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Generate Open Graph images with Deno and Netlify Edge Functions, no framework needed.
import type { ReactElement } from "";
import type { SatoriOptions } from "";
import satori, { init as initSatori } from "";import { initStreaming } from "";
import { initWasm, Resvg,} from "";import { EmojiType, getIconCode, loadEmoji } from "./emoji.ts";
declare module "" { interface HTMLAttributes<T> { /** * Specify styles using Tailwind CSS classes. This feature is currently experimental. * If `style` prop is also specified, styles generated with `tw` prop will be overridden. * * Example: * - `tw='w-full h-full bg-blue-200'` * - `tw='text-9xl'` * - `tw='text-[80px]'` * * @type {string} */ tw?: string; }}
const resvg_wasm = fetch( "",).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());
const yoga_wasm = fetch( "",);
const fallbackFont = fetch( "",).then((a) => a.arrayBuffer());
const initializedResvg = initWasm(resvg_wasm);const initializedYoga = initStreaming(yoga_wasm).then((yoga: unknown) => initSatori(yoga));
const isDev = Boolean(Deno.env.get("NETLIFY_LOCAL"));
type ImageResponseOptions = ConstructorParameters<typeof Response>[1] & { /** * The width of the image. * * @type {number} * @default 1200 */ width?: number; /** * The height of the image. * * @type {number} * @default 630 */ height?: number; /** * Display debug information on the image. * * @type {boolean} * @default false */ debug?: boolean; /** * A list of fonts to use. * * @type {{ data: ArrayBuffer; name: string; weight?: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900; style?: 'normal' | 'italic' }[]} * @default Noto Sans Latin Regular. */ fonts?: SatoriOptions["fonts"]; /** * Using a specific Emoji style. Defaults to `twemoji`. * * @link * @type {EmojiType} * @default 'twemoji' */ emoji?: EmojiType;};
// @TODO: Support font style and weights, and make this option extensible rather// than built-in.// @TODO: Cover most languages with Noto Sans.const languageFontMap = { "ja-JP": "Noto+Sans+JP", "ko-KR": "Noto+Sans+KR", "zh-CN": "Noto+Sans+SC", "zh-TW": "Noto+Sans+TC", "zh-HK": "Noto+Sans+HK", "th-TH": "Noto+Sans+Thai", "bn-IN": "Noto+Sans+Bengali", "ar-AR": "Noto+Sans+Arabic", "ta-IN": "Noto+Sans+Tamil", "ml-IN": "Noto+Sans+Malayalam", "he-IL": "Noto+Sans+Hebrew", "te-IN": "Noto+Sans+Telugu", devanagari: "Noto+Sans+Devanagari", kannada: "Noto+Sans+Kannada", symbol: ["Noto+Sans+Symbols", "Noto+Sans+Symbols+2"], math: "Noto+Sans+Math", unknown: "Noto+Sans",};
async function loadGoogleFont(fonts: string | string[], text: string) { // @TODO: Support multiple fonts. const font = Array.isArray(fonts) ? : fonts; if (!font || !text) return;
const API = `${font}&text=${ encodeURIComponent( text, ) }`;
const css = await ( await fetch(API, { headers: { // Make sure it returns TTF. "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8; de-at) AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/533.21.1", }, }) ).text();
const resource = css.match( /src: url\((.+)\) format\('(opentype|truetype)'\)/, ); if (!resource) throw new Error("Failed to load font");
return fetch(resource[1]).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());}
type Asset = SatoriOptions["fonts"][0] | string;
const assetCache = new Map<string, Asset | undefined>();const loadDynamicAsset = ({ emoji }: { emoji?: EmojiType }) => { const fn = async ( code: keyof typeof languageFontMap | "emoji", text: string, ): Promise<Asset | undefined> => { if (code === "emoji") { // It's an emoji, load the image. return ( `data:image/svg+xml;base64,` + btoa(await (await loadEmoji(getIconCode(text), emoji)).text()) ); }
// Try to load from Google Fonts. if (!languageFontMap[code]) code = "unknown";
try { const data = await loadGoogleFont(languageFontMap[code], text);
if (data) { return { name: `satori_${code}_fallback_${text}`, data, weight: 400, style: "normal", }; } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to load dynamic font for", text, ". Error:", e); } };
return async (...args: Parameters<typeof fn>) => { const key = JSON.stringify(args); const cache = assetCache.get(key); if (cache) return cache;
const asset = await fn(...args); assetCache.set(key, asset); return asset; };};
export class ImageResponse extends Response { constructor(element: ReactElement, options: ImageResponseOptions = {}) { const extendedOptions = Object.assign( { width: 1200, height: 630, debug: false, }, options, );
const result = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { await initializedYoga; await initializedResvg; const fontData = await fallbackFont;
const svg = await satori(element, { width: extendedOptions.width, height: extendedOptions.height, debug: extendedOptions.debug, fonts: extendedOptions.fonts || [ { name: "sans serif", data: fontData, weight: 700, style: "normal", }, ], loadAdditionalAsset: loadDynamicAsset({ emoji: extendedOptions.emoji, }), });
const resvgJS = new Resvg(svg, { fitTo: { mode: "width", value: extendedOptions.width, }, });
controller.enqueue(resvgJS.render()); controller.close(); }, });
super(result, { headers: { "content-type": "image/png", "cache-control": isDev ? "no-cache, no-store" : "public, max-age=31536000, no-transform, immutable", ...extendedOptions.headers, }, status: extendedOptions.status, statusText: extendedOptions.statusText, }); }}