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Command line tool created by deno to manage node projects | deno 实现的 node 项目包管理命令工具
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import { which } from "";import { cyan, dim, green, red, yellow,} from "";
let process: Deno.Process;
// watch ctrl + cDeno.addSignalListener("SIGINT", () => { console.log(`❎ The task was ${yellow("manually interrupted")}`); Deno.kill(; Deno.close(process.rid); Deno.exit(128 + 2);});
function normalFusing() { console.log(`🥰 all right, ${cyan("have a good time!!")}`); Deno.exit(0);}
export async function exist(path: string) { try { await Deno.stat(path); return true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw error; }}
export async function execa(cmd: string[]) { const command = await which(cmd.shift()!);
process ={ cmd: [command!, ...cmd], stdin: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", stdout: "inherit", });
const { success, code } = await process.status();
if (!success) { console.log(`${red("Task execution failed")}`); Deno.exit(code); }}
export function creatLocalStorageRef<T extends string>(key: string) { let v: T; return { get value() { return v ??= localStorage.getItem(key) as T; }, set value(nv) { v = nv; localStorage.setItem(key, nv); }, };}
type PackageManager = "npm" | "yarn" | "pnpm";
function isPackageManager(v: string): v is PackageManager { switch (v) { case "npm": case "yarn": case "pnpm": return true; default: return false; }}
export function usePackageManager() { const cwd = Deno.cwd(); const ref = creatLocalStorageRef<PackageManager>(cwd);
async function staging() { if (ref.value) { return; } if (await exist("pnpm-lock.yaml")) { ref.value = "pnpm"; } else if (await exist("yarn.lock")) { ref.value = "yarn"; } else { ref.value = "npm"; } }
function getCommand() { const { length } = Deno.args; // install if (length === 0) { return [ref.value, "install"]; }
const command = Deno.args[0];
// Not supported by yarn install if ( ref.value === "yarn" && length > 1 && (command === "i" || command === "install") ) { return [ref.value, "add", ...Deno.args.slice(1)]; }
// Most manager commands are compatible if (ref.value !== "npm") { return [ref.value, ...Deno.args]; }
const isRunScript = !/^(run|install|test|publish|uninstall|help|add|remove|i)$/ .test( command, );
// npm run script if ( isRunScript ) { return [ref.value, "run", ...Deno.args]; }
return [ref.value, ...Deno.args]; }
return { ref, staging, getCommand, };}
const { staging, getCommand, ref: packageManager,} = usePackageManager();
function inputPackageManager() { packageManager.value = prompt( `🤯 Input your package manager ${dim("(npm | yarn | pnpm)")}`, "npm", ) as PackageManager;}
export async function hopeCreateProject() { if (Deno.args[0] !== "create") { return false; }
await execa(getCommand());
console.log(`✅ The project create succeeded`);
return true;}
export async function ensureProjectInit() { const ignore = Deno.args.length !== 0 || await exist("package.json"); if (ignore) { return false; }
const wantInited = confirm( `🫣 ${yellow("package.json does not exist")}, whether to initialize?`, );
if (!wantInited) { normalFusing(); }
const cmd = [packageManager.value, "init"];
if (packageManager.value !== "pnpm") { const skipTedious = confirm( `👻 Whether to ${green("skip complicated steps")}?`, ); if (skipTedious) { cmd.push("-y"); } }
await execa(cmd); console.log(`✅ The project initialization succeeded`);
return true;}
async function runCommand() { await staging(); await execa(getCommand()); console.log(`✅ Command executed successfully`); return true;}
function refresh() { if (Deno.args[0] === "refresh") { if (isPackageManager(Deno.args[1])) { packageManager.value = Deno.args[1]; return here(true); }
const wantRefresh = confirm( `🙄 Do you want to refresh the package manager ${green("in the cache")}?`, );
if (!wantRefresh) { normalFusing(); }
return here(true); }}
function here(see = Deno.args[0] === "here") { if (see) { console.log( `🦖 The manager of the current directory is ${ cyan(packageManager.value ?? "null") }`, ); }
return see;}
const tasks = [hopeCreateProject, refresh, here, ensureProjectInit, runCommand];
for (const task of tasks) { const fusing = await task();
if (fusing) { break; }}