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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { Application, State } from "./application.ts";import type { Status } from "./deps.ts";
/** A HTTP status that is an error (4XX and 5XX). */export type ErrorStatus = | Status.BadRequest | Status.Unauthorized | Status.PaymentRequired | Status.Forbidden | Status.NotFound | Status.MethodNotAllowed | Status.NotAcceptable | Status.ProxyAuthRequired | Status.RequestTimeout | Status.Conflict | Status.Gone | Status.LengthRequired | Status.PreconditionFailed | Status.RequestEntityTooLarge | Status.RequestURITooLong | Status.UnsupportedMediaType | Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | Status.ExpectationFailed | Status.Teapot | Status.MisdirectedRequest | Status.UnprocessableEntity | Status.Locked | Status.FailedDependency | Status.UpgradeRequired | Status.PreconditionRequired | Status.TooManyRequests | Status.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | Status.UnavailableForLegalReasons | Status.InternalServerError | Status.NotImplemented | Status.BadGateway | Status.ServiceUnavailable | Status.GatewayTimeout | Status.HTTPVersionNotSupported | Status.VariantAlsoNegotiates | Status.InsufficientStorage | Status.LoopDetected | Status.NotExtended | Status.NetworkAuthenticationRequired;
/** A HTTP status that is a redirect (3XX). */export type RedirectStatus = | Status.MultipleChoices // 300 | Status.MovedPermanently // 301 | Status.Found // 302 | Status.SeeOther // 303 | Status.UseProxy // 305 - DEPRECATED | Status.TemporaryRedirect // 307 | Status.PermanentRedirect; // 308
export type HTTPMethods = | "HEAD" | "OPTIONS" | "GET" | "PUT" | "PATCH" | "POST" | "DELETE";
export interface Listener { addr: { hostname: string; port: number };}
export interface Server<T> extends AsyncIterable<T> { close(): void | Promise<void>; listen(): Listener | Promise<Listener>; [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<T>;}
export interface ServerRequestBody { body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null; readBody: () => Promise<Uint8Array>;}
export interface ServerRequest { readonly remoteAddr: string | undefined; readonly headers: Headers; readonly method: string; readonly rawUrl?: string; readonly url: string; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any error(reason?: any): void; getBody(): ServerRequestBody; respond(response: Response): Promise<void>; upgrade?(options?: UpgradeWebSocketOptions): WebSocket;}
export interface ServerConstructor<T extends ServerRequest> { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any new <AS extends State = Record<string, any>>( app: Application<AS>, options: Deno.ListenOptions | Deno.ListenTlsOptions, ): Server<T>; prototype: Server<T>;}
export type Data = string | number[] | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array;export type Key = string | number[] | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array;
export interface UpgradeWebSocketOptions { protocol?: string;}
export type UpgradeWebSocketFn = ( request: Request, options?: UpgradeWebSocketOptions,) => WebSocketUpgrade;
interface WebSocketUpgrade { response: Response; socket: WebSocket;}
// Since the native bindings are currently unstable in Deno, we will add the// interfaces here, so that we can type check oak without requiring the// `--unstable` flag to be used.
export interface RequestEvent { readonly request: Request; respondWith(r: Response | Promise<Response>): Promise<void>;}
export interface HttpConn extends AsyncIterable<RequestEvent> { readonly rid: number; nextRequest(): Promise<RequestEvent | null>; close(): void;}