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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
import test from 'ava';import {VisitorFamily} from '../../extras/VisitorFamily.js';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Helpers// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function noop0() {}function noop1(a) {}
const arr1 = ['a'];const arr2 = ['a', 'b'];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Tests// --------------------------------------------------------------------
test('basic', t => { const family = new VisitorFamily({ shapes: { leaf: [], tree: ['l', 'r'], }, getTag(x) { return typeof x === 'string' ? 'leaf' : 'tree'; }, });
family.addOperation('visit()', { leaf() { return this._adaptee; }, tree(left, right) { return left.visit() + ' ' + right.visit(); }, });
const tree = {l: 'one', r: {l: 'two', r: 'three'}};, 'one two three');});
test('array props', t => { let family = new VisitorFamily({ shapes: { leaf: [], tree: 'children[]', }, getTag(x) { return typeof x === 'string' ? 'leaf' : 'tree'; }, }); family.addOperation('visit()', { leaf() { return this._adaptee; }, tree(children) { return => c.visit()); }, }); let tree = {children: ['a', {children: ['b', 'c']}, 'd']}; t.deepEqual(family.wrap(tree).visit(), ['a', ['b', 'c'], 'd']);
family = new VisitorFamily({ shapes: { leaf: [], tree: ['children[]', 'extra'], }, getTag(x) { return typeof x === 'string' ? 'leaf' : 'tree'; }, }); family.addOperation('visit()', { leaf() { return this._adaptee; }, tree(children, extra) { return => c.visit()).concat(extra.visit()); }, }); tree = {children: ['a', {children: ['b', 'c'], extra: 'd'}], extra: 'e'}; t.deepEqual(family.wrap(tree).visit(), ['a', ['b', 'c', 'd'], 'e']);});
test('arity checks', t => { const family = new VisitorFamily({shapes: {x: arr1, y: arr2}}); t.throws( () => { family.addOperation('foo()', {x: noop0}); }, {message: /Action 'x' has the wrong arity: expected 1, got 0/}, ); t.throws( () => { family.addOperation('foo()', {x: noop1, y: noop0}); }, {message: /Action 'y' has the wrong arity: expected 2, got 0/}, );});
test('unknown action names', t => { const family = new VisitorFamily({shapes: {x: arr1, y: arr2}}); t.throws( () => { family.addOperation('foo()', {z: null}); }, {message: /Unrecognized action name 'z'/}, ); t.throws( () => { family.addOperation('foo()', {toString: null}); }, {message: /Unrecognized action name 'toString'/}, );});
test('unrecognized tags', t => { let v = new VisitorFamily({ shapes: {}, getTag(x) { return 'bad'; }, }); v.addOperation('foo()', {}); t.throws( () => { v.wrap(0).foo(); }, {message: /getTag returned unrecognized tag 'bad'/}, );
v = new VisitorFamily({ shapes: {}, getTag(x) { return 'toString'; }, }); v.addOperation('foo()', {}); t.throws( () => { v.wrap(0).foo(); }, {message: /getTag returned unrecognized tag 'toString'/}, );});
test('operations with arguments', t => { const v = new VisitorFamily({ shapes: {hello: []}, getTag(x) { return 'hello'; }, }); const root = {}; v.addOperation('greet(n)', { hello() { return 'hello ' + this.args.n; }, });'donald'), 'hello donald');});