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Command line tool created by deno to manage node projects | deno 实现的 node 项目包管理命令工具
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import { cyan, green, red, yellow } from './src/color.ts';import { extractDeps, extractDepsFromPackageJson } from './src/extract.ts';import { exist, findUpNodeModules, findUpPackageJson } from './src/fs.ts';import { listLog } from './src/log.ts';import { join } from './src/path.ts';import { isPackageManager, usePackageManager } from './src/pm.ts';import { execa, normalFusing } from './src/process.ts';
const { staging, ref: pm, getCommand, select: selectPM } = usePackageManager()
export function install(deps: string[]) { return execa([ pm.value ?? "npm", pm.value === "yarn" ? "add" : "install", ...deps, ])}
export async function hopeCreateProject() { if (Deno.args[0] !== "create") { return false }
await selectPM()
await execa(getCommand())
console.log(`✅ The project create succeeded`)
return true}
export async function ensureProjectInit() { const ignore = Deno.args.length !== 0 || (await exist("package.json")) if (ignore) { return false }
const wantInited = confirm( `🫣 ${yellow(" package.json does not exist")}, whether to initialize?`, )
if (!wantInited) { normalFusing() }
await selectPM()
const cmd = [pm.value, "init"]
if (pm.value !== "pnpm") { const skipTedious = confirm( `👻 Whether to ${green("skip complicated steps")}?`, ) if (skipTedious) { cmd.push("-y") } }
await execa(cmd) console.log(`✅ The project initialization succeeded`)
return true}
async function runCommand() { await staging() await execa(getCommand()) console.log(`✅ Command executed successfully`) return true}
async function refresh() { if (Deno.args[0] === "refresh") { if (isPackageManager(Deno.args[1])) { pm.value = Deno.args[1] return here(true) }
const wantRefresh = confirm( `🙄 Do you want to refresh the package manager ${green("in the cache")}?`, )
if (!wantRefresh) normalFusing()
await selectPM()
return here(true) }}
function here(see = Deno.args[0] === "here") { if (see) { console.log( `🦖 The manager of the current directory is ${cyan(pm.value ?? "null")}`, ) }
return see}async function autoInstall( autoInstallFlag = Deno.args[0] === "i" && Deno.args[1] === "-a",) { if (!autoInstallFlag) { return false }
const baseDir = Deno.cwd() const packageJsonPath = (await findUpPackageJson(baseDir)) || "" const depsInPackageJson = await extractDepsFromPackageJson(packageJsonPath)
const nodeModulesPath = (await findUpNodeModules(baseDir)) || ""
const depsNotInstalled = await Promise.all( (dep) => { return { name: dep, exist: await exist(join(nodeModulesPath, dep)) } }), ).then((deps) => deps.filter((dep) => !dep.exist).map((dep) =>
const deps = await extractDeps(baseDir)
const depsNotInPackageJson = deps.filter( (dep) => !depsInPackageJson.includes(dep), )
const depsToInstall = depsNotInPackageJson.concat(depsNotInstalled)
if (depsToInstall.length) { const filesText = yellow("files") const packageText = green("package.json")
const FL = depsNotInPackageJson.length const PL = depsInPackageJson.length if (FL) { console.log(`📂 The dependencies are detected from ${filesText} (${FL})`) console.log(listLog(depsNotInPackageJson)) }
if (PL) { console.log( `🌳 The dependencies are detected from ${packageText} (${PL})`, ) console.log(listLog(depsInPackageJson)) }
const TL = FL + PL
const wantInstallDeps = confirm( `📂 Whether to install dependencies from ${filesText} or from ${packageText} ${TL}?`, )
if (wantInstallDeps) { await install(depsToInstall) console.log(`✅ Automatic install successfully`) } else { console.log(`${red("Automatic install failed")}`) } }
return true}const tasks = [ hopeCreateProject, refresh, here, ensureProjectInit, autoInstall, runCommand,]
for (const task of tasks) { const fusing = await task()
if (fusing) { break }}