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// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** The ability to parse a request body into {@linkcode FormData} when not * supported natively by the runtime. * * @module */
import { concat, createHttpError, Status, timingSafeEqual } from "./deps.ts";import { toParamRegExp, unquote } from "./headers.ts";import { skipLWSPChar, stripEol } from "./util.ts";import { getFilename } from "./content_disposition.ts";
import "./util.ts";
type Part = [ key: string, value: string | Blob, fileName: string | undefined,];
const BOUNDARY_PARAM_RE = toParamRegExp("boundary", "i");const NAME_PARAM_RE = toParamRegExp("name", "i");
const LF = 0x0a;const CR = 0x0d;const COLON = 0x3a;const HTAB = 0x09;const SPACE = 0x20;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();
function indexOfCRLF(u8: Uint8Array): number { let start = 0; while (true) { const idx = u8.indexOf(CR, start); if (idx < 0) { return idx; } if ( + 1) === LF) { return idx + 1; } start = idx + 1; }}
function isEqual(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean { return timingSafeEqual(skipLWSPChar(a), b);}
class MultipartStream extends TransformStream<Uint8Array, Part> { #buffer = new Uint8Array(0); #boundaryFinal: Uint8Array; #boundaryPart: Uint8Array; #current?: { headers?: Headers }; #finalized = false; #pos = 0;
constructor(contentType: string) { const matches = contentType.match(BOUNDARY_PARAM_RE); if (!matches) { throw createHttpError( Status.BadRequest, `Content type "${contentType}" does not contain a valid boundary.`, ); } super({ transform: (chunk, controller) => { this.#transform(chunk, controller); }, flush: (controller) => { if (!this.#finalized) { controller.error( createHttpError( Status.BadRequest, `Body terminated without being finalized.`, ), ); } }, });
let [, boundary] = matches; boundary = unquote(boundary); this.#boundaryPart = encoder.encode(`--${boundary}`); this.#boundaryFinal = encoder.encode(`--${boundary}--`); }
#readLine(strip = true): Uint8Array | null { let slice: Uint8Array | null = null;
const i = indexOfCRLF(this.#buffer.subarray(this.#pos)); if (i >= 0) { slice = this.#buffer.subarray(this.#pos, this.#pos + i + 1); this.#pos += i + 1; if (slice.byteLength && strip) { return stripEol(slice); } return slice; } return null; }
#readHeaders(): Headers | null { const currentPos = this.#pos; const headers = new Headers(); let line = this.#readLine(); while (line) { let i = line.indexOf(COLON); if (i < 0) { return headers; } const key = decoder.decode(line.subarray(0, i)).trim(); i++; while (i < line.byteLength && (line[i] === SPACE || line[i] === HTAB)) { i++; } const value = decoder.decode(line.subarray(i)).trim(); headers.set(key, encodeURIComponent(value)); line = this.#readLine(); } // if we have a partial part that breaks across chunks, we won't have the // right read position and so need to reset the pos and return a `null`. this.#pos = currentPos; return null; }
*#readParts(): IterableIterator<Part | null> { while (true) { const headers = this.#current?.headers ?? this.#readHeaders(); if (!headers) { break; } const contentDisposition = decodeURIComponent( headers.get("content-disposition") ?? "", ); if (!contentDisposition) { throw createHttpError( Status.BadRequest, 'Form data part missing "content-disposition" header.', ); } if (!contentDisposition.match(/^form-data;/i)) { throw createHttpError( Status.BadRequest, `Invalid "content-disposition" header: "${contentDisposition}"`, ); } const matches = NAME_PARAM_RE.exec(contentDisposition); if (!matches) { throw createHttpError( Status.BadRequest, "Unable to determine name of form body part.", ); } this.#current = { headers }; let [, key] = matches; key = unquote(key); const rawContentType = headers.get("content-type"); if (rawContentType) { const contentType = decodeURIComponent(rawContentType); const fileName = getFilename(contentDisposition); const arrays: Uint8Array[] = []; const pos = this.#pos; while (true) { const line = this.#readLine(false); if (!line) { // abnormal termination of part, therefore we will reset pos and // return this.#pos = pos; return null; } const stripped = stripEol(line); if ( isEqual(stripped, this.#boundaryPart) || isEqual(stripped, this.#boundaryFinal) ) { this.#current = {}; arrays[arrays.length - 1] = stripEol(arrays[arrays.length - 1]); yield [key, new Blob(arrays, { type: contentType }), fileName]; this.#truncate(); if (isEqual(stripped, this.#boundaryFinal)) { this.#finalized = true; return null; } break; } arrays.push(line); } } else { const lines: string[] = []; const pos = this.#pos; while (true) { const line = this.#readLine(); if (!line) { this.#pos = pos; return null; } if ( isEqual(line, this.#boundaryPart) || isEqual(line, this.#boundaryFinal) ) { this.#current = {}; yield [key, lines.join("\n"), undefined]; this.#truncate(); if (isEqual(line, this.#boundaryFinal)) { this.#finalized = true; return null; } break; } lines.push(decoder.decode(line)); } } } return null; }
#readToBoundary(): "part" | "final" | null { let line: Uint8Array | null; while ((line = this.#readLine())) { if (isEqual(line, this.#boundaryPart)) { return "part"; } if (isEqual(line, this.#boundaryFinal)) { return "final"; } } return null; }
#transform( chunk: Uint8Array, controller: TransformStreamDefaultController<Part>, ) { this.#buffer = concat([this.#buffer, chunk]); if (!this.#current) { const boundary = this.#readToBoundary(); if (!boundary) { return; } if (boundary === "final") { this.#finalized = true; controller.terminate(); return; } } try { for (const part of this.#readParts()) { if (!part) { break; } controller.enqueue(part); } if (this.#finalized) { controller.terminate(); } } catch (err) { controller.error(err); } }
#truncate() { this.#buffer = this.#buffer.slice(this.#pos); this.#pos = 0; }}
/** Take a content type and the body of a request and parse it as * {@linkcode FormData}. * * This is used in run-times where there isn't native support for this * feature. */export async function parse( contentType: string, body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>,): Promise<FormData> { const formData = new FormData(); if (body) { const stream = body .pipeThrough(new MultipartStream(contentType)); for await (const [key, value, fileName] of stream) { if (fileName) { formData.append(key, value, fileName); } else { formData.append(key, value); } } } return formData;}