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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
{{doNotEditBanner}}/** * Instantiate the Grammar defined by source. If specified, namespace is * the Namespace to use when resolving external references in the grammar. */export function grammar(source: string, namespace?: Namespace): Grammar;
/** * Create a new Namespace containing Grammar instances for all of the * grammars defined in source. * If namespace is specified, it will be the prototype of the new * Namespace. */export function grammars(source: string, namespace?: Namespace): Namespace;
export const ohmGrammar: Grammar;export const ExperimentalIndentationSensitive: Grammar;
/** * Constructors for parsing expressions (aka pexprs). (Except for `any` * and `end`, which are not constructors but singleton instances.) */export const pexprs: { PExpr: typeof PExpr; Terminal: typeof Terminal; Range: typeof Range; Param: typeof Param; Alt: typeof Alt; Extend: typeof Extend; Splice: typeof Splice; Seq: typeof Seq; Iter: typeof Iter; Star: typeof Star; Plus: typeof Plus; Opt: typeof Opt; Not: typeof Not; Lookahead: typeof Lookahead; Lex: typeof Lex; Apply: typeof Apply; UnicodeChar: typeof UnicodeChar; CaseInsensitiveTerminal: typeof CaseInsensitiveTerminal; any: PExpr; end: PExpr;};
export const version: string;
/** * A Namespace is a dictionary of Grammars */export interface Namespace { [index: string]: Grammar;}
/** * An Ohm Grammar. */export interface Grammar { name: string; superGrammar: Grammar; rules: {[ruleName: string]: RuleInfo}; /** Return true if the grammar is a built-in grammar, otherwise false. */ isBuiltIn(): boolean; /** * Try to match input with this grammar, returning a MatchResult. If * startRule is given, it specifies the rule on which to start * matching. By default, the start rule is inherited from the * supergrammar, or if there is no supergrammar specified, it is the * first rule in this grammar. */ match(input: string, startRule?: string): MatchResult; /** * Create a new Matcher object which supports incrementally matching * this grammar against a changing input string. */ matcher(): Matcher; /** * Like match() except returns a trace object whose toString() returns * a summary of each parsing step useful for debugging. */ trace(input: string, startRule?: string): Object; /** * Create a new Semantics object for this Grammar. */ createSemantics(): Semantics; /** * Create a new Semantics object for this Grammar that inherits all * of the operations and attributes in superSemantics. * This Grammar must be a descendant of the grammar associated with * superSemantics. */ extendSemantics(superSemantics: Semantics): Semantics;}
export class PExpr { getArity(): number; isNullable(): boolean; toString(): string; toDisplayString(): string;}export class Terminal extends PExpr {}export class Range extends PExpr {}export class Param extends PExpr {}export class Alt extends PExpr { terms: PExpr[];}export class Extend extends Alt {}export class Splice extends Alt {}export class Seq extends PExpr { factors: PExpr[];}export class Iter extends PExpr {}export class Star extends Iter {}export class Plus extends Iter {}export class Opt extends Iter {}export class Not extends PExpr {}export class Lookahead extends PExpr {}export class Lex extends PExpr {}export class Apply extends PExpr {}export class UnicodeChar extends PExpr {}export class CaseInsensitiveTerminal extends PExpr {}
/** * Matcher objects are used to incrementally match a changing input * against a Grammar, e.g. in an editor or IDE. */export interface Matcher { /** * Return the current input string. */ getInput(): string; /** * Set the input string to `str`. */ setInput(str: string): void; /** * Edit the current input string, replacing the characters between * `startIdx` and `endIdx` with `str`. */ replaceInputRange(startIdx: number, endIdx: number, str: string): Matcher; /** * Like Grammar#match, but operates incrementally. */ match(optStartRule?: string): MatchResult; /** * Like Grammar#trace, but operates incrementally. */ trace(optStartRule?: string): Object;}
/** * Result of Grammar#match */export interface MatchResult { /** * True iff match succeeded */ succeeded(): boolean; /** * True iff match did not succeed */ failed(): boolean; /** * If match failed contains an error message indicating where and * why the match failed. This message is suitable for end users of a * language (i.e., people who do not have access to the grammar source). */ message?: string; /** * If match failed contains an abbreviated version of this.message that * does not include an excerpt from the invalid input. */ shortMessage?: string; /** * If this MatchResult is a failure, returns an Interval indicating * the position of the rightmost failure. */ getInterval(): Interval;}
/** * A Semantics is a family of operations and/or attributes for a given * grammar. Each operation/attribute has a unique name within the * Semantics. A grammar may have any number of Semantics instances * associated with it -- this means that the clients of a grammar * (even in the same program) never have to worry about * operation/attribute name clashes. */export interface Semantics { /** * Returns a dictionary containing operations and attributes defined by * this Semantics on the result of a matched grammar. Operations are * no-arg functions and attributes are properties. */ (match: MatchResult): Dict; /** * Add a new operation named name to this Semantics, using the * semantic actions contained in actionDict. It is an error if there * is already an operation or attribute called name in this semantics. * Returns this Semantics. */ addOperation<T>(name: string, actionDict: ActionDict<T>): Semantics; /** * Add a new attribute named name to this Semantics, using the * semantic actions contained in actionDict. It is an error if there * is already an operation or attribute called name in this semantics. * Returns this Semantics. */ addAttribute<T>(name: string, actionDict: ActionDict<T>): Semantics; /** * Extend the operation named name with the semantic actions contained * in actionDict. name must be the name of an operation in the super * semantics. * Returns this Semantics. */ extendOperation<T>(name: string, actionDict: ActionDict<T>): Semantics; /** * Extend the attribute named name with the semantic actions contained * in actionDict. name must be the name of an attribute in the super * semantics. * Returns this Semantics. */ extendAttribute<T>(name: string, actionDict: ActionDict<T>): Semantics;}
/** * A dictionary is indexed by strings. */interface Dict { [index: string]: any;}
/** * An ActionDict is a dictionary of Actions indexed by rule names. * This is a "pure" type that only contains keys for built-in rules. */export interface BaseActionDict<T> { _iter?: (this: IterationNode, ...children: Node[]) => T; _nonterminal?: (this: NonterminalNode, ...children: Node[]) => T; _terminal?: (this: TerminalNode) => T; // Built-in rules {{builtInRuleActions}}}
/** * An ActionDict is a dictionary of Actions indexed by rule names. */export interface ActionDict<T> extends BaseActionDict<T> { [index: string]: Action<T> | undefined;}
/** * An Action is a function from ParseNodes, called with the children nodes * of the node it is being executed on. * The current node is passed as a dynamic this, requiring an ES5 * anonymous function with this typed as any. */export type Action<T> = (this: Node, ...args: Node[]) => T;
/** * A node in the parse tree, passed to Action functions. */export interface Node { /** * Returns the child at index idx. */ child(idx: number): Node; /** * true if the node is a terminal node, otherwise false. */ isTerminal(): boolean; /** * true if the node is an iteration node, which corresponds to a * +, *, or ? expression in the grammar. */ isIteration(): boolean; /** * An array containing the node's children. */ children: Node[]; /** * The name of grammar rule that created the node. */ ctorName: string; /** * Captures the portion of the input that was consumed by the node. */ source: Interval; /** * Returns the contents of the input stream consumed by this node. */ sourceString: string; /** * The number of child nodes that the node has. */ numChildren: number; /** * True if Node is ? option */ isOptional(): boolean; /** * A built-in operation which can convert certain NonterminalNodes into * IterationNodes. This operation is defined for the built-in list rules * (ListOf, EmptyListOf, NonemptyListOf, listOf, ...), and can also be * defined for user-defined rules. */ asIteration(): IterationNode; /** * In addition to the properties defined above, within a given * semantics, every node also has a method/property corresponding to * each operation/attribute in the semantics. * For example, in a semantics that has an operation named 'prettyPrint' * and an attribute named 'freeVars', every node has a prettyPrint() * method and a freeVars property. * NOTE this means the above node properties can not be used as * operation/attribute names. */ [index: string]: any;}
export interface IterationNode extends Node {}export interface NonterminalNode extends Node {}export interface TerminalNode extends Node {}
/** * An Interval represents a subset of a string. */export interface Interval { /** * The string containing the interval. */ sourceString: string; /** * The start index of the interval in `sourceString`. */ startIdx: number; /** * The end index of the interval in `sourceString`. */ endIdx: number; /** * Contents of interval */ contents: string; /** * Returns a new Interval at the start of this one */ collapsedLeft(): Interval; /** * Returns a new Interval at the end of this one */ collapsedRight(): Interval; /** * Returns a new Interval that covers this Interval and all the * argument Intervals. The new Interval will start at the lowest start * index and end at the largest end index. */ coverageWith(...intervals: Interval[]): Interval; /** * Returns a nicely-formatted string describing the start of the Interval. */ getLineAndColumnMessage(): string; /** * Returns a structure containing information about the location of the * interval in the source string, including the line and column number. */ getLineAndColumn(): LineAndColumnInfo; /** * Returns an array of 0, 1, or 2 intervals that represents the result of the * interval difference operation. */ minus(that: Interval): Interval[]; /** * Returns a new Interval that has the same extent as this one, but which is relative * to `that`, an Interval that fully covers this one. */ relativeTo(that: Interval): Interval; /** * Returns a new Interval which contains the same contents as this one, * but with whitespace trimmed from both ends. */ trimmed(): Interval; /** * Returns a new Interval on the same source string, with the given length * and beginning at `startIdx + offset`. */ subInterval(offset: number, len: number): Interval;}
export interface RuleInfo { body: PExpr; formals: string[]; description: string; source: Interval;}
export interface LineAndColumnInfo { offset: number; lineNum: number; colNum: number; line: string; prevLine: string; nextLine: string; toString(...ranges: number[][]): string;}