialContent if true, then anything * after </nattramn-router> will not be sent in the request. */function generatePostContent (template: string, answerWithPartialContent: boolean) { return answerWithPartialContent ? null : template.indexOf('</nattramn-router>') !== -1 ? template.split('</nattramn-router>')[1] : template;}
function reqToURL (req: ServerRequest) { const base = req.conn.localAddr.transport === 'tcp' ? req.conn.localAddr.hostname : 'localhost';
return new URL(req.url, 'http://' + base);}
function canHandleRoute (req: ServerRequest, route: string) { const reqUrl = reqToURL(req).pathname; const requestURL = reqUrl.split('/'); const routeURL = route.split('/');
const matches = routeURL .map((value, index) => { if (value.includes(':')) { return true; }
return value === requestURL[index]; }) .filter(Boolean);
return matches.length === routeURL.length && matches.length === requestURL.length;}
function routeParams (req: ServerRequest, route: string) { const requestURL = reqToURL(req).pathname.split('/'); const routeURL = route.split('/');
return routeURL.reduce((acc, curr, i) => { const keyname = curr.includes(':') ? curr.split(':')[1] : undefined;
if (keyname) { return { ...acc, [keyname]: requestURL[i], }; }
return acc; }, {});}
async function proxy (req: ServerRequest, page: Page, config: Config): Promise<PartialResponse> { const partialContent = Boolean(req.headers.get('x-partial-content') || reqToURL(req).searchParams.get('partialContent')); const pageData = await page.handler(req, routeParams(req, page.route)); const responseBody = [];
if (!pageData) { throw new Error('Could not create PageData from handler.'); }
const { body, head, headers: pageDataHeaders } = pageData;
const preContent = generatePreContent(page.template, partialContent);
const headers = new Headers(pageDataHeaders);
headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
/* If we don't send preConent we still want to update the title in the header on client side navigations. Send new title in X-Header-Updates. */ if (!preContent && head) { const match = head.match(/<title>(.+)<\/title>/i);
if (match) { const title = match ? match[1] : ''; const json = JSON.stringify({ title }); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const data = JSON.stringify([...encoder.encode(json)]);
headers.set('X-Header-Updates', data); } }
if (preContent) { if (head) { const preSplit = preContent.split(/<head>/);
// const headMarkup = '<head>' + (config.server.minifyHTML ? minifyHTML(head) : head); const headMarkup = '<head>' + head;
responseBody.push(headMarkup); responseBody.push(preSplit[1]); } else { await req.respond({ body: preContent }); } }
// const mainBody = config.server.minifyHTML ? minifyHTML(body) : body; const mainBody = body;
responseBody.push(partialContent ? mainBody : `<nattramn-router>${mainBody}</nattramn-router>`);
const postContent = generatePostContent(page.template, partialContent);
if (postContent) { await responseBody.push(postContent); }
const finalBody = new TextEncoder().encode(responseBody.join('\n'));
return { headers, body: finalBody, status: 200 };}
async function serveStatic (req: ServerRequest, filePath: string, serverConfig: ServerConfig): Promise<PartialResponse> { filePath = '.' + filePath; const file = await, { read: true });
try { const headers = new Headers();
const contentType = getContentType(filePath);
if (contentType) { headers.set('content-type', contentType); }
const body = await Deno.readAll(file);
return { headers, body, status: 200 }; } finally { Deno.close(file.rid); }}
interface PartialResponse { status: number; body: Uint8Array; headers: Headers;}
export default class Nattramn { config: Config;
constructor (config: Config) { this.config = config;
if (this.config.server.compression === undefined) { this.config.server.compression = CompressionMethod.Brotli; }
Object.freeze(this.config); }
async handleRequest (req: ServerRequest): Promise<PartialResponse> { const url = reqToURL(req); const staticPath = url.pathname.match(this.config.server.serveStatic ?? '');
const hasExtention = extname(url.pathname) !== "";
if (hasExtention) { if (url.pathname === '/nattramn-client.js') { const version = 'v0.0.14'; const headers = new Headers({ 'Location': `${version}/dist-web/index.bundled.js`, 'ETag': btoa(version) });
return { headers, status: 302, body: new Uint8Array([]) }; }
if (staticPath) { return serveStatic(req, url.pathname, this.config.server); }
if (this.config.server.serveStatic) { return serveStatic(req, '/' + this.config.server.serveStatic + url.pathname, this.config.server); }
throw new Error('Could not find file.'); }
const page = this.config.router.pages.find(page => canHandleRoute(req, page.route));
if (page) { return proxy(req, page, this.config); } else { throw new Error('Could not find route.'); } }
async handleRequests (server: Server) { for await (const req of server) { try { let { body, status, headers } = await this.handleRequest(req);
const checksum = new Sha1().update(body).hex();
headers.set('ETag', checksum);
if (headers.get('Cache-Control') === null) { headers.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=3600'); }
const useGzip = this.config.server.compression === 'gzip' && req.headers.get('accept-encoding')?.includes('gzip'); const useBrotli = this.config.server.compression === 'br' && req.headers.get('accept-encoding')?.includes('br');
if (useGzip) { headers.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip'); body = gzipEncode(body); }
if (useBrotli) { headers.set('Content-Encoding', 'br'); body = brotliEncode(body); }
headers.set('Content-Length', String(body.byteLength));
await req.respond({ body, status, headers }); } catch (e) { console.debug(`Nattramn was asked to answer for ${req.url} but did not find a suitable way to handle it.`);
if (extname(req.url) === null) { console.debug('The route is missing.'); }
if (extname(req.url) !== null) { console.debug('The file is missing.'); }
console.debug(e); req.respond({ status: 404, body: 'Not Found' }); } } }
async startServer (port = 5000) { const server = serve({ port });
console.log('Nattramn is running at: http://localhost:' + port);
await this.handleRequests(server); }}