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A modular Deno library for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and SQLite migrations
DB_PG_PORT=5000 DB_MYSQL_PORT=5001 DB_USER=root DB_PWD=pwd DB_NAME=nessie NESSIE_VERSION=2.0.11 DENO_VERSION?=1.24.1 DOCKER_IMAGE=halvardm/nessie test_all: test_fmt test_unit db_all_restart test_integration_cli db_all_restart test_integration_update_timestamps image_build image_test_clean image_test image_test_clean test: test_all test_fmt: deno lint deno fmt --check test_unit: deno task test:unit test_integration_cli: deno task test:integration:cli test_integration_update_timestamps: deno task test:integration:update_timestamp db_all_restart: db_all_stop db_all_start db_all_start: db_pg_start db_mysql_start db_sqlite_start db_all_stop: db_pg_stop db_mysql_stop db_sqlite_stop db_pg_start: docker run -d --rm \ -p $(DB_PG_PORT):5432 \ -e POSTGRES_USER=$(DB_USER) \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(DB_PWD) \ -e POSTGRES_DB=${DB_NAME} \ -v `pwd`/tests/data/pg:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ --name $(DB_NAME)-pg \ --health-cmd pg_isready \ --health-interval 10s \ --health-timeout 5s \ --health-retries 5 \ postgres:latest while [ "`docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} $(DB_NAME)-pg`" != "healthy" ]; do sleep 10; done sleep 5 db_pg_stop: docker kill ${DB_NAME}-pg | true rm -rf tests/data/pg db_mysql_start: # docker run -d -p $(DB_MYSQL_PORT):3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(DB_PWD) -e MYSQL_DATABASE=${DB_NAME} -v `pwd`/tests/data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql --rm --name $(DB_NAME)-mysql mysql:5 docker run -d --rm \ -p $(DB_MYSQL_PORT):3306 \ -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE=${DB_NAME} \ -v `pwd`/tests/data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \ --name $(DB_NAME)-mysql \ --health-cmd "mysqladmin ping" \ --health-interval 10s \ --health-timeout 5s \ --health-retries 5 \ mysql:latest while [ "`docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} $(DB_NAME)-mysql`" != "healthy" ]; do sleep 10; done sleep 5 db_mysql_stop: docker kill ${DB_NAME}-mysql | true rm -rf tests/data/mysql db_sqlite_start: mkdir -p tests/data && touch tests/data/sqlite.db db_sqlite_stop: rm -rf tests/data/sqlite.db image_build: docker build --pull --build-arg DENO_VERSION=$(DENO_VERSION) -f ./image/Dockerfile -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE):latest -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE):$(NESSIE_VERSION) . image_push: docker push -a $(DOCKER_IMAGE) image_test: docker run --rm -v `pwd`/tests/image:/nessie $(DOCKER_IMAGE) init --dialect sqlite docker run --rm -v `pwd`/tests/image:/nessie $(DOCKER_IMAGE) make test docker run --rm -v `pwd`/tests/image:/nessie $(DOCKER_IMAGE) migrate image_test_clean: rm -rf tests/image/* image_run: docker run --rm -v `pwd`/tests/image:/nessie $(DOCKER_IMAGE) help