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Command line tool created by deno to manage node projects | deno 实现的 node 项目包管理命令工具
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import { emptyDir } from ""import { Command } from ""
import { brightGreen, brightYellow, gray } from "./src/color.ts"import { findUpDetectPM, findUpNodeModulesPath, getPackageCommands,} from "./src/pm.ts"import { execa, execaInstall } from "./src/process.ts"
interface Options { global?: true dir?: string prod?: true dev?: true recursive: boolean}
function formatOptions(originOptions: Options) { const options = Object.keys(originOptions).filter((k) => { if (typeof k === "boolean") { return k } return false }).map((k) => `--${k}`)
if (originOptions.dir) { options.push(`--dir=${originOptions.dir}`) }
return options}
if (import.meta.main) { const pm = await findUpDetectPM()
const commander = new Command() .name("n") .version("1.0.1") .description(`Command line tool created by deno to manage node projects`) .action(async () => { await execaInstall(pm, [], []) })
const packageCommands = await getPackageCommands() if (packageCommands) { Object.keys(packageCommands).forEach((ck) => { const cv = packageCommands[ck] const runCommand = new Command().description( `${gray(cv)}`, ).action(async () => { await execa([pm, "run", ck]) }) commander.command(ck, runCommand) }) }
const install = new Command() .alias("install") .description(`${brightGreen(pm)} install deps`) .option("-g, --global", "Global installation") .option("-C, --dir <dir:string>", "Change to directory <dir>") .option( "-P, --prod", `Packages in ${brightYellow(`devDependencies`)} won't be installed`, ) .option( "-D, --dev", `Only ${ brightYellow(`devDependencies`) } are installed regardless of the ${brightGreen(`NODE_ENV`)}`, ) .option( "-r, --recursive", `Run the command for each project in the workspace ${ brightYellow("(only pnpm)") }`, { default: true }, ) .arguments("[...deps:string]") .action( async (options, ...deps) => { await execaInstall(pm, formatOptions(options), deps) }, )
const reinstall = new Command().alias("reinstall") .description( `${brightGreen(pm)} reinstall deps`, ).option("-g, --global", "Global installation") .option("-C, --dir <dir:string>", "Change to directory <dir>") .option( "-P, --prod", `Packages in ${brightYellow(`devDependencies`)} won't be installed`, ) .option( "-D, --dev", `Only ${ brightYellow(`devDependencies`) } are installed regardless of the ${brightGreen(`NODE_ENV`)}`, ) .option( "-r, --recursive", `Run the command for each project in the workspace ${ brightYellow("(only pnpm)") }`, { default: true }, ) .arguments("[...deps:string]").action(async (options, ...deps) => { const node_modules_path = await findUpNodeModulesPath() if (node_modules_path) { await emptyDir(node_modules_path) console.log(`\n${brightGreen("√ clean")} ${gray(node_modules_path)} \n`) } const pm = await findUpDetectPM() await execaInstall(pm, formatOptions(options), deps) })
await commander .command("i", install) .command( "ri", reinstall, ) .parse(Deno.args)}