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Session middleware for Oak
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import { crypto } from "";import { decode as bd, encode as be,} from "";
// Helper functions to encrypt / decrypt using AES with default config in CryptoJS
// NOTE: Encryption will be using SHA-384 instead of MD5 in Key Derivation, so it can't be decrypted using CryptoJS// Decryption will try MD5 after SHA-384 generated key fails, so it can decrypt cipher text encrypted by CryptoJS
// For CryptoJS cipher text:// It has a constant header for the first 8 byte.// It has the salt in the second 8 byte.// The rest is the cipher text.// +----------+----------+-----------------+// | Salted__ | <salt> | <cipherText> |// +----------+----------+-----------------+// | 64 bit | 64 bit | variable length |// +----------+----------+-----------------+
// size in byte, same as CryptoJS's default.const HEADER_SIZE = 8;const SALT_SIZE = 8;const KEY_SIZE = 32;const IV_SIZE = 16;
export const encryptCryptoJSAES = async ( plainText: string, passphrase: string, iterations = 1,): Promise<string> => { const salt = new Uint8Array(SALT_SIZE); crypto.getRandomValues(salt);
const { key, iv } = await EVPKDF( new TextEncoder().encode(passphrase), salt, "SHA-384", iterations, );
const cipherText = await crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: "AES-CBC", iv }, key, new TextEncoder().encode(plainText), );
// get the CryptoJS style cipher text. // "Salted__" + key + encryptedText return be( concatUint8Array( new TextEncoder().encode("Salted__"), salt, new Uint8Array(cipherText), ), );};
// decrypt cipher text generated by default CryptoJS AES.// cipher text should be in base64 (the default of CryptoJS's toString())export const decryptCryptoJSAES = async ( cipherTextBase64: string, passphrase: string, iterations = 1,): Promise<string> => { const cipherText = bd(cipherTextBase64);
const { salt, body } = parseCryptoJSCipherText(cipherText);
const { key, iv } = await EVPKDF( new TextEncoder().encode(passphrase), salt, "SHA-384", iterations, );
let plainText: ArrayBuffer; try { plainText = await crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "AES-CBC", iv }, key, body, ); } catch (_) { const { key, iv } = await EVPKDF( new TextEncoder().encode(passphrase), salt, "MD5", iterations, );
plainText = await crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "AES-CBC", iv }, key, body, ); }
return new TextDecoder().decode(plainText);};
const parseCryptoJSCipherText = (cipherText: Uint8Array): { salt: Uint8Array; body: Uint8Array;} => ({ salt: cipherText.subarray(HEADER_SIZE, HEADER_SIZE + SALT_SIZE), body: cipherText.subarray(HEADER_SIZE + SALT_SIZE, cipherText.length),});
// a customed version of EVPKDF using sha-384 instead of md5.const EVPKDF = async ( passphrase: Uint8Array, salt: Uint8Array, algorithm: "SHA-384" | "MD5", iterations: number,): Promise<{ key: CryptoKey; iv: Uint8Array }> => { let rawKey = new Uint8Array(); let block = new Uint8Array();
while (rawKey.byteLength < KEY_SIZE + IV_SIZE) { let buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest( algorithm, concatUint8Array(block, passphrase, salt), );
for (let i = 1; i < iterations; i++) { buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest( algorithm, buffer, ); }
block = new Uint8Array(buffer); rawKey = concatUint8Array(rawKey, block); }
return { key: await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", rawKey.subarray(0, KEY_SIZE), "AES-CBC", false, ["encrypt", "decrypt"], ), iv: rawKey.subarray(KEY_SIZE, rawKey.length), };};
const concatUint8Array = (...arrays: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array => { const size = arrays.reduce((len, array) => len + array.length, 0);
const merged = new Uint8Array(size);
let mergedLen = 0; for (const array of arrays) { merged.set(array, mergedLen); mergedLen += array.length; }
return merged;};