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Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
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import { WASMBackend } from "./backend.ts";import { NoBackendError } from "../core/api/error.ts";import { BackendLoader, Engine } from "../core/engine.ts";import { Backend, BackendType, Cost, NetworkConfig } from "../core/types.ts";import { instantiate } from "./lib/netsaur.generated.js";import { Sequential } from "../core/mod.ts";
/** * Web Assembly backend instance. */export class WASMInstance { static initialized = false;
static async init(silent = false) { if (WASMInstance.initialized) return true; await instantiate({ url: new URL(import.meta.url).protocol !== "file:" ? new URL( "", import.meta.url, ) : undefined, }); WASMInstance.initialized = true; if (!silent) console.log("WASM Backend Initialised"); return true; }}
/** * Web Assembly Backend Loader. */export class WASMBackendLoader implements BackendLoader { backend?: WASMBackend;
async setup(silent = false) { Engine.type = BackendType.WASM; return await WASMInstance.init(silent); }
loadBackend(config: NetworkConfig): Backend { if (!WASMInstance.initialized) { throw new NoBackendError(BackendType.WASM); } return this.backend ? this.backend : WASMBackend.create(config); }
load(buffer: Uint8Array): Sequential { this.backend = WASMBackend.load(buffer); const net = new Sequential({ size: [0], layers: [], cost: Cost.MSE }); this.backend = undefined; return net; }
loadFile(path: string): Sequential { this.backend = WASMBackend.loadFile(path); const net = new Sequential({ size: [0], layers: [], cost: Cost.MSE }); this.backend = undefined; return net; }}
/** * Web Assembly Backend written in Rust & compiled to Web Assembly. */export const WASM = new WASMBackendLoader();