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HTMX Middleware

This is a middleware for HTMX that allows you to use HTMX with OAK.

It implements the HTMX Request and Response Headers and provides a ctx.state.htmx object that contains information about the HTMX request. It also provides a ctx.state.isHTMX boolean that is true if the request is an HTMX request.


import { Application } from "";
import htmxMiddleware from "";

const app = new Application();


app.use((ctx) => {
  if (ctx.state.isHTMX) {
    // This is an HTMX request
    ctx.response.body = "Hello HTMX!";
  } else {
    // This is a normal request
    ctx.response.body = "Hello World!";

ctx.state.htmx properties


A boolean that is true if the request is an HTMX request.


Indicates that the request is via an element using hx-boost


true if the request is for history restoration after a miss in the local history cache


The current URL of the browser


The user response to a HX-Prompt header


The ID of the element that is the target of the request


The ID of the element that triggered the request


The name of the element that triggered the request

ctx.state.htmx methods

ctx.state.htmx.location(hxLocation: string | Partial<HTMXLocation>)

The HX-Location header is used to tell the client to navigate to a new URL.


ctx.state.htmx.pushUrl(hxPushUrl: string)

The HX-Push-Url header is used to tell the client to push a new URL to the history stack.


ctx.state.htmx.replaceUrl(hxReplaceUrl: string)

The HX-Replace-URL header is used to tell the client to replace the current URL in the history stack.


ctx.state.htmx.redirect(hxRedirect: string)

The HX-Redirect header is used to tell the client to redirect to a new URL.


ctx.state.htmx.refresh(hxRefresh: string)

The HX-Refresh header is used to tell the client to refresh the current page.


ctx.state.htmx.reswap(...modifiers: HTMXSwapModifiers)

Allows you to specify how the response will be swapped. See hx-swap for possible values

See HX-Reswap for more information.


ctx.state.htmx.retarget(selector: string)

A CSS selector that updates the target of the content update to a different element on the page.

See HX-Retarget for more information.


ctx.state.htmx.trigger(event: string, mode: "aftersettle" | "afterswap" | null = null)

The HX-Trigger header is used to tell the client to trigger an event on the current page.

Trigger an event on the current page.

ctx.state.htmx.trigger({ "my-event": "my message" });

Resulting HTTP header:

HX-Trigger: {"my-event": "my message"}

Trigger an event on the current page after the page has settled.

ctx.state.htmx.trigger({ "my-event": "my message" }, "afterswap");

Resulting HTTP header:

HX-Trigger-After-Swap: {"my-event": "my message"}

Trigger an event on the current page after the page has settled.

ctx.state.htmx.trigger({ "my-event": "my message" }, "aftersettle");

Resulting HTTP header:

HX-Trigger-After-Settle: {"my-event": "my message"}


