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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
import {Interval} from './Interval.js';import * as common from './common.js';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Private stuff// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unicode characters that are used in the `toString` output.const BALLOT_X = '\u2717';const CHECK_MARK = '\u2713';const DOT_OPERATOR = '\u22C5';const RIGHTWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW = '\u21D2';const SYMBOL_FOR_HORIZONTAL_TABULATION = '\u2409';const SYMBOL_FOR_LINE_FEED = '\u240A';const SYMBOL_FOR_CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\u240D';
const Flags = { succeeded: 1 << 0, isRootNode: 1 << 1, isImplicitSpaces: 1 << 2, isMemoized: 1 << 3, isHeadOfLeftRecursion: 1 << 4, terminatesLR: 1 << 5,};
function spaces(n) { return common.repeat(' ', n).join('');}
// Return a string representation of a portion of `input` at offset `pos`.// The result will contain exactly `len` characters.function getInputExcerpt(input, pos, len) { const excerpt = asEscapedString(input.slice(pos, pos + len));
// Pad the output if necessary. if (excerpt.length < len) { return excerpt + common.repeat(' ', len - excerpt.length).join(''); } return excerpt;}
function asEscapedString(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { // Replace non-printable characters with visible symbols. return obj .replace(/ /g, DOT_OPERATOR) .replace(/\t/g, SYMBOL_FOR_HORIZONTAL_TABULATION) .replace(/\n/g, SYMBOL_FOR_LINE_FEED) .replace(/\r/g, SYMBOL_FOR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); } return String(obj);}
// ----------------- Trace -----------------
export class Trace { constructor(input, pos1, pos2, expr, succeeded, bindings, optChildren) { this.input = input; this.pos = this.pos1 = pos1; this.pos2 = pos2; this.source = new Interval(input, pos1, pos2); this.expr = expr; this.bindings = bindings; this.children = optChildren || []; this.terminatingLREntry = null;
this._flags = succeeded ? Flags.succeeded : 0; }
get displayString() { return this.expr.toDisplayString(); }
clone() { return this.cloneWithExpr(this.expr); }
cloneWithExpr(expr) { const ans = new Trace( this.input, this.pos, this.pos2, expr, this.succeeded, this.bindings, this.children, );
ans.isHeadOfLeftRecursion = this.isHeadOfLeftRecursion; ans.isImplicitSpaces = this.isImplicitSpaces; ans.isMemoized = this.isMemoized; ans.isRootNode = this.isRootNode; ans.terminatesLR = this.terminatesLR; ans.terminatingLREntry = this.terminatingLREntry; return ans; }
// Record the trace information for the terminating condition of the LR loop. recordLRTermination(ruleBodyTrace, value) { this.terminatingLREntry = new Trace( this.input, this.pos, this.pos2, this.expr, false, [value], [ruleBodyTrace], ); this.terminatingLREntry.terminatesLR = true; }
// Recursively traverse this trace node and all its descendents, calling a visitor function // for each node that is visited. If `vistorObjOrFn` is an object, then its 'enter' property // is a function to call before visiting the children of a node, and its 'exit' property is // a function to call afterwards. If `visitorObjOrFn` is a function, it represents the 'enter' // function. // // The functions are called with three arguments: the Trace node, its parent Trace, and a number // representing the depth of the node in the tree. (The root node has depth 0.) `optThisArg`, if // specified, is the value to use for `this` when executing the visitor functions. walk(visitorObjOrFn, optThisArg) { let visitor = visitorObjOrFn; if (typeof visitor === 'function') { visitor = {enter: visitor}; }
function _walk(node, parent, depth) { let recurse = true; if (visitor.enter) { if (, node, parent, depth) === Trace.prototype.SKIP) { recurse = false; } } if (recurse) { node.children.forEach(child => { _walk(child, node, depth + 1); }); if (visitor.exit) {, node, parent, depth); } } } if (this.isRootNode) { // Don't visit the root node itself, only its children. this.children.forEach(c => { _walk(c, null, 0); }); } else { _walk(this, null, 0); } }
// Return a string representation of the trace. // Sample: // 12⋅+⋅2⋅*⋅3 ✓ exp ⇒ "12" // 12⋅+⋅2⋅*⋅3 ✓ addExp (LR) ⇒ "12" // 12⋅+⋅2⋅*⋅3 ✗ addExp_plus toString() { const sb = new common.StringBuffer(); this.walk((node, parent, depth) => { if (!node) { return this.SKIP; } const ctorName =; // Don't print anything for Alt nodes. if (ctorName === 'Alt') { return; // eslint-disable-line consistent-return } sb.append(getInputExcerpt(node.input, node.pos, 10) + spaces(depth * 2 + 1)); sb.append((node.succeeded ? CHECK_MARK : BALLOT_X) + ' ' + node.displayString); if (node.isHeadOfLeftRecursion) { sb.append(' (LR)'); } if (node.succeeded) { const contents = asEscapedString(node.source.contents); sb.append(' ' + RIGHTWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW + ' '); sb.append(typeof contents === 'string' ? '"' + contents + '"' : contents); } sb.append('\n'); }); return sb.contents(); }}
// A value that can be returned from visitor functions to indicate that a// node should not be recursed into.Trace.prototype.SKIP = {};
// For convenience, create a getter and setter for the boolean flags in `Flags`.Object.keys(Flags).forEach(name => { const mask = Flags[name]; Object.defineProperty(Trace.prototype, name, { get() { return (this._flags & mask) !== 0; }, set(val) { if (val) { this._flags |= mask; } else { this._flags &= ~mask; } }, });});