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A modular Deno library for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite migrations
import * as nessie from "";


Generates shell completion scripts for various shells.

Generates well formatted and colored help output for specified command.

Select prompt representation.

Toggle prompt representation.

MySQL client

Clients allow you to communicate with your PostgreSQL database and execute SQL statements asynchronously

A database handle that can be used to run queries.


Make an assertion, error will be thrown if expr does not have truthy value.

Make an assertion that actual and expected are equal, deeply. If not deeply equal, then throw.

Return the last portion of a path. Trailing directory separators are ignored, and optional suffix is removed.

Make the text bold.

Return the directory path of a path.

Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system. Please consider to check if the path is readable and either a file or a directory by providing additional options:

Takes an input date and a formatString to format to a string.

Converts a file URL to a path string.

Set text color to green.

Return the relative path from from to to based on current working directory.

Resolves path segments into a path

Converts a path string to a file URL.

Set text color to yellow.