Current version released
2 years ago
Unofficial deno module for
deno 🦖
Import import {Nekos} from '';
Import NekosUrl
to use diff api urls. (nekosapi
, nekidev
, vercel
import {NekosUrl} from '';
SLIME: defaults to NekosUrl.vercel
new Nekos(nekosUrl?: NekosUrl, token?: string)
SLIME: smth like-
import {Nekos, NekosUrl} from '';
const neko = new Nekos(NekosUrl.nekosapi, 'token uwO');
SLIME: nekosUrl
and token
are optional~
.me() -> Promise<NekosMe>
fetches /token
SLIME: smth like-
await; // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
SLIME: access token is necessary.
.images(categories?: Array<string>, limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosImage>>
fetches /image?categories=&limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.images(); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
SLIME: access token is necessary.
.image(id: string) -> Promise<NekosImage>
fetches /image/{id}
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.image('d02a6ffc-0f2a-4b60-8ef7-c28460890136'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.randoImage(categories?: Array<string>) -> Promise<NekosImage>
fetches /image/random?categories=
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.randoImage(); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.randoImages(categories?: Array<string>, limit?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosImage>>
fetches /image/random?categories=&limit=2
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.randoImages(); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.searchArtists(search: string, limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosArtist>>
fetches /artist?search=search&limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.searchArtists('shirentutu'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.artists(limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosArtist>>
fetches /artist?limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.artists(); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.artist(id: string) -> Promise<NekosArtist>
fetches /artist/{id}
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.artist('ea6e23ab-d0fc-4ede-984a-350a07e41ced'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.artistImages(id: string, limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosImage>>
fetches /artist/{id}/images?limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.artistImages('ea6e23ab-d0fc-4ede-984a-350a07e41ced'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.searchCharacters(search: string, limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosCharacter>>
fetches /artist?search=search&limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.searchCharacters('megumin'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.characters(limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosCharacter>>
fetches /character?limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.characters(); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.character(id: string) -> Promise<NekosCharacter>
fetches /character/{id}
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.character('347b1792-866f-4b2b-b68a-98e226de6b8f'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.searchCategories(search: string, limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosCategory>>
fetches /category?search=search&limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.searchCategories('beach'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.categories(limit?: number, offset?: number) -> Promise<Array<NekosCategory>>
fetches /category?limit=20&offset=0
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.categories(); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>
.category(id: string) -> Promise<NekosCategory>
fetches /category/{id}
SLIME: smth like-
await neko.category('ae7bd1bb-a9e1-4bf3-ab4d-02ec47eff3ba'); // (await) cus returns a <Promise>