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Command line tool created by deno to manage node projects | deno 实现的 node 项目包管理命令工具
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import { basename } from ""
import { lockPM, type PM, pmLock } from "./src/constant.ts"import { findUp } from "./src/fs.ts"import { install } from "./src/pm.ts"
if (import.meta.main) { const { args } = Deno
const locks = Object.values(pmLock)
const lock = await findUp(locks)
const currentPM: PM = !lock ? "npm" : lockPM[basename(lock) as pmLock]
if (args.length === 0) { await install(currentPM) Deno.exit(0) }
const { action } = await import("./src/cli.ts")
await action(currentPM)}